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Iranian Chill Thread

So the US has tripled and quadrupled down saying that Iran has sold Russia hundreds of drones. In their latest statement they said that Russia is in possession of Mohajer-6 drones and Shahed types, wtv that means, maybe Shahed 136 kamikaze drones or Shahed 171 semi stealth drones that can carry 2 PGMs ? However the Americans also said that many Iranian drones were "defective" How would they even know something like that ? They sure weren't defective when they hit Abqaiq but now they're defective ?

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So apparently there are rumors that Chechens under Kadyrov is sending 20,000 elite troops into Ukraine for the Donbas front and Russia is sending tens of thousands of fresh troops as well who initially began training in March. So that 6 months, they're ready now. There are videos showing convoys of T-80, T-90s heading into Ukraine and allegedly these units will also be equipped with Iranian drones.

Officially Russia says they're sending 15,000 additional troops into Ukraine but I don't buy it. Chechnya has a population of 1.4 million, Russia 140+ million so my guess is that Russia is likely sending atleast 50,000 troops, maybe 20,000 a month for the next few months ? Anyways only time will tell

Ukraine's long anticipated counter offensive seems to have failed. Apparently on the second day Russia killed 1200 Ukrainian troops and has destroyed more than 100 tanks, armored vehicles and technicals. The hospitals in Kryvih Rih and Mykolaiv, nearby cities are reportedly pleading, urging people to donate blood. Seems like Ukraine made some temporary gains but lost most of them when Russia sent in reinforcements.

Pentagon reports that Russia is in possession of Iranian drones. Mohajer-6 and Shahed type. Russia denies.

Ukraine Kherson counter offensive quickly failing. Reports of 1200 Ukrainian soldiers KIA

There are no Iranian drones in Russia. All of this is empty noise.

@waz can you recommend a reliable website or source that can receive funds to help with current flooding?

Yes my brother;

Muslim Hands are one of the best charities for this. They've been established since 1993, their funds are audited by the UK government, they work in many countries and their founder has been given many awards for his work. I have been giving to them for years and have had my money build many projects the world over.
So good. So they are using manned ships and aircrafts to protect Unmanned ships.
If it is the plan for the future US Navy, it is better not spend a cent on USV crafts.
It does seem bizarre they send a ship and conventional aircraft to rescue a bottom-tier UAV.
The Hyundai Pony was no longer produced in the 1990's.
and as i said nothing about that car was producing in korea
Hyundai had already ventured into car production by producing locally built versions of the Ford Cortina under licence from 1968. When the company wanted to develop their own car, they hired George Turnbull, the former managing director of Austin Morris at British Leyland in 1974.[2] He in turn hired five other top British car engineers, Kenneth Barnett as body designer, engineers John Simpson and Edward Chapman, John Crosthwaite as chassis engineer and Peter Slater as chief development engineer.[3][4] With Turnbull's experience with the Morris Marina,[5] engines and transmissions from Mitsubishi, some parts from the Ford Cortina they were already producing, and a hatchback body styled by Italdesign Giugiaro, they developed the Hyundai Pony.

Why dream of it when it's reality:

We're told around 50 per cent of the Sibal's engine (...) was produced in Korea
the only part that was produced in korea was the body which was made from oil drums
Iran National's 1978 purchase of a production license for engines was not the extraordinary industrial feat some would make it out to be. It involved little domestic effort and essentially boiled down to PGCC-style spending of petroleum windfall on foreign supplied services.
iran-national was a private factory not a governmental entity that have access to oil revenue. the point is in 10 year they managed to go from assembling ckd to produce all the car inside iran .
now tell me after the factory become governmental managed what achievement they had ? name just one to me ? I'll tell you one it managed to take hundreds of million of governmental budget and still not be profitable., you tell me rest .
its the difference between effective management and ineffective one
I don't actually need to, because the mere citation of wild allegations about Iran issued by the US regime, automatically disqualifies any argument based thereupon. It's been established beyond doubt that hostile powers have had a rather nasty habit of churning out manipulated reports on practically every topic related to Iran, and that they've systematically been attempting to downplay the Islamic Republic's achievements.

But just so Iranians won't be misled by the fictitious numbers put forth by the enemy, here the accurate ones:



In other terms, by attributing roughly "80%" of Iran's industrial output to crude oil, the US regime's Energy Information Agency is arbitrarily adding an absurd 55% (!) excess share to the sector, whilst in reality it accounts for no more than 25% of total industrial manufacturing in Iran (crude oil and gas represented 7,9% of the overall Iranian economy in 1400, which amounts exactly to one third of the 23,7% made up by the non-crude oil and gas industries).

