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Iranian Chill Thread

He was probably talking about his associates which informed him of the situation. He cannot confirm anything, he is just brief by his staff and his staff is in contact with highest level intelligence services. It became clear to me this is more than just "hysteria" and not about foreign enemy either.

That theory, though possible, means high ranking team of agents intoxicated a mass including their own believers and children of mullahs and IRGC.

Of course if that happens, it will leak and they will get fucked.

A possibility for some cases but I still think fear and hysteria is the cause of %90 plus of cases. This is what I heard from medical staff involved.

We may have mixed causes. Some hysteria and some high schooler gimmicks and fart bombs and rarely true attacks.

I still doubt mixed gas theory with no positive chemistry test and no response to Atropine.

به گزارش مشرق، مهدی محمدی طی یادداشتی در کانال تلگرامی خود نوشت:
۱- بر اساس آنچه تا اینجا می دانیم حداقل با ۵ نوع رویداد متفاوت مواجهیم که همه آنها به طور فله ای مسمومیت دانش آموزان نامیده شده: یک-درصد بسیار کمی کشف مواد تحریک کننده دستگاه تنفس دو-مشاهده عوارض تنفسی بدون کشف هر نوع محرک، عمدتا ناشی از استشمام بوهایی با منشا نامشخص یا نامربوط
۲- سه-مشاهده عوارض تنفسی بدون استشمام هرگونه بو و صرفا در اثر استرس چهار-به هم ریختگی در مدرسه بدون وجود هیچ عارضه تنفسی و صرفا در اثر شایعه و پنج-مواردی هم وجود دارد که اساسا در مدرسه هیچ اتفاقی نیفتاده و خبر نادرست منتشر شده است.
۳- برخلاف اظهارات کم دقت برخی مسئولین، با پدیده ای کاملا واقعی مواجهیم که کلیت آن یک طراحی پیچیده امنیتی است و مجری یا مجریانی دارد که باید آنها را یافت. عدم مشاهده مواد مسموم کننده در درصد بسیار بالایی از کیس ها، به هیچ وجه از شدت 'واقعی' یا 'تروریستی'بودن مسئله نمی کاهد.
۴- پیچیدگی مسئله در همین است که دشمن با کمترین مقدار عملیات فیزیکی، و با ابزارهای روانی ‌و شناختی، آسیب و عوارض فیزیکی تولید کرده است. این یعنی ژنتیک عملیات امنیتی علیه ایران در حال تغییر است و فناوری های شناختی در آن به اندازه فناوری های دیگر و کاملا واقعی به کار گرفته می شود.
۵- اینکه شما نمی توانید به سادگی تروریست را کف خیابان یا در دوربین ها ببینید، به هیچ وجه به معنای این نیست که عملیات تروریستی نیست. از قضا این یعنی ماهیت عملیات بسیار پیچیده شده و تروریست جایی ایستاده و به نحوی عمل می کند که با 'عادت های امنیتی' ما همخوان نیست.
۶- بدون ورود به جزئیات، این مقدار قطعی است که در مواجهه با این نسل جدید از عملیات های امنیتی، باید یک راهبرد مردم پایه داشت و ابزارهای انتظامی و امنیتی را به عنوان مکمل به کار گرفت. چنین عملیات هایی وقتی خنثی می شود که توان آرام سازی و متقاعد سازی جامعه وجود داشته باشد.
۷- اینکه چطور می توان یک جامعه تحت حمله را آرام نگهداشت یا متقاعد کرد واقعا ساده نیست. داستان با تولید روایت همدلانه، ارائه شواهد معتبر و خلق تکیه گاه برای مردم شروع می شود اما در اینجا متوقف نمی ماند.
۸- یک فرد می تواند روایت شما از مثلا ماهیت یا منشا مسمومیت ها را نپذیرد نه به این دلیل که واقعا شواهدی برخلاف آن دارد بلکه به این دلیل که مثلا از قیمت ارز آسیب دیده و در تنگنای اقتصادی کلافه شده است. اقناع اجتماعی بسیار پیچیده تر و چند وجهی تر از آن است که به رسانه محدود شود.
۹- از حیث روان شناسی فردی نیز یک دانش آموز در مدرسه اگر مجموعا شرایط را قابل اعتماد بداند شاید کمتر تحت تاثیر شایعه انتشار یک بوی غریب قرار بگیرد تا وقتی که در خانه یا در جمع دوستان به این نتیجه رسیده باشد که اوضاع آشفته است. شایعه پذیری بیش از هر چیز به نبود اعتماد مرتبط است.
۱۰- با اینکه شبکه های اجتماعی نقشی مهم در خلق و انتشار روایت ها بازی می کنند اما تقلیل بحران به پروژه رسانه ای، کمال ساده اندیشی است. اکنون اینترنت به دلایل امنیتی محدودیت های مهمی دارد اما باز می بینیم که دشمن قادر ایجاد یک 'بحران روانی' است و در اینجا بسی درس های مهم هست.
۱۱-این مشخصا بدین معناست که زیرساخت شبکه های اجتماعی بخشی از داستان بسیار بزرگ و پیچیده جنگ شناختی است نه تمام آن؛ و احتمالا ابزارهای مخرب تعبیه شده در این شبکه ها 'عمدتا' در یک بستر اجتماعی ملتهب است که بدل به 'پدیده امنیتی' می شود.
۱۲-و از این مهم تر، این پروژه نشان می دهد در یک جامعه ملتهب می توان حتی با شبکه های اجتماعی محدود شده، بحران امنیتی با منشا روانی خلق کرد و آن را توسعه داد.
۱۳- من بسیار امیدوارم درس های امنیتی این وقایع به درستی آموخته شود. ما به همان اندازه که به تولید امنیت از طریق تولید قدرت نیاز داریم، به تولید امنیت از طریق تولید اعتماد و محبوبیت نیز نیازمندیم و از قضا در این نبرد امنیتی جدید، نیاز دوم ضروری تر و فوری تر است.
۱۴- پس از آشوب های پاییز این سخنان گفته شد اما چنانکه شایسته بود نه فقط به آن توجه نشد بکه برخی به تصور اینکه کار تمام است، به روش های نادرست پیشین در تحریک جامعه و تشدید تضادهای اجتماعی بازگشتند. واقعا امیدوارم بالاخره برخی دوستان خوب ما چیزی را که باید بیاموزند، بیاموزند.​
How come no teacher was sick? No video of any teacher yet

