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Iranian Chill Thread

This guy slaps a woman. As the saying goes "f**k around and find out"

Is there any point in rehashing an 8-months old, uninteresting "Tweet" which had been shared before?

Also in the full version of the video, one can see how the woman extends her hand in the direction of the motorcyclist while saying or shouting something, probably an invective. Only then does the man walk towards her.

Honestly there's no excuse for a soldier in this day & age to be wearing a WW2 era helmet. Instead of arming Iranian soldier properly, they prefer to send the money to Hezbollah or the PMU in Iraq.

1) The PMU have enough resources of their own at their disposal. Iraq is an oil exporting nation.
2) Any sane decision maker will prioritize protection against military aggression by the USA and allies over equipping every unit of the ground forces with the latest and most expensive gear. The former includes heavy investment in ballistic and cruise missiles, UAV's, air defence systems and radars, fast attack craft and small submarines, underground facilities, the nuclear program as well as regional allies.
3) HezbOllah are a numerically tiny force of a few tens of thousands. The Iranian military by contrast numbers up to several millions when counting in the Basij paramilitary. So there's nothing out of the ordinary here.

Realistically Iran doesn't have a large army. IRGC is like Iran's professional military. Iran's military, The regular army, 2/3rd are conscripts, however there are some professional units. Then there's paramilitary units like Basij, which supposedly number 500,000 - 1 million. In reality conscripts are basically being trained as a reserve force of sorts. Yes people can always be mobilized in times of war, but when you have a large pool of people with who have gone through some basic training, it makes the process much easier.

Basij personnel exceed a million, and 1,5 million troops represent a very large military already.
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Palestinians by far are secular fighting an occupation isn’t the same. As equating to Wahhabism, yes very small minority may be on the extreme side many of the groups popping up in the West Bank aren’t from a single religious or political faction they’re fighting an occupation and they will receive help from whoever will give it, it’s more like the old days when the PLO actually stood for something.
research about Islam in Gaza stripe not west bank

That is not the case of Iran.
False syllogism, hogwash.
you admit it just one line above
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اولین روز سفر رئیس جمهور به اندونزی




Egypt 34
Saudi Arabia 31
Malaysia 23
Indonesia 22
Turkiye 19
Iran 15



Malaysia 25
Indonesia 24
Egypt 23
Saudi Arabia 18

Turkiye 16
Iran 15

In past 5 years Indonesia had +5% growth rate every year at economy but this growth doesn't show it's effects in their journal papers.


I can see where Iranian military $$ is going lol

Hezbollah is a branch of IRGC, just like PIJ of Palestine or Hashd of Iraq. There is no distance between them.
Muhammed, since you blindly support IR policies then I have a suggestion..why Iran does not invite Hezbollah to come and be deployed to Blochestan border area. since they are now part of IRGC..Iran pays for their training and equipment and they are now far better equipped than the poor Iranian border guards with wooden Kalash guns and WW II helmets..we can inform the families of those 5 murdered border guards that their death was not in vain.!
Muhammed, since you blindly support IR policies then I have a suggestion..why Iran does not invite Hezbollah to come and be deployed to Blochestan border area. since they are now part of IRGC..Iran pays for their training and equipment and they are now far better equipped than the poor Iranian border guards with wooden Kalash guns and WW II helmets..we can inform the families of those 5 murdered border guards that their death was not in vain.!
This is a pathetic try from your side to undermine Iranian allies. What does Hezbollah and its mission have to do with our martyrs? We are one people, their martyrs are our martyrs and vise verse.

That is a general problem among resistance forces. You cannot expect to arm each and every border Guard with heavy weapons but as much as the limited budget allows, they arm thsemselves, plus, the attacks on our border guards are different in nature. The attackers are terrorists and usually use surprising tactics.
This is a pathetic try from your side to undermine Iranian allies. What does Hezbollah and its mission have to do with our martyrs? We are one people, their martyrs are our martyrs and vise verse.

