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Iranian Chill Thread

If so, where are those who suggested Iran under the Ra'isi administration as opposed to its predecessor, is hesitant to respond to zionist strikes on Syria?

Raisi does not make such decisions.

It’s National Security Council + Rahbar with Advice from Quds Force Ghanni and other IRGC Generals.

Even 2006 HZ border attack came with approval from Iran. Israel [mistakenly] escalated into open war. Let’s see what happens here.
Reports are soldiers were killed in their barracks. That means this is not a simple over running of border guards outpost which happens to all militaries eventually (usually against insurgents not another state backed military)
I saw some pictures of this. Not only killed in their barracks, but executed. Single shot through the head, which means they were completely paralyzed to deal with the attack, probably shock.
This would be like we woke up one morning and Azeribajian had taken our entire border area from us.
I'm so stunned at what the IDF is doing, they have virtually no presence at some of these border areas where armed men are just crossing through with ease.
Is this a way of saying, the Resistance is no longer tolerating weekly zionist air strikes on Syria? In that case, it's quite the retaliation.

Operation must have had some help from Iran and Hezbollah... I can't imagine Hamas managing to pull such a feat all on their own.
Is this a way of saying, the Resistance is no longer tolerating weekly zionist air strikes on its assets and/or affiliates in Syria? In that case, it's quite the retaliation.

Now it'll no longer be possible for some to be accusing the Resistance of passivity or weakness in this regard.
IDF had no issue using very lethal rampage missiles into apartment buildings in central Damascus, so really they created this precedent of violence on civilians.

The video of the attack came out on an IDF military base.

Theirs alot of dead, and many of them in normal T-shirts with some in military uniform. Alot of armour there as well, which they didn't burn, (or maybe they did later).
IDF had no issue using very lethal rampage missiles into apartment buildings in central Damascus, so really they created this precedent of violence on civilians.

This really might be the response to their aggression many have waited for.
Raisi does not make such decisions.

I believe I pointed to this when the claim about the current administration was made.

Let's not fool ourselves though, if the security establishment was entirely controlled by reformists / moderates, Iran would've long abandoned anti-imperialist Resistance and would have ceased supplying HezbAllah and Palestinian movements.

Even 2006 HZ border attack came with approval from Iran. Israel [mistakenly] escalated into open war. Let’s see what happens here.

The party or camp which launched this operation is of course fully ready for and expecting escalation, unlike HezbAllah in 2006.
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The video of the attack came out on an IDF military base.

Theirs alot of dead, and many of them in normal T-shirts with some in military uniform. Alot of armour there as well, which they didn't burn, (or maybe they did later).
I counted about 11 IDF members dead in that base alone.

Some were in boxer shorts but had their vest and helmet on (obviously these guys were all caught by surprise)
Israel has been known to be “baby butchers” and openly their military doctrine calls for civilian property destruction to strike fear in the hearts of population but more openly - cause local population to have resentment towards HZ or Hamas for “starting” conflict (regardless if they started it or not). In fact, IDF generals have openly bragged that in the next Lebanon war they will raze Beruit to punish Hezbollah.

They are astutely aware of the social dynamics on the ground. Rally around the flag only last so long when people homeless/lacking food/water/lose loved ones. Eventually humans turn on their own.

Thus Resistance faction should never emulate the crimes of humanity caused by IDF or ISIS and other facist groups.

Killing women & children is never okay. No matter the circumstances. Even in war we must practice morality and rules, it’s what separates us from animals.
Will Iran directly get involved?
Israel might have to try to occupy Gaza, which I think will pull Syrian factions and Hezb into this war. Then who knows.

Seems like Rocket attacks were much more successful this time around that last, Iron Dome is not performing well. they are just simply unprepared for the surprise attack.
Probably. They won't let this slide for sure...

Nor will those they would strike.

To put things into perspective, if what has been discussed so far is accurate, then one might as well say those who suffered in excess of 100 dead including women and children on Thursday did not let it slide.

The chronological sequence of events ought to be reproduced in full.

It is obvious what side started to escalate, namely the party which attacked the military academy of Homs two days ago, causing an unprecedented number of victims. Not the other way around.
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