Rotten egg can cascade tbe hysteric episode though and they may even go to ICU.

Mixed gas theory:
How come there is no Atropine response? No positive methemoglobin or others.
Sad for you . In Yasouj two teacher were admitted. With the same signs. Along with bunch of students.

Funny part . You didn't get fooled But interior minister and several province governor and several medical university dean and police in some province get fooled and pranked.

Shortness of breath and paralysis and poisoning symptoms are top symptoms of hysteria as well.

Admission proves nothing. Hysteric girls can be admitted. You talk of admission as if it proves your point.

We have heard of no positive tests for a gas. No response to atropine.

Finally we might be seeing a mix of few true attacks with a lot of hysteria attacks.

There are true reports of students burning Amoxicillin capsules to mimic an attack and go home.
Atropine is antidote for Organo phosphate not a general antidote for every thing. And what you say is mass hysteria all over the country. And no hysteria don't explain the situation . And no if it was burning amoxicillin or rotten egg it would have discovered very soon .
When dams are only filled for 48% that's mean 52% of their capacity is empty ... It's very very bad news and we are still in winter ...

These days I missed independent free Iranian member of old time
This year we had more snow than rain . So you must expect one or two month from now the situation of dams get better.

Too easy to pretend after having been exposed as a peddler of gutter level fake news. If the goal is to trap one's opponents by deliberately feigning to endorse a report one knows is fake, then what one will tend to do is to choose or even write up a story in line with opposite narratives, not with one's own. This way, after adversaries repeat the claims they'll lose credibility once the bogus nature of said claims is revealed. But if the story is actually in line with one's personal views the effect is largely neutralized. So the above video reeks of shaky damage control.

Interestingly, this person is sporting what may be zionist and masonic symbols in their program. When there's only one, we usually dismiss it as a coincidence but when there are two or more it warrants caution. Namely, the hexagon in the background (look at the inner shape of a so-called star of David, it's a hexagon) coupled with the pyramid icon at the bottom left of the screen which appears or used to appear before (the pyramid being an obvious freemason symbol).

