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Iranian Chill Thread

lgbqt ,:coffee: , you are in Iran , won't it remind you of a certain person in Gilan with several page of jobs that requierd preaching certain taught including Hijab
what was the reaction to people publish his video , didn't some people said publishing that video was worse than what he did ,
what about Mr. T who was a teacher for children what happened to him
and about i tell the truth or falsehood, well according to bartarinha

and i'm Abu musa Ash'ari or certain member of parliament who said crime of the whistle blowers is alot worse than the crime of that certain person in gilan
or the ones who made a law that make itt criminal if you video of law enforcement action if you see they act against the law for example breaking people property , ran over protesters with car throw one person on the ground and 10 people hit him with stick then ran over him with motor cycle and then fire at him with shot gun from less than one meter away

as far as i'm aware khavarij for example were radical not liberal
Looks like Iran is becoming the first country in the world that will have a Hijab law for MEN....mullahs of Iran are over taking TALIBAN in ignorance...

Next stop: Hijab laws for animals!!!o_O...sight of a horse's *** will make the pervert mullahs horney so must be covered...:o:

Note: Mullahs are Arab agents in Iran..and we are witnessing our second Arab invasion of Iran orchestrated by their mullah 5th column .
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Looks like Iran is becoming the first country in the world that will have a Hijab law for MEN....mullahs of Iran are over taking TALIBAN in ignorance...

Next stop: Hijab laws for animals!!!o_O...sight of a horse's *** will make the pervert mullahs horney so must be covered...:o:

Note: Mullahs are Arab agents in Iran..and we are witnessing our second Arab invasion of Iran orchestrated by their mullah 5th column .
Iranians and Iranic tribes are naturally highly civilized. The much humans progress socially, the more they covered their body. An no one gets horny by looking at backside of a horse except for the pervert.

Hijab on the other hand is end point of human evolution and human civilization. There are too many reasons for wearing hijab and most important one of them is that humans by using their God given gift (brain and mind) move towards the way of civilization.

When you saw #MeToo movements and the likes in west, you should have reminded yourself of a sobring fact. Women by creation are tender, beautiful, emotional, easily deceivable, highly sensitive like a petal of basil plant. They need attention, they need to be taken care of, civilization forbids abusing them. And hijab as the end point of civilization provides them with that kind of social protection. Social laws in civilized societies are designed to prevent any form of abusing women and hijab is one of them, the most complete one.

I remember during the #MeToo campaign, women complained, someone touched me or kissed me, or tried to push me against the wall. Conclusion was, they were not raped physically. They were just abused and there too many definitions for abusing women. Islamic laws do not allow you to even touch women without being qualified. Islamic laws prevent any kind of abusing, you are not even allowed to look at beautiful women more than usual. That's, again, the end point of human evolution and human civilization.

We are not agents of Arabs, our beloved prophet spoke in Arabic and was born as an Arab, that's true. But Arabs did everything possible to eliminate his legacy and his generation. Arabs are being punished after hundreds of years because of annoying prophet's family. They have succesfuly and acrually returned to the Jahilliyah the way their savage forefathers lived and prophet fought against them. Arabs by majority will be responsive in a hard way. Just wait for it.

Imam Ali (A. S) said, when Muslims were marching towards Iran, "i can see the day they will fight to bring you back to Islam". I maybe mentioned it incomolete and made blunder in translation but that was what he told them.
Iranians and Iranic tribes are naturally highly civilized. The much humans progress socially, the more they covered their body. An no one gets horny by looking at backside of a horse except for the pervert.

Hijab on the other hand is end point of human evolution and human civilization. There are too many reasons for wearing hijab and most important one of them is that humans by using their God given gift (brain and mind) move towards the way of civilization.

When you saw #MeToo movements and the likes in west, you should have reminded yourself of a sobring fact. Women by creation are tender, beautiful, emotional, easily deceivable, highly sensitive like a petal of basil plant. They need attention, they need to be taken care of, civilization forbids abusing them. And hijab as the end point of civilization provides them with that kind of social protection. Social laws in civilized societies are designed to prevent any form of abusing women and hijab is one of them, the most complete one.

I remember during the #MeToo campaign, women complained, someone touched me or kissed me, or tried to push me against the wall. Conclusion was, they were not raped physically. They were just abused and there too many definitions for abusing women. Islamic laws do not allow you to even touch women without being qualified. Islamic laws prevent any kind of abusing, you are not even allowed to look at beautiful women more than usual. That's, again, the end point of human evolution and human civilization.

