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Iranian Chill Thread

World's deadliest Sniper (700+)
Iranian A.ZARRIN (Known also as Khomaini's hunter!)

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Do you know almost All Rich people in Iran are regime thugs or have connection with it ...

So in the e d , they won't pay any tax or the regime will give them green light to take 10s of it from people ....
It's one step in the right path and it should be supported.

What is their intention I have no idea but if we want a better society we should raise our voice against wrong doings and encourage good steps.

One step towards fixing that damn budget is a good one .

Today I heard two people that were cleaning a single house for someone got payment of 20 million rials. ( 1 day 2 persons cleaning job ! )
We are so f***ed. This is only what they found now.

Theirs alot of hidden treasures inside Iran since its geography is rich with minerals and its borders are large. Theirs alot more areas they haven't even studied yet.
This report came on last week (see Infrastructure thread)..at the time I did not believe in actual numbers reported because Iranian reporters are very irresponsible with numbers...I am still waiting to see if a second source within Iranian Industry will confirm the numbers..If the numbers are correct then this would be a news item that should be announced by President of the IR...they are either unaware of the significance of the issue or the numbers are just being mis reported.
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This report came on last week (see Infrastructure thread)..at the time I did not believe in actual numbers reported because Iranian reporters are very irresponsible with numbers...I am still waiting to see if a second source within Iranian Industry will confirm the numbers..If the numbers are correct then this would be a news item that should be announced by President of the IR...they are either unaware of the significance of the issue or the numbers are just being mis reported.
While true their is misreporting from journalists who are not experts in the field, It is thoroughly believable. Theirs just about every mineral imaginable in Iran & probably Afghanistan, completely untapped.

The fact that the value of foreign direct investment in Iran is so low, shows that they are not willing to cheaply and exploitatively allow resources to be bought. Either fair prices, or we develop ourselves and sell at full price.

Look what they do to these poor African countries who have to sell their cobalt and minerals for pennies per pound.
While true their is misreporting from journalists who are not experts in the field, It is thoroughly believable. Theirs just about every mineral imaginable in Iran & probably Afghanistan, completely untapped.

The fact that the value of foreign direct investment in Iran is so low, shows that they are not willing to cheaply and exploitatively allow resources to be bought. Either fair prices, or we develop ourselves and sell at full price.

Look what they do to these poor African countries who have to sell their cobalt and minerals for pennies per pound.
Imagine if Iran was corporation..such a news if true would shoot up the stock price to the roof...in case of Iran...they reported it in some print in page 3 of a new paper...lol..meanwhile the biggest news in Iran..dollar exchange rate...F*ck the Rial should have gone way up...but thanks to Iranian way of reporting...not a change..
I find that this news, given the size, gets far too little attention. The whole world is going in the direction of electric (or at least a large part) and what has just been found in Iran is oil 2.0 for Iran.
This is a very worrying one.
Its just started trending in the western media within the last day or so.

Organophosphate based nerve agents,if this is in fact what these as yet unknown agents are,is certainly not something that your average terror group could come up with without some very specialized help.
Are you saying that US and Israel are now providing nerve toxins to attack Iranian civilians...weapons of mass destruction on civilian population...are they so desperate
You might not like what I will say, but I think theirs some rogue actor here in the establishment that has given this order. I've already heard suspects have been arrested and interviewed to no avail. They'll find out soon enough.
چطور میشه یک مدرسه رو مسموم کرد ولی بچه مذهبی هاش و بچه آخونداش مسموم نشن؟

Kindly have a look at the following links:

  • Afghanistan (2009–) – Starting around 2009, a spate of apparent poisonings at girls' schools across Afghanistan began to be reported, with symptoms including dizziness, fainting, and vomiting. The United Nations, World Health Organization and NATO's International Security Assistance Force carried out investigations of the incidents over multiple years, but never found any evidence of toxins or poisoning in the hundreds of blood, urine, and water samples they tested. The conclusion of the investigators was that the girls had a mass psychogenic illness.[55][56] Despite these findings, Afghan officials often blame the incidents on the Taliban, accusing them of contaminating the school's water supply or using poison gas.[56]









As you can see, the phenomenon of phobia-induced, socially contagious mass hysteria is much more common that one might have thought. Indeed it's been observed especially among adolescent school girls the world over, across countries of variable economic development belonging to different cultural-civilizational spheres.

Do no expect mainstream media to make any mention of it when it comes to Iran though. When it happens elsewhere, they'll adopt a scientific approach to the question. If Iran's concerned however, they along with the western- and zionist-backed opposition in exile - and even domestic liberals (reformists and moderates, as could be seen in some of the newspapers close to these currents) - will automatically try to suggest it's a case of "evil mullahs poisoning school girls because of their reactionary beliefs, and as a form of "revenge" against rebellious female pupils who displayed support for recent riots".

