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Iranian Chill Thread


I fookin love this pic
images (11) (3).jpeg

Though india has made a " light combat helicopter. To fight in high altitude
images (11) (7).jpeg

This one is the work horse for the army
The above three are for air force .

Indian polity’s greatest achievement post partition was making sure the army stayed in its place. They had realised the army was the scum of the society & had it not been for these mercenaries the crown wouldn’t have won over subcontinent. A weak army cost India a few embarrassments in the short time but it enjoys the long term benefits today.

Reverse is the case with Pakistan, with the passage of time it’s gotten even worse & today our situation is worse than a destabilised colony.

Institutions left behind by East India company are still to this day loyal servants of East India company & they ll remain so until the people of these provinces subdue them and stamp their authority over them.

Pakistani society however is far too fragmented to come to a consensus about the root cause of its miseries & unite in its efforts against this cancer.

Our elite will never break the spell of western superiority because they think themselves to be a part of the west. To be fair, they pretty much are a part of the west & that too the very worst of the west.

There is no reformation possible with them, it wasn’t possible in China & Iran & it isn’t possible with us either. The Chinese butchered their elite, the Iranians had to butcher their elite & we ll have to do the same with ours.

The sooner it’s done, the better it is.
You think Indian army didn't try to get power ?
Popular generals like thimaya were put in place by sending them out as ambassadors or making them head of a obscure tobacco farm in south india, hehe .
Story goes , once Nehru visited thimaya , who was field marshal , then.
He asked him about drawers in his office and what papers were kept in each one of them .
When he asked about last drawer, thimaya jokingly replied , " here are my plans for a coup against you " he was sent out immediately.
Correct. And that’s where the people come in. As long as the status quo is tolerable they won’t. Note, the Iranian revolution unlike many others was not economically based but based on culture, religion, and patriotism. Where are Pakistan and India today in that regard? Hard to revolt iwhile in poverty. But the time will come.
Neither Pakistan nor India will see a revolution , I guarantee you that .
People too busy in their daily lives to care about to be very honest
The IEI of today is many orders of magnitude bigger than when I was working there in late 70s..at the time it was mostly repair and overhaul ..the company was very young only few years under the belt..The Iranian staff were graduates from all over ..UK, US, Australia, I was the only one from Canada..We also had Iranian university graduates... superb technical people and better engineers than most of the foreign university graduates ...and then there were American defence contractors from all over the US ..mostly California..but unlike Saudi Arabia where they all had to live in encampments, the Americans in Iran lived amongst general population and mingled with us..great and friendly people .

To answer your question..from what I saw then and what I have seen on their products from outside( we only see the tip of the iceberg from outside) they can do any Opto/Electronics related project. Just give them the funding and orders to proceed . I can see the same thing about HESA...I see the funding and lack of decisive decision making at the top as the biggest impediment ..Thank God Raisi went to HESA, saw what they can do and made the decision on the spot..now I am sure we will have that 75 seat passenger plane before his term is over.

Woooh, I had no idea you were this experienced. You have my respects.

Do you think if IEI wants to create a Grifo-E level AESA radar and 4.5 - 5.0 Gen avionics for fighters, after what they showed for Kowsar, would they be able to create it ?
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Indian polity’s greatest achievement post partition was making sure the army stayed in its place. They had realised the army was the scum of the society & had it not been for these mercenaries the crown wouldn’t have won over subcontinent. A weak army cost India a few embarrassments in the short time but it enjoys the long term benefits today.

Reverse is the case with Pakistan, with the passage of time it’s gotten even worse & today our situation is worse than a destabilised colony.

Institutions left behind by East India company are still to this day loyal servants of East India company & they ll remain so until the people of these provinces subdue them and stamp their authority over them.

Pakistani society however is far too fragmented to come to a consensus about the root cause of its miseries & unite in its efforts against this cancer.

Our elite will never break the spell of western superiority because they think themselves to be a part of the west. To be fair, they pretty much are a part of the west & that too the very worst of the west.

There is no reformation possible with them, it wasn’t possible in China & Iran & it isn’t possible with us either. The Chinese butchered their elite, the Iranians had to butcher their elite & we ll have to do the same with ours.

The sooner it’s done, the better it is.
Viva la Revolucion.

