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Iranian Chill Thread

Be onvane kasi ke poshte yuke havapeyma neshaste aghide daram, vaze khalabanye Niruye havayi aslan ham khub nist Chon avvalan havapeymaye amuzeshiye khub nadaran(albate shafagh mitune kheyli khub bashe tu in naghsh).dovvoman ostadashun kasyaian ke az fonune jang haye havayi qarne 21 bi khabarnd va update nistand.sevom, jesarate lazemo nadarand chon peyvaste fekre inan ke nakone jangande hashun nabud beshe.be nazaram jesarat khalabanaye saudi alan be marateb bala tar rafte chon tarsi az az dast dadan havapeymashun nadarand va ba khiyali rahat pichide tarin va sakht tarin tamrin ha va manovr haro anjam midan.baraye hamine ke amare soghute havapeyma haye amuzeshi hawk eshun inghadr balast.
hmmm !

israel is a sexy bytch !!

and btw katar has the same pronunciation with qhater ?

you know ghater ? the hardworking animal ?
the funny thing about the pic is that its made by an american. they don't know the spell of qatar still they know the fact of illegitimate relation between israeel and US and the ba$tards made of that relationship .
the funny thing about the pic is that its made by an american. they don't know the spell of qatar still they know the fact of illegitimate relation between israeel and US and the ba$tards made of that relationship .

Obviously it is not made by an american.
spelling of Arabien instead of Arabian, and Katar instead of Qatar, clearly shows that it is made by some person from a non-english speaking country ;)
Obviously it is not made by an american.
spelling of Arabien instead of Arabian, and Katar instead of Qatar, clearly shows that it is made by some person from a non-english speaking country ;)
dude i got this from a comment on FB . the owner of the account had an Anglosakson name and the page is mostly american so i thought this could be made by an american but your post made me search deeply in google and i found the source of the image.it was published by a russian website.
dude i got this from a comment on FB . the owner of the account had an Anglosakson name and the page is mostly american so i thought this could be made by an american but your post made me search deeply in google and i found the source of the image.it was published by a russian website.

Now it makes sense :lol:
BTW, mashaallah Israel, She is very gorgeous from the rear view. :lol:
Now it makes sense :lol:
BTW, mashaallah Israel, She is very gorgeous from the rear view. :lol:
why did you use now ? you mean anything about this subject doesn't makes any sense until US verifies that ? everyone knows about the relation between US and israeel and their kidos ksa and ...
Obviously it is not made by an american.
spelling of Arabien instead of Arabian, and Katar instead of Qatar, clearly shows that it is made by some person from a non-english speaking country

and your point is ?

Be onvane kasi ke poshte yuke havapeyma neshaste aghide daram, vaze khalabanye Niruye havayi aslan ham khub nist Chon avvalan havapeymaye amuzeshiye khub nadaran(albate shafagh mitune kheyli khub bashe tu in naghsh).dovvoman ostadashun kasyaian ke az fonune jang haye havayi qarne 21 bi khabarnd va update nistand.sevom, jesarate lazemo nadarand chon peyvaste fekre inan ke nakone jangande hashun nabud beshe.be nazaram jesarat khalabanaye saudi alan be marateb bala tar rafte chon tarsi az az dast dadan havapeymashun nadarand va ba khiyali rahat pichide tarin va sakht tarin tamrin ha va manovr haro anjam midan.baraye hamine ke amare soghute havapeyma haye amuzeshi hawk eshun inghadr balast.

salam dadash

bebin bahs sare joraat nist .... khalabanaye araqi kheyli joraat dashtan .....

ama amrika poodreshoon kard .....

bahs sare amoozesh hast ... masalan age yek f-22 didan che ghalati bokonan , nahveye dodge kardan mooshak ha chetori hast .....

dar kol shoma rast migi ma jangande amoozeshi shadidan niyaz darim ..... male hamine ke projeye shafagh dare ba soraat bishtari pish mire ...

ama man fekr nemikonam shafagh vase khalaban haye mamooli bashe .....

bayad vase khalabanaye ba sabeghe ke vase ghaher ya nasle jadid saeqhe mikhan apply konan , gozashte bashanesh ......

kolan fekr konam niaz irano vase ye modat toolani tamin kone
why did you use now ? you mean anything about this subject doesn't makes any sense until US verifies that ? everyone knows about the relation between US and israeel and their kidos ksa and ...

You know, everything has a connotation, right? I got confused when you said that this is portrayed by americans, since I know their mentality. But when you said that it is sketched by Russians, I said to myself that it can be definitely sketched by Russians :) or some other leftists, since again, I know their mentality ;)

and your point is ?