That is a general problem among resistance forces. You cannot expect to arm each and every border Guard with heavy weapons but as much as the limited budget allows, they arm thsemselves, plus, the attacks on our border guards are different in nature. The attackers are terrorists and usually use surprising tactics.
We said all that 10 years ago when terrorist Riggi kidnapped 10 border guards..10 years pased and we still talk about not enough equipment ..blah blah...blah...border of Balochstan is a war zone..treat that accordingly...arm our boys adequately..No excuses ..hold people that sent those ill equipped young boys to a war zone...if you do not hold them responsible we will be talking about that again and again..
We said all that 10 years ago when terrorist Riggi kidnapped 10 border guards..10 years pased and we still talk about not enough equipment ..blah blah...blah...border of Balochstan is a war zone..treat that accordingly...arm our boys adequately..No excuses ..hold people that sent those ill equipped young boys to a war zone...if you do not hold them responsible we will be talking about that again and again..
at the time i was there and it was not a surprise when it happened , we knew what was the problem everyone knew it. terrorist Rigi managed to kidnap border guards not because of lack of equipment, there is no doubt there is serious problem there.
but he managed to do that because of lack of meaningful training and discipline on our side and also low IQ fr some conscripts and their commanders at that night
you admit it just one line above

Nothing of the sort.

This is a pathetic try from your side to undermine Iranian allies. What does Hezbollah and its mission have to do with our martyrs? We are one people, their martyrs are our martyrs and vise verse.

That is a general problem among resistance forces. You cannot expect to arm each and every border Guard with heavy weapons but as much as the limited budget allows, they arm thsemselves, plus, the attacks on our border guards are different in nature. The attackers are terrorists and usually use surprising tactics.

I mean, it's enough to take a look at the frequency of lethal terrorist attacks at Iran's borders. They are actually few and far between. Iran has already spent many millions building a wall and fortifications along the border with Pakistan. But here's the point, no matter how much you invest in equipment, infrastructures and training, casualties won't be reducible to zero especially if terrorists enjoy active support from the global powers to be.

Iran must and will keep prioritizing all aspects of deterrence against any hypothetical classic form of aggression by powerful state actors, as that is the paramount type of threat. Meaning, more investment in missiles, more investment in underground bases, more investment in small navy craft, more investment in regional allies, more investment in the nuclear program. Failure to expand and keep these assets up to date will prove fatal.

Parallel to the above, ground forces including border guards will see their training and equipment improved gradually. Considering defensive priorities, budget and sheer size of Iran's border guard corps, this modernization program won't be completed before years. It's quite normal and has nothing to do with ideology.

Is it not ironic when supposed ultra-nationalists align on NATO and zionist demands for Iran to cease supporting allies in the region? By defintion a nationalist will be expected to celebrate any form of external influence wielded by Iran, rather than to endorse talking points devised in the psychological warfare departments of Washington and Tel Aviv. For HezbOllah to be functional ie capable of standing up to the common zionist enemy, HezbOllah needs this type of support, absence of which will invite zionist aggression and potential loss of a key ally for Iran.

Either you support an active regional role for Iran or you don't, if not then you're at odds with the defining criteria of nationalism (especially in the Iranian cultural framework); and if you do, you will eventually come to the understanding that Iran has been acting both according to national interest and foundational principles of the Revolution at the same time, since these two happen to overlap given the historic conjuncture.

To those who ask why don't HezbOllah come secure Iran's territorial boundaries, they actually did. HezbOllah gave thousands of martyrs pinning down and destroying Daesh in Syria and Iraq. The declared next stop for Daesh would have been Iran, so our brothers from HezbOllah contributed with their blood to preventing these terrorists from reaching Iranian land.

And by the way, from Jaish ol-Zolm's perspective the recent attack on the southeastern border was operationally speaking a failure. Something you won't learn by consulting oppositionist sources, is that the terrorists were assigned to enter Iranian soil and conduct an attack well within Iran's borders. The intended target was not the border post. However Iranian forces scored a win by successfully forcing the terrorist party to retreat before it could infiltrate the country.

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