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Iranian Chill Thread

Do they show any remains of the drone? Evidence of its origin or what type to start this conflict/war?

A documented, major strike took place in western Syria which exceeds the capabilities of rag tag "I"SIS remainders, while pro-Turkish grouplets are unlikely to act without Ankara's consent and while Turkey has no reason to conduct such an attack.

This much is factual, and it does not leave many possibilities as to the party in question.

Furthermore the Resistance isn't known for impulsively throwing itself into blind adventures with no adequate forethought.

Hitherto available information therefore points to zionist responsibility for the Homs attack.
You no idea the abuse, suffering, the torment the Palestinians face daily by these Zionist demon's, the Zionist are savages compared to the above

It doesn’t justify openly killing women and children. If your enemy is God-less, you should not imitate them.
The blood of the innocent is bound to be avenged be it today or tomorrow. Hopefully this conflict would be the ultimate one. It’s better die on your feet than to live crawling on your knees.

Hopefully there will be major escalations from the North now. Hezbollah must join in. Let the shite hit the fan.

A documented, major strike took place in western Syria which exceeds the capabilities of rag tag "I"SIS remainders, while pro-Turkish grouplets are unlikely to act without Ankara's consent and while Turkey has no reason to conduct such an attack.

This much is factual, and it does not leave many possibilities as to the party responsible.

Furthermore the Resistance isn't known for impulsively throwing itself into blind adventures deprived of adequate forethought.

Hitherto available information therefore points to zionist responsibility for the Homs attack.

HASAKAH, Syria — The militants of the Islamic State announced their most brazen attack in years with a truck bombing that blasted a hole in the exterior wall of a Syrian prison holding thousands of their comrades. The Jan. 20 attack triggered a 10-day battle that spilled into the surrounding streets of Hasakah in northeastern Syria, drew American and British ground and air forces back into combat in support of their local allies, and energized global supporters of the Islamic State like little else since its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq was defeated three years ago. By the time the fighting was finished and the devastated prison was back in the hands of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, more than 500 people were dead, about three-quarters of them suspected militants, the SDF reported. And scores, maybe hundreds, of prisoners had escaped, free to raise the Islamic State’s black flag and fight again.

Same rag tag group that can do something like this when we think its calm.
Hamas will have to retreat eventually, they simply don’t have the manpower to deal with IDF + IAF combination.

Israel will likely stage a major ground campaign into Gaza. It would be a suprise if they don’t and end it with a cease fire.

Lots of politicians and military officials gonna get fired over this debacle.
Those men that crossed the border perhaps have no intention of returning back, and appear to still be inside settlements.

Some accounts with video seem to be indicating that they are actually sending more reinforcements through the border. AT the moment, looks like Hamas controls the border
Hamas will have to retreat eventually, they simply don’t have the manpower to deal with IDF + IAF combination.

Israel will likely stage a major ground campaign into Gaza. It would be a suprise if they don’t and end it with a cease fire.

Lots of politicians and military officials gonna get fired over this debacle.

Israel can mitigate the fallout from this utter embarrassment by not engaging with IRGC/Hezbollah openly and focus solely on Hamas but then again this escalation is clearly of a different nature altogether.

Hamas has called for the direct aid of Iran, Hezbollah and resistance elements in Syria so if IDF manages to push out Hamas (which they almost certainly will) and go into Gaza for a decapitation op. It would look really bad if they just stood by and did "nothing" although we all know full-well Iran and Hezbollah and have played in the leading role in making sure Gazan's had the equipment needed to pull this operation off.

Balls in Israel's court really.
It doesn’t justify openly killing women and children. If your enemy is God-less, you should not imitate them.

True or not, I would always wait for evidence rather than taking Isra"el"i official statements for granted. Including when it comes to who carried out such acts if proven factual.

HASAKAH, Syria — The militants of the Islamic State announced their most brazen attack in years with a truck bombing that blasted a hole in the exterior wall of a Syrian prison holding thousands of their comrades. The Jan. 20 attack triggered a 10-day battle that spilled into the surrounding streets of Hasakah in northeastern Syria, drew American and British ground and air forces back into combat in support of their local allies, and energized global supporters of the Islamic State like little else since its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq was defeated three years ago. By the time the fighting was finished and the devastated prison was back in the hands of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, more than 500 people were dead, about three-quarters of them suspected militants, the SDF reported. And scores, maybe hundreds, of prisoners had escaped, free to raise the Islamic State’s black flag and fight again.

Same rag tag group that can do something like this when we think its calm.

This involved no particular technology to speak of.

When did "I"SIS use drones in recent times to cause extensive damage 400 to 500 km out?

Moreover you keep ignoring the fact that Iran, if involved one way or another in the current Palestinian operation, would not embark into an unusually massive endeavour on a whim. It wouldn't correspond to Iran's modus operandi whatsoever. Especially since, as you claim, Tel Aviv would be attacking HezbAllah and Iranian forces next.

Also given that "I"SIS has been acting as a proxy to NATO and Tel Aviv, your insistence is baseless either way.
This involved no particular technology to speak of.

You acting like drones only belongs to the superpoweres.
When did "I"SIS use drones in recent times to cause extensive damage 400 to 500 km out?

Moreover you keep ignoring the fact that Iran, if involved one way or another in the current Palestinian operation, would not embark into an unusually massive endeavour on a whim. It wouldn't correspond to Iran's modus operandi whatsoever. Especially since, as you claim, Tel Aviv would be attacking HezbAllah and Iranian forces next.

Also given that "I"SIS has been acting as a proxy to NATO and Tel Aviv, your insistence is baseless either way.
Never heard of drone attacks on Russian bases in Syria by ISIS? Been done for years. LOL and saying ISIS has been acting proxy for NATO when U.S. and other countries went to bomb the hell out of them in Iraq and Syria. And don't believe in that Iranian propaganda that Iran was the only one fighting ISIS and not the U.S. led coalition.

True or not, I would always wait for evidence rather than taking Isra"el"i official statements for granted. Including when it comes to who carried out such acts if proven factual.
We've seen videos of Hamas shooting up the civilians in their cars. I think we should give it a go.
True or not, I would always wait for evidence rather than taking Isra"el"i official statements for granted.

I have seen the pictures of the executions. Point blank, one shot in the head based on blood splatter. Middle of the street (taken out of car), outside their homes, etc. Also saw the video of the women IDF naked soldier.

Reminds me of the grisly videos coming out from Syrian Civil War.

My [initial] assumption is smaller fringe groups committed these acts or literally anyone who had a gun that stormed into the settlements after Hamas finished their initial assault. Could have just been random Palestinian civilians with weapons.

This dude is so happy right now.
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