What's more, this subject themself proclaimed a few months ago that two out of about twelve founding members of their group are Jewish, including the group's current main thinker, a person who chooses to illustrate his Twitter page with a representation of Niccolò Machiavelli, emblematic figure of western political thought known for his rejection of any notion of ethics in governance, a concept largely alien to Iranian political culture including in pre-Islamic times. Machiavelli happens to be a favorite of American zionist neoconservatives too, as exemplified by the book on Machiavelli authored by prominent anti-Iranian neocon Michael Ledeen.

After Dana stated that his foremost associate is Jewish, viewers of his program started discussing the information. As a result of which Dana reversed his statement and invited the person in question to a follow up show, where the latter then claimed he is born to Moslem parents. Now here's the question: what are the odds that you'd be mistaken about the religious background of one of your closest collaborators you've been working with for more than fifteen years, on topics that involve religion among others?

Dana claimed to have been in contact with and publicly praises Parviz Sabeti, the former leading SAVAK official who apart from presumably hailing from a family of Haifan Baha'is and possible crypto-Jews, is reported to have been in charge of SAVAK / Mossad's stay-behind network in Iran. That network in turn has been handling major nofuzis, infiltrated agents of influence and sabotage working against the Islamic Republic from within the system.

Not to mention how Dana is whitewashing murderers of police and security forces as "heroes", encouraging instability and organized armed attacks against the Islamic Republic, and regularly calling on people to physically assault and murder any person who will non-violently and peacefully remind the dress code rules to those who violate it. This is in fact perfectly illicit including in western countries but YouTube tolerates it because this sort of incitement directly plays into the hands of the USA, zionist and EU regimes and their plots against the Iranian nation.

Dana is also on the record for stating that a balkanized, dismantled Iran is preferable to one enacting sharia law, and also that he prefers westernization and liberalism over Islam (a tendency historically shared with lots of so-called "nationalists" all the way back to Taqizade, who in fact are westernized liberals, islamophobic secularists and zionists dissimulated under a garb of pseudo-nationalism).

He participated in the attempt to trivialize "I'SIS terror attacks after the Shah Cheraq incident, pretending it had been facilitated by government authorities. The enemy needed its stooges to proceed in such a way, so that if the government were to face large scale armed insurgency, which would automatically lead to groups such as "I"SIS making their appearance much like in Syria, people would keep blaming the government and not the opposition and their zio-American backers who would've instigated the chaos in the first place. In short, this is a tactic to ensure that even "I"SIS or MKO attacks wouldn't deter rioters from pressing on with their attempts to destabilize the Islamic Republic, even though it's precisely actions like these which would tend to busy security forces and thus make it easier for the likes of "I"SIS, MKO and separatist terrorists to enter the fray.

To top it off, Dana explicitly advocated turning Iran into a hub for prostitution catering to international tourists. This is not the discourse of a nationalis but sophistry serving the agenda of Iran's existential enemies. Hence why he's authorized by EU regimes to post his show on western-controlled "social media". Had western regimes deemed it to be contrary to their anti-Iranian interests, they'd have arranged for it to be censored.
So at least you guys decided that Dana is not in khodi circle . Recall when he was one of the favorites and I said he talk nonsense how he was defended here.
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Your experience is limited to your very small echo chamber. Ergo you be wrong mate.
But most people are not happy with how the country is ran in how they can't buy a house a shitty car . How every day prices rise how some people seems to have redder blood and many such things
But most people are not happy with how the country is ran in how they can't buy a house a shitty car . How every day prices rise how some people seems to have redder blood and many such things
People outside of Iran, they don't understand what is like when 3000 toman = 1 Canadian dollar and now it is 36000 = 1 Canadian dollar in less than 10 years.
So at least you guys decided that Dana is not in khodi circle . Recall when he was one of the favorites and I said he talk nonsense how he was defended here.

I still say he wasn't talking that much nonsense prior to his 180 degree turnabout vis à vis the Islamic Republic. Though some of his views I never endorsed, and if you remember I was critical as necessary, like when he misrepresented the positions of the clergy towards the JCPOA (maraje' he claimed, although every cleric he cited was not a marja', you'll probably recall that thread).

I've been suspicious of his ulterior motives from the outset and was well aware that such a turncoat move was potentially in the cards (I personally used to give it a 50% chance). But why should I denounce someone as long as their work is beneficial to the Revolution? Conversely, why should I continue speaking favorably of them when they become hostile to the Revolution like the MKO did in 1981? Not responsible for a stranger's political whims but will adapt my judgement accordingly.
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That theory, though possible, means high ranking team of agents intoxicated a mass including their own believers and children of mullahs and IRGC.

