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Iranian Chill Thread

Just change your flag to 🇮🇱 and post all your shit you want.

A "Jewish Indian" knowing french and Arab slang, putting Iranian Flag, acting like a retarded,... This forum is falling apart @waz

more likely a very immature teenage Indian Shia muslim of Iranian descent having a meltdown right now. This is funny
You need to be respectful to @_Nabil_ He is a long friend of Iranians from our old forums like a family member to us.
It's not about me, it's about putting Iranian Flag while he's probably a zio Wahabi Troll, all he's doing is giving bad reputation to Iranians and affiliates

more likely a very immature teenage Indian Shia muslim of Iranian descent having a meltdown right now. This is funny
An India Shia teenage won't know Arabic and French slang, I'm almost sure he's a Zioarab.
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Shouldn't Iranians have some kind of know and trusted iranian Mod to deal with this kind of issues?
Iranian population standing at 88.52 million in 2022. It is about to hit 90 million for the first time in history. We need more younger people though. First step should be to promote larger families with economic opportunities within Iran. The second step should be to import as many ideological Shiite families of Iranic or Irano-Turkic descent inside Iran from neighboring Iranosphere countries. Candidates: Azeri Turks, Shia Turkomans, Alevis Turks, Iraqi Shiites, Kurds, Afghans, Tajiks, Bahraini, Lebanese. Third step will be to "Iranicise" them all linguistically. Its kinda happening already at some level.

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Iranian population standing at 88.52 million in 2022. It is about to hit 90 million for the first time in history. We need more younger people though. First step should be to promote larger families with economic opportunities within Iran. The second step should be to import as many ideological Shiite families of Iranic or Irano-Turkic descent inside Iran from neighboring Iranosphere countries. Candidates: Azeri Turks, Shia Turkomans, Alevis Turks, Iraqi Shiites, Kurds, Afghans, Tajiks, Bahraini, Lebanese. Third step will be to "Iranicise" them all linguistically. Its kinda happening already at some level.

Is there Shia Kurds?
. . . .
Salar also exhibited similar ideology at first. I remember his first post attacked Zoroastrians. He probably expected us to applaud him. Little did he know that the overwhelming majority of Iranians are proud of Zoroastrians and our Zoroastrian past.
But at least Salar doesn't disrespect others using slurs, racism, sexually offensive insults or such things. A bit of religious bigotry? Maybe. But he does sound respectful overall.

I partly blame the IR for this kind of attitude. The IR has failed to show our real culture to the world, including Iranophils, properly.

You didn't get my point back then. I never 'attacked Zoroastrians' but offered a presentation of how the Parsi leadership in the subcontinent was infiltrated by the British empire as well as the networks of power underlying it. Then went on to put this into perspective with modern identity politics referencing Zoroastrianism in the Iranian context.

I am Iranian and have been in the know about topics like these for as long as I can read. In fact those who feel attached to the discussed heritage are most urgently in need of familiarizing themselves with the subject matters I touched upon (which they are generally oblivious to), including to help them realize how their enemies have proceeded to infiltrate Zoroastrianism from within. While religious Iranian Moslems should ponder it in order to increase their awareness of how the enemy operates, for it is obvious that Islam including its Twelver Shia branch have been and are being subject to the same subversive agenda.

There's nothing offensive in this, unless one considers a figure such as the British secret intelligence agent and freemason Ardeshir Riporter, a Parsi dispatched from the Raj to Iran, as some sort of a national "hero". For other than having played a key role in promoting Reza Khan as London's choice of a leader for Iran (unlike Seyyed Zia who is often credited with that advisory role, perhaps to cover up the actual story?), Riporter was described as having encouraged local Zoroastrians of Yazd to convert to the British-promoted cult of Bahaism, which incidentally triggered hefty reactions from the affected community against said converts.
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Is there Shia Kurds?

Kurds straddling Kermanshah and Ilam provinces, who speak a language of their own, are essentially Twelver Shia Muslims (as you perhaps know, what is referred to as Kurdish in fact consists of several mutually unintelligible western Iranian idioms).

