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Iranian Chill Thread

another impolite person with no matter who is afraid of insult others in the language of the forum he post
you really showed your family upbringing .
and no iran for defence don't have to arm other countries better than itself.

show me a single other country that had to am others better than itself for defense.
you can't and others who laughed when the situation at borders described to you showed your true nature that how you guys really care about Iran and Iranian life . you bunch are nothing but some traitor to motherland. you can go and masturbate to the dream of su-35 and Russia actually care about you. you guys just some immature youngster with no knowledge of history that have forgotten what our country have faced in last century and we only can rely on ourself not this bought allies and countries that dream on another Qajar era relation.
have you forget what one of these supposed allies did in Al-Qussair just around 10 years ago
bla bla bla from a pork who knows nothing about geopolitics

Tell me why did the US spend 7 Trillion Dollars in the Middle East? I'm not even mentioning other parts of world such as asia pacific
but when it come to pale3stine you close your eyes and don't see how extreme those guys are
I barely saw any Palestinian fighter with Wahhabi signs (shaved mustache and socks over their pants, practicing beheading and archaic tradition)

The typical traits of Wahhabis beside the mustache and their socks are practicing beheading (saw in Ukraine with Salafi chechens and in Azerbaijan where they were beheading a ton of captured soldiers and civilians), practice of cannibalism, drinking blood, archaic methods of torture and execution, butchering of dead corpse to take their guts as trophies, massive hate towards Shia muslims

Show us your "extreme Palestinian" with all the traits of the typical Wahhabi

If they were so extreme and wahhabis as you say, they would be funded by Saudi Arabia and religiously trained by Saudi Arabia, how come an "extreme wahhabi Palestinians" accepts weapons and furniture coming from a Shia country and that have been touched by them?
Various small scale protests have broken out sporadically all over Iran over the recent execution of 3 men

The 3 men were found guilty of taking part in recent protests & killing police & Basij members

Our friendly neighborhood traitor is back. Why do you hate Iranians so much? Just trying to be a friend.
What is the salary of a conscript border guard in Iran? (in euro or dollar)
Rational people supply , train and provide equipment to their own troops at home before going outside and supplying foreign forces outside of the country.

The wrapped mind of mullah goverment of Iran works backwards...they finance train and supply foreign forces while Iranian forces recycle WWII helmets, ride in Toyota pickups, use wooden handel Soviet machine guns

These are facts...mullah brainwashed Iranians in this forum are simply too far gone to admit even simple facts...wake up and ask your mullah leaders for accountability...why Hashad and Hezb and hamas and Houthis get all the money and weapons but poor Iranian conscript is sent to terrorist infested border with no protection...we are not your enemy we just ask the questions.
Rational people supply , train and provide equipment to their own troops at home before going outside and supplying foreign forces outside of the country.

The wrapped mind of mullah goverment of Iran works backwards...they finance train and supply foreign forces while Iranian forces recycle WWII helmets, ride in Toyota pickups, use wooden handel Soviet machine guns

These are facts...mullah brainwashed Iranians in this forum are simply too far gone to admit even simple facts...wake up and ask your mullah leaders for accountability...why Hashad and Hezb and hamas and Houthis get all the money and weapons but poor Iranian conscript is sent to terrorist infested border with no protection...we are not your enemy we just ask the questions.
I Would also question the sanity of keeping troops that you can't afford to properly arm and train.

Iranian military could use some downsizing. Discharged troops could improve the economy and the military would no longer have to feed them.

They can always be mobilized in times of war.
I Would also question the sanity of keeping troops that you can't afford to properly arm and train.

Iranian military could use some downsizing. Discharged troops could improve the economy and the military would no longer have to feed them.

They can always be mobilized in times of war.
If they stop sending all the money and equipments to these 4 foreign proxies there will be enough even for the current half million troops..top ranks of Iranian military is still populated with Iran Iraq war veterans..brave men but not suitable for 21 century type conflicts..we need young officer Corp at the top and leaner military . They keep thousands of drones in underground shelters and poor border guards still get ambushed by rag tag wahhabi terrorists..WTF!!
Rational people supply , train and provide equipment to their own troops at home before going outside and supplying foreign forces outside of the country.

The wrapped mind of mullah goverment of Iran works backwards...they finance train and supply foreign forces while Iranian forces recycle WWII helmets, ride in Toyota pickups, use wooden handel Soviet machine guns

These are facts...mullah brainwashed Iranians in this forum are simply too far gone to admit even simple facts...wake up and ask your mullah leaders for accountability...why Hashad and Hezb and hamas and Houthis get all the money and weapons but poor Iranian conscript is sent to terrorist infested border with no protection...we are not your enemy we just ask the questions.
Complete nonsense to compare border guards and a country army with PMU or PIJ and blame the whole thing on it
Some brief reality check.

* Length of the border between Lebanon and Occupied Palestine: 79 km.