Neither Pakistan nor India will see a revolution , I guarantee you that .
People too busy in their daily lives to care about to be very honest
I don’t believe that. Justice eventually wins. I wish my very best to our friends in India and Pakistan.
It's not poverty, it's internal divisions. Let me give you an example. Pakistanis are sometimes proud that they don't vote religious parties into power. But it's not because they're secular it's the fact that Pakistanis are divided into Barelvi, Deobandi, Shia, Ahle Hadees etc. and no one group will ever let other into power hence the stalemate. Same goes with ethnic divisions too. The only reason we were able to get Pakistan in the first place was that we all agreed that no matter what we'll keep fighting with each other but will not let hindu rule over us. After we got Pakistan we went back to our old ways. There's very few things we all agree on but how should we run our country is not one of them. We are waiting for a new political class to emerge to change the status quo. Some though that Imran Khan was it but he failed. But this cant go on forever, either we'll somehow unite or we will disintegrate like what happened with Bangladesh. In my opinion there's still hope.


ALLAH’s mercy has carried us this far but the way Murtads & Munafiqs are herding us towards Hell, I see Bangladesh 2.0 not so far in the future.
View attachment 856512
I fookin love this pic View attachment 856513
Though india has made a " light combat helicopter. To fight in high altitude
View attachment 856514
This one is the work horse for the army
The above three are for air force .

You think Indian army didn't try to get power ?
Popular generals like thimaya were put in place by sending them out as ambassadors or making them head of a obscure tobacco farm in south india, hehe .
Story goes , once Nehru visited thimaya , who was field marshal , then.
He asked him about drawers in his office and what papers were kept in each one of them .
When he asked about last drawer, thimaya jokingly replied , " here are my plans for a coup against you " he was sent out immediately.

There you have it.
  1. Economy
Jun 24, 2022, 9:00 PM

Russia urges Iran to export construction materials: Safari

Russia urges Iran to export construction materials: Safari

TEHRAN, Jun. 24 (MNA) – The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Affairs announced that Russian Federation has called on Iran to export construction materials to this country.
Referring to the recent visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Tehran and determination of the two countries to expand trade and economic ties, Safari stated that Iran has established good cooperation with Russia in the fields of trade, transit, energy, etc.
In the trade sector, the two countries of Iran and Russia are determined to increase their bilateral ties by $5 billion, he said, adding that the two countries also are cooperating with each other in the field of oil and gas swap deal.
In the sector of transit, it is scheduled that a high-ranking delegation of the country will visit Russia in the very near future to expand bilateral cooperation in the relevant field, Safari added.
Elsewhere in his remarks, the deputy foreign minister said that Russia has called on officials of the country to export building materials since this country has a high demand to the construction materials.
For this reason, it (Russia) has submitted a list of the construction materials it needs, he said, adding that a delegation will be dispatched to the Russia in order to consult with Russian officials on the issue.

No arms deals? Fûck the Russians, they don't want to make S.A insecure....
I chuckle when I see those who seriously have bought into their local propaganda that Ukraine is somehow going to survive this in any shape or form. 😀
Throw back Friday and still chuckling:

Woooh, I had no idea you were this experienced. You have my respects.

Do you think if IEI wants to create a Grifo-E level AESA radar and 4.5 - 5.0 Gen avionics for fighters, after what they showed for Kowsar, would they be able to create it ?
Second generation avionics and AESA radar for aircraft is almost a given if you ask me...Remember Lockheed Martin is not the only ones with skunk works ..Iran has equivalent of DARPA and I am sure Iranian skunk works is a good possibility.



Second generation avionics and AESA radar for aircraft is almost a given if you ask me...Remember Lockheed Martin is not the only ones with skunk works ..Iran has equivalent of DARPA and I am sure Iranian skunk works is a good possibility.

With you an experienced engineer saying this, I think it leaves us with no doubt that the future of Iranian combat aviation is bright.

Lavrov: Israeli targeting of Damascus airport is very dangerous​

  • By Al Mayadeen English
  • Source: Agencies
  • 23 Jun 15:20
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian discusses with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov a number of political, economic and regional files.

Iran praised Russia's backing for Tehran's positions in the Vienna talks, with the Iranian foreign minister expressing hope that Washington's sense of realism would move the negotiations closer to a final accord.

Iranian FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian's words came during a joint press conference with Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, on Thursday in Tehran where they revealed both sides discussed arrangements for the Vienna talks about the JCPOA.

