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Iranian Chill Thread

Ukrainian forces predicted to make a counter offensive on a city they already have under control

Another "counter offensive" predicted from Western propaganda, when saying at the same time that Bakhmut isn't captured, quality propaganda

my conscription was there , and i can say those conscripts in the area now shit about warfare. the only thing they have learned was how to stand and walk in the morning. when you talked with them their plan for encounter with terrorist was empty their bullets toward enemy on full auto and funny part they had 60-90 bullet each so they ran out of ammo in 20 sec
you could buy military clothes from market and add a major rank on its shoulder and enter barracks and even line the soldiers , they just look at your clothes not your identification
in fact abdolmalek-rigi emptied one border post with that technique when i was there
Lebanon borders are safe thanks to Iranian equipment..when was mullah worried about Persian blood...all money and equipment goes outside the country to protect foreigners.
Lebanon borders are safe thanks to Iranian equipment..when was mullah worried about Persian blood...all money and equipment goes outside the country to protect foreigners.
Dude many countries spend billions dollars to have influence in other countries from colonialist Western countries to countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc... These money is a part defence budget and they are not comparable to the money that other countries spend to have influence in other countries

If Iran doesn't spend for her allies in her region it should fight against her enemies inside her boarders and it will lose her leverage and power against her enemies and rivals in her region
What is your suggestion?

Train soldiers properly? Don’t send children to a guirella hotspot? Give border patrol proper equipment (MRAPs, drones, IR detection, body armour) and not safir jeeps and Toyotas. Islamic Jihad and Hamas and Iraqi PMUs are far better armed than our own soldiers.

These are criticism I have said for a long time that several members here brushed off in their quest to paint a “everything is fine” picture. Iran has a long way to go to modernize its military into a full war machine.

The average conscript in Artesh is at a huge disadvantage training wise compare to a US soldier, Israeli Soldier, NATO soldier, etc. don’t look at NOHED or IRGC full time units those are fewer and far between. The average Iranian soldier like @Hack-Hook said gets some brief training then sent to stand around and guard somewhere for 18 months. If you are lucky it’s an embassy or a well guarded military base deep inside Iran. If you are not lucky it’s the border or Baluchistan, the guirella and drug trafficking hotbed of Iran.

I think Russia showed what happens when you send poorly trained conscripts to war. They end up dead very quickly.
Dude many countries spend billions dollars to have influence in other countries from colonialist Western countries to countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc... These money is a part defence budget and they are not comparable to the money that other countries spend to have influence in other countries

If Iran doesn't spend for her allies in her region it should fight against her enemies inside her boarders and it will lose her leverage and power against her enemies and rivals in her region
.چراغی که به منزل رواست به مسجد حرام است​
you were not there , I have lived tyhere for 17 month and knew the depth of disaster far better than anyone on this forum .
The average conscript in Artesh is at a huge disadvantage training wise compare to a US soldier, Israeli Soldier, NATO soldier, etc. don’t look at NOHED or IRGC full time units those are fewer and far between. The average Iranian soldier like @Hack-Hook said gets some brief training then sent to stand around and guard somewhere for 18 months. If you are lucky it’s an embassy or a well guarded military base deep inside Iran. If you are not lucky it’s the border or Baluchistan, the guirella and drug trafficking hotbed of Iran.
let me make it clear how the conscript soldiers aere sent in those remote area.
the soldier sent to zahedan , there the select the brightest of the bunch for themselves and the ones they don't want to a city like Saravan , there the commander line them and choose the ones who look sharper or have any skill for himself , then they are divided between border post and remote barracks , in short the ones who no one wanted and had no skill and mainly come from remote area and had no life experience or anything would have been sent to those remote area , they receive very minimal training in how to stand and how to march beautifully , they receive nearly zero security training , they don't knew how to use their weapon effectively .
they are just some gullible youngster who don't knew zero thing about dangers and reality of those area.
let just put one example here one timw when i was there a group of them were sent for an ambush on some traficker and guess what , at night it become cold and they made a fire at night on the mountain that overlooked the road in open and made tea.
or as i said once abdolmalek wear military clothes and with a non marked vehicle went to a border post and said i came from zahedan and then they let him in without asking for any identification and he lined every one i the post on context of wanted to see how they are ready and after unarmed and gathered all unarmed in the courtyard he and his companion raise their gun and take them hostage and take them to their base in pakistan
.چراغی که به منزل رواست به مسجد حرام است​
you were not there , I have lived tyhere for 17 month and knew the depth of disaster far better than anyone on this forum .
خب ابله اگه نیروهای ما توی منطقه نبود دیگه عربستان و شیخای خلیج فارس ازمون حساب نمیبرن

