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Iranian Chill Thread

Great progress by Russian army. Some people on PDF claiming that Ukraine is winning😅

I don't know, in an interview recently Scott Ritter said that the Russians should be able to clear sector by sector with their artillery and that "that's what they Russians are really good at". I guess only time will tell.

Either way even if the defenders around Donetsk city don't move, the Russians seem to be making good progress moving south towards Krematorsk. So if they continue southwards after that then they will eventually encircle the Donetsk defensive lines from the north west.

In any case if the Ukrainians are not careful they are at extremely risk of being encircled and eradicated. Photos / videos from recent days have shown their bases being overrun and the Ukrainians being absolutely slaughtered. Piles upon piles of Ukrainian corpses including high ranking officers liter the ground, along with tons of weapons, Javelins, brand new rifles, armored vehicles, trucks, you name it.

The Ukrainian commanders are likely ordering their poor troops to hold their positions at all costs, which is the same silly strategy that Hitler used (ex: Stalingrad) which prevented him from prolonging the war and saving some of his best units to fight another day.

Some people who are not well versed in the intricacies of warfare, or who get too emotionally attached, don't realize that warfare is never static but rather fluid. Sometimes it's better to escape to fight another day. During the last 2 months the Russians have claimed to have struck and destroyed dozens of command and control centers. This may well have diluted the quality of experienced officers in the Ukrainian army, which is leading to this calamity.

Anyways if the Ukrainians don't change their tactics soon they're likely to have 50,000-100,000 troops encircled in a lethal cauldron. If that happens it might very well shatter their morale for good and cause the war to end abruptly.

Yeah as far as Russian planes having to fly low to avoid radar and fly high to avoid MANPADS the solution is simply, DRONES. I pray for their sake that the latest shipment from Iran was drones. This will save hundreds/thousands of Russian lives and valuable fighter jets and as well taking the edge away from the Ukrainians in the drone department.

Iranian Kamikaze drones like the Ranesh-1 would be a decent counter to the switchblade. It's not nearly as advanced I know but it's alot cheaper and it is very lethal.

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Then a large number of Mohajers or Kaman-12 would be great for the Russians.

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Even some Karrar drones I believe would serve the Russians very well

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Is Iran not neutral in this conflict?
Are you talking about the UK ? Do you realize that the UK JUST finished paying off their WW2 debts to the USA ? Now that's what you call slavery. LOL and now after Covid, another few decades of slavery. Notice how Russia/Iran have very little to no debt. Western economists always try to say that a nation having debt is good, a sign of a strong economy. WRONG. It's best to have very little to no debt and LOTS of excess funding, assets etc and not in foreign backs, mostly in your own banks. Just look at what happens to Iran and China. These western nations still have their colonial mindset they think they own the world.

Currently China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela are looking to link their banks together through SWIFT alternative which will be encrypted and enable clients to send money abroad within minutes instead of days. Of course China's largest banks won't join out of fear of US repercussions BUT the Chinese are very intelligent. They will establish financial institutions with no links to SWIFT for this specific purpose.

After that potential clients can be Cuba, Pakistan, perhaps India, Brazil, many former Soviet states and any other nations who don't want to be the next nation to be victimized by America's dollar supremacy. Even the Saudis and Emiratis are now excepting the Chinese Yuan along with the US Dollar so they could very well get involved as well. In the next 5-7 years China's economy will overtake the US as the largest on earth.

China is lucky that Ukraine happened because Ukraine is merely a detour. The real goal is Taiwan and China. They want to declare Taiwan as an independent nation to trigger China and force China into war. Any Chinese who don't think so are extremely naive.

When a SWIFT alternative is established I believe that many nations will join just as a contingency plan to avoid becoming the next victim of American hegemony and the weaponized dollar. Also just joining will give a nation access to a massive market base, including Russia, Iran, Venezuela,Cuba, North Korea.I mean even if you discount China, that countries by themselves represent a MASSIVE market. And nations don't need to put their own banks at risk,just allow third parties to establish financial institutions with no links to SWIFT which strictly deal with the SWIFT alternative.

The world is changing rapidly and its just a matter of time.

