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Iranian Chill Thread

Anyone needing to lose weight, prepare yourselves for higher food costs to help and anyone already skinny, well just pretend you're fasting for savaab. Food costs skyrocketing will be another source of fitnah in a lot of problem areas.
4 more Iranian highway patrol cops murdered by terrorists in their cruiser .. cops and border guards are being killed at will every day in sistan while mullahs are busy debating how to cover Iranian women in black bags!!!:nono:.. mullah priority makes no sense to me!.
4 more Iranian highway patrol cops murdered by terrorists in their cruiser .. cops and border guards are being killed at will every day in sistan while mullahs are busy debating how to cover Iranian women in black bags!!!:nono:.. mullah priority makes no sense to me!.View attachment 940482
This was in Zahedan. 4 police officers slaughtered by terrorists (seems like they even escaped).

I said this shit would continue. Once again, the Islamic Republic does not care about Iranian lives.
4 more Iranian highway patrol cops murdered by terrorists in their cruiser .. cops and border guards are being killed at will every day in sistan while mullahs are busy debating how to cover Iranian women in black bags!!!:nono:.. mullah priority makes no sense to me!.View attachment 940482
This was in Zahedan. 4 police officers slaughtered by terrorists (seems like they even escaped).

I said this shit would continue. Once again, the Islamic Republic does not care about Iranian lives.
Are you stupid?
Its a terrorist attack against iran and you blame iran?!!!!!

Your brain is dead

Or perhaps you are partners of terrorists?
Are you stupid?
Its a terrorist attack against iran and you blame iran?!!!!!

Your brain is dead

Or perhaps you are partners of terrorists?
That's a nice way to absolve the Islamic Republic of its responsibility towards its citizens.

These attacks have been ongoing for years and the responsibility for preventing them falls on the Islamic Republic.

Every country's government is responsible for preserving and ensuring the security of its citizens. Which part of this are you struggling with?
That's a nice way to absolve the Islamic Republic of its responsibility towards its citizens.

These attacks have been ongoing for years and the responsibility for preventing them falls on the Islamic Republic.

Every country's government is responsible for preserving and ensuring the security of its citizens. Which part of this are you struggling with?
Those martyred personnel were protecting Iranian citizens. They are the ones standing in the frontline. What is your problem with that?

Don't worry, that fucker Moulavi Abdul Hamid will die like a pig.

در لایحه حجاب منتشر کننده تصاویر پلیس، مجرم است

Imagine filming and taking pictures during these events were forbidden by law.

George Floyd arrest 2020, USA


Talal Abu Rahma shielding his son with his body , 2000, Palestine


15th of Khordad 1963, Iran




Oh wait, one of them lead to a revolution :).

Hypocrisy level ? over 9000

Now let's see who is behind the said bill/law.:angel:
نائب رئیس کمیسیون فرهنگی مجلس شورای اسلامی اظهار داشت: قوه قضائیه به طور مصرح اعلام کرده که درباره برخورد با کسانی که از پلیس به هنگام انجام وظیفه قانونی‌اش فیلم می‌گیرند قانون داریم و می‌توانیم با عوامل اینگونه اقدامات برخورد کنیم که البته باید هم این برخوردها به صورت جدی انجام شود.

Bijan Nobaveh-Vatan's history before people's parliament or government parliament (sorry I forgot it should represent whom and why ) :

1. Journalism

Of course you know how much journalists all over the world hate filming the police since it could become their main source of income and popularity. (sarcastic)

2. State TV

Mullahs have reached a point that they no longer can sugar coat their failures so now they are forbidding people from activities that normal people consider their every day right as human being:

  • You are forbidden from.... showing bare skin even at 40+ degrees summer heat;
  • You are forbidden from ....criticizing mullahs;
  • You are forbidden from.... taking photo of police while they are abusing you;
  • You are forbidden from... listening to happy music or dancing
  • you are forbidden from....being proud of your per-islam history
  • you are forbidden from ....Speaking Farsi..only Arabic allowed (soon to be a enforced!)

meanwhile as they are busy discussing how to limit more of the Iranians personal freedoms the end goal is "Talibanization" of Iranian society and the final act will be:

You are forbidden from... being a human being!:o:
Source: water source
sour ce me that i was in police force there and every body and their pets knew whats the use of those truks

What we can do?
This problem have one solution :
Increase Gasoline price
But this is not good for our people
make job in those area . if they don't smuggle fuel they have no other job

Are you stupid?
Its a terrorist attack against iran and you blame iran?!!!!!

