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Iranian Chill Thread

No toxic agents evidenced and none of those statements nor hospital admissions prove anything in this regard. Physical symptoms are a fundamental characteristic of MPI (Mass Psychotic Illness), they're part of its very definition.

Here's another "prank":

If schools were attacked then chances are suspects would've been sighted on more than one occasion given the number of occurrences, the location of schools in the middle of densely packed urban areas and the fact that events took place in broad daylight. When adult school personnel standing right next to the pupils is spared, it further sheds doubt on attack theories.

In Afghanistan the same phenomenon has been going on for no less than fourteen years with countless cases documented. Yet, when teams of experts from the United Nations were dispatched to investigate they found no poison. Western mainstream media are virtually unanimous it was mass hysteria, not the Taleban.

So rather than rehashing gossip when it comes to Iran, those who allege poisoning ought first to produce some concrete and verifiable proof. That some will adamantly try to pass their unsubstantiated claims off as facts while engaging in wild storytelling indicates they have an agenda. Enemies will be enemies, their exiled and domestic footmen will do what they're supposed to. Same old routine, so predictable it's boring.

They failed with their “zan, zendegi, azadi” narrative, so now plan B has been initiated.

Supposed poisoning of school girls… I’ve lost all hope for those who blindly believe such dumb narratives. Even if it’s actually “poison” then surely it wouldn’t be government sanctioned orders approving such a thing and other actors are involved. Or as one of our members here posted, some sort of “mass psychosis event”.
Impending water shortages, currency collapse and this schoolgirl story. All this against the background that there are already unrest and dissatisfied before. I think the setup represents a new wave of unrest. I hope this doesn't happen, but the West is obviously very determined to push through its project relentlessly in Iran. I think now a spark is missing again. I hope I am deeply wrong.
The only thing missing is that there are massive power outages or another trigger action happens.

I have long been missing in Iran for a strong man at the head of the populist inclination (to unite the population behind him) and then massively fight corruption, advance massive infrastructure projects (we actually need a millennium project, something like the Persian Gulf - Caspian Canal with many marine desalination plantsetc.) More justice in the legal system Reducing the gravity between rich and poor. That would be an announcement.
Impending water shortages, currency collapse and this schoolgirl story. All this against the background that there are already unrest and dissatisfied before. I think the setup represents a new wave of unrest. I hope this doesn't happen, but the West is obviously very determined to push through its project relentlessly in Iran. I think now a spark is missing again. I hope I am deeply wrong.
Just wait till the summer, it'll be there again and it will become the norm. This is the direction the country is heading.
The only thing missing is that there are massive power outages or another trigger action happens.
In the summer when their will be blackouts, sure. And the nation is so vulnerable, that simple attacks on the power grid and oil infastructure can cause major unrest.
I have long been missing in Iran for a strong man at the head of the populist inclination (to unite the population behind him) and then massively fight corruption, advance massive infrastructure projects (we actually need a millennium project, something like the Persian Gulf - Caspian Canal with many marine desalination plantsetc.) More justice in the legal system Reducing the gravity between rich and poor. That would be an announcement.
Some people want to delude that things are somehow getting better, but its not and will continue to be pulled in this direction. Worse off, their is no concrete plan on the way out. Any solutions to deal with unrest? or energy issues? Any solutions on corruption problems? Any permanent solutions for water, that proceeds at an acceptable pace? Nope.

The only thing that is happening is billions of dollars leaving the country into Europe and USA + Canada from rich people. If they really believed in Iran, they wouldn't take their money here.
I am in Iran now and people are shopping for the new year.
When I talk to them bout inflation and dollar they say they are used to it.
When I talk to them about schools they mostly say it is confusing and no one knows.

The recent unrest was a very definitive stress test for the country. The stability was preserved. I do not see a new fracture which was not there before.

While specific groups of people are pessimistic, the life is ongoing in Iran. People have different opinions just like what they felt before.

As someone present in 88 protests, the situation is a lot better than 88.
92 Flights From Israeli undefined Reveal Arms Exports to Azerbaijan
Israel has had a strategic alliance with Azerbaijan for the past two decades, and Israel sells the large Shi’ite-majority country weapons worth billions of dollars – and in return, Azerbaijan, per sources, supplies Israel with oil and access to Iran.

According to foreign media reports, Azerbaijan has allowed the Mossad to set up a forward branch to monitor what is happening in Iran, Azerbaijan’s neighbor to the south, and has even prepared an airfield intended to aid Israel in case it decides to attack Iranian nuclear sites. Reports from two years ago stated that the Mossad agents who stole the Iranian nuclear archive smuggled it to Israel via Azerbaijan. According to official reports from Azerbaijan, over the years Israel has sold it the most advanced weapons systems, including ballistic missiles, air defense and electronic warfare systems, kamikaze drones and more.