بعد اگه ایران حزب الله رو تجهیز نمیکرد شاید اسرائیل و امریکا خیلی راحت تر به ایران حمله میکردن و تمام زیرساختای ایرانو از جنوب تا شمال میزدن

مگه انگلیسی ها جنگ جهانی اول ایرانو اشغال نکردن و نصف جمعیت ایرانی ها مردن

ایران برای دفاع مجبوره از نیروهای شبه نظامیش توی منطقه حمایت بکنه که این بودجه در برابر بودجه ای که امریکایی ها و اسرائیلی ها برای نظامی گری و خرابکاری توی کشورهای ديگه میکنن شاید هیچه

بعد پستای منو نقل قول نکن. تو دروغگو ترین و احمق ترین آدمی هستی که تا حالا توی فروم های ایرانی و خارجی دیدم ! 🤮🤢🤢
What kind of equipment these border guards have? Is there a list or something?
Dude many countries spend billions dollars to have influence in other countries from colonialist Western countries to countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, etc... These money is a part defence budget and they are not comparable to the money that other countries spend to have influence in other countries

If Iran doesn't spend for her allies in her region it should fight against her enemies inside her boarders and it will lose her leverage and power against her enemies and rivals in her region

Spot on. Some people are too obtuse to acknowledge how Iran's backing of allies in the region serves her own security as much as that of the communities Iran is supporting therewith.

Simply put, the Islamic Republic's regional architecture of alliances is one of three or four paramount instruments of deterrence wielded against powerful existential enemies, on par with the nuclear program and the massive missile arsenal. Which is precisely why the USA regime always planned to negotiate follow-on deals to the JCPOA, in order to neutralize the effect of Iran's ballistic missiles as well as to have Iran end any and all meaningful support for partners throughout the region.

None of these individuals seems to have asked themselves the obvious question why Washington, Tel Aviv and Brussels have been so insistent in their demand that the Islamic Republic halt military assistance to its allies if said assistance was indeed nothing but a burden to Iran rather than a guarantee against foreign aggression.

You correctly pointed it out, had it not been for Iran's support to HezbOllah, to the Palestinian Resistance and so on, then the enemy wouldn't be confining its provocations to occasional hit and run attacks by terrorist proxies based across Iran's borders, nor to sabotage operations which have blatantly failed to alter the balance of power. No, they would have acted far more aggressively on the military front and would have been enabled to take a major step towards downright, full fledged military aggression. Then Iran would probably not be giving less than fifteen or so martyrs a year from among her border guards, but several times that number.

Simply put, Iranian backing of the Resistance is serving several simultaneous purposes, one of which undeniably is Iran's own security, stability and territorial integrity. Every person with basic observation and analytical skills ought to be readily discerning this. Instead, some prefer to invoke "Persian" versus "non-Persian blood" as factors of concern to the Islamic Republic, as if the Iranian leadership was motivated by racialist considerations like those who make these comments appear to be themselves. A classic case of projection.

As for the obligatory "armchair general" type of comments, they emanate from users who lack actual expertise in this area but speak based on anecdotal experience and/or on a viewpoint informed by political bias, restricted to a handful of cherry-picked, random elements but oblivious to scores of hypothetical alternate explanations. Which inevitably results either in emotive sloganeering ("the IR doesn't value the blood of Iranian citizens"), or in shallow commentary with a pretense of punditry.

Rest assured that the same users who asser Hamas are better equipped than Iranian forces, would be holding the exact opposite discourse had they claimed to be speaking for the Palestinians; i.e. they would be blaming Iran for not "sending enough military aid" to Hamas hence the latter's toll of martyrs at each new round of zionist military aggression (which for reasons stemming from the vastly different nature of the respective forms of conflict, exceeds losses of Iranian border guards, something that doesn't seem to have occurred to the users in question).