In fact the EIA's shameless piece of disinformation perfectly describes the state of Iran's industries under the US-subservient Pahlavi regime, including in the 1970's. There's propaganda and propaganda, this however truly hits rock bottom.

As for the Ahmadinejad administration it performed rather well in the economic field during its first tenure, with non-oil branches such as steel experiencing unprecedented growth.
again wrong date i bring you data from before usa sanction , but you bring me after sanction data , for that you must thank Obama and Trump for their campaign of "Make Iran Great again" not our lazy official who were content on selling oil ,and go to the extent that come on TV and say our strategy is not building refineries , we prefer selling oil and import petroleum
Underlying these interpretations of history is a contrasting juxtaposition of faith and reason, of Islamic tradition and "progress" in the sense of the 17th-18th century theories of so-called "Enlightenment" which took shape in the west. It's the reading of the discussed episode that's questionable, as if the operative line of divide was defined by this particular set of criteria.

The reason for Islamic teachings is not to be found in profane science, for the latter does not precede human submission to the Almighty. At best can profane science serve as an additional layer to the foundations of our faith, but in this regard it can never be considered as foundational onto itself. Otherwise the door would be wide open to interpretative subversion, at a latter stage even to attempted "refutation" of din. A historic thought process observed in the freemason-dominated west as well as in other secularist polities.
i don't have those flowery languages , i knew one thing . till Safavid if you wanted to study , you'd have learned science but not only science , you learned Ethics , philosophy , Islamic teaching at the same school and that resulted to a golden age . thanjs to safavid they separated that if you wanted learn something you must go and find a workshop and start do basic works there , there was no Islamic teaching, no philosophy , no Ethics , even there was no physics and mathematics while before Safavid we were ages ahead of European in that field . on other hand if you go to schools you could only learn Hadith and ethics and sadly only reciting what the previous generation did . that lead to stagnation .

now you can spin it with those flowery words however you like
by the way even today we have the same problem
A government achieving as many milestones as the Islamic Republic is hardly the most prone to mismanagement now is it.
just look at governmental companies , tell everything . there is no need for me to say anything
No administration can make industries 'flourish' when an economy the size of Iran's is taking hits to the tune of $1000 billion.

The above quote resembles a broken window fallacy.
that 1000billion or anything was mainly of lost of opportunities not damage to production equipment
Israel is waging full scale air attacks on Syria that we haven't seen probably ever.

How long will this "strategic patience" last. Until they bomb Tehran?

That might not even be enough for the "resistance" to respond to Israel in kind.

It's beginning to become quite tiresome watching these exhausting strikes happen over, and over and over again without any meaningful reprisal other than "we have elected to play our strategic patience card". Syria won't have the ability to repair their airports for much longer if the size, frequency and intensity of these operations increases.

IRGC should have made a decision to conduct comprehensive, large-scale BM strikes against critical IDF infrastructure long-ago, yet here we are.
Israel is waging full scale air attacks on Syria that we haven't seen probably ever.

How long will this "strategic patience" last. Until they bomb Tehran?

Mowing the grass.

My question is, how many billions in $$ has Israel blown up/destroyed of Iranian arms in Syria since 2015? 2012?

Airport strikes dont nearly hurt as much as strikes like on scientific center earlier this month that dealt with missile assembly and production and storage.

Who knows how many thousands of Iranian missiles have gotten destroyed last 10 years.
Mowing the grass.

My question is, how many billions in $$ has Israel blown up/destroyed of Iranian arms in Syria since 2015? 2012?
"mowing the grass" what an apt way of putting it lol.

Yep, these operations are a constant occupational hazard now and utterly routine for IDF. It's begs the question on whether or not IRGC actually has a response plan or want to do something meaningful about them aside from more rhetoric.
Iran isn't suddenly going to change its strategy in Syria because it risks losing face due to Israeli air strikes. Let's be honest, Iran has no overmatch in the Syrian theatre and the domestic forces in the region are intrinsically too weak to put up a fight.

No other option than to creatively use smoke and mirrors to transport sophisticated weaponry to the likes of Hezbollah and accept the losses that comes with it.

All to put the right assets in position for when the real showdown begins.
Iran isn't suddenly going to change its strategy in Syria because it risks losing face due to Israeli air strikes. Let's be honest, Iran has no overmatch in the Syrian theatre and the domestic forces in the region are intrinsically too weak to put up a fight.

No other option than to creatively use smoke and mirrors to transport sophisticated weaponry to the likes of Hezbollah and accept the losses that comes with it.

All to put the right assets in position for when the real showdown begins.

People have different degrees of patience and wisdom.

I would let people who were able to hold Assad and Yemen to decide how and when to react.