Your brain is dead

Or perhaps you are partners of terrorists?
i blame them , they were supposed to completely wall of our eastern border years ago , they failed to do that
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i blame them , they were supposed to completely wall of our eastern border years ago , they failed to do that

yes, i believe to remember that that was "hot topic" 10 years ago or so.


wasnt here a dedicated borderpolice thread and wasnt there some pics in it with the construction of eastern borderfortifications?

Edit2: Or was that on IMF?
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they were supposed to completely wall of our eastern border years ago , they failed to do that
As long as corrupt mullahs of Iran making huge profits from this fuel smuggling operation no wall will be built.

Mullahs have turned Iran into a big mosque..
With no official opposition allowed under IR system they basically do what ever they like treating the country as their private property and Iranian people as their slaves. Any one protesting is labeled "shah supporter" or "zionist"..we have few of mullahs in PDF and funny they are mostly not even Iranian..real Iranians living in Iran (with the exception of yourself and anoth brave soul) do not dare to express their opinion here ..so we are left with a bunch of mullah supporters and citizenship granted foreigners to speak about mullah glory..
As long as corrupt mullahs of Iran making huge profits from this fuel smuggling operation no wall will be built.

Mullahs have turned Iran into a big mosque..
With no official opposition allowed under IR system they basically do what ever they like treating the country as their private property and Iranian people as their slaves. Any one protesting is labeled "shah supporter" or "zionist"..we have few of mullahs in PDF and funny they are mostly not even Iranian..real Iranians living in Iran (with the exception of yourself and anoth brave soul) do not dare to express their opinion here ..so we are left with a bunch of mullah supporters and citizenship granted foreigners to speak about mullah glory..
You live in Canada and advocate to openly let opposition parties form in Iran (which 100% will be funded by foreign vultures), others are even advocating for a ridiculous international referendum where everyone including american and canadians could vote for the government of Iran

Any one protesting is labeled "shah supporter" or "zionist"
Yes because all of that narrative is 24/24 repeated by the same persons and the same foreigners and medias, everyone know that narrative like their hands now, even non-Iranians knows them...

real Iranians living in Iran
So you are not a real Iranian, who are the "real iranians"? those wanting to slice Iran like a watermelon from Vancouver/London?
do not dare to express their opinion here
85 million of cowards, do you imagine? Iranians must be the most coward people on the planet to not revolt
so we are left with a bunch of mullah supporters and citizenship granted foreigners to speak about mullah glory..
In a single event with the president in the street, it gather 10x more people than the "revolution" at its peak, and the same narrative is spotted "if you are not against the mullahs you are a mullah" "if you don't agree with me you are a mullah" "mullah mullah everywhere" and this is the same for all of your kind, same quotes, same narrative, if you want to be successful at least change the narrative and use other words because even non-Iranians knows them now "mullah" "theocratic regime" "terrorist regime" "cybery" "people starving" "hijab" "me no religion" "neo-zoroastrianism" "free Iran" "everything ruined because of Mullahs" "Most Iranians hates the regime" "Most iranians loves Israelis and Americans", and of course for some reasons insulting non stop arabs and muslims, like you are different from them, in real life when they are in front of a white they start shaking and stuttering

But for some reasons, arabs are funding "Persian" language medias everywhere across the internet!

Look at this Iranian nationalist like you: https://english.alarabiya.net/authors/Kourosh-Ziabari
https://agsiw.org/associates/kourosh-ziabari/ He is working for a think-tank called "The Arab Gulf States Institute", this is how much he is a Persian culture lover and wants to make Iran great again!