We are not agents of Arabs, our beloved prophet spoke in Arabic and was born as an Arab, that's true. But Arabs did everything possible to eliminate his legacy and his generation. Arabs are being punished after hundreds of years because of annoying prophet's family. They have succesfuly and acrually returned to the Jahilliyah the way their savage forefathers lived and prophet fought against them. Arabs by majority will be responsive in a hard way. Just wait for it.

Imam Ali (A. S) said, when Muslims were marching towards Iran, "i can see the day they will fight to bring you back to Islam". I maybe mentioned it incomolete and made blunder in translation but that was what he told them.
With due respect Muhammed45 you are free man to believe all the above Nobel concepts and no one should have objection to your rights to believe them...however your "believes" should not be forced upon " non believers".....and yes they will burn in hell but it is their choice on what to wear...

I also believe in the rule of majority..A simple refradom will close the issue..but for reasons unknown to me IR prefers to divide the Iranian population over this issue in a time when country needs all Iranians ....this issue will tear Iran apart..you can not see the anger of the other side..Civil Wars start when leaders of a nation take side on issues so dear to all population.
Why mullahs insist on dividing Iran on this issue makes me question their legitimacy of being Iranians.
To all patriotic Iranians:

There seems to be a group of none-Iranians of various south east Asian country origins in this forum all claiming to have " Iranian genes or Iranian ancestors " ..this group with the exception of one person appeared in the forum during the last spring protests..they are collectively either Iranian propaganda agents hired for their ability to communicate in English or some are promised Iranian citizen ship in return for their absolute support of current Iranian government....I guess we can all guess who they are. One has to be careful not to legitimize the views of these foreigners interfering with internal social and political affairs of Iran.
Iran is stuck between toxic Basijis/Hezbollahis and even more toxic diaspora Shahis (and terrorist MEK filth), and this forum is a perfect microcosm of this struggle (although it's mainly the former, I do not see many Shahis here).

... Cue the laughing emojis from the toxic Basijis to prove my point.
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Iran is stuck between toxic Basijis/Hezbollahis and even more toxic diaspora Shahis (and terrorist MEK filth), and this forum is a perfect microcosm of this struggle (although it's mainly the former, I do not see many Shahis here).

... Cue the laughing emojis from the toxic Basijis to prove my point.
I don't hate shahis and seculars if they love Iran. Perhaps they become religious in future.

But I hate people that hate iran. They love west, they are Iranian if they can get profit from it. They become a tool against Iran and iranians.

Ordinary iranian if they hear a terrorist attack they become sad but you see a chance to attack Iran
Iran is stuck between toxic Basijis/Hezbollahis and even more toxic diaspora Shahis (and terrorist MEK filth), and this forum is a perfect microcosm of this struggle (although it's mainly the former, I do not see many Shahis here).

... Cue the laughing emojis from the toxic Basijis to prove my point.
Yes with the exception of two brave souls living Iran that are here the forum is empty of patriotic Iranians in Iran that do not want monarchy and do not want Islamic rules they just want "Iranian Republic". There are plenty of them but if they speak they will pay a price and will be branded as "shahis or zionists"

For those youngsters here that were not borne during revolution take it from me who was there in person...No one and I mean no one wanted Islamic Republic at the start (no one knew what it is!) every one who started the revolution wanted " Iranian republic" ..things changed when mullahs saw the chance and came in with their supporters..made a cooked up referendum ( question asked..do you want monarchy or Islamic republic")..they did not allow "Iranian repulic" to be also included in the questions.

This is when I decided Revolution was lost and came back to Canada...
Now SL has made his choice and decided to uphold the hijab law and enforce it even more..he has made his bed and he will sleep in it...mullahs will sacrifice Iran by dividing the people on this issue and enemies will come in and take advantage.

