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Iranian Chill Thread

What are the odds this guy getting stabbed right before the EU ultimatum to Iran to take the deal by a guy that is very pro-hezbollah.
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Only time will tell but I just can't see Iran having supplied Russia with HUNDREDS of Shahed 129 and 191s. Last I heard Iran has over 1000 drone in its inventory but that includes a wide variety of types.

In a contested airspace the Shahed 191 might be of some use because of its limited stealth capabilities but the Shahed 129, I don't see it being anymore useful than the TB2 was in the long term.

In recent days we've heard about Russia actually doubling the number of airstrikes on Ukraine so maybe they're planning on seriously crippling Ukraine's air defense capabilities before utilizing the Iranian drone ?

However if were talking about hundreds and in a contested airspace where saturating the airspace is the best way of overcoming enemy air defenses, I would think that the Russians would be better off investing in Ababil 2, which comes in a both a reconnaissance and loitering variant and the Mohajer 6.

In any case adding drones to Russia's arsenal will aid them greatly if they use them properly, or ironically even if they don't use them at all. Consider the following scenario. A priority target is protected by a Ukrainian air defense system with 8 missiles. Let's say the Russians launch 8 missiles at the site. Under normal circumstances the rational would be to use all the 8 missiles to try and defend the site. In that case maybe you'll shoot down 6 and 2 will get through.

However if the Russians also have drones incoming then the Ukrainians are now put into a conundrum of sorts because If they use all 8 missiles, then the drone can then come in and strike at the site. If however they only use a portion of the missiles then the incoming missiles will likely hit the targets anyways. In this case, the drones don't even need to actually be armed to be effective. Just their mere presence will put the Ukrainians at a huge disadvantage, a situation where you're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

In any case, if the reports about hundreds of drone are true, I suspect that many of them are simply for reconnaissance and many will be loitering munitions. So far many assumptions the west has made about Russia have proven to be wrong. Remember when the UK defense ministry said 4-5 months ago that Russia was running out of missiles ? Or that Russia had lost the initiative right before they took Severodonetsk and Lysychansk ? Or remember the rumors about the Bavar 373 ?

Anyways the latest claims about Russia bombing the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe is simply ridiculous. The Russians currently control the plant and are planning to cut off the plant from the Ukrainian power grid and connect it to the power grid in the Russian controlled areas. So why in the world would the Russians bomb their own nuclear power plant ? Defies all logic and reasoning.

In any case, from what I've heard, this is a Soviet power plant and Soviet nuclear power plants were build like monstrous fortresses. They've even designed to withstand a direct hit from a commercial plane falling from 10 km up in the sky. Regardless some of the sensitive materials are stored outside the site as well, so the Ukrainians are really playing with fire. Medvedev in a speech today threatened that if the Ukrainians manage to seriously damage or destroy, which would cause a humanitarian catastrophe likely worse than Chernobyl, that Russia could retaliate by doing the same to nuclear power plants under Ukrainian control.

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Yes the Russians should have moved in right after the Victoria Nuland backed color revolution BUT I'm pretty sure that the Olympics were ongoing at the time and Putin didn't want to ruin Russia's image. Also back then Russia was not economically ready. Just look at what even minor sanctions did to Russia's economy. After that Putin saved every penny, made contingency plans and as we saw the sanctions against Russia have largely backfired. In Germany I've heard that the government is asking people to take 1 minute showers where they only wash their arm pits and genitals. Russia now has enough reserves that they have decided to basically cut off gas supplies to Europe starting a few weeks ago. If this ends up being a gold winter, the Europeans will freeze.

The west underestimated the Iranian war machine and military planning.

They overestimated the Russian war machine and military planning.

Difference is Iran stepped up and won when it counted in Syria with the chips stacked against it.

Russia waited and waited and then finally made its move to a Ukraine that was mobilized. After the color revolution, Russia should have moved in. At the time Ukraine military was basically non existent and in shambles due to purges and the revolution. Hence why they did so poorly in the East before Putin listened to the German Dyke Merkel and agreed to a peace deal.