Length of the border between Iran and Pakistan: 904 km. Between Iran and Iraq: 1599 km, of which about a third is shared with the KRG, let's say 500 km (conservative guess).

Total length of state borders across which Iranian guards have been attacked by terrorists during past decades = upwards of 1400 km.

Do the math as to which of the two is easier to secure, other things being equal.

Then add to it the far more challenging topography of Iran's border regions in question.

Last but not least, HezbOllah isn't facing irregular forces but a classic conventional army. Attacks on HezbOllah border guards would therefore trigger large scale conflict between states, which is not the case of terrorist hit and run tactics against Iranian border units.

In short, we're talking apples and oranges. Any comparison in this regard is inoperative.

* Priorities. You do not start with neutralizing the much smaller threat posed by low intensity, infrequent instances of border terrorism. You first make sure to deter Iraq-style invasion by the world's so-called superpower. After which you make sure to deter Osirak-style air raids on critical infrastructure. Only then will you turn your focus on fixing remaining weak spots in border security.

The amount of funds made available to equip and train border guards therefore is not determined by the whims nor by the ideology of the Islamic Republic, but by level headed rational calculus.

* Quick but necessary reminder as to the respective defence budgets of Iran and her existential enemies, to put things further into perspective.

Iran: below $30 billion.

NATO: about $1000 billion. Zionist regime: $18 billion plus assistance from Washington.
To which the PGCC's aggregated $130 billion would have had to be added until recently. Some may perhaps choose to add Turkey's approximately $17 billion.

With this in mind it is easy to see why deterrence against the type of high intensity military aggression the USA and allies have the power to conduct, will eat up the bulk of Iran's defence budget. This translates into ample funding for the missile and UAV sectors, followed by air defences, fast attack craft and submarines and anti-ship missiles, as well as regional allies.

Even so, Iran is far from spending nearly as much on said allies as the usual discourse promoted by the zio-American media machinery is attempting to suggest, uncritically rehashed by the "na Ghazze na Lobnan" "regime change" elements.

A larger force like the PMU for instance is essentially funding itself autonomously via the local oil revenues.

When it comes to movements such as HezbOllah or the Palestinian Resistance, they are resorting to numerous parallel channels for funding. Iranian assistance is part of the picture but not all of it. And considering the size of these groups and the asymmetric nature of their military doctrine, the spending for Iran ends up not being all that high. These are definitely extremely lucrative investments in the geostrategic sense.

* Iranian border units have seen their equipment improve over time, if audio-visual and photographic reports published by Iranian media are something to go by. Kevlar helmets and body armor, standard issue infantry weapons, surveillance drones, superior sensors, communications devices, vehicles and building structures are being distributed among them step by step. It stands to reason that with this gear comes adequate training as well. Then again, Iran is a rather vast country with mountainous, hard to police borders. It naturally takes time until every unit is outfitted with the latest material.

This being said, the best weaponry and training in the world may reduce casualties but will stop short of eliminating these altogether. Especially if terrorist attackers based abroad benefit from intelligence and other types of support from hostile state actors.

Moreover, under certain circumstances terrorist cross-border attacks can be deterred through strikes carried out by other branches of the Iranian military. Case in point, Sepah's missiles hitting bases and outposts of separatist terrorist grouplets in northern Iraq.

Bottom line: at the broader level Iran has been acting in a logical way and making sound use of resources at her disposal. The notion that Iranian decision makers are driven by some sort of a fatal, counter-productive ideological preference for regional allies at the expense of Iranian forces per se, represents a typical propaganda talking point forged in the think tanks of Washington, Brussels and Tel Aviv with the express purpose of playing with the emotions of Iranian audiences and inciting them both against their country's allies and against the Iranian government, in the framework of the "regime change" read nation-wrecking agenda pursued by said foreign powers.
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This guy slaps a woman. As the saying goes "f**k around and find out"

Honestly there's no excuse for a soldier in this day & age to be wearing a WW2 era helmet. Instead of arming Iranian soldier properly, they prefer to send the money to Hezbollah or the PMU in Iraq. Realistically Iran doesn't have a large army. IRGC is like Iran's professional military. Iran's military, The regular army, 2/3rd are conscripts, however there are some professional units. Then there's paramilitary units like Basij, which supposedly number 500,000 - 1 million. In reality conscripts are basically being trained as a reserve force of sorts. Yes people can always be mobilized in times of war, but when you have a large pool of people with who have gone through some basic training, it makes the process much easier.

I Would also question the sanity of keeping troops that you can't afford to properly arm and train.

Iranian military could use some downsizing. Discharged troops could improve the economy and the military would no longer have to feed them.

