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Iranian Chill Thread

Yes the Russians should have taken the reports about a build up of Ukrainian forces at Izium more seriously. Lucky for the Russians they were just in the process of sending 45-65,000 troops into Ukraine.

Those Iranian drones the US keep talking about would sure be handy right about now wouldn't they ? In any case, the Russians have begun targeting Ukrainian forces with their airforce and artillery as reinforcements arrive to the frontline.

Atleast one large convoy of Ukrainian forces headed east was completely destroyed. Despite gaining 1600 square KM the Ukrainians still have not taken any cities from the Russians. The Russian border is close to the north and at Izium there is a large Russian garrison.

Territory, especially small settlements, don't matter so much as how this whole affair will end. If the Russians can inflict serious casualties onto the Ukrainian forces, they might be able to launch a devastating counter attack.

Currently it is being noted that the Ukrainian forces involved in this offensive are accompanied by a significant number of foreign mercenaries. Many if not most of their armored vehicles also seem to be foreign, from American M113s, Humvees to Turkish armored vehicles (Kirpi) and an assortment of tanks from former Soviet states.

It's become plainly obvious support from the west, Ukraine would have crumbled a long time ago. The Russians have basically destroyed most if not all of the tanks and armored vehicles. The Ukrainians are basically on life support from NATO, that's all that's keeping them alive.

In any case winter is approaching and it's going to be difficult for the Europeans, the price of heating has skyrocketed, in some cases 8x in the EU. There are protests with people burning their bills and many boycotting, refusing to pay their heating bills.

If this winter turns out to be extremely intense, then the EU, which is already heading into recession, will suffer and the protests might get out of control. Zelensky has already asked the EU leaders to BAN protests during the Ukraine war. I doubt if that's going to happen.

The Russians are down but they are definitely not out of the fight. In the Kherson region the Ukrainians have suffered significant casualties for meager gains. Ukraine failed twice to take the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and in the process lost 400+ elite troops. At Kharkiv-Izium sector they are having success, but it remains to be seen how this will end. Now the Ukrainians are exposed and the Russians won't stop bombing them.

Also in the Bakhmut-Soledar sector, reinforcements, Chechen elite fighters, who specialize in urban warfare arrived a few days ago and today made noteworthy gains. They have vowed to take Bakhmut within the next few weeks.

All together, there are more questions than answers regarding the war in Ukraine. How long will the war last ? will there be a winter offensive from the Russians ? will the recession in the EU cause them to pressure Ukraine to seek a compromise with Russia ? Did Russia purchase Iranian drones or artillery/rockets from North Korea ?

The gross incompetence of the Russian army continues.

No wonder Putin has urgenty convened its Security Council.

Meanwhile some Pakistani people are destroying Iranian tomatoes, allegedly due to sectarian reasons. These tomatoes are urgently needed in Pakistan due to floods. Keep this is your mind when you're talking to people online, maybe the guy behind the ID is destroying tomatoes.
@SalarHaqq @mohsen @Muhammed45
According to this thread, it was people of a Feudal lord who destroyed imported tomatoes so that feudal guy's own tomatoes sell at higher price in the market.

Meanwhile some Pakistani people are destroying Iranian tomatoes, allegedly due to sectarian reasons. These tomatoes are urgently needed in Pakistan due to floods. Keep this is your mind when you're talking to people online, maybe the guy behind the ID is destroying tomatoes.
@SalarHaqq @mohsen @Muhammed45

I just saw poverty hit people in this video, wasting something that we call divine blessings in our religion.

When one doesn't use his brain cells, he not only shoots himself in the feet but also becomes a curse to everyone around. Whatever the reason was, it was an unacceptable action which deserves severe punishment. All those tomatoes could end up in the hands of flood hit people in Pakistan.
According to this thread, it was people of a Feudal lord who destroyed imported tomatoes so that feudal guy's own tomatoes sell at higher price in the market.

Its a long time that Balochistan of Pakistan is an abandoned place. Which has turned into a playgorund for outsiders to annoy the regional countries. You know what i mena
Meanwhile some Pakistani people are destroying Iranian tomatoes, allegedly due to sectarian reasons. These tomatoes are urgently needed in Pakistan due to floods. Keep this is your mind when you're talking to people online, maybe the guy behind the ID is destroying tomatoes.
@SalarHaqq @mohsen @Muhammed45
Well, even an Iranian or Shiah may serve our enemies. that's what I have seen in real life, let alone virtual world.
This just in. Russians have abandoned Kupiansk and Izium, deciding that their position there was untenable. They are withdrawing to the eastern side of the Oskil river. all together the Russians have abandoned 5000+ SQ KM.