I remember vividly reading an military article when Russia took control of Crimea and everyone was afraid of Russia and the “little green men”. The article accurately predicted the Russian underperformance ahead of time. It basically said Russian military was a mirage. Outside of spetnaz and a few niche special forces groups ( ex VDV) the average Russian officer and infantry troop was wholly undertrained vs their western counterpart.

Now it was easy at the time to dismiss the article as western propaganda when Russia was coming off Georgia war, Crimea capture, and smacking around Ukraine in eastern part of the country. But it was a very accurate foreshadowing.

Soviet doctrine relies on tactical nukes to level the playing field against the West. It realizes it’s a quantity vs quality military and that the West has superiority in terms of arm tech. Even Putin himself said that the gap between NATO and Russia is huge and they are clear about that. Then he added nuclear war is the response to protect Russia against this gap. Tactical nuke strikes on staging areas and airbases/barracks would largely break up large deployments and negate Western air advantage and level the playing field.

The only problem here is if you face an opponent that is stronger than Georgia, but not an all out war opponent like NATO or USA. This is what Ukraine was. Then your strategy is half baked because you unable to steam roll your opponent and you can’t use nukes either.

General mobilizations are tough to break thru. Just ask Saddam. He had one of the strongest military in the world and couldn’t break thru against volunteers and a just born IRGC.
Yes the Russians should have moved in right after the Victoria Nuland backed color revolution BUT I'm pretty sure that the Olympics were ongoing at the time and Putin didn't want to ruin Russia's image. Also back then Russia was not economically ready. Just look at what even minor sanctions did to Russia's economy. After that Putin saved every penny, made contingency plans and as we saw the sanctions against Russia have largely backfired. In Germany I've heard that the government is asking people to take 1 minute showers where they only wash their arm pits and genitals. Russia now has enough reserves that they have decided to basically cut off gas supplies to Europe starting a few weeks ago. If this ends up being a gold winter, the Europeans will freeze.
Russia should have either went all in back in 2014 or should have just let it slide and hoped that a pro-russian candidate won the next election. He could have put Yanukovych as a figurehead and tried to take eastern Ukraine, as back then eastern Ukrainians were still pro-Russia (Basically the same thing Saudi did with Abdorabbi Mansour), while claiming to support the "legitimate" government of Ukraine.
Even if he did nothing he would at least keep the sympathy of half of Ukrainians.
But he chose the worst options. He outright annexed Crimea, and by doing so lost the support of east Ukrainians who after all had their national pride. Then he waited 8 complete years while propaganda eroded the remaining support for Russia and the west armed the Ukrainian armed forces. And in the end he did an unprovoked invasion, which ended up botched. Contrary to what many think, Putin is no master strategist. In the 2000s he repeatedly sold out Iran thinking that the west would allow Russia to be an equal partner. That didn't work out and Russia was forced to eventually ally with Iran, only this time Iran was much weaker because of sanctions Russia agreed to, and they also missed out on the billions of dollars of arms they could have sold to Iran.
The only reason Putin is seen as "competent" is because he is compared to Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
The CIA orchestrated the coup. This has all been documented in a documentary produced by Oliver Stone called "Ukraine on Fire". It was banned on youtube but you can watch it for free on Rumble. Anyways after that Russia was at risk of losing access to Crimea, with over 60% of the population being Russian. Russia, for it's national security could not take that risk.

After that Ukraine should have entered serious negotiations with Russia where they would guarantee that the Russian lease on the Crimean base would be honored and guarantee that Russian language would share dual status with Ukrainian since 30% of Ukrainian were ethnic Russians at the time. Either that or give the Russian majority areas autonomy.

However the Ukrainians chose to only pretend to negotiate, essentially buying time while they built up their military to the point where they could take back Crimea and the Donbas by force. When Russia realized was what the Ukrainian nationalists were planning, they basically had no choice. The Ukrainians rejected the Minsk accord which was negotiated by the UN, France and Germany. Russia did what they had to do for their national security.

