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Iranian Chill Thread

I like how this is a commonly brought up argument to illustrate how "modern" and sucessful I country is.

In many place in the world that are absolute dumpster fires, you can wear mini-skirts. What bearing does this have on a countries sucess? Back when women could wear mini-skirts, their was no subway system in Tehran. Now Tehran has a 250km's worth of subway lines with no skirts. Is this regression?
the metro was designed and began at the era of miniskirt , revoloution and war delayed it . otherwise it has nothing to do with dress code
:taz:Life is not fair !

well if only were ready to accept how nonreligious Iran society is, by the way I'm in tehran and my work plece is around Tehran bazaar not Sweden or losangeles or even turkey

Iran is the single most religious society in the world, according to one credible empirical study. It's because you don't work in Sweden, Los Angeles or even Turkey that your comparative outlook will tend to be limited. Eide Fetr soon, we shall be reminded of the fact that tens of millions in Iran continue to lead a religious lifestyle. As we were on the occasion of Imam Ali's (a.s.) martyrdom, and as we are in a regular fashion thanks to the massive streams of pilgrims both domestically and to Iraq.

Iran will seem "non-religious" to those who lose sight of, or are not familiar enough with prevailing global standards. Another category of people who will describe Iran as particularly non-religious are active participants in social engineering, who deliberately blow irreligiosity out of proportion in order to set the stage, psychologically speaking, for such a condition to come about.

Exactly how Alfred Kinsey, a biologist with borderline paedocriminal tendencies operated in the USA, financially backed by publisher of "erotic magazines" Hugh Hefner, in order to initiate the so-called "sexual revolution" post-WW2. Kinsey was basing himself on faked surveys to suggest that the American population was far more frivolous and far less complying with traditional values than it actually was (in particular, Kinsey did things such as surveying prison inmates, homosexuals and prostitutes about their sexual habits, before extrapolating the results and passing these off as supposedly characteristic of the entire US population).

When the oligarchic-controlled mainstream media then publicized Kinsey's report, the public fell for the lies and began loosening its moral standards precisely because it had been tricked into believing that nobody was following traditional ethics anyway, and that unregulated sexuality had already become the norm. Group think and social pressure ensued. This procedure is a classic psy-ops method of social engineering: make people assume that the outcome you want to achieve is already there when it isn't. Which in turn will generate said outcome artificially.

To those who've lost touch with the other, the authentic Iran, the one that remains deeply religious and traditional, I can direct them towards venues and locations where they may experience it first hand.

By the way, Kinsey conducted "experiments" on newborns, and suggested these too can be stimulated sexually. Maybe this explains the pretty widespread phenomenon of infant rapes in the USA. Coming to think of it, some reports in this regard ought to be shared here, as they would certainly be eye-opening to many. Now I can't wait for someone to pop up and try and spin a fictitious tale to create the baseless illusion that in Iran too, this sort of a crime is a trivial occurrence. The fact that Iranian society is in a much better shape than western society is definitely and deeply unbearable to some. Go figure why.
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Iran is the most religious society in the world according to a credible empirical study. It's because you don't work in Sweden, Los Angeles or even Turkey that you're comparative outlook is lacking. Eide Fetr soon, we shall be reminded of it. We were already on the occasion of Imam Ali's (a.s.) martyrdom, and we are permanently with the numbers of pilgrims both domestically and to Iraq, etc.

Iran is "non-religious" only to those losing sight of global standards, or to actual social engineers who deliberately blow irreligiosity out of proportion in order to set the stage, psychologically speaking, for that very outcome, exactly how Alfred Kinsey, a biologist with borderline paedocriminal tendencies did in the USA, with financing from publisher of "erotic magazines" Hugh Hefner, in order to initiate the so-called "sexual revolution" post-WW2, based on doctored and faked surveys suggesting that the American population was much more frivolous and traditional values much less prevalent than they actually used to be back then (in particular, Kinsey did things such as surveying prison inmates, homosexuals and prostitutes about their sexual "ethics", before extrapolating the results and passing them off as supposedly characteristic of the US population in general).

When the public was familiarized with Kinsey report by oligarchic-controlled mainstream media, it started to believe the lies and began loosening its moral standards because it was tricked into believing that nobody was sticking to traditional values anyway. This procedure is a classic psy-ops method of social engineering: make people believe that the outcome you want to achieve is already there when it isn't. That will produce said outcome.
You call that being religious . Show me the one who implement imam Ali teaching in their lives and then we are in business . Otherwise I say the most religious people are north Korean in the worship of their gods aka their rulling leaders.
You call that being religious . Show me the one who implement imam Ali teaching in their lives and then we are in business . Otherwise I say the most religious people are north Korean in the worship of their gods aka their rulling leaders.

There are different dimensions to religiosity, and ritual observance is one of them. Another is how pure one's heart and mind is, which only God can determine with certainty.

I can show several Iranian persons who try their best to implement Imam Ali's (a.s.) teachings, knowing that humans are sinners by definition.

