but the more I learn of this world, and grow up, i keep realizing the khereft akhond i was making fun of most of my life was right all along.
Hats off and kudos to you.
With these spot-on remarks, you joined clear-sighted observers who have come to the realization that what's going on at the societal level in the west, which western regimes or should we say their underlying globalist / masonic / zionist / bankster / transhumanist oligarchy and its tentacles in the south (local liberal elites) are in the process of imposing on mankind as a whole, one step at a time (these people are social engineers and are playing the very long game), is not just a violation, nay an inversion of fundamental religious values and commandments, but also a perilous transgression of natural law, which even a secular or atheist person can readily recognize and will be alarmed by.
It's not modesty laws but societal modernization sui generis that makes people vulnerable to these machinations. Under the Islamic Republic, Iranian society modernized at a very fast pace. By that I mean indicators which at a first glance appear culturally neutral, such as urbanization, generalized public education and increased time spent on studying, access to modern means of communication, etc. As these processes expand, society becomes increasingly exposed to the risk of cultural alienation and uprooting.
And, Iran absolutely tops the list of Muslim nations targeted by the enemy's cultural imperialism and social engineering efforts, supported by the domestic fifth column. Because the Islamic Republic incarnates an alternative model which the enemy fears could sooner or later turn into a source of emulation for others. Moreoever because Iran has enormous potential beyond her many achievements to date.
Also, the notion that Iranians are leading the Muslim world in terms of erosion of traditional values is erroneous. The idea is deliberately being cultivated by the enemy, both with Iranians and non-Iranian Muslim audiences, as part of its overall strategy. Societies such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Indonesia aren't very well known to most Iranians and vice versa.
Those who studied them some more could surely confirm however that Indonesia is not more religious a society than Iran. In Iran for instance, the degree to which women observe hijab tends to be more proportional to their compliance with traditional sexual morals than is the case in Malaysia and Indonesia (where women who wear hijab of their own volition appear to engage in premarital intimate relationships more frequently). Likewise, a little known result of some empirical studies is that in Saudi Arabia, the proportion of people with atheist beliefs seems to surpass many other states of the region. As for Pakistan, the reason for its comparatively greater conservatism resides quite simply in the slower pace of social development and modernization it has been experiencing.
The bottom line is that once modernization comes into play, the danger escalates. Considering the enemy's focus on Iran, we can only imagine what the situation would have been like if authorities in the Islamic Republic hadn't tried to contain these phenomena through corresponding legislation. Although laws aren't sufficient onto themselves, removing them will only amplify the issue.
Last but not least, the self-destructive course set by the west is not an unintended consequence of their misguided policies, it is actually well thought out and deliberate. And programmed to be replicated the world over, including in Muslim nations. The power-hungry maniacs at the helm of the dominant oligarchy have taken aim at the anthropological essence of mankind, which they intend to subvert in order to impose a completely new reality. Not least because the capitalist system as is, represents a failure and has reached a fatal dead end.
I'd invite readers to explore the work of globalist masterminds such as Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the Davos World Economic Forum. He is on the record for explicitly advocating the suppression of a considerable percentage of the workforce (something along the lines of 40 to 50% or 40 to 80% if I'm not mistaken) in the upcoming decades or years, because they consider that with the development of robotics, A.I. and so on, the economy will be automated to the extent that most of the currently existing jobs will no longer be economically profitable.
Add to this the transhumanist hubris, new technologies enabling physical and mind control (microchip implants etc), as well as statements by these elites suggesting that human beings in their present form are going to make way for new types of species including inorganic life generated by design, and you get a glimpse into what these people are up to. All of it is of course related to the infamous "Great Reset" agenda, a term coined by Schwab himself.