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Iranian Chill Thread

Just saw a video of dead IDF members taken back to Gaza as trophies. This is why the scale of casualties for the IDF has to be in the double digits, too many pictures add up.

Bodies alive or dead will be used as leverage. It's clever I'll admit.
This is unprecedented...

And so was the presumably zionist drone strike on the Syrian military academy which martyred over a hundred just... two days ago.

A Palestinian youngster was martyred by zionist settlers on Friday, another Palestinian on Thursday. I guess for an operation like this the teams involved would need a few hours of advance notice to prepare, and this goes far beyond the Palestinian Resistance's usual response to the martyrdom of two of their people.

So, is what took place in Syria merely a coincidence, or are there dots to connect here? Pending further information, I would tend to think there are. It reminds me of the coordinated Resistance operation from Lebanese soil by Palestinian fighters some months back.
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Just saw a video of dead IDF members taken back to Gaza as trophies. This is why the scale of casualties for the IDF has to be in the double digits, too many pictures add up.

Bodies alive or dead will be used as leverage. It's clever I'll admit.

My question is your claims of 100+ civilians dead.

I would like to think Resistance factions would not openly commit war crimes against unarmed civilians regardless of their religious affiliation. They are not ISIS or IDF to stoop to such behaviors.

So if your claims are true that is a major disappointment by Resistance factions. Killing civilians should never be done regardless of what the enemy does.

firstly I guess that for an operation like this the teams involved would need at least a few more hours of advance notice to prepare, and secondly this goes way beyond the Palestinian Resistance's usual response to a single martyrdom of one of their people.
So, is what took place in Syria merely a coincidence, or are there dots to connect here? Pending further information, I would tend to think so.

100% this would not happen without Iran green lighting it.

This is a sophisticated well drawn battle plan laid out likely by Solemani years ago. Compared to normal Palestinian plots the difference in execution and planning is magnitudes apart.

Thus Iran (and the resistance) are going up the risk escalation ladder. Normal IDF protocol is to not only match your opponents response but your counter response should be at least 1-2 ladders up in severity to [attempt] to reassert deterrence.
And so was the presumably zionist drone strike on the Syrian military academy which martyred over a hundred just... a day ago.

A Palestinian youngster was martyred by zionist settlers as well during the past hours. However I guess for an operation like this the teams involved would need at least a few more hours of advance notice to prepare, and also this goes far beyond the Palestinian Resistance's usual response to a single martyrdom of one of their people.

So, is what took place in Syria merely a coincidence, or are there dots to connect here? Pending further information, I would tend to think there are.

Hamas and other Palestinian groups have been planning this for quite some time and Israel was/is clearly caught with their pants down in a bad way.

On an another note. I don’t condone the massacre of civilians, absolutely reprehensible. Idk the magnitude of the killings but this is a bad look.

My question is your claims of 100+ civilians dead.

I would like to think Resistance factions would not openly commit war crimes against unarmed civilians regardless of their religious affiliation. They are not ISIS or IDF to stoop to such behaviors.

So if your claims are true that is a major disappointment by Resistance factions. Killing civilians should never be done regardless of what the enemy does.

100% this would not happen without Iran green lighting it.

This is a sophisticated well drawn battle plan laid out likely by Solemani years ago. Compared to normal Palestinian plots the difference in execution and planning is magnitudes apart.

Thus Iran (and the resistance) are going up the risk escalation ladder. Normal IDF protocol is to not only match your opponents response but your counter response should be at least 1-2 ladders up in severity to [attempt] to reassert deterrence.

Agreed, there is going to be a huge escalation in next hours and days.

On an another note. I don’t condone the massacre of civilians, absolutely reprehensible. Idk the magnitude of the killings but this is a bad look.

Were non-uniformed individuals targeted deliberately though?

In the attack on Syria, multiple civilians including children were martyred.

This all said, I'd wait for a claim from the Palestinian Resistance as well, false flags can never be excluded with the zionist regime. Although if the Palestinians deny, Tel Aviv will have a hard time pretending otherwise.
Were non-uniformed individuals targeted deliberately though? Multiple civilians including children were martyred in the attack on Syria.

By the looks of some photos coming out, yes it does seem like regular civilians have been gunned down. But as you said earlier, these phots may or may not be scrubbed from the internet soon.
By the looks of some photos coming out, yes it does seem like regular civilians have been gunned down.

Whoever conducted the drone attack on the Syrian military academy on Thursday - there's really only one realistic suspect - also killed scores of civilians including children.
My question is your claims of 100+ civilians dead.
Rough estimate based on video and pictures, I can say atleast over 50 civilians. Their was one room with atleast 8 bodies in it, including children. Looked like a settler housing near the border who fled into the shelter. This is just in 1 home.

Their was a rave party near the border as well, which was attacked. Infiltrations have happened in many areas, I inflated the numbers as a guess to 100, since around 50 is only video and pictures that are available, i assume theirs likely many more that is not documented with pictures online. I would not be surprised.
I would like to think Resistance factions would not openly commit war crimes against unarmed civilians regardless of their religious affiliation. They are not ISIS or IDF to stoop to such behaviors.

So if your claims are true that is a major disappointment by Resistance factions. Killing civilians should never be done regardless of what the enemy does.
This appears to be the case. Seems to be a Hamas operation. Hatred can run high during these events.
100% this would not happen without Iran green lighting it.
Agreed. Everyone is involved. Will they join in the fight though that will come?
Two Palestinian youngsters were martyred by zionist settlers as well during the past hours. I guess for an operation like this the teams involved would need at least a few more hours of advance notice to prepare, and also this goes far beyond the Palestinian Resistance's usual response to a single martyrdom of one of their people.

So, is what took place in Syria merely a coincidence, or are there dots to connect here? Pending further information, I would tend to think there are. It reminds me of the coordinated Resistance operation from Lebanese soil by Palestinian fighters some months ago.
This op is unprecedented, takes real deep knowledge of infiltration plans. I'd imagine this scenario was trained well in advance, sort of like preparing a playing card. Satellite images from Iran would've helped in identifying weak points and making plans with up to date visuals of the border.
Were non-uniformed individuals targeted deliberately though? Multiple civilians including children were martyred in the attack on Syria.
You are going to not be happy about the answer.
Thus Iran (and the resistance) are going up the risk escalation ladder. Normal IDF protocol is to not only match your opponents response but your counter response should be at least 1-2 ladders up in severity to [attempt] to reassert deterrence.

If so, where are those who suggested Iran under the Ra'isi administration as opposed to its predecessor, is hesitant to respond to zionist strikes on Syria?

The question is how did Mossad/MIL an intelligence not pick this attack formation up?

Reports are soldiers were killed in their barracks. That means this is not a simple over running of border guards outpost which happens to all militaries eventually (usually against insurgents not another state backed military)

This would be like we woke up one morning and Azeribajian had taken our entire border area from us.
Is this a way of saying, the Resistance is no longer tolerating weekly zionist air strikes on its assets and/or affiliates in Syria? In that case, it's quite the retaliation isn't it.

Now it will no longer be possible for those who were doing so, to describe the Resistance as overly passive in this regard.

But still, wait for an official by the Palestinians.
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Whoever conducted the drone attack on the Syrian military academy on Thursday - there's really only one realistic suspect - also killed scores of civilians including children.

Just horrible all around but it was an inevitability.

We'll see how this plays out and just how far it goes...
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