Of course if that happens, it will leak and they will get fucked.

The Leader's intervention shred to pieces all the pathetic conspiracy theories incriminating the Islamic Republic. If intoxication turns out to be the cause, which as you said would not be mutually exclusive with numerous simultaneous instances of MPI, then my second hypothesis remains plausible: either Iran's existential zio-American enemies acted directly on their own, or used agents planted amidst public institutions.

The other hypothesis, that of a fringe grouplet of highly resourceful "Taleban-like religious extremists" in the security services with no connections to abroad acting rogue is unrealistic for several reasons:

1) How come we've never heard of such a current before? Is it supposed to have taken shape spontaneously?
2) It must have had access to highly sophisticated means allowing its members to concoct substances which medical research teams across the country have failed to identify after weeks. Needless to say, it's unlikely such a thing could take place under the radar of Iranian intelligence unless powerful foreign services involved themselves in support of these purported domestic elements.
3) You can't be this dumb to mount an operation that is all but synonymous with shooting the Islamic Republic in the foot. It's too blatantly in line with the agenda of foreign enemies. The latter have certainly been busy trying to fabricate pretexts for renewed disturbances in Iran, and this is like tailored to suit such a sinister objective. Which in turn implies that any theoretical domestic element responsible for this would have to be hostile towards the Revolution and the political order. Which again would beg the question how likely it is that such an element would have remained unnoticed by security agencies if deprived of significant foreign assistance? Not likely at all is the obvious answer.

We can also look at the issue from a different angle. Doesn't it tend to evoke episodes like the Kashmiri and Sa'id Emami affairs? In said affairs, nofuzi networks of the highest order had been at play, using infiltrated agents to either conduct terrorist attacks against high ranking officials (Kashmiri) or, seemingly more akin to the topic at hand, commit serial killings of writers, intellectuals and retired political activists who posed no threat to the stability of the government, the goal being to have people blame Iran's security services and political leadership as well as to delegitimize the latter with the broader public. IRGC intelligence achieved to uncover the plot.

An interesting aspect in this regard is the fact that well documented analysts in Iran have spoken about the handlers of these nofuzi networks, and identified these networks as part of the Mossad stay-behind (comparable to NATO's Gladio) consisting of infiltrators who prior to the Revolution had been secretly recruited by SAVAK (hence why in confiscated SAVAK documents they were referred to by numbers only, never by any names) and who, while claiming to oppose the monarchy, were in fact working for its security apparatus and the latter's foreign patrons. So that after the Revolution, they would infiltrate the Islamic Republic as civil servants or officials and conduct undercover spying, sabotage and false flag operations. Equally interesting is how analysts have thus underscored that these nofuzis are being handled from abroad by Mossad and/or the likes of the CIA, via these agencies' former men of choice in SAVAK.

One intriguing name has surfaced a couple of times in this regard: Parviz Sabeti, whom some authors believe to be of crypto-Jewish, Haifan Baha'i background and who's been cited as having been in charge of Mossad's hostile stay-behind network after 1979. This is the same SAVAKi division chief who was not just infamous for his brutality, but one who deliberately left the shadows just recently, with foreign-funded Persian language media embarking on a colorful PR campaign to try and whitewash his image with those back home gullible enough to listen to their propaganda. Parallel to this, we witnessed the incidents at girls' high schools. Was Sabeti's return into the spotlight a message from the zionists? Are they intending to go all out, to consume the cover of some of their top agents in return for continued disturbances they are so desperate to engineer in Iranian society? Food for thought.



Is there a meaning to the body language?
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But most people are not happy with how the country is ran in how they can't buy a house a shitty car . How every day prices rise how some people seems to have redder blood and many such things

‘Most people’ don’t throw themselves in the street as shills for the foreigner. ‘Most people’ need to be led to productive lives instead of begging for handouts and chicken scraps.
‘Most people’ should stand tall as their country advances while under withering attack.

Many of the ‘most people’ are carrying out this huge project. These golden ones are moving the Iranian juggernaut forward. I suggest you either join them, or follow them or get out of the way. Complaining about chicken is really low.