Is the puppet state of the US trying to warn China? Lol....
Is the puppet state of the US trying to warn China? Lol....
No UK is not puppet state of US,the point was all possible results of UKraine war leads to blocked roads and that means issue is somewhere else. as you can see from US and UK official statements.
Officially yes, but recently military cargo planes flew between Iran and Russia across the Caspian. Who knows what they were carrying. Maybe time will tell. Personally I would recommend the Russians purchasing Iranian drones to even the playing field when it comes to drones. Just look at my post above, mentioning which drones I believe the Russians should purchase from Iran.

Great progress by Russian army. Some people on PDF claiming that Ukraine is winning😅

Is Iran not neutral in this conflict?

What I can't believe is Indian fanboys actually thinking that they could take on and defeat China in a head on collision. it's impossible because of one reason. The Chickens Neck (Siliguri Corridor) which is a few KM away from the Chinese border and a few KM wide. If Pakistan just distracts India and China goes full force for the Siliguri corridor, if they can take it, it's GAME OVER. Eastern India will be cut off from the west, hundreds of millions could starve. If the Indian military were smart they would have already build a secret underground highway to make sure traffic can continue to flow incase this happens, but as disorganized as Indians are, I know they haven't. Just look at the attack the the Taj Mahal a few years ago when a few Islamists completely wrecked them and humiliated them with a few AKs and grenades and western style haircuts. It took days for help to come, DAYS. That's the thing the Chinese are so much more organized, so much more technologically advanced (hypersonic missiles, drones, jets, discipline) that I just cant see India winning.

Is the puppet state of the US trying to warn China? Lol....
Anyways if the Ukrainians don't change their tactics soon

That won't help them either.

Ukraine lost the war in the first two weeks of the Russian special military operation, as qualified and sincere experts pointed to.

The Ukrainians won't have a chance, no matter what they try. The bozo Zelensky is either an agent or a cretin for letting this happen.

Great progress by Russian army. Some people on PDF claiming that Ukraine is winning 😅

Hilarious, isn't it? Once Slavyansk is taken, it'll be game over for Ukraine. It was only a matter of time.
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Actually this isn't the case. The user you mentioned isn't your typical secular nationalist. Behold in what manner the user utilizes the word "nationalist":

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Furthermore, how many "nationalists" do you know who will talk ill of their country's women, labeling them in a generalized fashion as, I quote, "the biggest whores they've ever seen"? Apart from the fact that keyboard warriors wouldn't dare say out loud such a thing in Iran, females who transgress norms of decency are very much in the minority of course, which makes it particularly preposterous for someone living in the USA to try and suggest that this sort of conduct is even remotely as widespread in Iran as it is in America or in the west in general. Secondly, whatever issues exist in this area, they largely stem from western cultural imperialism. Thirdly, you just don't use insulting generic terms when it's merely a compromised minority you're talking about.

I take offense at any verbal abuse against Iranian women as a whole, not least because this would be insulting my own female relatives.

In fact, the user in question repeatedly claimed that their motivation is to dampen the enthusiasm of what they refer to as "blindly nationalistic" Iranians who to the user's taste, are "too" confident in Iran's capabilities.

So contrary to what you assumed, my issue with this subject has nothing to do with the interplay of religion and nationalism, but with the user's general posting behavior, which if studied carefully, will reveal a recurrent tendency to try and minimize Iranian achievements, not shying away from ridiculing and even insulting Iranian armed forces at times under the pretext that "blind nationalism" (as the user calls it) is "not constructive".

But in parallel, the same user will show themselves to be curiously apologetic vis à vis the US regime, in particular by trying to cover up Washington's role in propping up takfiri terrorists and by systematically portraying the US as superior to its major geostrategic rival such as Russia and China. Furthermore, the user will resort to discursive figures typical of zionists, such as the gratuitous accusations of "antisemitic" and "nazism" they routinely throw at opponents.

Pay attention to the terms used ("jende" means "whore"):

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Nice. However, this doesn't imply you should be indifferent to this user insulting Sunni Muslims after you rightly confronted a sectarianist who was attacking Shia Muslims. Sectarianist drivel is wrong by essence, regardless of which community it directed at, I'm sure you will second that.