Likewise, some commenters seem to believe that the partial, incomplete knowledge a conscript may gain access to during his military service, is somehow sufficient to draw far reaching conclusions about the way Iran is policing her borders, the limitations and choices she is facing in this regard and so on and so forth. I also cannot but sense a tinge of disdain towards our border guards, who are practically portrayed as incompetent, naive adolescents structurally incapable of living up to the requirements of the task at hand. Of course the narrative is then spun so as to blame government and military officials, who are accused of eagerly sending these recruits to their deaths for some bizarre reason none of the users could offer a rational explanation for, but the deprecatory take on regular Iranian border troops remains an intangible subset of this discourse.
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خب ابله اگه نیروهای ما توی منطقه نبود دیگه عربستان و شیخای خلیج فارس ازمون حساب نمیبرن

بعد اگه ایران حزب الله رو تجهیز نمیکرد شاید اسرائیل و امریکا خیلی راحت تر به ایران حمله میکردن و تمام زیرساختای ایرانو از جنوب تا شمال میزدن

مگه انگلیسی ها جنگ جهانی اول ایرانو اشغال نکردن و نصف جمعیت ایرانی ها مردن

ایران برای دفاع مجبوره از نیروهای شبه نظامیش توی منطقه حمایت بکنه که این بودجه در برابر بودجه ای که امریکایی ها و اسرائیلی ها برای نظامی گری و خرابکاری توی کشورهای ديگه میکنن شاید هیچه

بعد پستای منو نقل قول نکن. تو دروغگو ترین و احمق ترین آدمی هستی که تا حالا توی فروم های ایرانی و خارجی دیدم ! 🤮🤢🤢;/
another impolite person with no matter who is afraid of insult others in the language of the forum he post
you really showed your family upbringing .
and no iran for defence don't have to arm other countries better than itself.

show me a single other country that had to am others better than itself for defense.
you can't and others who laughed when the situation at borders described to you showed your true nature that how you guys really care about Iran and Iranian life . you bunch are nothing but some traitor to motherland. you can go and masturbate to the dream of su-35 and Russia actually care about you. you guys just some immature youngster with no knowledge of history that have forgotten what our country have faced in last century and we only can rely on ourself not this bought allies and countries that dream on another Qajar era relation.
have you forget what one of these supposed allies did in Al-Qussair just around 10 years ago
Spot on. Some people are too obtuse to acknowledge that Iran's backing of allies in the region serves her own security as much as that of the communities Iran is supporting therewith.
the allies who told Isis how our trainer teach them and what to expect in Syria when facing Iranian forces ?
Not one of these people seems to have asked themselves the obvious question why Washington, Tel Aviv and Brussels have been so insistent on demanding a halt to Iran's assistance to her allies, if said assistance was indeed nothing but a burden to Iran rather than a firm guarantee against foreign aggression?
and you failed to answer why Iran allies must be armed better than Iranian soldiers themselves .
You correctly pointed it out, had it not been for Iran's support to HezbOllah, to the Palestinian Resistance and so on, then the enemy wouldn't be confining its provocations to occasional hit and run attacks by terrorist proxies stationed across the border in neighboring countries, nor to sabotage operations which have blatantly failed to alter the balance of power to their benefit.
what did Hamas did in the Syria crisis to our forces when they were bought by UAE , do you dare tell the youngsters here what happened there
Simply put, Iranian backing of the Resistance serves several aims at once and one of these, undeniably, is Iran's own security, stability and territorial integrity.
iran security and territorial integrity only come from the powers within not these fickle allies who can be bought by higher bidder.
you guys left and right say Wahhabism this and Wahhabism that , but when it come to pale3stine you close your eyes and don't see how extreme those guys are.
As for the obligatory "armchair general" types of comments, they are typical of users who lack actual expertise in this area and speak based on anecdotal evidence and/or on a viewpoint informed by political bias, confined to a handful of cherry-picked factors but oblivious to the many hypothetical alternate explanations out there, which inevitably results either in sloganeering directed at readers' emotions ("the IR does not value the blood of its Iranian citizens"), or in pseudo-punditry masquerading as technical mastery of the subject matter.
arm chair general vs .....
please explain your expertise.
Rest assured that the same users who claim Hamas are better equipped than Iranian forces, would be holding the exact opposite discourse had they claimed to be speaking for the Palestinians; i.e. they would be blaming Iran for not "sending enough military aid" to Hamas hence the latter's toll of martyrs at each new round of zionist military aggression
if you mean me please show a post of me that said we must Sen anything to them and did not considered them as backstabbers and traitors
Likewise, some commenters seem to believe that they partial, incomplete information a conscript may gain access to during his military service, is somehow sufficient to draw far reaching conclusions about the way Iran is policing her borders, the limitations and choices she is facing in this regard, and so on and so forth. I also cannot but sense a tinge of disdain towards our border guards, who are practically portrayed as incompetent, naive adolescents structurally incapable of living up to the requirements of their task. Of course the narrative is then spun so as to blame government and military officials, who are accused of eagerly sending these recruits to their deaths for some bizarre reason that none of the users could offer a rational explanation for, but a subset of this propaganda discourse remains this deprecatory take on regular Iranian border troops.
as it said i was an officer in that exact same area and the 4th top ranking officer at the area so be assured I knew what is it there far better than you guys who live abroad . my training was different from these poor conscripts , it consisted of commanding force and intelligence and security . in all my training only two hours was spent on the useless how beautifully walk in front of higher ranks nonsense that took up to 90% of the soldiers training time.

so in short don't talk about anything you have no clue , I have been there and i saw what is the situation there
آرزوی هر کشوری هست که در کشورهای دیگه نفوذ داشته باشه.