The mistake they made was sending in 150,000-200,000 troops on a 14,000 KM front with multiple assaults in multiple directions. Remember an invading army should outnumber the defenders 3 to 1. Ukraine had an army of 400,000 troops and with all the volunteers, militias and then conscripts it was actually the Russians who were outnumbered.

Just to give you an idea, ironically the last time any army attempted an invasion on a 14,000 km front was in WW2 when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. But that was with over 2 million troops and it didn't include multiple assaults in multiple directions. From Leningrad (today St Petersburg) to Crimea, the entire front was headed basically in one direction, from west to east.

Meanwhile the Russians had to lead an assault from Belarus, from North to South towards Kiev. From South to North to Kherson, which they quickly took and then from Kherson east to establish a landbridge with the Donbas. Then they sent troops from Russia (east) into various parts of the Donbas and from North-East to South-West to invade Kharkiv.

Of course WW2 was a long time ago so lets look at a more contemporary war. In 2003, when the US invaded Iraq, the US had 375,000 troops, so pretty much twice as many troops as the Russians and since most of Iraq is desert, the front was really no more than 300-400 KM wide. So twice as many troops, a front a quarter the size and an army that they had bombed for more than a decade before going in. Russia bombed Ukraine for 1 night before going in.

The Russians certainly underestimated the Ukrainians. They basically wanted to replicate the the same tactics they had used to take Crimea. Except this was 7 years later, the Ukrainians were much more prepared and determined and had help from NATO, the most powerful military organization in the world.

Russia should have either went all in back in 2014 or should have just let it slide and hoped that a pro-russian candidate won the next election. He could have put Yanukovych as a figurehead and tried to take eastern Ukraine, as back then eastern Ukrainians were still pro-Russia (Basically the same thing Saudi did with Abdorabbi Mansour), while claiming to support the "legitimate" government of Ukraine.
Even if he did nothing he would at least keep the sympathy of half of Ukrainians.
But he chose the worst options. He outright annexed Crimea, and by doing so lost the support of east Ukrainians who after all had their national pride. Then he waited 8 complete years while propaganda eroded the remaining support for Russia and the west armed the Ukrainian armed forces. And in the end he did an unprovoked invasion, which ended up botched. Contrary to what many think, Putin is no master strategist. In the 2000s he repeatedly sold out Iran thinking that the west would allow Russia to be an equal partner. That didn't work out and Russia was forced to eventually ally with Iran, only this time Iran was much weaker because of sanctions Russia agreed to, and they also missed out on the billions of dollars of arms they could have sold to Iran.
The only reason Putin is seen as "competent" is because he is compared to Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
Remember this?:

Now this:

This is fluff. Even if true, SA doesn’t have the deep bench required to run with info. It’s akin to blasting heavy metal to a deaf person.
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I can't wait for the IRGC to assassinate ZoGnald CUCK (read "donald trump").
Remember this?:

Now this:

It's time to say it: the Russians are putting up an abysmal performance in Ukraine. On par with Israel's in 2006 against a similar well-entrenchment force (Hezbollah). The incompetence is simply staggering and some of its infamous weaponry clearly overrated.

But perhaps a wounded and battered Russia serves Iran's interests better. The eventual loss of Russian prestige and capabilities will forge closer ties between both countries as the schism with the West will remain for the long-term.
Uh..no. You questionably reference Russian retrograde thinking by your own retrograde thinking. You’re looking at a black knight threatening a white bishop yet you don’t see the black king is under severe threat by white’s queen, bishop, and knight (ironically the same white bishop you believe is under threat, btw). To put it simply, Russia is waging a hybrid war in a broad theater and has the west’s economic and strategic interests under threat.

Humorously all the anti Russia posts remind me of this meme:


Based on this awesome commercial:
Dispatch from "Paradise West", Chapter III

A tiny, microscopic, fragmentary selection of normalcy in New York City, USA over the course of nine very ordinary days of August 2022. "Enjoy", believers in "Paradise West"!

