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Iranian Chill Thread


If this passes (likely will in this Russia-phobic climate) then how long can Putin continue his war? Certainly going off war chest alone he can survive. But Saudi Arabia’s Yemen venture showed how easy it is to dwindle a war chest fast.

It also explains why Europe is desperate to get Iran to drop the FTO demand on IRGC. Iranian oil could play a nice role. However, I am not sure how many refineries in Europe can process Iranian crude. Back in the day (pre 2010) there were quite a few. Venezuelan oil could also be an option.

Both sides should agree that an unwritten unofficial smaller deal is the best for them. Not a nuclear deal per se but a mutually beneficial deal on negotiable and agreeable items.

US says you want to sell oil and Eu needs to buy oil. So stop nuclear activities and we buy your oil in exchange.

Well. It is a seller’s market now. Getting cash for oil is easy now. A missile fired at a refinery causes huge havoc now.
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🙏 عيد مبارك

Eidakom saeed (I hope it's correct:cry: ):partay:
Try to focus on the footage and tactics and not the words of the user.

A quad copter dropping grenades is still deadly. Any soldier taken off the battlefield is one less in the trenches.
I think his point was that, this has been done before, and anyone who was following the Syrian war would know. And they are broadcasting as "mini-bayraktar" lol
I think his point was that, this has been done before, and anyone who was following the Syrian war would know. And they are broadcasting as "mini-bayraktar" lol

There is no point really.

This is the first major war where the average Joe is following the day to day developments via Twitter. I wouldn’t be surprised if most didn’t know what “bayraktar” was before this war. Turkish arms industry isn’t exactly well known knowledge.

So “mini bayraktar” makes sense in the average Joe terminology. Of course we can tell the difference as military enthusiasts. But Not everyone on Twitter is military fanboy. This is many (western) peoples first glimpse at a “live” streamed conflict, even Syrian war wasn’t as “live” as this.

I should say Syrian war and Armenia-Azeri weren’t for better or worse conflicts the average Joe cared about or could relate to. Just another group of “brown people” fighting each other. I mean you had major European news shocked this war happened because supposedly they are more “civilized” (actual word used) than those brown people in Middle East. Add the fact this is the biggest war in Europe since WW2 and you have a much larger n00b audience.

You have to accept that not everyone posting tweets is Patarames or Russians with attitude or Yuri Lyamin or any more reputable source with military knowledge.

Hence why when reading western sources (propaganda heavy and militarily inept) I focus on the physical information and not the “analysis”.

For now let's put Iran's neighbors aside :) it's easier this way.

US side (just trade losses)

Airports(designs and upgrades) airplanes +10B every year
Ports and ships(engines and parts) +10B every year
Mobiles,Laptops and computers and their parts +10B every year
Agriculture machines and tools +5B every year
Cars(engines and parts) +5B every year
Trucks (engines and parts) +3B every year
Home appliances ( parts) +5B every year
Mining machines and parts +5B every year
Trains (designs and engines) +3B every year
Medical equipment +5B every year
Drugs +5B every year
And ....

All of these are without a single $ in oil and gas or millitary industires.Im sure without sanctions Iran could reach to 250 billion$ export and 200 billion$ import in just a couple of years.
They could start trade at 2016 and from 2018 USA could easily export upto (20% of Iran needs) 40B every year to Iran and start to work on other issues and right now(2022) US export to Iran could be at least at 80B.

If you want to add oil and gas, it could be at least at 120B.

Today I checked US trade and saw that US has a 800B$ hole in her pockets !(2.5T exports , 3.3T imports).
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View attachment 839986
Eidakom saeed (I hope it's correct:cry: ):partay:

Don't remind me these :D . Hope @_Nabil_ gets to try nān nokhodchi نان نخودچی one day if he hasn't already. These are one of those highly addictive delicacies you can't stop eating once you've taken the first, at least to my taste.

By the way, to us (assuming you're Twelver Shia Muslim) Eid isn't today but will be tomorrow, because the crescent moon could not be sighted. This is the case in Iran and as far I know in western Europe as well.