Meanwhile in the Bakhmut / Soledar area, Wager mercenaries, as well as Chechen fighters have made decent gains, breaking through enemy lines. To the south in Zaporizhia region Russians are also making gains towards one of the main highways which connect to several settlements in southern Donetsk, which the Ukrainians are using to constantly and relentlessly bombard Donetsk city. In the Kherson counteroffensive the lines are more or less stable. Ukrainian troops attacked Oleksandrivka for the 5th or 6th time in 12 days and they failed yet again to take the town, sustaining significant casualties.

Just like the 1st phase of the war. In the south and south east the Russians were extremely successful while in the north (Kiev / Kharkiv) the Russians failed and had to withdraw. In this particular circumstance it's either due to the incompetance. lack of strong leadership or perhaps the Russians were simply caught off guard with and overwhelmed with numbers.

From what I hear the Ukrainians deployed 15,000 troops for the Kharkiv - Izium offensive, whereas the Russians only had a few thousand troops. That's why the Ukrainians moved as quickly as they could, to prevent the Russians from sending reinforcements. However it should be noted that the Russian border is not that far and the Russians have completely avoided any large scale encirclement of their troops.

One thing I'm wondering is, did the Russian military leadership in that sector even have any contingency plan ? Because the area is full of rivers, yet the Russians haven't bothered to destroy any of them, which is strange. Well on the other hand if you destroy a bridge it also makes it more difficult for your own forces to counter attack, if that opportunity presents itself.

Rybar Sept 10.jpg
The only positive outcome for the Russians is that they didn't get encircled and their forces didn't get destroyed. Realistically at this point all of the tanks and armored vehicles which the Ukrainians are currently using are ones which have been provided by NATO.

That means that Russia has more or less destroyed everything which Ukraine originally possessed. There are also reports that there are large numbers of foreign fighters among the Ukrainians. No doubt about it Ukraine would have lost already without NATO support.

On the other hand, the Russians are handicapping themselves in a way because Putin refuses to declare war and mobilize his reserves which number 2 million. Instead they have 170,000 troops spread out over 800-900 km. When the US invaded Iraq they had 370,000 troops on a front that extended to 300 km at the most.

Any army going on the offensive should outnumber the defenders 3 to 1 at the least. The Russians are actually outnumbered in Ukraine and their air power has been negated because of NATO intelligence supporting/directing Ukraine's air defenses.

They really need a large number of drones. US sources allege that Iran sent its first shipment of UAVs to Russia 1 month ago. But where are they ? Was it just propaganda or will Russia deploy them sooner or later ?

In the west, whenever the Ukrainians experience any success, the corporate media tends to hyper focus on it. However in the big picture the Russians are down but not out. They didn't lose a large number of troops or equipment. They still control large chunks of territory and the Ukrainian counter offensive failed in Kherson, Zaporizhia with massive losses.

This is similar to when the Russians first invaded Ukraine. In the west, the media were hyper focused on the fact that Ukraine had been able to push the Russians out of Kiev and Kharkiv. Meanwhile the Russians had taken large swaths of territory in the south and south east.

Anyways we have to wait and see what happens. But two sayings come to mind at this time "live to fight another day" and "he who laughs last laughs best"

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Yes the Russians should have taken the reports about a build up of Ukrainian forces at Izium more seriously. Lucky for the Russians they were just in the process of sending 45-65,000 troops into Ukraine.

Those Iranian drones the US keep talking about would sure be handy right about now wouldn't they ? In any case, the Russians have begun targeting Ukrainian forces with their airforce and artillery as reinforcements arrive to the frontline.

Atleast one large convoy of Ukrainian forces headed east was completely destroyed. Despite gaining 1600 square KM the Ukrainians still have not taken any cities from the Russians. The Russian border is close to the north and at Izium there is a large Russian garrison.

Territory, especially small settlements, don't matter so much as how this whole affair will end. If the Russians can inflict serious casualties onto the Ukrainian forces, they might be able to launch a devastating counter attack.

Currently it is being noted that the Ukrainian forces involved in this offensive are accompanied by a significant number of foreign mercenaries. Many if not most of their armored vehicles also seem to be foreign, from American M113s, Humvees to Turkish armored vehicles (Kirpi) and an assortment of tanks from former Soviet states.

It's become plainly obvious support from the west, Ukraine would have crumbled a long time ago. The Russians have basically destroyed most if not all of the tanks and armored vehicles. The Ukrainians are basically on life support from NATO, that's all that's keeping them alive.

In any case winter is approaching and it's going to be difficult for the Europeans, the price of heating has skyrocketed, in some cases 8x in the EU. There are protests with people burning their bills and many boycotting, refusing to pay their heating bills.

If this winter turns out to be extremely intense, then the EU, which is already heading into recession, will suffer and the protests might get out of control. Zelensky has already asked the EU leaders to BAN protests during the Ukraine war. I doubt if that's going to happen.

The Russians are down but they are definitely not out of the fight. In the Kherson region the Ukrainians have suffered significant casualties for meager gains. Ukraine failed twice to take the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and in the process lost 400+ elite troops. At Kharkiv-Izium sector they are having success, but it remains to be seen how this will end. Now the Ukrainians are exposed and the Russians won't stop bombing them.