What I also know, however, is that raping babies, newborns, toddlers, infants is as irreligious, sinful, depraved and devilish an act as it gets. Something that is happening on a regular basis in the US, evidence to follow soon.

the metro was designed and began at the era of miniskirt , revoloution and war delayed it . otherwise it has nothing to do with dress code

The Islamic Republic is the one which built it. As good as nothing was achieved in this field before the Revolution, other than paying foreign companies to study routes.
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I am just talking from my experience dude. I have met Iranians that want the US to invade it and regime change it. From their experience the Islamic revolution was the worst thing to happen. They even post pictures showing women wearing mini skirts in Tehran before 1979

Of course. Then you should also try and have a look at the masses of Iranians who every year mobilize to commemorate Revolution day on 22 Bahman, or how the 2009 "Green movement" (a colored revolution attempt by western-apologetic reformists) was dwarfed by the pro-government counter-demonstration which put and end to the turmoil.

Thing is, outsiders hardly ever get to interact with those "other Iranians", who in fact form a majority. These Iranians don't emigrate in numbers, they don't mingle too much with the oppositionist or irreligious crowd. Their presence on "Twitter" or "Instagram" is limited, as opposed to oppositionists, and most importantly, international mainstream media practically never make mention of them and downplay their relevance, deliberately throwing the spotlight on the type of people you're familiar with instead.

It's a consequence of standing up to the global hegemon: the country's image in the media will not correspond to reality, and emigrant communities will not be reflective of the entire spectrum of society.


as if there is no more brothel in Iran . its just like there is no gay , not like yours in Iran
a sentence both correct and wrong.
wrong because there are gays in Iran and right because unlike Eu and USA they cant be outspoken for various reason

the sex industry is well and thriving in Iran just we sweep it under the rug and say look its clean you can't see anything

And there's literally a world of difference between a legal and trivialized "sex industry" and an illegal, underground, suppressed and socially frowned upon one. That the total eradication of prostitution and homosexuality is close to impossible, especially in luciferian times like these and under a minimally coercive ruling system like Iran's should be quite obvious. All that matters is that it's not legitimized by public authorities, and as a consequence it will be naturally contained and boxed in. Why not mention all those who are currently lingering in jail, or who got whipped for the crime of prostitution?

Today Iranians can be proud that their country is one of only a handful to be missing from the catalogue of the organized, international procurers mafia. Even Pakistan and Saudi Arabia aren't spared from being integrated into this sordid "business", with prostitutes from multiple countries working there on behalf of international criminal rings, with full authorization from public authorities. There's no comparison between the extent of these phenomena in any country "normalized" to globalist standards on the one hand, and Islamic Iran on the other.
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This is the state of American society:


US man rapes newborn daughter, searches on Google for help as infant lies dying

A father in Pennsylvania, United States, who was caring for his 10-month-old daughter, raped the newborn and left her dying as he searched on Google on what to do if a baby stops breathing and also talking to friends on social media.​

October 9, 2020
UPDATED: October 9, 2020 11:41 IST



And no, it is not an isolated incident. That society has descended into savagery and is no longer salvageable.

Now let's keep pretending Iran is worse off, or even remotely comparable to a revolting, gloomy cesspit like this.
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There are different dimensions to religiosity, and ritual observance is one of them. Another is how pure one's heart and mind is, which only God can determine with certainty.

I can show several Iranian persons who try their best to implement Imam Ali's (a.s.) teachings, knowing that humans are sinners by definition.

What I also know, however, is that raping babies, newborns, toddlers, infants is as irreligious, sinful, depraved and devilish an act as it gets. Something that is happening on a regular basis in the US, evidence to follow soon.

The Islamic Republic is the one which built it. As good as nothing was achieved in this field before the Revolution, other than paying foreign companies to study routes.
The excavation devices were shipped so it was way beyond study phase
You talk as if other Muslim countries that do not enforce these modesty rules are like the West.

Even Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan and Indonesia as some of the most religious countries on the planet, do not enforce strict "modesty" laws and the familial values of these countries is nothing like the Western countries. Your whole argument is based on a false premise that the IR strict rules has made familial values in Iran stronger while in the Muslim world, Iranians are considered by many to have the highest number of atheists and anti-religion people.
In most of Islamic world the "strict modesty laws" are implemented much more strictly and brutally than in Iran. The difference is that they are mostly implemented by the tribal system rather than the state. However most Islamic countries have modesty laws. For example even Morocco, a relatively westernized country bans extramarital sex.
The argument that strict modestly laws are the cause of growing secularism does not hold to scrutiny. up until the 20th century the laws were more strict throughout the Islamic world, yet it didn't lead to secularization. The mandatory hijab law (the most controversial law in Iran) is implemented in Indonesia's Aceh province, and up until recently in Saudi, yet in neither case did it cause large-scale societal backlash and "secularization". The reason for the backlash in Iran can be mostly traced back to the psyops against these laws.
For example you mentioned multiple times the Stadiums controversy (which mind you, only applies to women spectating MEN'S GAMES, women have no problem spectating women's games). Up until 10 years ago, nobody cared about that, because in the grand schemes of thing it wasn't important. It only became an issue after the psyops began.
I am just talking from my experience dude. I have met Iranians that want the US to invade it and regime change it. From their experience the Islamic revolution was the worst thing to happen. They even post pictures showing women wearing mini skirts in Tehran before 1979
They are dumbasses and have no dignity. They should not even call themselves Iranian. Majority of Iranians do not think like that.
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