کلا اولین نشانه ی قدرتمند شدن این هست که دیگران را بتوانی تحت تاثیر قرار دهی.

غیر از آن فکر میکنید اگر مثلا عربستان در جنگ یمن گیر نمیکرد وارد جنگ با ایران نمیشد؟
در واقع ایران با کمترین هزینه ی ممکن و بدون دادن تلفات خودی دشمنش را زمین زده. همه هم به خاطر این فعالیت های منطقه ای بوده.

اگر ما در باکو مانند عراق یک گروه شبه نظامی قدرتمند داشته باشیم کسی جرات میکند علیه ایران فعالیت بکند؟

همین مشکل مرزی که با افغانستان و پاکستان داریم هم اگه نفوذ مناسب در این کشورها داشتیم اتفاق نمی افتاد
the allies who told Isis how our trainer teach them and what to expect in Syria when facing Iranian forces ?

The allies who are keeping the enemy busy on its borders. Iranian support for the Islamic Resistance in Palestine has been a thorn in the zionist regime's side, has thrown a monkey wrench in zionist plans for unchallenged hegemony and anyone claiming otherwise is but a lame propagandist.

There are ups and downs in a relationship like this. The challenge introduced by the Syrian conflict has been successfully overcome.

and you failed to answer why Iran allies must be armed better than Iranian soldiers themselves .

Over-used and hollow catch phrase, incitement against Iran's system of alliances in line with the zionist and NATO agenda. Words straight out of the BBC's / Manoto's / Zionist International's lexicon of fallacies.

Also the working relationship between Iran and Palestinian factions against zionist occupiers has never been interrupted, including at the height of the war in Syria. Two parties can see eye to eye on a given topic while failing to do so on another. This complexification of international relations is actually a hallmark of the contemporary international system. Cold War style, cleanly separate (in appearance), rigidly delineated binary blocs are a thing of the past.

what did Hamas did in the Syria crisis to our forces when they were bought by UAE , do you dare tell the youngsters here what happened there

The benefits have outweighed the negatives by a heavy margin.

iran security and territorial integrity only come from the powers within not these fickle allies who can be bought by higher bidder.

No, the Axis of Resistance is an absolute centerpiece of Iranian deterrence. One of three or four comparable tools in Iran's arsenal. Hence why the enemy has been absolutely hell bent on disrupting Iran's ties to her allies. The war on Syria itself intended to serve this very goal.

you guys left and right say Wahhabism this and Wahhabism that , but when it come to pale3stine you close your eyes and don't see how extreme those guys are.

More confused, irrelevant rhetoric.

arm chair general vs .....
please explain your expertise.

I make no such claims. Hence why I refuse to jump to far fetched conclusions at every news report of this kind.

if you mean me please show a post of me that said we must Sen anything to them and did not considered them as backstabbers and traitors

@tsunset : Voyez à présent ce que je veux dire? Are you still considering the opinions voiced by this user to be reflective of Iran's principled core policies? Or rather of those implemented by Iran's adversaries, one of whose main objectives has always been to undermine and dismantle the Iranian-led Axis of Resistance, as you certainly know?

as it said i was an officer in that exact same area and the 4th top ranking officer at the area so be assured I knew what is it there far better than you guys who live abroad . my training was different from these poor conscripts , it consisted of commanding force and intelligence and security . in all my training only two hours was spent on the useless how beautifully walk in front of higher ranks nonsense that took up to 90% of the soldiers training time.

so in short don't talk about anything you have no clue , I have been there and i saw what is the situation there

Just refrain from passing off selective anecdotal tidbits conditioned by political bias as comprehensive in-depth research on the topic. From the top of my head, I could think of at least five points highlighting why it would be far fetched to draw generalizing inferences from the stories you related. Rants like these however are of no interest to me, they serve an obvious political agenda which I'm not going to entertain so you might as well stop quoting me.
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