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Iranian Chill Thread

How many times i have to make it clear to you that what you expect from IR is not realistic at all.

I don’t recall our conversation
You expect them to take firm sequential steps on towards military escalation if needed. I am making it clear to you that IR does not understand this logic because it is paralyzed by its paranoia for the US.

Clearly if Iran didn’t respond to Israel attacks in Syria, it is not going to do a costly buffer zone operation that is proven to not really work.

The issue is the Helmand water dispute. If that’s resolved tensions ease and everyone goes their merry way.

Killing 100 or 1000 or 10,000 Taliban will not make Kabul give you water. You are fighting the Taliban, literally eat casualties for breakfast.

If you want to kill to just say ‘pew pew look what I did’ then just admit that. But let’s not act like that’s any strategic thinking.

You seem to be a Democrat/Biden regime propagandist trying to normalize the regime.

This makes zero sense.

The news i posted literally comes from Sepah Pasdaran telegram channel. Take a look.

Telegram is not a valid news source, but I think common sense would dictate that. Literally not a single Iranian media covered any Commander dieing the last week (or two) beside the Saravan attack which is no where near Taliban territory.

My guess: the admin of this little group wanted to stir up some nationalism with fake news. Lots of that going around. And Sepah affiliated TG channels have said incorrect things in the past.

Your colonel pic also looked like from previous border disagreements. And there has been zero mention of any clashes today by reputable sources.

Latest reports from yesterday was 2 dead 2 wounded and no POWs captured.
I don’t recall our conversation
You quoted me several times before and i replied to you. Go back read it.

Clearly if Iran didn’t respond to Israel attacks in Syria, it is not going to do a costly buffer zone operation that is proven to not really work.
Which proves my point = Corrupted-incompetent

The issue is the Helmand water dispute. If that’s resolved tensions ease and everyone goes their merry way.
You are going to deny now that Taliban are anti-Shia? Back in the 90's they murdered Iranian diplomats. That was not about the water issue.

Killing 100 or 1000 or 10,000 Taliban will not make Kabul give you water. You are fighting the Taliban, literally eat casualties for breakfast.

If you want to kill just say pew pew look what I did then just say that. But let’s not act like that’s any strategic thinking.
You are playing too much call of duty. Sensible nations with their national interest at heart create something like Idlib.

Telegram is not a valid news source, but I think common sense would dictate that.
Which governing body in IR has an official telegram account? The one i quoted is known among Hezbollahi factions. If you are into Iranians affairs every single day you would have known about it.

I would call it semi-official.

Literally not a single Iranian media covered any
The grass is green

My guess: the admin of this little group wanted to stir up some nationalism with fake news. Lots of that going around. And Sepah affiliated TG channels have said incorrect things in the past.
Read above

Your colonel pic also looked like from previous border disagreements. And there has been zero mention of any clashes today by reputable sources.

Latest reports from yesterday was 2 dead 2 wounded and no POWs captured.
Does it have to be from yesterday or 2 days ago? You are clearly failing to grasp the discussion. Before telling user Stryker about chromosomes take a look at yourself.
Are you looking the correct page?

Sepah_Pasdaran with 350k+ followers. News posted on 27 May. Take a proper look before shouting ''fake news''.

View attachment 931995

Yes and my browser didn't find the phrase.

That screen grab of the alleged Telegram post is plastered all over Instagram and Twitter. But I couldn't locate it on the original Telegram channel, so unless it's a browser error or unless it was added early on May 19 or on some previous date, the message's not there.
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Yes and my browser didn't find that phrase.

That screen grab of the alleged Telegram post is plastered all over Instagram and Twitter. But I couldn't locate it on the original Telegram channel, so unles it's a browser error the message's not there.
Try to find it on the telegram app itself (pc desktop). Perhaps browsers have limitations.
rooze dovom, hanuz hich kari nakardan .khejalat bekeshan. zaiftarin dolate tarikhe iran.
rooze dovom, hanuz hich kari nakardan .khejalat bekeshan. zaiftarin dolate tarikhe iran.

First government in centuries not to have conceded an inch of national territory is the Islamic Republic. The Pahlavis did, the Qajars also, so did the Afsharids, the Safavids, etc.

First government in centuries to successfully prevent foreign powers from exerting a determining influence on its domestic affairs, again is the Islamic Republic (even though reformists are basically acting as a fifth column to external foes, to no avail though).
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First government in centuries not to have conceded an inch of national territory is the Islamic Republic. The Pahlavis did, the Qajars also, so did the Afsharids, the Safavids, etc.
We don't talk about centrimetres of soil. We are talking about giving proper responses when necessary.

Furthermore, there are allegations that IR has conceded Iran's rights in the Caspian sea, from my understanding the Parliament is not signing the bill hence it is still not ratified or clear. There are allegations even for the Persian gulf.
We don't talk about centrimetres of soil. We are talking about giving proper responses when necessary.

I responded to a suggestion according to which the Islamic Republic is the 'weakest government in Iran's history'. If this were the case, then surely Iran would've lost not centimeters but over half her soil.

Furthermore, there are allegations that IR has conceded Iran's rights in the Caspian sea, from my understanding the Parliament is not signing the bill hence it is still not ratified or clear. There are allegations even for the Persian gulf.

Not factual allegations. The status of the Caspian had to be renegotiated after the fall of the Soviet Union because new states emerged. But Iran did not concede any territorial waters.

No such thing in the Persian Gulf either, and frankly no idea where those making such claims pulled this from.
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I responded to an allegation according to which the Islamic Republic is the "weakest government in Iran's history". If this were the case, then surely Iran would've lost not centimeters but over half her soil.

Not factual allegations. The status of the Caspian had to renegotiated after the fall of the Soviet Union because new states emerge. But Iran did not concede any territorial waters.

