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Iranian Chill Thread



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Israel is waging full scale air attacks on Syria that we haven't seen probably ever.

How long will this "strategic patience" last. Until they bomb Tehran?
That might not even be enough for the "resistance" to respond to Israel in kind.

It's beginning to become quite tiresome watching these exhausting strikes happen over, and over and over again without any meaningful reprisal other than "we have elected to play our strategic patience card". Syria won't have the ability to repair their airports for much longer if the size, frequency and intensity of these operations increases.

IRGC should have made a decision to conduct comprehensive, large-scale BM strikes against critical IDF infrastructure long-ago, yet here we are.
Mowing the grass.

My question is, how many billions in $$ has Israel blown up/destroyed of Iranian arms in Syria since 2015? 2012?

Airport strikes dont nearly hurt as much as strikes like on scientific center earlier this month that dealt with missile assembly and production and storage.

Who knows how many thousands of Iranian missiles have gotten destroyed last 10 years.
"mowing the grass" what an apt way of putting it lol.

Yep, these operations are a constant occupational hazard now and utterly routine for IDF. It's begs the question on whether or not IRGC actually has a response plan or want to do something meaningful about them aside from more rhetoric.
This is why I argue in favour of building a huge air force.

They need to wrench eastern and southern syria back from the americans/kurds and the north from the turks/sunnis. Total control of all border crossings is needed, particularly the ones along iraq to freely transfer equipment with air support overhead.

Then and only then can the quneitra front be concentrated upon fully. And that is assuming the sadrists don't get up to their shenanigans again, sabotaging the rear like they tried to do a mere 72 hours ago.
Yes my brother;

Muslim Hands are one of the best charities for this. They've been established since 1993, their funds are audited by the UK government, they work in many countries and their founder has been given many awards for his work. I have been giving to them for years and have had my money build many projects the world over.
@waz for the record and to encourage others I’ve donated an immaterial amount that I am able to:


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Iran isn't suddenly going to change its strategy in Syria because it risks losing face due to Israeli air strikes. Let's be honest, Iran has no overmatch in the Syrian theatre and the domestic forces in the region are intrinsically too weak to put up a fight.

No other option than to creatively use smoke and mirrors to transport sophisticated weaponry to the likes of Hezbollah and accept the losses that comes with it.

All to put the right assets in position for when the real showdown begins.
Exactly. As usual the wrong conclusions are made. The right question is: Given we we might know that the Zionist regime’s air attacks in Syria have not garnered quid pro quo responses by the Resistance, why is that the case? Creative and knowledgeable analyses on that question is meaningful. Other emotional comments and conclusions have little value.
Exactly. As usual the wrong conclusions are made. The right question is: Given we we might know that the Zionist regime’s air attacks in Syria have not garnered quid pro quo responses by the Resistance, why is that the case? Creative and knowledgeable analyses on that question is meaningful. Other emotional comments and conclusions have little value.
This way of thinking as gotten alot of men killed fyi. I get the point. But don't dismiss by saying "emotional". You are trying to belittle something that is actually an issue, and unprecedented.

. As he stated their simply isn't any overmatch in the theater there which is understandable, but Iran has paid a price, we lost many scientists and the lack of appropriate response has lead to more being attacked and the lack of response to this, if thier is none, will continue to lead to higher and higher prices being paid, with more and more attacks and more serious attacks.

When Assad air defense and airports are destroyed, next his bases will be attacked, his helicopters, up until the point where they are so weak, they've primed him for a decapitation strike and the passivity has lead to this event. In the very best case they are preparing for a war with Hezbollah and with this, they are free to do all the strikes they want until the right conditions are setup.

While the response may not need to be Israel, someone needs to pay a price for it. 3 rockets won't do.

This way of thinking as gotten alot of men killed fyi. I get the point. But don't dismiss by saying "emotional". You are trying to belittle something that is actually an issue, and unprecedented.

. As he stated their simply isn't any overmatch in the theater there which is understandable, but Iran has paid a price, we lost many scientists and the lack of appropriate response has lead to more being attacked and the lack of response to this, if thier is none, will continue to lead to higher and higher prices being paid, with more and more attacks and more serious attacks.

When Assad air defense and airports are destroyed, next his bases will be attacked, his helicopters, up until the point where they are so weak, they've primed him for a decapitation strike and the passivity has lead to this event. In the very best case they are preparing for a war with Hezbollah and with this, they are free to do all the strikes they want until the right conditions are setup.

While the response may not need to be Israel, someone needs to pay a price for it. 3 rockets won't do.

You entirely miss the thrust of my post. Read again.
You entirely miss the thrust of my post. Read again.
Didnt notice that was a question bro. But I think Surenas in a way already answered that. As long as their end goal is being done, the interruptions and damage in the process is just the cost of business. I think in the mind of the planners, the ends justify the means. The means just might be a bit messy on the way. Syrians deterrence will be restored in the next war.
Didnt notice that was a question bro. But I think Surenas in a way already answered that. As long as their end goal is being done, the interruptions and damage in the process is just the cost of business. I think in the mind of the planners, the ends justify the means.
Ergo my first word in my response to him: ‘Exactly’. Ergo my point remains.
In shah era, Even in tehran most people lived in worst condition in halabia bad(slums) and old houses in South of tehran.
This show what was life of other iranians in small cities and vilages and nomadic peoples.