Expressing hope for the resumption of the nuclear negotiations in the near future, the Iranian foreign minister said, “I hope we could reach the final point of an agreement in the near future with the American party’s realism.”

He also pointed out that Lavrov had reiterated Russia's support for Iran's political views and for the JCPOA negotiations leading to a final agreement.

China, Russia friendly allies​

Amir-Abdollahian hailed friendly nations including Russia and China for opposing a recent anti-Iran resolution put forth by the US and the European troika at the International Atomic Energy Agency.

“We also praise Russia’s constant support for the continuation of works at the International Atomic Energy Agency and for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s regional interests and stances,” the top Iranian diplomat stated.

Amir-Abdollahian cited his discussions with Lavrov over the "political howling" of the Israeli occupation and claimed that the region will not allow "Israel" to endanger security, stability, and advancement.

He also voiced the expectation that a summit between Iran, Russia, and Turkey will take place in Tehran as part of bilateral negotiations and the Astana format. The Russian foreign minister stated that Moscow and Tehran are committed to deepening their ties.

New agreements

Lavrov urged for new forms of collaboration in the energy sector, transportation, agriculture, financing, and customs matters, citing an increase of 80% in the annual trade exchanges between Russia and Iran, which stood at about $4 billion in the previous year.

He emphasized that the US should not be permitted to alter international norms, the foundations of the UN Charter, or the equality of states' sovereignties, and he added that Moscow and Tehran reject the unilateral US sanctions that are in violation of the UN Charter.

Lavrov stated that the goal of the JCPOA talks is to correct the error that the US made.

Washington and JCPOA​

The Russian foreign minister highlighted that the JCPOA should be renewed in its original form as in 2015, without any extra subjects, and deplored the US for breaking international law by exiting the nuclear deal and the UNSC Resolution approving it.

Donald Trump, who was US president at the time, announced the US' exit from the Iran nuclear agreement in 2018.

Talks on the resurrection of the JCPOA started in Vienna, Austria, after current-US President Joe Biden expressed a desire to rejoin the accord.

After eight rounds of negotiations to return the JCPOA to its original shape and bring the US back into the accord owing to external considerations, a pause was taken in Vienna on March 11, 2022. The Vienna negotiations had already neared their conclusion and were anticipated to be finished by the end of February prior to that.

The wording of the agreements achieved, which is roughly 20 pages long and outlines additional procedures to resume the nuclear accord in its original form, was agreed upon.

Some countries violate UN resolutions in Syria​

Lavrov explained that, "We focused on economic issues and the development of bilateral relations, as well as the illegal US steps against Russia and Iran."

He added that "some countries impede the implementation of United Nations resolutions on Syria within the framework of the Astana talks," adding that Moscow stressed the need to implement UN Resolution 2254 related to the Syrian settlement, calling also to discuss the recent targeting of Damascus International Airport at the United Nations.

"Unfortunately, the latest incident is very dangerous. It was an attack on a civilian airport that effectively grounded this airport for several weeks, not to mention the problems that arose due to the inability to deliver humanitarian supplies by air."

Lavrov considered that "Washington acts irregularly on any file, not only in the Iranian nuclear file," adding that "US policy today is provoking conflicts and crises, and we see this in its initiative to establish a missile shield in the Middle East."

There you have it.
In india civilian bureaucracy is very strong
The third most powerful guy after pm and home minister is the cabinet secretary of india .
Not some general , guess the reason why india has not appointed any cds yet ?
Indias first defense minister was hell bent on humiliating army brass , we lost 62 war with a disaster but in the long run, it didn't matter much .
India has seen no field marshall either after sam manekshaw

Viva la Revolucion.

I don’t believe that. Justice eventually wins. I wish my very best to our friends in India and Pakistan.
Hehe large no of CASES are pending in courts, the judges are slow and steady .
Even slower than a snail
In india civilian bureaucracy is very strong
The third most powerful guy after pm and home minister is the cabinet secretary of india .
Not some general , guess the reason why india has not appointed any cds yet ?
Indias first defense minister was hell bent on humiliating army brass , we lost 62 war with a disaster but in the long run, it didn't matter much .
India has seen no field marshall either after sam manekshaw

Hehe large no of CASES are pending in courts, the judges are slow and steady .
Even slower than a snail

That’s what I am talking about.
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