No such thing in the Persian Gulf either.
The notion that IR is the weakest government in all of Iran's history is correct.

It is not always about losing lands. There are many other factors.
My take on this entire fiasco:

Taliban are seriously dependent upon Iran for supplies, without an Iranian route they will have no escape. The central command is sane and talks about nationalism, diplomacy, and progress but these outer skirt warlords are more independent and the central command has no effective control over them. Even if IRI talks to the people in Kabul, will the Taliban leadership be able to establish control over the border pedo warlord who wants to attack infidels in Iran?So routes cut off will not work alone. IRI needs to see current Afghanistan as a non-centralized system in which warlords are not under the effective control of Kabul. No matter how much diplomacy Tehran does with Kabul, there will be continued border clashes. Some of them are idealistic Shia haters, some are just stupid tribal lords who want war to climb up the ranks in the chain of command. We need a mixture of strength and diplomacy at that front.

(1) Non-Kinetic control: Purchase warlords through illegal trade, paying someone one time would not work here unless the livelihood of some border pedo warlord and his entire tribe is dependent upon Iran. Make them dependent on fuel, food, and money to the point that they see Iran as a source of life. Letting Northern Alliance, Hezbe Wahdat be crushed was the worst mistake and naivety of IRI.

(2) Kinetic control:

- Expand Mashhad and Birjand bases with proper central command housing Mohajer-6, Ababil-5 UCAVS, and Shahed-136 mobile units. Normalize the border patrols, and airspace breaching just like how Israel has normalized it over Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Normalize cross-border missile strikes and then call it an isolated "terrorist targeting" operation, with nothing to do with Afghan people or Forces. The more we normalize this, the more they will fear us.

- Also, the bases should have three mixed squadrons of F-4E/D+Kowsar-I for all-weather, day/night heavy bombing from higher altitudes. Currently, Birjand is a semi-active base housing a few non-overhauled F-5E that cant operate during the night. The base is in same condition for decades, what a joke.

- There should also be a dedicated Missile base nearby that can barrage salvos of Fateh-110 (and BM-120), and Zelzal-2 carrying thermobaric warheads to the target base from where these pedo cavemen come out.

- Create a network of forts to guard the border housing automatic artillery and machine guns.

Striking back hard would punish atleast the local warlord enough if they lose their forts, warehouses, or whatever installations they are left with. They drove American armored carriers into the battle yesterday, where are they parked? why did not we see the compound housing this US leftover receiving Salvos of Zelzals and BM-120? YOU COMMAND RESPECT BY SHOWING FANGS in this world, there is no other way.

We see Israel massacring its enemies daily, it is always engaged in some level of deterrence against them. Forget who is who to us but see what Israelis do, they will bomb the shit out of Palestinians, they will bomb Iranian military installations in Syria, and then cause a terrorist assassination in Iran the same day. Does this mean they are not engaged in diplomacy? IRI needs to learn the modern world. We have too many old Akhoonds sitting in government with their "Doctorates" in how to enforce Hijabs on girls in Tehran and other BS. If we do not punish our enemies through kinetic and non-kinetic means we will never command the respect of outside our borders, the age of soft power is gone.
خب معلوم شد دو کاربر داریم اینجا که مزدور کثیف اجنبی هستند
اولی هک هوک هست که رسما اعلام کرده پول گرفتن از اجنبی خوب هست

(حیف نام زیبای داریوش) دومی هم یک مزدور به نام داریوش هست که البته هنوز اعتراف نکرده از کجا پول میگیره ولی معلوم هست برای چی داره نظرات چرند میگذاره

از این به بعد نظراتشان را با نظرات ترکیه ای ها و عربستانی ها و طالبانی ها و... یکی در نظر میگیرم
no we want these so called rogue Taliban member eliminated , we wanted drone in the sky bombed every vehicle and force that were attacking our border post in that video , we wanted not a single of them stayed alive to tell the story . i wanted stopping delivery of any fuel or supply to Afghanistan till the flow of water return to Hirmand .

we wanted some backbone,
Cudnt have said it better. Enough of this already. My patience with the strategic patience is running out. That’s no way to deter our enemies. I say Iran must be super aggressive in dealing with this goat herding terrorists.
No, I never said anything about an invasion. But they can arm and train border guards so they are not attacked and killed and then say they are so surprised that the barbaric savages 10m away that have been attacking them every other week would attack them

Monitor and defend borders more proactively. they have so many drones, how about using them

Cut off ALL trade with Afghanistan and ban all further refugees, if they want trade they can reign in their supposed extremists (who are fully supported by their central government by the way despite your attempts to distinguish them) and uphold their water obligations

They killed a commander last week, this time they attacked the border post and killed 2 and injured 2 others. Several other minor exchanges of fire in the recent past. Iranian lives are so cheap for IRI
If you believe your ideas have the nuance and subtlety this situation requires, one can assume you also believe Iranian commanders have not thought of then either. Have you considered taking it to management for due consideration. 😀

Those who are pushing for war do not understand Iranian grand strategy. There are several dimensions to it. One is ‘indirectly’ countering threats. This takes a while and isn’t ‘Hollywood visible’ as we’d like — very frustrating to the child mind but extremely effective.

Another dominant dimension is tranquility at ‘home borders’. Iran strategic borders are far away. Iran will do everything to ensure tranquil ‘home borders’. And war is never part of the plan.

Iran is acting brilliantly.
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claimed 12 , proven 1
and some people who think they have monopoly on deciding what is treason claim we must stay silent for this aggression . they don't understand if you want have security in future your answer must be 10 time as strong till the aggressor beg for mercy.
if your answer gonna be we are sending delegation to work it with Afghanistan then it will become a norm
So you want Taliban sources for counting their deaths or i'm dreaming?
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