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Iranian Chill Thread

it make sense as complete nude body was not shown to the mother , head , neck and top of chest(probably maybe that even didn't shown) and no if there is wound you see it but if you die instantly , no blemish , no edema , nothing of such nature as they need live body to form.

Highly unlikely given the announced cause of death and the alleged photographs of the crushed car.

a simple question , the death was due to crash or something else . a more important question , crash happened or it didn't happen ? cant made it simpler than that

The crash claim tends not to square with the intact body seen by Sahim's mother.

And the whole story is fishy given that the reported having received threats by Turkish intelligence only two days prior to her demise, and given that she was working on topics exposing NATO's military support for terrorists in Syria.
Question guys ... why Shah era armed force vet so anti Russia. In reference to Russia-Iran relations, they are extremely critical. They think China is acceptable but Russia can't be trusted at all?
Shah era Iranian military was designed to withstand RED army thrust towards Persian Gulf oil fields for 7 days...7 days was the time required for US fleet to make it to Persian Gulf.
Russian was the potential enemy during the shah because of US alliance with shah...Legacy of that thinking may still be around..Historically Russia also was enemy with Iran. The current Baku republic is an ex Iranian land take away by Russia at a time Iran was weak . Hopefully one day it will be reunited with Iranian motherland again.
Good, millions of Iranians reject this semite tradition.

Time is in favor of Iranians, time will erase this radical extremist ideology from our lands.

This regime destroyed Islam in Iran so bad that this is the inevitable result after this regime is toppled soon. Despite the fact that in reality nothing about this regime is Islamic except the name.
Highly unlikely given the announced cause of death and the alleged photographs of the crushed car.
sadly , for the theory , you need live body for those to happen , you can hire some guys for torturing a dead body and be assured there won't be any of those , only normal change in dead bodies over time and as i said not all the body were shown to the mother , probably only face and neck
The crash claim tends not to square with the intact body seen by Sahim's mother.

And the whole story is fishy given that the reported having received threats by Turkish intelligence only two days prior to her demise, and given that she was working on topics exposing NATO's military support for terrorists in Syria.
so you claim the cousin is part of the conspiracy to kill ms. Shim ? why never proposed it , why the family didn't take her to the court ? why the always right and refreshing pressTV never made such claims .
the intact body is a theory that don't add up . as first the body was autopsied in turkey and then send to Lebanon and the mother didn't made any mention of autopsy scar . and she probably only shown head and neck not all the body . and when she saw the body she probably was net in perfect mental capabilities
Shah era Iranian military was designed to withstand RED army thrust towards Persian Gulf oil fields for 7 days...7 days was the time required for US fleet to make it to Persian Gulf.
Russian was the potential enemy during the shah because of US alliance with shah...Legacy of that thinking may still be around..Historically Russia also was enemy with Iran. The current Baku republic is an ex Iranian land take away by Russia at a time Iran was weak . Hopefully one day it will be reunited with Iranian motherland again.
it was designed to stand more than 7 day against Russian push , the Russian , had no chance advancing their tanks and artillery over alborz mountain because of Iran ridiculously big army aviation in a time that there was no man-pads . Iran Air-Force was enough to stop Russian air-force and actually defeat it . at the time of revolution there was 79 -f-14 and several hundred of f-4 and f-5 and if the revolution happened 2 years later it would have been . 180 f-14 and more than 300x F-16 plus those F-4 and F-5. it was alone the most capable air-force among USA allies all NATO together , without USA didn't have such air-force . and we were probably the only country in middle east that actually were using hardened shelter for our airplanes and at the time there was no viable mobile air-defense to protect advancing USSR forces it would have been a kill zone .
the only thing Russia could do against us was firing missiles and firing missiles alone won't win you a war in 7 day.
about ground force i don't knew what was the plane for them , but I Iran had one of the biggest transport fleets in form of C-130 and CH-47 and bell-214 and bell-205 Iran could easily transport forces from everywhere and i believe In case of USSR attack it would not have taken even one week for USA to send reinforcement.
sadly , for the theory , you need live body for those to happen , you can hire some guys for torturing a dead body and be assured there won't be any of those , only normal change in dead bodies over time and as i said not all the body were shown to the mother , probably only face and neck

As said, it's extremely unlikely that a person succumbing in that car as a result of frontal collision with the truck, would show no marks whatsoever on their body. The assumption that Sahim's mother was only shown her daughter's face and neck is speculative and unlikely too, since the wording of her statement tends to suggest otherwise, and also because a suspicious mother will be motivated to view the entire body, not just the face.

so you claim the cousin is part of the conspiracy to kill ms. Shim ? why never proposed it , why the family didn't take her to the court ? why the always right and refreshing pressTV never made such claims .