They can always be mobilized in times of war.
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This guy slaps a woman not wearing a hijab. As the saying goes "f**k around and find out"

Honestly there's no excuse for a soldier in this day & age to be wearing a WW2 era helmet. Instead of arming Iranian soldier properly, they prefer to send the money to Hezbollah or the PMU in Iraq. Realistically Iran doesn't have a large army. IRGC is like Iran's professional military. Iran's military, The regular army, 2/3rd are conscripts, however there are some professional units. Then there's paramilitary units like Basij, which supposedly number 500,000 - 1 million. In reality conscripts are basically being trained as a reserve force of sorts. Yes people can always be mobilized in times of war, but when you have a large pool of people with who have gone through some basic training, it makes the process much easier.
Which protests against the Hijab?

Maybe some foreign groups units are equipped with Iranian armament. But like Iran’s own military they do not consist of the bulk of these groups. Most of them are less equipped than even Iran’s most rudimentary units. Also mentioning that these groups are engaging in active combat, so it would make sense to send some tactical weaponry which would never see active use in a peacetime nation such as Iran but could be a gamechanger across the border. Example being .50 sniper rifles and ATGMs supplied to the PMF which massacred ISIS militants.

Comparing Artesh and their border guards with PMU and PIJ is simply nonsense, this is like if the US marines were comparing themselves with Israel elite forces and say that Israel is better equipped with better kits, an unstable unsafe proxy that can perish at any time consisting of less than 10 million people.

In my opinion helmet or armor would not change anything big, UAV and surveillance is what is needed.

Also since when Iran send money and free weapons to PMF?
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Honestly there's no excuse for a soldier in this day & age to be wearing a WW2 era helmet. Instead of arming Iranian soldier properly, they prefer to send the money to Hezbollah or the PMU in Iraq. Realistically Iran doesn't have a large army. IRGC is like Iran's professional military. Iran's military, The regular army, 2/3rd are conscripts, however there are some professional units. Then there's paramilitary units like Basij, which supposedly number 500,000 - 1 million. In reality conscripts are basically being trained as a reserve force of sorts. Yes people can always be mobilized in times of war, but when you have a large pool of people with who have gone through some basic training, it makes the process much easier.
I'm not against conscription, I think it's vital for mobilization preparedness but to me it seems Iranian military, when you put all the elements together looks bloated.

You could put all the elements of Turkish military including Jandarma and Coast Guard, it's something around 600-700 thousand men. If I remember correctly Iran has a military of around 1.5 million men, you could shave a lot from that and increase effectiveness.
Which protests against the Hijab?

I don't know, I just thought the clip was funny because the woman tries to slap a woman & then gets put in his place

Comparing Artesh and their border guards with PMU and PIJ is simply nonsense, this is like if the US marines were comparing themselves with Israel elite forces and say that Israel is better equipped with better kits, an unstable unsafe proxy that can perish at any time consisting of less than 10 million people.

Okay but US marines don't have rifles from the 70's and they still have body armor & modern helmets don't they ? Iran needs to arm its entire military with kevlar vests/helmets & new rifles at a minimum. I think it's about time.

In my opinion helmet or armor would not change anything big, UAV and surveillance is what is needed.

Body armor can make the difference between life & death. Like come on man this is 2023.

Also since when Iran send money and free weapons to PMF?

So Hezbollah and PMF pay for the weapons Iran supplies ? That's a surprise to me. Also as one poster recently pointed out, the PMF have dozens of Toophan MRAPs, whereas we haven't seen Iranian troops armed with any significant number of them. Iranian soldiers are more likely to have Safir jeeps, which is realistically what they should be sending to PMF. I mean they're barely fighting ISIS anymore and what does ISIS have ? motorcycles & honda civics if they're lucky ?

Which protests against the Hijab?

Maybe some foreign groups units are equipped with Iranian armament. But like Iran’s own military they do not consist of the bulk of these groups. Most of them are less equipped than even Iran’s most rudimentary units. Also mentioning that these groups are engaging in active combat, so it would make sense to send some tactical weaponry which would never see active use in a peacetime nation such as Iran but could be a gamechanger across the border. Example being .50 sniper rifles and ATGMs supplied to the PMF which massacred ISIS militants.

Comparing Artesh and their border guards with PMU and PIJ is simply nonsense, this is like if the US marines were comparing themselves with Israel elite forces and say that Israel is better equipped with better kits, an unstable unsafe proxy that can perish at any time consisting of less than 10 million people.

In my opinion helmet or armor would not change anything big, UAV and surveillance is what is needed.

Also since when Iran send money and free weapons to PMF?
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1.5 million ? I don't think it's that large. It's something like 600,000 active duty & 300,000 who are reserves. Not to mention 1/3rd of the regular army are conscripts. This however does not include the Basij, who are a purely paramilitary force.

I'm not against conscription, I think it's vital for mobilization preparedness but to me it seems Iranian military, when you put all the elements together looks bloated.

You could put all the elements of Turkish military including Jandarma and Coast Guard, it's something around 600-700 thousand men. If I remember correctly Iran has a military of around 1.5 million men, you could shave a lot from that and increase effectiveness.
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