Interestingly, in the Afghan context western media and the UN were honest enough to shed light on the issue even though their reports ran counter to accusation leveled against the Taleban, very much identical to those targeting the Islamic Republic and/or pious Iranians today. This goes to illustrate how the zio-American empire's enmity against Iran tops their hostility to the likes of the Taleban. The Islamic Revolution is and remains their main adversary at the global scale, their absolute nemesis.

Nevermind the profound absurdity of this propaganda, which obfuscates the rather obvious facts that if individuals linked to the IR had been behind this, they'd be highly likely to avoid focusing on the holy city of Qom of all places; that among schoolgirls, there are daughters of government officials, of IRGC and Basij personnel, of religious Hezbollahi folk i.e. of the government's revolutionary support base; that the Islamic Republic, as opposed to its foreign enemies and Iranian opponents, has exactly zero interest in resorting to actions that may provoke popular discontent and unrest or which may tend to depict public authorities as incapable of sound governance; that tellingly enough, teenage pupils were the only ones to exhibit the symptoms - the illness spared teachers and school personnel who were present in the same classrooms or buildings.

The fact that neither the extensive medical tests carried out on affected schoolgirls nor the biological screening of the premises in question yielded any critical quantities of toxic or suspicious substances, as well as the inexistence of CCTV footage or witness sightings of a perpetrator, further tend to invalidate the hypothesis of some extremist fringe grouplet not linked to the Islamic Republic proceeding to spread poisonous agents at those schools.

Now let's consider the situation of the average teenage Iranian high school student in early 2023: not only have they witnessed last year's riots with the specific propaganda slogan ("woman, life, freedom"), debates about the economic environment but moreover they too are exposed directly or indirectly to the ravaging impact of non-stop psy-ops and propaganda by foreign-based Persian-language satellite broadcasters as well as social media. Under these conditions, their mood is bound to be rife with anxiety, creating ideal conditions for the manifestation of mass psychogenic symptoms.

Here's a truly interesting and well made presentation by Jedaal's Ali Alizadeh highlighting the probability of mass hysteria as the proper explanation:

Another plausible interpretation, in all theory, would be some sort of a secret weapon being tested by the USA regime on Afghan and Iranian children. But classic poisoning with substances appears unlikely, given that the culprits would surely have either left a track somewhere, would have been intercepted or at least been seen by a witness, at least once.
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Is this the famous salt mine in Garmsar? I have a member of my family that gone there, people told her that it was an ancient giant man that dug it with his bare hands (probably a joke i think), being there in real is much more impressive than the photos themselves

Yes it is Garmsar :D

If it is a joke then explain this :ashamed:


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In practice sanctions against Iran are far stricte. Until now Russia has not been subjected to the same obsessive type of sanctions regime by Washington and its stooges.

As an example, some Russian banks can still access SWIFT. Can any Iranian bank? Negative.

Other example: the USA regime is yet to enforce its illegal practice of extra-territorial sanctions applicability in a meaningful way against the Russian Federation. This is why third parties like India or China have hardly reduced their bilateral transactions with Russia despite western-imposed sanctions. EU regimes themselves are enforcing the sanctions in a rather rather lax way.

When it comes to Iran, the situation is very different. As apparent from the number of companies fined (to often hefty penalties) by the USA regime for conducting trade with Iran. Washington will not shy away from having its vassals arrest major executives for supposedly violating its illegal Iran sanctions, as in the case of Huawei's Wanzhou Meng, jailed for no less than three years by the Canadian regime. Of course these practices have a dissuasive effect on business with Iran. No equivalent measures were taken against Russia as of yet.

This is also a detail Ali Alizade was mistaken about in one of his recent videos, where he stated that western sanctions on Russia are more stringent. As a matter of fact it's definitely the opposite.

Few examples, as a reminder:






Of course the west has durably destroyed its political ties to Russia, which has resulted among other things in enhanced strategic cooperation between Tehran and Moscow.

So the above information is not meant to deny NATO mischief and aggression against Russia, but simply to illustrate the unparalleled, rabid degree of hostility shown by the USA regime against the Iranian nation, as well as to debunk certain narratives spewed by anti-Iranian sources in a hilarious attempt to downplay the weight of illegal anti-Iran sanctions by referencing maps that put Iran second instead of first in terms of number of sanctions (numbers of course tell only half of the story, as we just showed above).
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