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Iranian Chill Thread


bruh never laughed so hard

Btw the guy that wrote this is Iranian
Many things can be possible, technicall possible:

-Hypersonic Missile (99%)
-ICBM (90%)
-Nuclear Bomb (80%)
-Advanced Space industry (Advanced Sattelites and SLV) (70%)
-Iranian Father of all Bombs smaller version for Ballistic missiles (60%)

the thing is that Iran has not implemented everything that is technically feasible for Iran. For example, the range of missiles has always been limited because it was a conscious decision, or the construction of nuclear weapons, etc.
Iran has left many jokers open that can now be played.
I find it impressive how farsightedly and strategically Iran works with such things. Although Iran was technically capable of many things, it saved these jokers for the right moment and thus proved how much it is in control of the situation. This is a true sign of power and of how aware they are of their own capabilities, but also of the capabilities of their adversaries.

Iran could have pushed ahead with its nuclear program more quickly after the failure of the deal. The escalation of the individual steps was controlled and often comprehensible to the West. However, the work was deliberately done in small steps, so that after the end of the nuclear deal, the progress made over the long term could be seen as a slight background noise in the context of world political events. Similar to frogs that are boiled to death in slowly heating water.
I remember some six years ago at https://www.business-standard.com/a...bomb-which-dwarfs-us-moab-117091600579_1.html ... a report of an Iranian Father of all Bombs appeared.

I cite the following which captures it in a nutshell:-

... "Following a proposal by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Iran's Defense Industries manufactured 10-ton bombs. These bombs are at our disposal," Xinhua quoted IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh as saying.

"They can be launched from Ilyushin aircraft and they are highly destructive,"...

Anyone knows if this was carried through with, and if so, it would then presumably be the forebear of the above-mentioned smaller version for ballistic missiles.

Kindly have a look at the following links:

  • Afghanistan (2009–) – Starting around 2009, a spate of apparent poisonings at girls' schools across Afghanistan began to be reported, with symptoms including dizziness, fainting, and vomiting. The United Nations, World Health Organization and NATO's International Security Assistance Force carried out investigations of the incidents over multiple years, but never found any evidence of toxins or poisoning in the hundreds of blood, urine, and water samples they tested. The conclusion of the investigators was that the girls had a mass psychogenic illness.[55][56] Despite these findings, Afghan officials often blame the incidents on the Taliban, accusing them of contaminating the school's water supply or using poison gas.[56]









As you can see, the phenomenon of phobia-induced, socially contagious mass hysteria is much more common that one might have thought. Indeed it's been observed especially among adolescent school girls the world over, across countries of variable economic development belonging to different cultural-civilizational spheres.

Do no expect mainstream media to make any mention of it when it comes to Iran though. When it happens elsewhere, they'll adopt a scientific approach to the question. If Iran's concerned however, they along with the western- and zionist-backed opposition in exile - and even domestic liberals (reformists and moderates, as could be seen in some of the newspapers close to these currents) - will automatically try to suggest it's a case of "evil mullahs poisoning school girls because of their reactionary beliefs, and as a form of "revenge" against rebellious female pupils who displayed support for recent riots".

Interestingly, in the Afghan context western media and the UN were honest enough to shed light on the issue even though their reports ran counter to accusation leveled against the Taleban, very much identical to those targeting the Islamic Republic and/or pious Iranians today. This goes to illustrate how the zio-American empire's enmity against Iran tops their hostility to the likes of the Taleban. The Islamic Revolution is and remains their main adversary at the global scale, their absolute nemesis.

Nevermind the deep absurdity of this propaganda, which obfuscates the rather obvious facts that if individuals linked to the IR had been behind this, they'd be highly likely to avoid focusing on the holy city of Qom of all places; that among schoolgirls, there are daughters of government officials, of IRGC and Basij personnel, of religious Hezbollahi folk i.e. of the government's revolutionary support base; that the Islamic Republic, as opposed to its foreign enemies and Iranian opponents, has exactly zero interest in resorting to actions that may provoke popular discontent and unrest or which may tend to depict public authorities as incapable of sound governance.

The fact that neither the extensive medical tests carried out on affected schoolgirls nor the biological screening of the school premises in question yielded any critical quantities of toxic or suspicious substances, as well as the inexistence of CCTV footage or witness sightings of a perpetrator, further tend to invalidate the hypothesis of some extremist fringe grouplet not linked to the Islamic Republic proceeding to spread poisonous agents at those schools.

Now let's consider the situation of the average teenage Iranian high school student in early 2023: not only have they witnessed last year's riots with the specific propaganda slogan ("woman, life, freedom"), debates about the economic environment but moreover they too are exposed directly or indirectly to the ravaging impact of non-stop psy-ops and propaganda by foreign-based Persian-language satellite broadcasters as well as social media. Under these conditions, their mood is bound to be rife with anxiety, creating ideal conditions for the manifestation of mass psychogenic symptoms.

Here's a truly interesting and well made presentation by Jedaal's Ali Alizadeh highlighting the probability of mass hysteria as the proper explanation:

هیچ معلم و دبیری مسموم نشده؟
این چه گازیه پس که با معلمها کاری نداره
هیچ معلم و دبیری مسموم نشده؟
این چه گازیه پس که با معلمها کاری نداره

جناب هک هوک که هر روز و هر شب هیستری دخترها رو میبینن نظر بدن برامون
When oil or gas will become useless
But nobody knows if that will ever happen- we know for a fact now that we need oil and gas for the next 20-40 years, its like gold- we could have phased it out as aprecious metal that was used as money in old times, and we have btc now so why do we need it? But its still very relevant- same with oil and gas, it will be relevant for the foreseeable future.
هیچ معلم و دبیری مسموم نشده؟
این چه گازیه پس که با معلمها کاری نداره

Absolutely, this is yet another strong indicator. It had crossed my mind but somehow my memory didn't serve while I was composing the comment, so I hope you don't mind if I add it now so as to complete it.
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I never understood the tables used during exams in Iran. Why are they so small?
Absolutely, this is yet another strong indicator. It had crossed my mind but somehow my memory didn't serve while I was composing the comment, so I hope you don't mind if I add it now so as to complete it.

بعضی موارد هم بازی های دبیرستان ه. مثل تخم مرغ گندیده و یا کپسول استامینوفن آتش زدن یا دستکاری شوفاژ تا مدرسه تعطیل شه برن خونه.

دبیر ها همه سلامت اند
Hi members times another topic. It is about the poison gas incidents at Iranian schools. It's not about whether it's a mass hysteria or whether it's real or both together, but about the fact that western media are reporting intensively about it again. I have noticed this in the media for a few days now. they are trying to put the blame on the iranian government. Absurd Taliban comparisons are drawn and new unrest is organized and instigated in Iran. I am convinced that the West is trying to instigate a new wave of protests in Iran.

Hi members times another topic. It is about the poison gas incidents at Iranian schools. It's not about whether it's a mass hysteria or whether it's real or both together, but about the fact that western media are reporting intensively about it again. I have noticed this in the media for a few days now. they are trying to put the blame on the iranian government. Absurd Taliban comparisons are drawn and new unrest is organized and instigated in Iran. I am convinced that the West is trying to instigate a new wave of protests in Iran.
It is an Israeli work.
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