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Don't remind me these :D . Hope @_Nabil_ gets to try nān nokhodchi نان نخودچی one day if he hasn't already. These are one of those highly addictive delicacies you can't stop eating once you've taken the first, at least to my taste.

By the way, to us (assuming you're Twelver Shia Muslim) Eid isn't today but will be tomorrow, because the crescent moon could not be sighted. This is the case in Iran at least. I'm not sure about continental western Europe though, can anyone help please?

Unfortunately didn't tried the nan nakhisji, hope will do one day .

Today is the Aid el Fitre here in Tunisia, Also I'm not a Twelver Shia, I'm a "Sunni" Muslim 😁

Aid Mubarak again to everyone 🙏

View attachment 839986
Eidakom saeed (I hope it's correct:cry: ):partay:
That's correct ✌️

This looks like our "Ghraiba", it's made of chickpeas flour

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Also I'm not a Twelver Shia, I'm a "Sunni" Muslim

I meant user 'Cancerous Tumor'.

Eid mubarak to you, as well as other brothers in Islam who celebrate it today.

This looks like our "Ghraiba", it's made of chickpeas flour

View attachment 840005

Should be about the same, interesting. The Iranian version is with cardamom powder, and is prepared in particular for the Iranian new year (Noruz), although it is available outside that occasion as well.
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Yea in ur dreams. In reality India will give in to humiliating concessions, including giving up Kashmir and all of China's border demands, not toention repairations.to be paid for 100 years.

It surely won't be worst than being slaves to the British for 200 years no ?

If you'd rather cease to exist than making those sacrifices than be my guest but I doubt it. Your nation is used to being humiliated.

If u were smart you'd be building an underground tunnel network to make sure that in case China takes the Chickens neck, that semi trucks can continue to supply eastern India.

However I highly doubt it. India is one of the must disorganized and corrupt nations on earth. Just look what a handful of fundamentalist kids did to India at the Tag Mahal a few years back. You didn't even respond for days LOL. Imagine what India and China could do to u in a coordinated pre emptive strike

Yes GAME OVER. Islamabad and Beijing would be radioactive.
Ukrainian side has been engaging in propaganda since Day 1.

I follow both sides of sources. I can filter out propaganda and re-used footage. I got used to it following the Syrian war. But there some Ukrainian sources that I absolutely stay away from since they re use footage from weeks ago. Some dont.

If you follow only pro-Russia sources then you only get one side of the damages.

Both sides are inflicting significant damage on each other.

Let’s see what Putin says during the May 9th parade. Rumors he might call for general mobilization. Not sure I believe that.
This post is so torturously conflicted it’s like a to be speared fish stuck in a rut ready for catch. Us island boys know. You rock though. Keep it up!
Yea in ur dreams. In reality India will give in to humiliating concessions, including giving up Kashmir and all of China's border demands, not toention repairations.to be paid for 100 years.

It surely won't be worst than being slaves to the British for 200 years no ?

If you'd rather cease to exist than making those sacrifices than be my guest but I doubt it. Your nation is used to being humiliated.

If u were smart you'd be building an underground tunnel network to make sure that in case China takes the Chickens neck, that semi trucks can continue to supply eastern India.

However I highly doubt it. India is one of the must disorganized and corrupt nations on earth. Just look what a handful of fundamentalist kids did to India at the Tag Mahal a few years back. You didn't even respond for days LOL. Imagine what India and China could do to u in a coordinated pre emptive strike
Talking about humilations:
200 years u were colonized outnumbering British 1000 to 1 🤣 Iran was never colonized by the British was it ?

Btw that was after Nadir Shah butchered ur people and pillaged ur nation blind. The British had easy pickings after that.

The (Chinese) chickens neck was drawn by the British and it will make a brilliant snapping sound once it breaks 🤣

Also tell Pakistan how brilliant their tea tasted. Very delicious indeed. LOL 🤣

30% of ur people r illiterate and ur country is most famous for a lack of toilets. Don't talk too much kid.

I can guarantee that once those T-72s r destroyed by RUSSIA that the Ukrainians will claim them as Russian losses. I have no doubt about it.


looks interesting.. though probably western propaganda series....anybody watching?
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