Their track record in the field has impressed me and I am comfortable with their decisions.
and as i said nothing about that car was producing in korea

90% of it was produced in Korea.



the only part that was produced in korea was the body which was made from oil drums

Around 50% of its engine was Korean-made, as well as other parts. This statement is substantiated by a valid source.

We're told around 50 per cent of the Sibal's engine (...) was produced in Korea


iran-national was a private factory not a governmental entity that have access to oil revenue.

A private firm whose owner, Khayyami, was in cahoots with the royal court and part of the ruling oligarchy. A private firm which was enjoying monopoly status due to its founder's personal connections to the regime's upper echelons. Conditions of access to the means of production were prohibitive and hinging upon political privilege.

Also in an highly oil-dependent economy like Iran's in the 1960's and 1970's, the fortunes of virtually every sector of activity will directly depend on oil price fluctuations.

the point is in 10 year they managed to go from assembling ckd to produce all the car inside iran .

The sole reason they operated that transition is because they disbursed large sums of money to western carmakers. Something every major company in the business at the global scale could have done, provided political green light from neo-colonial patrons. No technical domestic effort was put into acquiring the ability autonomously.

now tell me after the factory become governmental managed what achievement they had ? name just one to me ? I'll tell you one it managed to take hundreds of million of governmental budget and still not be profitable., you tell me rest .
its the difference between effective management and ineffective one

There are limits to spoon-feeding everyone with the obvious. Islamic Iran proceeded to boosting the Iranian car industry's meager yearly output of slightly over 150.000 units to more than 1,5 million, introduced domestic types of cars, began exporting automobiles and setting up production facilities on at least three continents etc. The Iranian automotive industry was brought to a completely different level.

again wrong date i bring you data from before usa sanction ,

And the EIA never ceased spreading disinformation about the sectorial distribution of Iran's industrial output.

but you bring me after sanction data , for that you must thank Obama and Trump for their campaign of "Make Iran Great again" not our lazy official who were content on selling oil ,and go to the extent that come on TV and say our strategy is not building refineries , we prefer selling oil and import petroleum

When you find yourself arguing against claims that Obama and Trump are the reason behind the astonishing development of non-oil industries in Iran, you feel like checking whether you've not landed in a circus. Many countries have been sanctioned, few managed to turn it into an opportunity like Iran. Also illegal USA sanctions against Iran's oil industry were initiated much earlier, and experienced a first peak with the 1996 ILSA (D'Amato) act.

The Islamic Republic's principled ideological belief in self-sufficiency has been reflected in the fact that officials and institutions across the board have been stressing the urgency of expanding the non-oil economy day-in day-out for 43 years all over the media and airwaves.

A cursory glance at which sectors, public investments have been directed towards before and after 1979 Islamic Revolution, is sufficient to underscore this general policy reorientation.

i don't have those flowery languages , i knew one thing . till Safavid if you wanted to study , you'd have learned science but not only science , you learned Ethics , philosophy , Islamic teaching at the same school and that resulted to a golden age . thanjs to safavid they separated that if you wanted learn something you must go and find a workshop and start do basic works there , there was no Islamic teaching, no philosophy , no Ethics , even there was no physics and mathematics while before Safavid we were ages ahead of European in that field . on other hand if you go to schools you could only learn Hadith and ethics and sadly only reciting what the previous generation did . that lead to stagnation .

Concepts and their handling aren't flowery, they're key to our understanding of the concrete issues and mechanisms at stake. Also, the hawza didn't cease offering classes in certain profane disciplines as subordinate complements to Islamic teachings. As for the increased separation and specialization of disciplines of learning, it has been a global phenomenon over the past centuries.

now you can spin it with those flowery words however you like
by the way even today we have the same problem

I don't see this sort of a problem in the Iranian public education system.

just look at governmental companies , tell everything . there is no need for me to say anything

Macro-economic indicators are telling as well.

that 1000billion or anything was mainly of lost of opportunities not damage to production equipment

Damage of whatever type eats up resources which otherwise would have gone into more productive activities.
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Who knows how many thousands of Iranian missiles have gotten destroyed last 10 years.
These shipments are probably more on a component level and transfered for assembly. 1000 is also kind of ridiculous number to suggest.

People have different degrees of patience and wisdom.

I would let people who were able to hold Assad and Yemen to decide how and when to react.

Their track record in the field has impressed me and I am comfortable with their decisions.
What about when they kill Iranians, and cause sabotage to Iranian infrastructure.

All to put the right assets in position for when the real showdown begins.
At which point many myths will be busted, and shocks will be seen around the globe of those who doubted what Iran can be capable of, as of now. This scenario will wait.

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