آقای مثلا وطن پرست، شما تا زمانی‌ که عقل استدلالی و تفکر انتقادی نداشته باشی‌، کارت همیشه گیر هست. مهم این نیست که چه دین و یا مسلکی داری و یا طرفدار کسی‌ یا چیزی هستی‌ یا نه، تا موقعی که عقلی به ماجرا فکر نکنی‌، راه به جایی‌ نمی‌بری.

پست این دوستمون را بخون:

با اینکه نظرات من با ایشون ۱۸۰ درجه معمولا اختلاف داره، ولی‌ در این مورد ایشون نشست و با عقل و بدون تعصب استدلال کرد. استدلالش هم کاملا منطقی‌ هست. با اینکه قاعدتا نتیجه این استدلال هم برایش جالب نبود، امّا باز هم عقل را تعطیل نکرد، و مغلطه نکرد. به این میگن تفکر انتقادی.

در هر صورت، یه مغلطه‌ای هم هست که بهش میگن مغلطه ی حمل به شخص، اون را هم لطفا یه دور بخون ببین چی‌ هست.
اوپس دمت گرم پسر خاله خداییش که آدم باهالی هستی
اولا بنده خودم هنوز در مورد نظرات خودم اطلاعات جامعی ندارم کما اینکه نظرات بنده هیچ وقت ثابت نبوده و خیلی وقت ها در گذر زمان تغییرات بنیادین هم داشتن حالا اینکه نظر شما با من 180 درجه متفاوته هم استدلالش بی منطقه هم استنتاجش
در مورد نتیجه هم بنده باید بگم بدلیل اینکه به گروه فکری خاصی خودم رو پایبند نمی دونم در هر صورت نتیجه استدلالی مبارزه با فساد به سود من خواهد بود
به هر حال باید عرض کنم همین نوع تفکر جنابعالی در برخورد غیر منطقی با استدلال منطقی یکی از دلایل وضعیت امروز جامعه ای هست که بنده به اون انتقاد دارم

jenabe @SOHEIL khodaeesh age inja boodi be neshaneye ehteram va tajlil ta kamar jelot kham mishodam dige takhasos ro az melli be fara melli gostaresh dadi va dige international kar mikoni?
India will develops a new series of SLV
khodaeesh ke dige kaf bor shodam
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اوپس دمت گرم پسر خاله خداییش که آدم باهالی هستی
اولا بنده خودم هنوز در مورد نظرات خودم اطلاعات جامعی ندارم کما اینکه نظرات بنده هیچ وقت ثابت نبوده و خیلی وقت ها در گذر زمان تغییرات بنیادین هم داشتن حالا اینکه نظر شما با من 180 درجه متفاوته هم استدلالش بی منطقه هم استنتاجش
در مورد نتیجه هم بنده باید بگم بدلیل اینکه به گروه فکری خاصی خودم رو پایبند نمی دونم در هر صورت نتیجه استدلالی مبارزه با فساد به سود من خواهد بود
به هر حال باید عرض کنم همین نوع تفکر جنابعالی در برخورد غیر منطقی با استدلال منطقی یکی از دلایل وضعیت امروز جامعه ای هست که بنده به اون انتقاد دارم

khob albatte az nazar e man, nazaraat e ma 2 ta hamishe ta alaan ba taghrib e khoubi ba ham motezaad boude. haalaa ma 179 darajeh ra ham ba taghrib e mohandesi, 180 daraje migirim. ;)
Anyway, man motevajjeh nashodam ke kojaaye barkhord e man gheyr e manteghi boud.:crazy: Anyway, Never mind ;)
Anyway, man motevajjeh nashodam ke kojaaye barkhord e man gheyr e manteghi boud
khob osoolan yeki az khososiate tafakor gheyre manteghi ine ke fard mottevajehesh nemishe.
albate bande in jesarat ro nakardam ke shoma tafakoret gheyre manteghi hast balke be soorate moredi dar morede noe goftemane poste mazkoor arz kardam.
be har hal na man eddeaye kamel boodan kardam na shoma bande khodam asheghe tazarobe ara va goftemane andishe ha hastam
amma in jomleye shoma
"nazaraat e ma hamishe ta alaan ba taghrib e khoubi ba ham motezaad boude"
ye kam mano dar morede shoma be fekr foroo bord akhe man tooye hamin jomle haddeaghal 20 noe tafakore ghalebi ro dar tarikhe moasere iran dar miyaram ke baes mishe nazaram dar morede genuine boodam tabagheye fekri shoma ye kam makhdoosh beshe
jenabe @SOHEIL khodaeesh age inja boodi be neshaneye ehteram va tajlil ta kamar jelot kham mishodam dige takhasos ro az melli be fara melli gostaresh dadi va dige international kar mikoni?
India will develops a new series of SLV
khodaeesh ke dige kaf bor shodam

mamnon :unsure:

inja inghadr javve badi dare tarjih midam beram to ghesmate indian ! :undecided:
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