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Iranian Chill Thread

The problem with us Iranians is that we think other countries are also willing to sacrifice their economy for "resistance".
Not every country is willing to destroy its economy for half-assed measures that make no difference and have no effect but propaganda for local consumption.
So after losing Taiwan, China with no doubt is going to lose Xinjiang. The mentality of Gorbachev will make them lose their lands. They have to fight back or else lose their territories.
It seems PLA is not happy with that policy that allowed Pelosi to have safe journey to Taiwan.

Must wait and see, maybe they are going to make major changes and possiboy Mr Xi is going to put interests of PLA on country's top priority. The weak response to Pelosy visit has left Xi under pressure from Chniese nationalists.
China move is calculated long term taught plans , they wont resort to hasty spur of moment plans . they have plans for Taiwan and stick to it .
their goals is not conquering Taiwan , they want Taiwan to come back willingly .

So after losing Taiwan, China with no doubt is going to lose Xinjiang. The mentality of Gorbachev will make them lose their lands. They have to fight back or else lose their territories.
attacking Taiwan mean loosing Taiwan , if they conquer Taiwan by force it would be no better than Japan rules over Korea . its not what they want, USA wanted to put china in Russia like situation , they sent Pelosi and then several other top official , they failed to goad china into make mistakes like what Russia did, china in direct confrontation with west will lose right now , 10 year later ,its west that most be afraid to loose
So after losing Taiwan, China with no doubt is going to lose Xinjiang. The mentality of Gorbachev will make them lose their lands. They have to fight back or else lose their territories.
China believes that nothing can stop them in the long term and they will eventually win back Taiwan.
The problem is that when that happens, China will probably be left alone with no strong ally. Just like the Soviet Union.
was not available then

That's not really relevant. My point is not whether Iraq received more or less, but that Ukraine has been supplied with considerable military aid from NATO regimes. UAV's are part of a package which proves the point.

as i previously stated the 200 tanks Ukraine received are actually weaker than the tanks iraq got 40 years ago

Iraq's top of the line tanks were the least performing version of the T-72. What Ukraine's obtained isn't inferior.

on that you are completely wrong , if you think France and Russia didn't provided training for iraq

I'm talking about tens of brigades, tens of thousands of troops that are being trained since 2014. Iraqi forces never benefited from this kind of wide-scale training by western armies.

the mig-25 of iraq were not downgraded and france aircraft also had the same situation

Everything else was and French fighter jets were comparatively limited in numbers.

artillery rockets they gave up on their missiles

They fired Tochkas during the war.

as i said both received it , but it suffice to say there was no movement on our parts that was not reported in detail to Iraqi army . they even had a special office for that

And as stated, Ukraine is certainly being fed more detailed and massive information on a constant basis.

The bottom line is, the military assistance the Kiev regime has been given by NATO has made a considerable difference, this cannot be denied. The comparison with Iraq is quite off topic here. Assuming Iraq was supported more overall, it doesn't change this fact about Ukraine.
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Iraq's best tanks were the least performing version of the T-72. What Ukraine's obtained isn't inferior.

T72m are the dumbed down version of t-72a that iraq received
I'm talking about entire brigades, tens of thousands of troops. Iraqi forces were not given this kind of extensive training.
they get those training
Everything else was and French fighter jets were limited in numbers.
their bomber fleet also were not downgraded, Mirage F1-E/Q were 88 in total number
they had 101 su7-bkl , while iraq had 18 export version of su-17 aka su-20 they also had 103 su-22m variant which were not export version
they had 30 su-24mk which were export version but better bomber than any bomber we had.
they had 72 su25k/ubk which was basic model and they had 236 mig-21mf and mig21-bis which were the best variant produced for Russia air force not export variant other get , they had 127 various model of Mig-23 , they recieved 35 mig-25 which were not export version

No, they fired Tochkas during the war.
Touchka-u artillery missiles with the range around 120km with a cep around 150m . and they only used it 7 time
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T72m are the dumbed down version of t-72a that iraq received

Extensively upgraded by Poland.

they get those training

They didn't.

Moreover, Ukrainian forces trained by the west acquired interoperability with NATO. A level of training Iraqis were never granted.

This implies a number of things setting these Ukrainian brigades apart from any unit of the Iraqi military, including probable adjustments to the command structure and so on.

their bomber fleet also were not downgraded, Mirage F1-E/Q were 88 in total number
they had 101 su7-bkl , while iraq had 18 export version of su-17 aka su-20 they also had 103 su-22m variant which were not export version
they had 30 su-24mk which were export version but better bomber than any bomber we had.
they had 72 su25k/ubk which was basic model and they had 236 mig-21mf and mig21-bis which were the best variant produced for Russia air force not export variant other get , they had 127 various model of Mig-23 , they recieved 35 mig-25 which were not export version

The bottom line is, the military assistance the Kiev regime has been given by NATO has made a considerable difference, this cannot be denied. The comparison with Iraq is quite off topic here. Assuming Iraq was supported more overall, it doesn't change this fact about Ukraine.
Extensively upgraded by Poland.
the term extensively is stretching it , the 40 from slovakia were upgraded , the upgrade on poland tank were meh at best they were t72m1
they were t72m produced in poland the difference with a t-72 is these
This export version of the T-72A was also built under licence in Poland since 1983. The most obvious external difference relative to Soviet analogs is the reduced number of KMT mounting points on the lower hull glacis plate. It is the first version to feature ceramic sand bars "kwartz" rods in the turret cavity and 16 mm (0.63 in) High Hardness Steel appliqué armor on upper glacis.
the term extensively is stretching it , the 40 from slovakia were upgraded , the upgrade on poland tank were meh at best they were t72m1
they were t72m produced in poland the difference with a t-72 is these

Wilk: Beginning in 1986, the Polish T-72 Wilk project was instituted to allow tank repair plants to upgrade T-72 tanks within their own facilities. In particular, it was proposed that the Soviet-made Volna fire control system be replaced by the Czechoslovak-made Kladivo FCS or by the Polish SKO-1 Mérida, which was originally designed for T-55AM "Merida". Besides the new FCS, the Radomka passive night vision devices were installed in the driver's compartment, as was the Liswarta night sight, Obra laser illumination warning system, Tellur anti-laser smoke grenade launchers, solid or modular metal side skirts and the Polish-developed Erawa-1 or Erawa-2 explosive reactive armour was also fitted.
China believes that nothing can stop them in the long term and they will eventually win back Taiwan.
The problem is that when that happens, China will probably be left alone with no strong ally. Just like the Soviet Union.
Wrong belief.
@SalarHaqq that wilks upgrade was done on part of Poland tanks , the problem is the 200 tank they sent Ukraine were actually of m1 variant and didn't received the mentioned upgrade , they keep those for themselves
deh, eeno negah kon pedar een badbakht korehee ro daravord!

nothing special just a technical fall by pinning opponent to the mat , in old days that wrestlers could not win by wasting time we see it a lot more

Kheili namardi kooboondesh zamin
Momken bood be nokhae koreiye asib bereseh ya hatta gardanesh beshkane
Amalan fan ham roosh nazad. Faghat bordesh bala kooboondesh zamin
no it was not from neck he did it from shoulder , no danger at all it was a precise move
no it was not from neck he did it from shoulder , no danger at all it was a precise move
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