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Iranian Chill Thread

Which one of you guys did this?
Russia held off the Ukrainian counter offensive at Kherson but at Kharkiv-Izium region, the Ukrainians launched another counter offensive and in the last 3 days they have taken 1600 SQ KM

Izium Kharkiv Ukraine sept 8 22 2.jpg
Russia held off the Ukrainian counter offensive at Kherson but at Kharkiv-Izium region, the Ukrainians launched another counter offensive and in the last 3 days they have taken 1600 SQ KM

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Ooof, that doesn't look great, seems like the front collapsed a bit, need some stabalization with reinforcements, if they have any
A few weeks ago reports began surfacing about the Ukrainians building up armor and troops near the Izium region. Obviously the Russians didn't take it seriously enough since they didn't beef up their defenses sufficiently.

On the other hand, the Russians have done a good job avoiding having any of their forces encircled. Also the Ukrainian supply lines in the Kharkiv-Izium region are currently reliant on more than half a dozen bridges at this point. If the Russians were to destroy those bridges, it would leave Ukrainian troops in a precarious situation.

The Ukrainians have now extended a salient eastwards. To the north is Russian controlled territory close to the Russian border. To the south is Izium where the Russians have a strong garrison. Videos have surfaced showing Russian armored columns heading to the front, so it remains to be seen how this will end.

So far the Russians don't seem to be using much artillery or their airforce against the Ukrainians, they just keep falling back, which is very peculiar. If the Russians did purchase hundreds of Iranian drones as the Americans claims, then this would actually be an opportune time to utilize them. I'm starting to think those reports by the Americans were just nonsense.

It seems that the Kharkiv-Izium region was severely undermanned. The Russians are definitely suffering from a manpower deficinecy issue. Many Russian hawks are wondering why Putin doesn't simply declare war so that Russia can mobilize its 2 million reserves.

Something else to keep in mind is that Russia just sent 45,000-65,000 fresh troops into Ukraine so some of those troops will now likely be re-directed to stabilize the Izium-Kharkiv front or launch a counter attack of some sort there.

All together the Ukrainians counter offensive which began a week and a half ago is a mixed bag. Ukrainian efforts in the Kherson region have largely stalled, with Ukrainian only being able to reclaim a village and a few hamlets while sustaining significant losses. Ukraine also failed twice to seize the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, losing 300-400+ elite troops in the process.

It should be noted though that when an army goes on the offensive, the should outnumber the enemy 3 to 1. Russia currently has something like 170,000-200,000 troops on the field, spread out over a massive 800 km front. In many cases the Russians are themselves outnumbered.

Aside from the manpower deficiency it seems that the Russians have largely become complacent, being content to shell the enemy and launch probing attacks, gaining little chunks of territory at a snails pace. Anyways we're going to have to wait and see what happens.

Ooof, that doesn't look great, seems like the front collapsed a bit, need some stabalization with reinforcements, if they have any
I always find it strange why Israel is slightly overestimated militarily by layman who don't understand military affairs. Israel doesn't attack Gaza every year because there is deterence ethbalished between them as Israel pays a price for fighting them including tourism and other sectors such as their energy sector gets hit and besides a direct conventional conflict has proven to be costly which has been abandoned as they tried it out back in 08 and 14 etc etc.. They know better now from experience that engaging 200 to 300k Armed palis with tunnel networks will not be a walk in the park who has anti-tank weapons, missiles etc etc and who are motivated to engage. Such a conventional clash could take years and be drawn out perhaps 2-3 years with Israel sacrifcing over half to 70 or 80% of it's armed forces.. This is the realistic scenario play by play not the cartoon version where someone rolls over someone etc etc.

Now that being said one thing the Gazans does well is that they don't take shxt for anything whch has technically lead to deterence which can't be said the same thing in Syria. Isreal is a small country with poor stragetic depth and low population they can't sustain a prolonged war with example Syria.

What needs to happen is the ending of Israel's attacks on Syria which they have been doing without any reply for nearly 5-7 years now.. Syria is capable of lighting of Israel quite easily hence why I don't understand the hesition and what are they waiting for? They should take a page out of the Gazans. Which is pretty simple ''We either fight to the death with each other or we make ceasefire'' But you can't allow them open shop. They only understand force and that is what you give them. THey only understand the language of force..

Enough is enough. It is time for Assad to mobilize his forces and start throwing in missiles and start engaging them at the border site and you will see Israel's reactions being surprising and retreating or even avoiding to engage Assad's militias on the battlefield. The question is Can they even fight Syria in a war of attration the answer is a simple no..

They attacked yesterday Tartus without any reactions. The Syrians have to prepare for a conflict with Israel first of all and second of all attack Israel unprovoked to start a short conflict if prolonged then that is good but Israel can't fight a war lasting more then 2 weeks they just don't have the capacity for that
Are you serious bro? Syria stands no chance against Israel. Syria has been in state of war since 2011.

It is basically a destroyed nation. There is no comparison between the Israeli military and the Syrian military. Syria could have had a chance if they had a decent air force or air defence system... They have neither.

The Israeli air force has 175 F-16, 58 F-15 and 33 F-35. That is 266 4/5th generation aircraft. Syrian air force has only 29 mig-29. Dont get me started on Syria's vintage air defences.

The only Arab country that can fight Israel maybe even defeat it is Egypt.
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