You didn't see these posts, here you go:

View attachment 838570

Hope this helps. Now I'm very much looking forward to your reaction to the above.

To be perfectly honest, recent comments by this user were quite noticeable where they attempted to depict the terrorist knife attack at the Holy Shrine in Mashhad as part of a broader, imaginary "Shia versus Sunni" conflict, rather than distinguishing takfiri terrorists from regular Sunnis like our martyr Qasem Soleimani always did, like our Supreme Leader instructs us to do, and like the founder of the Islamic Republic taught us.

Stoking the spread of provocative narratives about a supposed, historically rooted "Shia-Sunni" conflict, as well sectarian readings of current conflicts is a cornerstone of the NATO-zionist divide & conquer tactics in West Asia, believe it or not, like it or not. And, there's ample documentation showing how groups that adopt such a sectarianist line, are being backed by the zionists and western powers, ostensibly or covertly.

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In that case I should ask, is the following comment reflective of an anti-zionist stance? :

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I already pointed to the zionist-style rhetoric resorted to by the other user you cited.

Additionally, there are certain things you might not have come to think of given that you're perhaps not entirely familiar with the political context of Iran.

See, a recurrent common theme uniting the whole spectrum of anti-IR opposition in exile, which happens to be backed in every possible way by the US regime and its NATO allies, by the zionists and more recently by their PGCC clients, as well as the domestic fifth column of liberals (reformist and moderate factions), is their hostility towards the Islamic Republic's principled support for the Resistance in Palestine and Lebanon. One of the slogans oppositionists have been shouting at every anti-IR rally in Iran for the past 15 years, is "no to Gaza, no to Lebanon, I shall give my life for Iran".

Likewise, one of the main neuro-linguistic programming tropes that foreign-sponsored "regime change" media have been bombarding Iranians with 24/7, is the suggestion that the Islamic Republic is squandering huge amounts of public funds to support Hamas and Hezbollah instead of spending these resources at home. To ordinary people, they'll sell the story that this is the main reason for their economic hardships. What shape would this narrative have to take when the audience consists of Iranian military enthusiasts? Well, something along the lines of "the Islamic Republic is supplying Hamas with everything they need but our own border guards don't even have armored cars". Guess who posted exactly that sort of rant a couple of days ago.

You might also be interested to know that in the Iranian context, if someone's angered about being called a zionist, that doesn't necessarily mean the person is a staunch opponent of zionism. In fact, an oppositionist who takes issue with the IR's support for the Palestinian cause, will also be irritated when called a zionist, but for different reasons: namely, because they cannot perceive the threat posed by the zionists and therefore resent the Islamic Republic's frequent denunciation of zionism. They believe that IR authorities and Iranian revolutionaries are unduly paranoid about zionists. So of course they'll react angrily if a revolutionary tells them they are serving the zionist enemy's agenda.

The user does not come across as the practicing religious type.

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There's still demand for Stingers, like for instance to arm US proxies with. So what we're witnessing here is a dysfunction of the US military industry, and it's not the only such case. The second "Tweet" you shared offers an illustration. Military aircraft production in the USA has decreased as well, and there are more examples.
Thanks for the inputs and clarification.

I've been in IMF around 2012-2015, and honestly they were many hardliner Nationalists, they also openly suggest the idea for Iran to drop all the ties with Hezbollah, Hamas,... and be in bed with The USA and Israel, Iran first was the slogan .

So I have some idea of the Iranian society, also those liberals, westerns, people with the "brown man inferiority" complex are unfortunately, in every country.

Took note of the post of TheImmortal you mentioned 👍, tbh, in overall, nothing to be really shocked of, someone can write things in moment of anger or desperation, be clement 🙏

Not everyone have your patience, your clairvoyance, and your self control

I like the posts of the Immortal, full of scepticism, pessimism, criticism and realism, we need someone always unhappy like him to keep feets on the ground.

Keep the good work Brother 👌
Thanks for the inputs and clarification.