So are the Laki, who reside on both sides of the border between Iran and Iraq (where the Faylis, many of whom Saddam expulsed to Iran, speak a dialect of Laki). It could be argued that their language is closer to Lori (Lors represent another major linguistic group in central-western Iran), although it is generally classified as a Kurdish one.

There are Twelver Shia among Gorani-speaking Kurds (again on both sides of the border) as well.

Also some 15% of eastern Turkey's 3 to 4 million Zaza (usually designated as or associated with the Kurds) adhere to Alevism, an unorthodox branch of Shiaism (the rest of the Zazas being Sunni Muslim). While this is not a particularly important percentage, it is nonetheless the highest among any linguistic group (the percentage of Alevis among native Turkish-speakers for instance is far less).

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Kurds straddling Kermanshah and Ilam provinces, who speak a language of their own, are Twelver Shia Muslims (as you perhaps know, what is referred to as Kurdish in fact consists of several mutually unintelligible western Iranian idioms).

So are the Laki, who reside on both sides of the border between Iran and Iraq (where the Faylis, many of whom Saddam expulsed to Iran, speak a dialect of Laki). It could be argued that their language is closer to Lori (Lors represent another major linguistic group in central-western Iran), although it is generally classified as a Kurdish one.

Also some 15% of eastern Turkey's 3 to 4 million Zaza (usually designated as or associated with the Kurds) adhere to Alevism, an unorthodox branch of Shiaism (the rest of the Zazas being Sunni Muslim). While this is not a particularly important percentage, it is nonetheless the highest among any linguistic group (the percentage of Alevis among native Turkish-speakers for instance is far less).

Kurds, even the Iranian ones usually are not into religion. They adhere mostly to their tribal or Kurdish identity.
Kurds, even the Iranian ones usually are not into religion. They adhere mostly to their tribal or Kurdish identity.

As someone with some Kurdish lineage this isn’t true about Iranian Kurds.

Many are Shia or as @SalarHaqq said some branch of Shiism.. Have historically Persian or Shiite names. It is true they still keep their cultural identity and linguistic identity but so do Lors, Balouchis, and Turkic Iranians.

Secular Iranian Kurds don’t exist anymore in numbers proportionally than secular Persians or Turkic Iranians in my opinion.
. .
Salar also exhibited similar ideology at first. I remember his first post attacked Zoroastrians. He probably expected us to applaud him. Little did he know that the overwhelming majority of Iranians are proud of Zoroastrians and our Zoroastrian past.

But at least Salar doesn't disrespect others using slurs, racism, sexually offensive insults or such things. A bit of religious bigotry? Maybe. But he does sound respectful overall.

I partly blame the IR for this kind of attitude. The IR has failed to show our real culture to the world, including Iranophils, properly.
Oon adami ke esmesho bordi maarmoolak tamaam ayar hastesh. Yek adame besiar Iransetiz va zedde tarikhe Iran. Faghat eslam barash moheme va oon ham eslam gerayesh shiye. Baraye oon adam, Iran ghabl az eslam hich manayi nadare. Be jash berese Iran ro fadaye eslam va Khamenei mikone. Injor adama ''Khar mazhab'' hastan.
Yadam hast dar ''goftegoo'' ke bahesh dashtam (hosele nadaram postha ro beram peyda konam) Irane baastaan ro maskhare mikard va migoftesh ke ''ma shiyayoon'' alan bar shoma hokoomat mikonim o va hich dar ro baraye Iranparasti baaz nagozasht. Aslan mohem nist, yaroo Irani nist, hatman yek mozdoore Pakestani hast ke dar Iran ''dars'' khoonde.

Albate, badtar az oon ''adamhayi'' mesle mohsen ham hastan ke migan kuroshe bozorg aslan dar kaar naboode, alaki boode.

Motasefam ke keshvaremoon, Irane ziba, hamchin joonevareyi toosh zendegi mikonan.

Ey vay bar ma. Khak bar saremoon shode. Omidvaram va az samime ghalbam doa mikonam ke nasl ha ayande keshvaremoon bishtar az din va khorafat bian biroon va bishtar erghe melli dashte bashan. Ye 20-30 saal dige tool mikeshe ta in mollahyoon jaakesh hamashoon bioftan bemiran.
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