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Iranian Chill Thread

these r HZ missiles and not israhells. in smoe reports it's said that these where 2 burkan missiles
Not verified or claimed by Hezbollah as of yet. We have not seen such a powerful short-range weapon by Hezbollah. The first explosion is huge and is followed up with multiple smaller explosions nearby. I believe it's more likely to be an Israeli strike on suspected infiltrators at its own base.

It looks like Israeli SPICE-2000 missile not Falaq

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as I suspected, it was an Israeli strike, not a Hezbollah strike

now the question is why they bombed their own military base. the answer is probably that it was evacuated and either Hezbollah or Palestinian fighters had reached the area (we saw footage of Hezbollah destroying parts of the border wall today)

Hezbollah should continue to blow up the border wall at various points. Israel cannot fix it without exposing their forces to Hezbollah ATGM fire and it will make them more vulnerable to infiltrations if the conflict escalates
as I suspected, it was an Israeli strike, not a Hezbollah strike

now the question is why they bombed their own military base. the answer is probably that it was evacuated and either Hezbollah or Palestinian fighters had reached the area (we saw footage of Hezbollah destroying parts of the border wall today)

Hezbollah should continue to blow up the border wall at various points. Israel cannot fix it without exposing their forces to Hezbollah ATGM fire and it will make them more vulnerable to infiltrations if the conflict escalates

It looks like they may have targeted an infiltration team from Hezbollah/Palestinian forces based in Lebanon that was trying to get to the site (?)

Still, weird to use heavy ordinance like that on your own assets.

Idk about destroyed but that is point blank range.
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It looks like they may have targeted an infiltration team from Hezbollah/Palestinian forces based in Lebanon that was trying to get to the site (?)

Still, weird to use heavy ordinance like that on your own assets.

Idk about destroyed but that is point blank range.
there was multiple attacks... not a single missile that some people claim to be from Israel

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Smh That’s not Jason Stratham. Multiple times you have been told Jackson Hinkle and Stryker are not reliable sources and post outright lies most of the time.

Yet you fill this thread with crap over and over.
you're the crap in this forum with garbage analysis over the years... worshipper of western military technology... your super tanks are great target practice for Hamas....I already mentioned that twitter postings need to be verified.
How does this 105mm RPG perform against these armored vehicles? Does it render them unable to operate anymore? Is the crew knocked out/cooked alive? And again where is the APS for such shots?

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