In 2017, Azerbaijan purchased advanced Hermes 900 drones from Elbit Systems and LORA ballistic missiles from IAI, with a range 430 kilometers. In 2018, Aliyev inaugurated the br where the LORA missiles are deployed, at a distance of about 430 kilometers from Yerevan, Armenia’s capital. During the war in 2020, at least one LORA missile was launched, and according to reports it hit a bridge that Armenia used to supply arms and equipment to its forces in Nagorno-Karabakh.

With a 430km range, Azerbaijan can strike Tehran with LORA ballistic missiles. It is increasingly clear that Azerbaijan is used as a Mossad base and will be used to assist Israel if they decide to launch airstrikes against Iran.
Regarding Zan Zendegi protests, it failed to bring bare minimum to the streets and unfortunately gave mullahs the feeling of security to not proceed with modifications.

The protesters could not even gather 1000 in a big city in one short video. Compare that to Pakistan or Israel or France with 100000 protestors.

Mullahs unfortunately did not correct head cover rules enough. I blame protestors because they poorly represented the majority.
I am in Iran now and people are shopping for the new year.
When I talk to them bout inflation and dollar they say they are used to it.
When I talk to them about schools they mostly say it is confusing and no one knows.

The recent unrest was a very definitive stress test for the country. The stability was preserved. I do not see a new fracture which was not there before.

While specific groups of people are pessimistic, the life is ongoing in Iran. People have different opinions just like what they felt before.

As someone present in 88 protests, the situation is a lot better than 88.
From my experience most people are not happy with the IR and the lack of social freedoms.

92 Flights From Israeli undefined Reveal Arms Exports to Azerbaijan

With a 430km range, Azerbaijan can strike Tehran with LORA ballistic missiles. It is increasingly clear that Azerbaijan is used as a Mossad base and will be used to assist Israel if they decide to launch airstrikes against Iran.
Hard to say if they modified them to be under 300km to be on terms with missile control treaties, but regardless it would have to be used very closely to the border of Iran to reach important areas of Iran, and it is certainly a threat, but a limited threat in terms of quantity.

They would likely only keep them for tactical use, rather than inside or near city use, because they know Iran can do 50x what they can do to their cities.

Regardless I hope this news is true. IR would be force to realize reality they've been denying.
From my experience most people are not happy with the IR and the lack of social freedoms.

Hard to say if they modified them to be under 300km to be on terms with missile control treaties, but regardless it would have to be used very closely to the border of Iran to reach important areas of Iran, and it is certainly a threat, but a limited threat in terms of quantity.

They would likely only keep them for tactical use, rather than inside or near city use, because they know Iran can do 50x what they can do to their cities.

Regardless I hope this news is true. IR would be force to realize reality they've been denying.

I am unhappy with mullahs. I want social freedom. I do not want religious rules.
Yet the last protest was not my type. It was going from bad to worse. A recipe for disaster.

Ask yourself why the majority unhappy did not come to the streets. I AM the majority.

The protesters themselves know how they were little in the streets.
I am unhappy with mullahs. I want social freedom. I do not want religious rules.
Yet the last protest was not my type. It was going from bad to worse. A recipe for disaster.

Ask yourself why the majority unhappy did not come to the streets. I AM the majority.

The protesters themselves know how they were little in the streets.
It was small, I presume some of the very anti-Islam sentiments was the cause along with fear. If it was an economic based protest, it could've been much larger with the participation of the bazaari's .

Over 80,000 prisoners pardoned in Iran on Supreme Leader’s order

Mohseni-Eje'i made the announcement in an interview with Ayatollah Khamenei’s website on Sunday.

He said those who have been granted amnesty include many people who were arrested in recent riots in the country, adding that the number of pardon cases could reach 90,000.

The judiciary chief said, however, that the pardons have not affected inmates who are behind bars because of complaints by private plaintiffs.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said last month that his government had been authorized to use the pardon power to release university students, cultural, sports and media figures who have been arrested because of their involvement in the riots.

Too easy to pretend after having been exposed as a peddler of gutter level fake news. If the goal is to trap one's opponents by deliberately feigning to endorse a report one knows is fake, then what one will tend to do is to choose or even write up a story in line with opposite narratives, not with one's own. This way, after adversaries repeat the claims they'll lose credibility once the bogus nature of said claims is revealed. But if the story is actually in line with one's personal views the effect is largely neutralized. So the above video reeks of shaky damage control.

Interestingly, this person is sporting what may be zionist and masonic symbols in their program. When there's only one, we usually dismiss it as a coincidence but when there are two or more it warrants caution. Namely, the hexagon in the background (look at the inner shape of a so-called star of David, it's a hexagon) coupled with the pyramid icon at the bottom left of the screen which appears or used to appear before (the pyramid being an obvious freemason symbol).

