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Iranian Chill Thread

North of iran have many good facilities and even luxury hotels,... . I dont know where he went!!!

I think he visited the northern strip of Iran where there is plenty of historical remains and plenty of nature..

Probably Gilan and Mazandaran provinces
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The experiences of a Omani tourist in north Iran

Summary: terrible services, terrible facilities, terrible accommodation, incompetence, ... Not ready for tourism at all.

Cannot say service is terrible in Iran. Usually almost everyone does good service at the minimum.

It just depends what he is used to. If he is used to massive 5 star hotels of Dubai and various expensive technological accommodations wherever you go, then you aren’t gonna find that in many places in Iran. Sure Iran has its luxury spots and hotels, but they are few and a far between.

But you don’t go visit Iran for luxury, you visit iran for culture, history, and beauty.

Sounds like a biased review.
Various small scale protests have broken out sporadically all over Iran over the recent execution of 3 men

The 3 men were found guilty of taking part in recent protests & killing police & Basij members

Various small scale protests have broken out sporadically all over Iran over the recent execution of 3 men

The 3 men were found guilty of taking part in recent protests & killing police & Basij members

تروریست را باید مثل سگ کشت
هر کس حامی تروریست هم باشه حکمش همین هست
روی این چیز ها شوخی نداریم مردک کثیف
حتی چرندیات اراذلی مثل تو را هم تحمل نمیکنیم
The 3 men were found guilty of taking part in recent protests & killing police & Basij members

No, they were not sentenced for taking part in a regular read peaceful protest per se. Capital punishment in particular cannot be handed down for something like that, it was strictly and exclusively a sanction against the multiple murders which the court found the men guilty of.

Keeping clear of confusing semantics on topics like these is of utmost importance. Hostile (foreign) misinformation outlets traditionally resort to rhetoric methods of this kind.

Oh, and those quoted "Twitter" accounts... one is a zionist propagandist posting out of Occupied Palestine, the other is part of or aligned on the foreign-sponsored opposition in exile. What jokes of a source.
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6 border guards killed by terrorists in Saravan today

IRI sends children with WW2 level equipment to the hub of militant Wahhabism and tells them 'good luck'

Iranian life is cheap for the IRI

Most embarrassingly for IRI, the terrorists managed to escape (as usual)
The best looking ...Bells new light attack helicopter "Invictus"..Iranian designers take note!
6 border guards killed by terrorists in Saravan today

IRI sends children with WW2 level equipment to the hub of militant Wahhabism and tells them 'good luck'

Iranian life is cheap for the IRI

Most embarrassingly for IRI, the terrorists managed to escape (as usual)
my conscription was there , and i can say those conscripts in the area now shit about warfare. the only thing they have learned was how to stand and walk in the morning. when you talked with them their plan for encounter with terrorist was empty their bullets toward enemy on full auto and funny part they had 60-90 bullet each so they ran out of ammo in 20 sec
you could buy military clothes from market and add a major rank on its shoulder and enter barracks and even line the soldiers , they just look at your clothes not your identification
in fact abdolmalek-rigi emptied one border post with that technique when i was there
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