The juggernaut will steam ahead.
من حرف قبلیم رو به روز میکنم
مدارکی دیدم که تعداد معدودی معلم هم مسمومیت خفیف داشتند


Still consistent with MPI.

Those cases of adults affected are too few and far between. According to professor Simon Wesley, a psychiatrist and epidemiologist at King's College London:


Meaning that token adults here and there showing signs does not rule out mass hysteria and psychosis.

Wesley is one of several more western experts who believe it's mass psychosis rather than poisoning.

Blood tests of school girls unofficially sent to Alastair Hay, professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Leeds and a specialist on suspected chemical attacks, showed no traces of toxins either.

Read more here:

Notice the difference in tone between the English and Persian language services of the BBC. While the former's modus operandi has always consisted in packaging its lies in between some layers of truth, the latter is closer to the Pravda in the very late days of the Soviet Union. Different target audiences, different objectives. To the British regime, Iranians need to have their emotions whipped up and their reason anaesthetized, after all London's goal is to turn Iran into the next Syria using the mentally conditioned minority.
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Sad for you . In Yasouj two teacher were admitted. With the same signs. Along with bunch of students.

Funny part . You didn't get fooled But interior minister and several province governor and several medical university dean and police in some province get fooled and pranked.

Atropine is antidote for Organo phosphate not a general antidote for every thing. And what you say is mass hysteria all over the country. And no hysteria don't explain the situation . And no if it was burning amoxicillin or rotten egg it would have discovered very soon .

I corrected that in the last page. Few teachers have got sick.

Atropine is not giving any partial relief. There are lots of talks about mixed gas theory and organophosphate. No positive results in toxicology plus no methemoglobin and no response to atropine rules out main gases.

An ABG is leaked out in telegram and shows respiratory alkalosis consistent with hysterie.

خداییش وقتی علم الهدی با همه تندرویش دخترش رو تا دکترا فرستاده مدرسه و هنوز دانشگاه درس میده

چه گروه تندرویی میخواد به بچه ۷ ساله سم بده؟؟؟
Still consistent with MPI.

Those cases of adults affected are too few and far between. According to professor Simon Wesley, a psychiatrist and epidemiologist at King's College London:

View attachment 919183

Meaning that token adults here and there showing signs does not rule out mass hysteria and psychosis.

Wesley is one of several more western experts who believe it's mass psychosis rather than poisoning.

Blood tests of school girls unofficially sent to Alastair Hay, professor of environmental toxicology at the University of Leeds and a specialist on suspected chemical attacks, showed no traces of toxins either.

Read more here:

Notice the difference in tone between the English and Persian language services of the BBC. While the former's modus operandi has always consisted in packaging its lies in between some layers of truth, the latter is closer to the Pravda in the very late days of the Soviet Union. Different target audiences, different objectives. To the British regime, Iranians need to have their emotions whipped up and their reason anaesthetized, after all London's goal is to turn Iran into the next Syria using the mentally conditioned minority.
Today I had 6 patient with the symptoms (actually my hospital is not the first line for poisoning it's mainly a trauma center) and after two other hospital designed for such cases told They can't provide service anymore they send 6 for us.
One of the child even was not as tall as my waist band . I can't accept she was victim of mass hysteria specially when they all said the same story .they smelled something like vegetables before the symptoms .

خداییش وقتی علم الهدی با همه تندرویش دخترش رو تا دکترا فرستاده مدرسه و هنوز دانشگاه درس میده

چه گروه تندرویی میخواد به بچه ۷ ساله سم بده؟؟؟
There are sick People who do it and don't care .
and here I say such thing happened .I never said which group did it . In fact it's still unknown who did it and despite several arrest that happened still they are investigate it and no news about the people behind it get published .
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Today I had 6 patient with the symptoms (actually my hospital is not the first line for poisoning it's mainly a trauma center) and after two other hospital designed for such cases told They can't provide service anymore they send 6 for us.
One of the child even was not as tall as my waist band . I can't accept she was victim of mass hysteria specially when they all said the same story .they smelled something like vegetables before the symptoms .

MPI patients do claim perception of things such as odors, noises, visions and so on. Individuals from a same group, class or school will indeed make similar statements in this regard.

At the national level however, those affected in Iran haven't been consistent in their descriptions of the smell: press reports show in fact that a variety of olfactory experiences (factual or imagined) have been described. All is thus rather indicative of mass psychosis.
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