Also in the Bakhmut-Soledar sector, reinforcements, Chechen elite fighters, who specialize in urban warfare arrived a few days ago and today made noteworthy gains. They have vowed to take Bakhmut within the next few weeks.

All together, there are more questions than answers regarding the war in Ukraine. How long will the war last ? will there be a winter offensive from the Russians ? will the recession in the EU cause them to pressure Ukraine to seek a compromise with Russia ? Did Russia purchase Iranian drones or artillery/rockets from North Korea ?
Also, to note, Russia is fighting this war on the cheap. They can sustain this for a king time. Given this strategy, their bang for the buck currently is multiples of this rogue province and it’s foreign backers. It is not sustainable for Russia’s opponents. Russia’s opponents must be kicking themselves. II they had foreseen this or planned better they would’ve poured support at the moment ihe conflict started. That way Russia’ gains might’ve been far less.
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Now imagine what our situation looks like on the ground with these Arteshi commanders. With horrendous quality of training and equipment. Hope we don't find out.

Yes the Russians should have taken the reports about a build up of Ukrainian forces at Izium more seriously. Lucky for the Russians they were just in the process of sending 45-65,000 troops into Ukraine.

Those Iranian drones the US keep talking about would sure be handy right about now wouldn't they ? In any case, the Russians have begun targeting Ukrainian forces with their airforce and artillery as reinforcements arrive to the frontline.

Atleast one large convoy of Ukrainian forces headed east was completely destroyed. Despite gaining 1600 square KM the Ukrainians still have not taken any cities from the Russians. The Russian border is close to the north and at Izium there is a large Russian garrison.

Territory, especially small settlements, don't matter so much as how this whole affair will end. If the Russians can inflict serious casualties onto the Ukrainian forces, they might be able to launch a devastating counter attack.

Currently it is being noted that the Ukrainian forces involved in this offensive are accompanied by a significant number of foreign mercenaries. Many if not most of their armored vehicles also seem to be foreign, from American M113s, Humvees to Turkish armored vehicles (Kirpi) and an assortment of tanks from former Soviet states.

It's become plainly obvious support from the west, Ukraine would have crumbled a long time ago. The Russians have basically destroyed most if not all of the tanks and armored vehicles. The Ukrainians are basically on life support from NATO, that's all that's keeping them alive.

In any case winter is approaching and it's going to be difficult for the Europeans, the price of heating has skyrocketed, in some cases 8x in the EU. There are protests with people burning their bills and many boycotting, refusing to pay their heating bills.

If this winter turns out to be extremely intense, then the EU, which is already heading into recession, will suffer and the protests might get out of control. Zelensky has already asked the EU leaders to BAN protests during the Ukraine war. I doubt if that's going to happen.

The Russians are down but they are definitely not out of the fight. In the Kherson region the Ukrainians have suffered significant casualties for meager gains. Ukraine failed twice to take the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant and in the process lost 400+ elite troops. At Kharkiv-Izium sector they are having success, but it remains to be seen how this will end. Now the Ukrainians are exposed and the Russians won't stop bombing them.

Also in the Bakhmut-Soledar sector, reinforcements, Chechen elite fighters, who specialize in urban warfare arrived a few days ago and today made noteworthy gains. They have vowed to take Bakhmut within the next few weeks.

All together, there are more questions than answers regarding the war in Ukraine. How long will the war last ? will there be a winter offensive from the Russians ? will the recession in the EU cause them to pressure Ukraine to seek a compromise with Russia ? Did Russia purchase Iranian drones or artillery/rockets from North Korea ?
If I asked you back in Feb 25th, if Russia would still fail to achieve it's strategic objectives by the time it was Sept 10th, would you have called me stupid and said Russia will steamroll?

I ask this because I am 99% sure no one thought this war would be continuing by this point lets be realistic here, I certainly didn't and the front lines have largely been static for the most part. None of this looks positive in the slightest and it's well known Russia has manpower issues. Yet I keep seeing people trying to twist this when they themselves didn't think it would turn out like this. This is a setback for Russia for sure, not over but how hard did they have to fight to get every inch of land. It's by no means easy for them.
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I ask this because I am 99% sure no one thought this war would be continuing by this point lets be realistic here, I certainly didn't and the front lines have largely been static for the most part. None of this looks positive in the slightest and it's well known Russia has manpower issues. Yet I keep seeing people trying to twist this when they themselves didn't think it would turn out like this. This is a setback for Russia for sure, not over but how hard did they have to fight to get every inch of land. It's by no means easy for them.
Russia is embarrassing herself in Ukraine but here people pretend that it's all part of a big strategy that Putin has planned it step by step with his great strategic mind.
Just like Iran's silence against provocations and aggressions by the US and Israel that is called "strategic patience".
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