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Iranian Chill Thread

So the US killed 2 Iranian backed fighters in Deir Ezzor after a previous strike insured US personnel.

If Syria had as much balls as the Houthis, they would use Iranian loitering munitions to annihilate their occupied oil facilities. PMU could also target stolen Syrian oil going through Iraq.

On the other hand Syria just went through a 10 year war where they were attacked from every side and were always wiped out of existence. Now with Turkey threatening the north it seems that Assad is keen to sit back, rebuild and hope to take advantage of potentially good upcoming opportunities. Another thing to mention is that this is a sensitive time with Iran negotiating the nuclear deal.

I honestly don't think the deal is NOT worth it and I believe that Iran should just go nuclear but I'm guessing that the way the leadership is looking at it is that many Iranians are antagonizing them and blaming them specifically for not making a deal happen.

So Iran is giving in to many unfair US demands and saying fine. I mean after all Iran will get access to tens of billions of funds frozen in foreign accounts and some short term business deals along with some new airliners ? Now if a Democrat wins the presidency, which is really 50/50, then basically the deal will go on for 6 years. If a Republican wins and tears up the deal, all the liberal Iranians will realize that it's the Americans that are the antagonists, not the Iranian government. On the other hand there are always the ultra Shah loving liberals who will always blame the Islamic Republic no matter what happens.

Anyways this time however if a Republican tears up the deal then Iran should have a rock solid contingency plan, like banning the trading of US/EUR with the Rial for a certain period of time, Raising the interest rate to bring down inflation, pegging Iran's currency to Gold/Silver/Copper/Oil for a period of time, etc, measures like the Russians took. Not like Rohani's impotent, pathetic response.

Anyways if the deal goes through, then any company that wants to do business with Iran, especially ones like Renault, Peugeot, which pulled the plug, must open an Iranian bank account and make deposits through those accounts if they want to do business. If not they they can forget it and go f#ck themselves since they're the ones who voided the binding terms of the contract last time. Also any western nations who want Iranian oil should be told that they must open Iranian bank accounts and pay for the oil upfront and perhaps even use their own transport ships to retrieve the oil themselves,especially when it comes close to the deadline.

In my opinion, potential oil customers should be told that if they sign long term deals, like 5-10 years, they will get significant discounts, like 10%-20%. Iran this time must try to establish tight nit relationships with European companies so that if Americans want to leave the deal then the Europeans will be much more reluctant. Because we all know that if the spinelesss Europe really would have stood their ground that it's unlikely that America could have so easily implemented the sanctions and hurt Iran the way it did. Iran really has to play it smart this time around.

Also the alternative to SWIFT, with Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and others. They have to get on it as soon as possible. The Americans have weaponized the US Dollar and SWIFT and potential targets must respond now. The latest I've heard is that Iran is set to join Russia's MIR banking system, but that's not enough in my opinion more has to be done. China should really consider its options because they are the next target after Russia. The US will encourage Taiwan to become independent to cause a war, so that they can antagonize China and cripple China economically. The US will do absolutely anything to remain the worlds number one global super power. China is set to surpass them by GDP. By GDP PPP China has already surpassed them and the US can't stand it.
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So the US killed 2 Iranian backed fighters in Deir Ezzor after a previous strike insured US personnel.

If Syria had as much balls as the Houthis, they would use Iranian loitering munitions to annihilate their occupied oil facilities. PMU could also target stolen Syrian oil going through Iraq.

On the other hand Syria just went through a 10 year war where they were attacked from every side and were always wiped out of existence. Now with Turkey threatening the north it seems that Assad is keen to sit back, rebuild and hope to take advantage of potentially good upcoming opportunities. Another thing to mention is that this is a sensitive time with Iran negotiating the nuclear deal.

I honestly don't think the deal is NOT worth it and I believe that Iran should just go nuclear but I'm guessing that the way the leadership is looking at it is that many Iranians are antagonizing them and blaming them specifically for not making a deal happen.

So Iran is giving in to many unfair US demands and saying fine. I mean after all Iran will get access to tens of billions of funds frozen in foreign accounts and some short term business deals along with some new airliners ? Now if a Democrat wins the presidency, which is really 50/50, then basically the deal will go on for 6 years. If a Republican wins and tears up the deal, all the liberal Iranians will realize that it's the Americans that are the antagonists, not the Iranian government. On the other hand there are always the ultra Shah loving liberals who will always blame the Islamic Republic no matter what happens.