As a patriot It is my duty to tell this to Iranians in Iran...if you do not stop this stupidity and madness you will see civil war . Something that Iran's enemies would love to have and mullahs are giving it to them in silver plates.
Yes with the exception of two brave souls living Iran that are here the forum is empty of patriotic Iranians in Iran that do not want monarchy and do not want Islamic rules they just want "Iranian Republic". There are plenty of them but if they speak they will pay a price and will be branded as "shahis or zionists"

For those youngsters here that were not borne during revolution take it from me who was there in person...No one and I mean no one wanted Islamic Republic at the start (no one knew what it is!) every one who started the revolution wanted " Iranian republic" ..things changed when mullahs saw the chance and came in with their supporters..made a cooked up referendum ( question asked..do you want monarchy or Islamic republic")..they did not allow "Iranian repulic" to be also included in the questions.

This is when I decided Revolution was lost and came back to Canada...
Now SL has made his choice and decided to uphold the hijab law and enforce it even more..he has made his bed and he will sleep in it...mullahs will sacrifice Iran by dividing the people on this issue and enemies will come in and take advantage.

As a patriot It is my duty to tell this to Iranians in Iran...if you do not stop this stupidity and madness you will see civil war . Something that Iran's enemies would love to have and mullahs are giving it to them in silver plates.
Civil war must be avoided at all costs, it will destroy Iran and there is no justification for it at all

Islamic Republic desperately try to cling onto power but also refuse to be flexible in basic social policies or to tackle deeply rooted corruption. It's a bad combination ...
Yes with the exception of two brave souls living Iran that are here the forum is empty of patriotic Iranians in Iran that do not want monarchy and do not want Islamic rules they just want "Iranian Republic". There are plenty of them but if they speak they will pay a price and will be branded as "shahis or zionists"

For those youngsters here that were not borne during revolution take it from me who was there in person...No one and I mean no one wanted Islamic Republic at the start (no one knew what it is!) every one who started the revolution wanted " Iranian republic" ..things changed when mullahs saw the chance and came in with their supporters..made a cooked up referendum ( question asked..do you want monarchy or Islamic republic")..they did not allow "Iranian repulic" to be also included in the questions.

This is when I decided Revolution was lost and came back to Canada...
Now SL has made his choice and decided to uphold the hijab law and enforce it even more..he has made his bed and he will sleep in it...mullahs will sacrifice Iran by dividing the people on this issue and enemies will come in and take advantage.

As a patriot It is my duty to tell this to Iranians in Iran...if you do not stop this stupidity and madness you will see civil war . Something that Iran's enemies would love to have and mullahs are giving it to them in silver plates.
Don't worry. We aren't stupid. We knew they want civil war in iran and even destruction of iran.

We will protect Iran from all enemies, this is what we done in last 45 years.

But God's laws are our red line. You can't change it even if all people of world are against it we will stand against them and keep God's laws
I counter your love of LGTBQ+ with: IDGAF++.

I suggest tighten your بند تنبون and change teams.
I assure you I don't have any love for that certain person in gilan and the famous Mr. T
But a certain group have love for them .
And for the record I never supported LGBQT I supported the right of transgenders which is protected in Iranian law and supported by people like Mr. Khomeini and Mr. Khamenei . And when some well known people here compared them with gays and lesbians I pointed out they are by definition foundamentally different .
So please stop distorting the truth and spread falsehood
Don't worry. We aren't stupid. We knew they want civil war in iran and even destruction of iran.

We will protect Iran from all enemies, this is what we done in last 45 years.

But God's laws are our red line. You can't change it even if all people of world are against it we will stand against them and keep God's laws
What punishment is in our Quran for not wearing hijab
When holy prophet was the ruler of Islamic community what punishment he prescribed for not wearing it
What about imam Ali , what punishment he prescribed for not wearing hijab.

According to current hijab law we must fine our athletes after each competition for up to 150 million toman
I assure you I don't have any love for that certain person in gilan and the famous Mr. T
But a certain group have love for them .
And for the record I never supported LGBQT I supported the right of transgenders which is protected in Iranian law and supported by people like Mr. Khomeini and Mr. Khamenei . And when some well known people here compared them with gays and lesbians I pointed out they are by definition foundamentally different .
So please stop distorting the truth and spread falsehood
Just to clarify I am not charging you with supporting LGTBQ+.

So my comment was too nuanced and thus poorly worded and I apologize for that. I’ll try to delete my comment.

I’m charging you of not understanding the environment you’re in and your inability to compare it with the environments we’re in. Me, for example, almost assuredly knows more about Iran than you do of ‘the west’.
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Anyone noticed a certain user isn't posting anymore since MEK headquarter has been stormed?
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