Dramatic video shows hit-and-run driver plow into mother and her baby in NYC​

By Tina Moore, Joe Marino and Patrick Reilly
August 11, 2022 7:14pm


I wonder how often scenes like this can be witnessed in Islamic Iran? An SUV driver mindlessly slamming a woman and her baby. This is the fabled Āmrikā for you, a vahshikhune. Wouldn't have thought after watching Saudi International, Manoto, BBC Farsi and spending half your day consuming gutter level mainstream propaganda on Instagram, Telegram, eh?

NYC McDonald’s worker shot over cold french fries, police source says​

By Tina Moore, Georgett Roberts and Kate Sheehy
August 2, 2022 12:28pm


And before some smart alec comes claiming that this merely is a consequence of liberal firearms ownership laws in the USA, in order to seriously wound some unprepared person in a surprise move, a knife would be more than enough. The point is about the abnormally elevated readiness and willingness of a considerable percentage of Americans to resort to extreme violence over completely trivial disputes, the extent of which is absolutely incomparable to prevailing standards in Iran.

Any fight one gets into in the USA, one must be prepared for the eventuality that this might very well be one's ultimate life experience. No, this is not so in Islamic Iran - no matter how impacted by propaganda one may be one may be or how much spin one may try to put on it.

Homeless man drinks garbage slug water off the sidewalk in midtown USA​

"Al-haqq ke Emrikā-jun khode ferdose! Doniyāye Qarb aslan beheshte, behesht! Vāy, qorbune Qarb beram man! Ey kāsh mā al'ān Emrikā budim, az bichāregio badbakhtii ke in ākhundā bar saremun ovordan nejāt peydā mikardim. Ey kāsh! I swear, government officials in the west are serving their people and would never line their pockets nor use the nation's wealth to shower regional paramilitaries with tons of money forcefully taken from we the people! Hence why every resident of the west has his needs catered to by philanthropic, altruistic, charitable ruling elites. Muh I would know, muh, everyday I'm watching Saudi International, Manoto, BBC Farsi for four hours, spending two more on Instagram and Telegram and listening to Zibakalam's erudite and well informed insight every now and then!"

Our moāned compatriots, of both the taxi driver and pseudo-intellectual variants, who've never set foot in the west, who happen to be brutally and deliberately misinformed by the zio-American empire's targeted psy-ops campaign and its depiction of the west as some sort of an utopian haven of felicity, coupled with disingenuous blackening of Iran's actual reality, do have some shame after being confronted with these blood-chilling reports from the USA's largest city.

Get a grip on your emotions and cease burying your heads in the sand, your delusions are an embarrassment to yourselves and to your nation. It's time to wake up!
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Moāned Iranians, of both the taxi driver and pseudo-intellectual variants, who've never set foot in the west, who happen to be brutally and deliberately misinformed by the global superpower's targeted psy-ops / propaganda campaign and its depiction of the west as some sort of an utopian haven of felicity, coupled with disingenuous blackening of Iran's actual reality, do have some shame after being confronted with these blood-chilling reports from the USA's largest city.

Get a grip on your emotions and cease burying your heads in the sand, your delusions are an embarrassment to yourselves and to your nation.
I may sound really crass when I say this but provide Iranians the chance to plow blonde hookers and overtime, they'll get this "roshan f(u)ckery" out of their system.

I too was not too dissimilar but a few years in Dubai cured me (I didn't even have to go further west). After a while, no amount of dancing, partying and sex could wipe the filthy taste that had made it's home in my mouth.
The CIA orchestrated the coup. This has all been documented in a documentary produced by Oliver Stone called "Ukraine on Fire". It was banned on youtube but you can watch it for free on Rumble. Anyways after that Russia was at risk of losing access to Crimea, with over 60% of the population being Russian. Russia, for it's national security could not take that risk.

After that Ukraine should have entered serious negotiations with Russia where they would guarantee that the Russian lease on the Crimean base would be honored and guarantee that Russian language would share dual status with Ukrainian since 30% of Ukrainian were ethnic Russians at the time. Either that or give the Russian majority areas autonomy.

However the Ukrainians chose to only pretend to negotiate, essentially buying time while they built up their military to the point where they could take back Crimea and the Donbas by force. When Russia realized was what the Ukrainian nationalists were planning, they basically had no choice. The Ukrainians rejected the Minsk accord which was negotiated by the UN, France and Germany. Russia did what they had to do for their national security.