Anyways this time however if a Republican tears up the deal then Iran should have a rock solid contingency plan, like banning the trading of US/EUR with the Rial for a certain period of time, Raising the interest rate to bring down inflation, pegging Iran's currency to Gold/Silver/Copper/Oil for a period of time, etc, measures like the Russians took. Not like Rohani's impotent, pathetic response.

Anyways if the deal goes through, then any company that wants to do business with Iran, especially ones like Renault, Peugeot, which pulled the plug, must open an Iranian bank account and make deposits through those accounts if they want to do business. If not they they can forget it and go f#ck themselves since they're the ones who voided the binding terms of the contract last time. Also any western nations who want Iranian oil should be told that they must open Iranian bank accounts and pay for the oil upfront and perhaps even use their own transport ships to retrieve the oil themselves,especially when it comes close to the deadline.

In my opinion, potential oil customers should be told that if they sign long term deals, like 5-10 years, they will get significant discounts, like 10%-20%. Iran this time must try to establish tight nit relationships with European companies so that if Americans want to leave the deal then the Europeans will be much more reluctant. Because we all know that if the spinelesss Europe really would have stood their ground that it's unlikely that America could have so easily implemented the sanctions and hurt Iran the way it did. Iran really has to play it smart this time around.

Also the alternative to SWIFT, with Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and others. They have to get on it as soon as possible. The Americans have weaponized the US Dollar and SWIFT and potential targets must respond now. The latest I've heard is that Iran is set to join Russia's MIR banking system, but that's not enough in my opinion more has to be done. China should really consider its options because they are the next target after Russia. The US will encourage Taiwan to become independent to cause a war, so that they can antagonize China and cripple China economically. The US will do absolutely anything to remain the worlds number one global super power. China is set to surpass them by GDP. By GDP PPP China has already surpassed them and the US can't stand it.

No confirmed kill.
It was from Ansar news as a prank.

Killed agent was called “Akbar chelomorgh “

It was republished by multiple sources that Akbar chelomorgh was killed.

به من چه دارن چکار میکنن . کار خلاف قانون . نشان میده که شما ها که ادعا دارید اصل جمهوری اسلامی هستید و هرکس دیگه عامل و مزدور اسراییل هست چقدر به جمهوری اسلامی و قانونش اعتقاد دارید. حد اقلش من که به قول بعضیها خاین و مزدور اسراییل هستم در آمد غیر قانونی در نمیارم

در ضمن تو که ادعا داری اینها توی ایران کار میکنند نه اینجوری نیست اینها همه چیزشان اونور آب هست حتی یک دامنه ایرانی سایتاشون نداره​

تو چرا عین سعودی اینترنشنال حرف میزنی ؟

از کی تا حالا تجارت با خارجی ها حرام است ؟

Someone should inform Omid Dana (and others assuming that this represents an effective jab against PGCC regimes), that all over North Africa's Maqreb or at least in Morocco, they also colloquially use "Bu" instead of "Abu".

He needs to add a person with really precise and extensive knowledge of the rest of the world to his team of advisers, because small factual mistakes are frequent in his shows. Such as recently, when he was referring to the Wiener Zeitung as a "German" daily, when obviously Wien is the original form of Vienna (although in local dialect, they sometimes informally say "Wienna" as well) i.e. Austria's capital city and thus the newspaper's Austrian much rather than German.
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To be perfectly honest, I must take issue with Dana's interpretation of Hazrate Emam's words in this presentation. Obviously what the Imam meant, was that race is no precondition for development, and that every nation regardless of ethnicity can improve its level of development or achieve great historic feats if the necessary efforts are made, if it believes in itself. These statements are meant to debunk the myth of western racial superiority which some people in the global south have bought into.