-No, you are not a white, you can rewrite history how much you want they will not accept you
-No, white regimes do not care of anyone of us
-Yes, they will feast on you once they will get their hands on Iran and you will cut your veins on how much they will abuse of your sisters and brothers for the third time in history
-Yes, they do not care of a single non-white life
-Yes, they will rape you, abuse you, steal everything until the last gram of resources, force you to accept 150yr old deals, they will force you to buy only their products, they will violate everything that has been made over the past decades, they will dismantle everything, and they will even ask you to pay "reparations", until the last coin, they will enslave you and violate Iranians like you never saw in the history and since you are born, this is anchored in their history and it will never go away

The last time white regimes invaded Iran, this is what they left for Iran, they used Iranian heritage sites as shooting ranges, you can still go there and see the impacts

You want it again? Last time your fellow Trump wanted to destroy every historical sites in Iran for his "very valuable" American hostages

You look like one of those Indian extremist fanatic atheist, but the difference is that Indians tend to be anti muslim for a hindutva nationalist perspective and Iranians extremists like you tend to be anti-muslim from a westtoxified perspective. Go build a snowman instead of harming yourself
You live in Canada and advocate to openly let opposition parties form in Iran (which 100% will be funded by foreign vultures), others are even advocating for a ridiculous international referendum where everyone including american and canadians could vote for the government of Iran

Yes because all of that narrative is 24/24 repeated by the same persons and the same foreigners and medias, everyone know that narrative like their hands now, even non-Iranians knows them...

So you are not a real Iranian, who are the "real iranians"? those wanting to slice Iran like a watermelon from Vancouver/London?

85 million of cowards, do you imagine? Iranians must be the most coward people on the planet to not revolt

In a single event with the president in the street, it gather 10x more people than the "revolution" at its peak, and the same narrative is spotted "if you are not against the mullahs you are a mullah" "if you don't agree with me you are a mullah" "mullah mullah everywhere" and this is the same for all of your kind, same quotes, same narrative, if you want to be successful at least change the narrative and use other words because even non-Iranians knows them now "mullah" "theocratic regime" "terrorist regime" "cybery" "people starving" "hijab" "me no religion" "neo-zoroastrianism" "free Iran" "everything ruined because of Mullahs" "Most Iranians hates the regime" "Most iranians loves Israelis and Americans", and of course for some reasons insulting non stop arabs and muslims, like you are different from them, in real life when they are in front of a white they start shaking and stuttering

But for some reasons, arabs are funding "Persian" language medias everywhere across the internet!

Look at this Iranian nationalist like you: https://english.alarabiya.net/authors/Kourosh-Ziabari
https://agsiw.org/associates/kourosh-ziabari/ He is working for a think-tank called "The Arab Gulf States Institute", this is how much he is a Persian culture lover and wants to make Iran great again!

-No, you are not a white, you can rewrite history how much you want they will not accept you
-No, white regimes do not care of anyone of us
-Yes, they will feast on you once they will get their hands on Iran and you will cut your veins on how much they will abuse of your sisters and brothers for the third time in history
-Yes, they do not care of a single non-white life
-Yes, they will rape you, abuse you, steal everything until the last gram of resources, force you to accept 150yr old deals, they will force you to buy only their products, they will violate everything that has been made over the past decades, they will dismantle everything, and they will even ask you to pay "reparations", until the last coin, they will enslave you and violate Iranians like you never saw in the history and since you are born, this is anchored in their history and it will never go away

The last time white regimes invaded Iran, this is what they left for Iran, they used Iranian heritage sites as shooting ranges, you can still go there and see the impacts
View attachment 940882

You want it again? Last time your fellow Trump wanted to destroy every historical sites in Iran for his "very valuable" American hostages

You look like one of those Indian extremist fanatic atheist, but the difference is that Indians tend to be anti muslim for a hindutva nationalist perspective and Iranians extremists like you tend to be anti-muslim from a westtoxified perspective. Go build a snowman instead of harming yourself
Brown boy mullah from south east Asia...I told you before and I tell you again if you want to address me ask for permission first...I have no desire to communicate with likes of you...get out of Iran section ..Iranian internal affairs are only for Iranians ..not for you.
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