Here are the facts:

1) Sahim reports having received threats from a Turkish intelligence agency.
2) A day later, she states she's continuing her work to uncover weapons supplies to terrorists in Syria.
3) A day after that, Turkish authorities claim she was killed in a car accident.
4) Other journalists and researchers have died under suspicious circumstances in Turkey, with relatives and colleagues challenging the explanation given by Ankara:
4) There's no consensus on how the supposed accident took shape, the alleged driver of the car is rejecting NATO-member Turkey's version.
5) Sahim's mother, who viewed her daughter's body at the morgue in Beirut, declared she saw no marks on it.
6) This is how credible propaganda published by NATO regimes and their affiliated mainstream media really is:

Given the above, it's evident which hypothesis is the more credible one: namely, that of Sahim having been liquidated by a NATO regime's intelligence service because of how she and Press TV were contributing to raising public awareness about NATO weapons deliveries to terrorists in Syria.

the intact body is a theory that don't add up . as first the body was autopsied in turkey and then send to Lebanon and the mother didn't made any mention of autopsy scar . and she probably only shown head and neck not all the body . and when she saw the body she probably was net in perfect mental capabilities

The assumption that Sahim's mother was only shown her daughter's face and neck is speculative and unlikely, since the wording of the mother's statement tends to suggest otherwise, and also because a suspicious mother will be motivated to view the entire body, not just the face.
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The assumption that Sahim's mother was only shown her daughter's face and neck is speculative and unlikely too, since the wording of her statement tends to suggest otherwise, and also because a suspicious mother will be motivated to view the entire body, not just the face.
that is the norm of what will happen , they don't show all the body only head and neck unless the family want to see all the body and the mother never claimed she see all the body

and as i said the only way death in car crash is wrong is that the underage cousin be accessory to the plot , why the family did nothing about that ?
that is the norm of what will happen , they don't show all the body only head and neck unless the family want to see all the body and the mother never claimed she see all the body

She's had suspicions regarding the cause of her daughter's demise. Given this, she likely asked to view the whole body. Moreover the statement she made in this context (that there were no marks on her daughter) would make more sense if she was shown somewhat more than her daughter's sole face and neck.

and as i said the only way death in car crash is wrong is that the underage cousin be accessory to the plot , why the family did nothing about that ?

Maybe the camerawoman calculated that going all the way and revealing Sahim had not been on the car that day, would endanger her own security much like Sahim's, and that she would thus officially go along with the accident story but contribute to raising the public's doubts as to its fallacy in a less risky manner, namely by offering a differing version of it. It would square with the hypothesis of Sahim's murder at the hands of some NATO regime's intelligence service outside the car.
She's had suspicions regarding the cause of her daughter's demise. Given this, she likely asked to view the whole body. Moreover the statement she made in this context (that there were no marks on her daughter) would make more sense if she was shown somewhat more than her daughter's sole face and neck.
realm of tin hat , likely and might
Maybe the camerawoman calculated that going all the way and revealing Sahim had not been on the car that day, would endanger her own security much like Sahim's, and that she would thus officially go along with the accident story but contribute to raising the public's doubts as to its fallacy in a less risky manner, namely by offering a differing version of it. It would square with the hypothesis of Sahim's murder at the hands of some NATO regime's intelligence service outside the car.
don't forget ,the facts , she herself dismissed camera woman as she was dissatisfied with her work and write to his mother(if i recall correctly) that she bought a camera and from now its a one man show. so no there was no camera woman in the car
and camera woman didn't make any claim , it was the underage cousin that was driving the car that made the accident claims and then change the story 2 years later again accident claim but this time the truck driver hit her from the back while all available evidence point to the fact that she was in wrong lane and the accident was from the front.

and no it square to nothing as there was no camera woman in the board but mrs. Serena Shim
Inappropriate Language
Question guys ... why Shah era armed force vet so anti Russia. In reference to Russia-Iran relations, they are extremely critical. They think China is acceptable but Russia can't be trusted at all?
Ch*na is not acceptable either. It's the actual snake in the grass.

Attention: Can anyone tell me why the old Iran Defence Forum and Iran Military Forum went down?

Is there a replacement in the works? Because I want one where all the staff happen to be Iranians and far more active than the lazy, good-for-nothing scum who run this place (if they and a good number of the users die, I'll pray two rakats thanksgiving every night for each pin that falls).
Question guys ... why Shah era armed force vet so anti Russia. In reference to Russia-Iran relations, they are extremely critical. They think China is acceptable but Russia can't be trusted at all?
china is not also acceptable , its more tolerable . china actually entered 21 century , but when it come to Russia it is just stuck in 70s and 80s .
but no matter what china is just more tolerable , the only actual acceptable solution comes from Iran, not Russia not Europe , not USA or even China
Iran's first Gas station..Started operation in 1927 ..built by British Petroleum (BP) in the port city of Abadan.

The place is now an "Oil" museum.

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