Life of %1 of iranian people in shah era.
Its just a funny propaganda.
There was this Iranian-American I knew who came to Iran when the war against iraq began and volunteered in Sepah.

He told me the Shah had neglected to even build a sewer system in Tehran and that even for the wealthy, the refuse went into an underground dump and accumulated there for years (don't even ask about the poor).

My friend departed this life some years ago. Rooheshan shad, J.K. (his initials).
This way of thinking as gotten alot of men killed fyi. I get the point. But don't dismiss by saying "emotional". You are trying to belittle something that is actually an issue, and unprecedented.

. As he stated their simply isn't any overmatch in the theater there which is understandable, but Iran has paid a price, we lost many scientists and the lack of appropriate response has lead to more being attacked and the lack of response to this, if thier is none, will continue to lead to higher and higher prices being paid, with more and more attacks and more serious attacks.

When Assad air defense and airports are destroyed, next his bases will be attacked, his helicopters, up until the point where they are so weak, they've primed him for a decapitation strike and the passivity has lead to this event. In the very best case they are preparing for a war with Hezbollah and with this, they are free to do all the strikes they want until the right conditions are setup.

While the response may not need to be Israel, someone needs to pay a price for it. 3 rockets won't do.

LOL @ those believing there will be a sudden, magical surprise attack or some kind of grand patience strategy.

Job of the ''resistance'' group is just that, offering resistance to the enemies at all times, whenever they can. It never talked about endless patience or a brilliant surprise attack after some time. That is the take of some desperate people failing to explain the cucking of IRGC by the zionists in Syria and within the mainland itself.

If the IRGC is going to encircle the zionists succesfully, well then it worked but at a heavy price. But one has to understand what Agha has in mind. What is his end strategy regarding the zionists? Encircle Israel and then what? Arm Hezbollah with PGM's as much as possible and then what?

Qods is still not liberated and Palestinians are being oppressed on a daily basis.
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The percentage is not important. It's important to see that percentage is consist of what.?

Around 50% of its engine was Korean-made, as well as other parts. This statement is substantiated by a valid source.

We're told around 50 per cent of the Sibal's engine (...) was produced in Korea

And my source say it was imported from USA by the way 50% is not 100%

A private firm whose owner, Khayyami, was in cahoots with the royal court and part of the ruling oligarchy. A private firm which was enjoying monopoly status due to its founder's personal connections to the regime's upper echelons. Conditions of access to the means of production were prohibitive and hinging upon political privilege.

Also in an highly oil-dependent economy like Iran's in the 1960's and 1970's, the fortunes of virtually every sector of activity will directly depend on oil price fluctuations.
For you everyone with money is oligarch unless his name end in -of or -ov
And no that's not the case by default.

The sole reason they operated that transition is because they disbursed large sums of money to western carmakers. Something every major company in the business at the global scale could have done, provided political green light from neo-colonial patrons. No technical domestic effort was put into acquiring the ability autonomously.
No because they see an opportunity and take it peugeot didn't need that production line and they bought it.
And if anybody can do that why saipa and iran-khdro under governmental management failed to do that in next 45 years

There are limits to spoon-feeding everyone with the obvious. Islamic Iran proceeded to boosting the Iranian car industry's meager yearly output of slightly over 150.000 units to more than 1,5 million, introduced domestic types of cars, began exporting automobiles and setting up production facilities on at least three continents etc. The Iranian automotive industry was brought to a completely different level.
Yes 1.5 milion that by a signature of a clown in white house fall to 300,000
By the way again your comparison on the scale of car production show it is not your Forte.

And the EIA never ceased spreading disinformation about the sectorial distribution of Iran's industrial output.
Bring your data of befor sanctions.

Also illegal USA sanctions against Iran's oil industry were initiated much earlier, and experienced a first peak with the 1996 ILSA (D'Amato) act.
With exception of some difference in detail. Sanction reduced our oil export of around 3.5 million barrel te less than 1 million barrel for a period even 600 thousand barrel.

Concepts and their handling aren't flowery, they're key to our understanding of the concrete issues and mechanisms at stake. Also, the hawza didn't cease offering classes in certain profane disciplines as subordinate complements to Islamic teachings. As for the increased separation and specialization of disciplines of learning, it has been a global phenomenon over the past centuries.
Except the only place for study in Iran was howza and after second half of safavid they stopped offering those lessons. And as a result our industry and health sector declined.
I don't see this sort of a problem in the Iranian public education system.
Except that howza is going its way and university it's own way.
Except that each 10 year or so they are changing the structure of education system and then go and decide on what it was before revolution.
in yaroo ''karshenas nezami'' cheghadr koskhole. Mige ke enghadr ghodratmandim ke esraeil jorat nemikone ke havapeyma gheyr nezami ma ro bezane :lol:

yani bayad be in IQ shashid.

Mardake aldang, mage esraeil miad aabroo khodesh ro bebare va ejaze propaganda be doshmanaanesh bede ba sarneguni yek havapeymayi gheyre nezami?

Esrail vaghean khosh shanse ba doshmanaane ablahi mesle in joonevarha. dar otaaghe amaliyat va fekr esraeiliha cheghadr be inha mikhandan, khoda midoone :rofl:


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