The mistake they made was sending in 150,000-200,000 troops on a 14,000 KM front with multiple assaults in multiple directions. Remember an invading army should outnumber the defenders 3 to 1. Ukraine had an army of 400,000 troops and with all the volunteers, militias and then conscripts it was actually the Russians who were outnumbered.

Just to give you an idea, ironically the last time any army attempted an invasion on a 14,000 km front was in WW2 when Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. But that was with over 2 million troops and it didn't include multiple assaults in multiple directions. From Leningrad (today St Petersburg) to Crimea, the entire front was headed basically in one direction, from west to east.

Meanwhile the Russians had to lead an assault from Belarus, from North to South towards Kiev. From South to North to Kherson, which they quickly took and then from Kherson east to establish a landbridge with the Donbas. Then they sent troops from Russia (east) into various parts of the Donbas and from North-East to South-West to invade Kharkiv.

Of course WW2 was a long time ago so lets look at a more contemporary war. In 2003, when the US invaded Iraq, the US had 375,000 troops, so pretty much twice as many troops as the Russians and since most of Iraq is desert, the front was really no more than 300-400 KM wide. So twice as many troops, a front a quarter the size and an army that they had bombed for more than a decade before going in. Russia bombed Ukraine for 1 night before going in.

The Russians certainly underestimated the Ukrainians. They basically wanted to replicate the the same tactics they had used to take Crimea. Except this was 7 years later, the Ukrainians were much more prepared and determined and had help from NATO, the most powerful military organization in the world.
Russia should have either went all in back in 2014 or should have just let it slide and hoped that a pro-russian candidate won the next election. He could have put Yanukovych as a figurehead and tried to take eastern Ukraine, as back then eastern Ukrainians were still pro-Russia (Basically the same thing Saudi did with Abdorabbi Mansour), while claiming to support the "legitimate" government of Ukraine.
Even if he did nothing he would at least keep the sympathy of half of Ukrainians.
But he chose the worst options. He outright annexed Crimea, and by doing so lost the support of east Ukrainians who after all had their national pride. Then he waited 8 complete years while propaganda eroded the remaining support for Russia and the west armed the Ukrainian armed forces. And in the end he did an unprovoked invasion, which ended up botched. Contrary to what many think, Putin is no master strategist. In the 2000s he repeatedly sold out Iran thinking that the west would allow Russia to be an equal partner. That didn't work out and Russia was forced to eventually ally with Iran, only this time Iran was much weaker because of sanctions Russia agreed to, and they also missed out on the billions of dollars of arms they could have sold to Iran.
The only reason Putin is seen as "competent" is because he is compared to Yeltsin and Gorbachev.
Here's the main thing that even the most pro-Russia Iranians know.

Putin certainly did use Iran as bargaining chi, dangling us around to get what it wants with the west. IRGC themselves also said, they would not even show the Iskander to them and cancelled many military agreements, especially with offensive weapons. And even voted FOR sanctions on Iran in the UNSC (again to get benefits from EU). Don't forget that.

He may have helped a bit with defensive systems like AD and radars, but nothing more, but as he stated, they ended up Allying with Iran anyways (which is what he should've done decade ago) but he believe he can try to shape the world in Russia's image will working with the west. It doesn't work like that, you either join them or fight them. We can't assume he is a master strategist, cause he certainly made a mistake with how he treated Iran, who is really the only country in the world that can be Russia's close friend.

Now he is making up for lost time, with this Kanopus-V satellite, and tech transfer/joint production which is a major deal for any country to get.
Now he is making up for lost time, with this Kanopus-V satellite, and tech transfer/joint production which is a major deal for any country to get.
Just make sure he doesn't end up providing vital codes for military hardware to the enemy or block spare parts for key platforms all of a sudden, leaving Tehran high and dry.

You underestimate how spineless russians are and how quick they are the abandon their supposed friends in the foxhole when there's even a whiff of a threat to themselves (see Cuban missile crisis and North Korea).
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