So, far from shifting the focus on race or far from prioritizing race over religion, Imam Khomeini is relativizing its relevance here. This said, it's correct that Imam Khomeini was not hostile to the Iranian nation either but very much believed in its vast potential, contrary to what what the secular nationalist opposition has been suggesting. In that sense, Dana's video remains useful. But this is not a validation of the ultra-nationalist "country above religion" line on Imam Khomeini's part.
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تو چرا عین سعودی اینترنشنال حرف میزنی ؟

از کی تا حالا تجارت با خارجی ها حرام است ؟
تجارت با خارجی ها حرام نیست تو چرا مغلطه بازی در میاری خرید و فروش رمز ارز با منشا استخراج خارج از کشور ممنوع هست . به من هم هیچ ربطی نداره برو به بانک مرکزی و دولت بگو . ولی اونها خرید و فروش ارز دیجیتال استخراج شده در خارج کشور را برابر قاچاق پول وارز اعلام کردن. منم هیچ کاره هستم فقط یک نکته قانونی را گفتم شما میخواهی پول قاچاق در بیاری نوش جانت​
No, there is no military operation against Armenia. The fact that Iranians are writing such messages shows both their level of awareness about the issue and the fact that they are under the manipulation of which influence groups.

This so called NK defense army is not a legitimate force that can legally be present on de jure Azerbaijani soil. Additionally none of the trilateral agreement signees do not recognize NKR or Artsakh as a legal body. Thus any Armenian wearing a uniform is either a member of Armenian forces, which shouldn't be present in NK, or a rogue element, which is also illegal.

The said military operation takes place within the territory of Azerbaijan. There isnt any military operation against the territory of Armenia.

Armenia's efforts to establish a military element on the territory of Azerbaijan through illegal terrorist organizations will not be allowed. If Armenia abides by the agreements it has signed, there will be no tension in the region.

In the photograph below, published this week, we can see Aliyev with a tablet representing the Republic Azarbaijan to which internationally recognized Armenian territory, in particular the entire strip of land bordering Iran (including the Zangezur corridor) has been added.


Actual map of Azarbaijan for comparison:


This is on top of analysts and political figures in Baku calling into question Armenian sovereignty over the zone:

So I think it's fair to conclude that Iranian wariness is grounded in concrete signals coming out of Baku rather than just a lack of awareness or manipulation by third parties.
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In the photograph below, published this week, we can see Aliyev with a tablet representing the Republic Azarbaijan to which internationally recognized Armenian territory, in particular the entire strip of land bordering Iran (including the Zangezur corridor) has been added.


Actual map of Azarbaijan for comparison:


This is on top of analysts and political figures in Baku calling into question Armenian sovereignty over the zone:

So I think it's fair to conclude that Iranian wariness is grounded in concrete signals coming out of Baku rather than just a lack of awareness or manipulation by third parties.
Such a shame,

We could've been good friends but the regime in Baku is very clearly anti-Iran, not even anti-IR but even beyond that.

Look at this telegram post by Defender_iran telegram channel.

Regular deployments/rotation of tanks and personnel near the Aras river. While it is annoying it does look like the military is vigilantly watch what is going on here. Which is good, last thing we need is a surprise.

If Khamenei did not make it clear that no geographical changes will be tolerated, they would've made their move by now.
Contingency plans should also be made to seize Nakhchiavan autonomous zone via Nohed and Saberin air assault as well as Joint IRGC and Army mechanized forces in case their is trouble with re-opening the corridor. These are very real possibilities.

Unfortunately the downside to all of this, is that Israel want's Iran to be distracted by this issue.

No, there is no military operation against Armenia. The fact that Iranians are writing such messages shows both their level of awareness about the issue and the fact that they are under the manipulation of which influence groups.

This so called NK defense army is not a legitimate force that can legally be present on de jure Azerbaijani soil. Additionally none of the trilateral agreement signees do not recognize NKR or Artsakh as a legal body. Thus any Armenian wearing a uniform is either a member of Armenian forces, which shouldn't be present in NK, or a rogue element, which is also illegal.

The said military operation takes place within the territory of Azerbaijan. There isnt any military operation against the territory of Armenia.

Armenia's efforts to establish a military element on the territory of Azerbaijan through illegal terrorist organizations will not be allowed. If Armenia abides by the agreements it has signed, there will be no tension in the region.
My friend,

We are not fools, do not take us for fools we know what is going on, and Azerbaijan leaders have made their aspirations for Iranian territory very clear, both in manipulating or taking Iranian history to add to their own, or tweets like this which is very recent.

We know what IA stands for.

let us not pretend
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