What's more, this subject themself proclaimed a few months ago that two out of about twelve founding members of their group are Jewish, including the group's current main thinker, a person who chooses to illustrate his Twitter page with a representation of Niccolò Machiavelli, emblematic figure of western political thought known for his rejection of any notion of ethics in governance, a concept largely alien to Iranian political culture including in pre-Islamic times. Machiavelli happens to be a favorite of American zionist neoconservatives too, as exemplified by the book on Machiavelli authored by prominent anti-Iranian neocon Michael Ledeen.

After Dana stated that his foremost associate is Jewish, viewers of his program started discussing the information. As a result of which Dana reversed his statement and invited the person in question to a follow up show, where the latter then claimed he is born to Moslem parents. Now here's the question: what are the odds that you'd be mistaken about the religious background of one of your closest collaborators you've been working with for more than fifteen years, on topics that involve religion among others?

Dana claimed to have been in contact with and publicly praises Parviz Sabeti, the former leading SAVAK official who apart from presumably hailing from a family of Haifan Baha'is and possible crypto-Jews, is reported to have been in charge of SAVAK / Mossad's stay-behind network in Iran. That network in turn has been handling major nofuzis, infiltrated agents of influence and sabotage working against the Islamic Republic from within the system.

Not to mention how Dana is whitewashing murderers of police and security forces as "heroes", encouraging instability and organized armed attacks against the Islamic Republic, and regularly calling on people to physically assault and murder any person who will non-violently and peacefully remind the dress code rules to those who violate it. This is in fact perfectly illicit including in western countries but YouTube tolerates it because this sort of incitement directly plays into the hands of the USA, zionist and EU regimes and their plots against the Iranian nation.

Dana is also on the record for stating that a balkanized, dismantled Iran is preferable to one enacting sharia law, and also that he prefers westernization and liberalism over Islam (a tendency historically shared with lots of so-called "nationalists" all the way back to Taqizade, who in fact are westernized liberals, islamophobic secularists and zionists dissimulated under a garb of pseudo-nationalism).

He participated in the attempt to trivialize "I'SIS terror attacks after the Shah Cheraq incident, pretending it had been facilitated by government authorities. The enemy needed its stooges to proceed in such a way, so that if the government were to face large scale armed insurgency, which would automatically lead to groups such as "I"SIS making their appearance much like in Syria, people would keep blaming the government and not the opposition and their zio-American backers who would've instigated the chaos in the first place. In short, this is a tactic to ensure that even "I"SIS or MKO attacks wouldn't deter rioters from pressing on with their attempts to destabilize the Islamic Republic, even though it's precisely actions like these which would tend to busy security forces and thus make it easier for the likes of "I"SIS, MKO and separatist terrorists to enter the fray.

To top it off, Dana explicitly advocated turning Iran into a hub for prostitution catering to international tourists. This is not the discourse of a nationalis but sophistry serving the agenda of Iran's existential enemies. Hence why he's authorized by EU regimes to post his show on western-controlled "social media". Had western regimes deemed it to be contrary to their anti-Iranian interests, they'd have arranged for it to be censored.
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ه گزارش خبرنگار سیاسی ایرنا، به‌ مناسبت روز درختکاری، حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای رهبر انقلاس اسلامی پیش از ظهر امروز (دوشنبه) در محوطه‌ دفتر رهبری نهال کاشتند.

ایشان در حاشیه این مراسم گفتند: مسئولین باید موضوع مسمومیت دانش‌آموزان را با جدیت دنبال کنند؛ این یک جنایت بزرگ و غیر قابل اغماض است. اگر مسمومیت دانش‌آموزان اثبات شود، باید عوامل این جنایت به اشد مجازات برسند. در مورد این افراد هیچ عفوی نخواهد بود

Impending water shortages, currency collapse and this schoolgirl story. All this against the background that there are already unrest and dissatisfied before. I think the setup represents a new wave of unrest. I hope this doesn't happen, but the West is obviously very determined to push through its project relentlessly in Iran. I think now a spark is missing again. I hope I am deeply wrong.
The only thing missing is that there are massive power outages or another trigger action happens.

I have long been missing in Iran for a strong man at the head of the populist inclination (to unite the population behind him) and then massively fight corruption, advance massive infrastructure projects (we actually need a millennium project, something like the Persian Gulf - Caspian Canal with many marine desalination plantsetc.) More justice in the legal system Reducing the gravity between rich and poor. That would be an announcement.

So your posts are summarizing the worst things (obvious even to the dimmest) that can happen ‘but you hope you are wrong’? Is that the gist of it….huh.

I frankly smell a whiff of you know what—otherwise you’re missing something very fundamental: ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ which is foundational to propaganda. Posting propaganda and then following it with ‘I hope it’s not true’ fits exactly in that.

Let see how you respond. Hopefully not with some variation of ‘freedom of speech’ or ‘I don’t see your point’. Hopefully with positivity and pointing to the bright light of the future.

Maybe you get to keep your avatar.

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