I've been in IMF around 2012-2015, and honestly they were many hardliner Nationalists, they also openly suggest the idea for Iran to drop all the ties with Hezbollah, Hamas,... and be in bed with The USA and Israel, Iran first was the slogan .

So I have some idea of the Iranian society, also those liberals, westerns, people with the "brown man inferiority" complex are unfortunately, in every country.

Took note of the post of TheImmortal you mentioned 👍, tbh, in overall, nothing to be really shocked of, someone can write things in moment of anger or desperation, be clement 🙏

Not everyone have your patience, your clairvoyance, and your self control

I like the posts of the Immortal, full of scepticism, pessimism, criticism and realism, we need someone always unhappy like him to keep feets on the ground.

Keep the good work Brother 👌

Thanks for the kind words. When it comes to the referenced posts by the users in question though, I believe this specific input clearly exceeded the limits of skepticism, pessimism, criticism and realism as you put it, and is simply not tolerable.

If you took issue with some people on IMF because they were advocating that Iran should reverse her support for the Lebanese and Palestinian Resistance, how is it possible then to condone a post whichthat argues Palestinians have no right to their land and should either accept zionist rule or seek exile? Isn't this contradicting your red line about zionism?

Among the posts I exhibited, there's one which consists of a sectarianist type of attack against Sunni Muslims. I tried to inquire if you'll denounce it in the same manner as you - rightfully - denounced anti-Shia drivel by certain other users before. Your present response appears to imply you won't. This suggests to me that you're offering preferential treatment to the user under discussion. And well, this will not be useful to upholding your political principles, if I may say so.

I don't think I've been jumping the gun all too often, nor do I intend to do so in future. This said, criticism, contrarian spirit, pessimism, doubtfulness, all these things aside I'm convinced we need to observe certain minimal principles and refrain from violating them even if we're angry. It's what sets apart immature ones from the adults in the room. And immaturity can only drag down a discussion, it will never contribute to it constructively. Besides, to me the cited remarks are grounded in more than simple frustration or desperation, I sense a genuine shade of hostility in them.

Last but not least, I used to go easy on the user in question, in fact. Countering the content of comments whenever they seemed unacceptable to me, all the while of trying to avoid quoting them directly. Until the user started calling me names ("Sunni apologist") and at the same time was attempting to stir Shia versus Sunni antagonism and to exonerate the US and zionist regimes. Under such circumstances, I can no longer sit still but will have to respond with force.


I hope I haven't offended you with my own sentiments Salar-jan. I do sincerely appreciate your input here on PDF and I wish for you to continue to stay here and provide your analysis/perspective on various topics!

That being said, I myself have had a rather sorry history here. My earlier days (around 2016) were filled with very childish and disgusting comments made towards anyone I had angst towards during an exchange often leading to very inappropriate remarks that I now regret ever saying (I was considerably younger then).

No worries, my friend. Besides, I was not reading this website at that time. But I also distinguish between what I understand to be misplaced, emotionally-driven outbursts from otherwise well meaning users on the one hand, and statements apparently betraying a degree of underlying hostility on the other. This said, if your assessment is correct, then the user will be able to avert such misunderstandings on my part by revising the choice of words they occasionally resort to.
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Looks like the problem was within Oman
Central Bank of Iran says Gudian report is false and all funds have been received.

مدیر روابط عمومی بانک مرکزی:

۳۹۰ میلیون پوند بدهی انگلیس به ایران، به طور قطعی وصول شده است

۳۹۰ میلیون پوند بدهی انگلیس به ایران، به طور قطعی وصول شده است

مدیر روابط عمومی بانک مرکزی ایران اعلام کرد: ۳۹۰ میلیون پوند بدهی انگلیس به ایران، به طور قطعی وصول شده است.
به گزارش خبرگزاری مهر، مصطفی قمری وفا مدیر روابط عمومی بانک مرکزی در واکنش به خبر کذبی که نشریه گاردین درباره بدهی انگلیس به ایران منتشر کرده بود، در توئیتر نوشت: برخلاف ادعای نشریه گاردین، مبلغ ۳۹۰ میلیون پوند بدهی انگلیس به ایران، به طور قطعی و کامل توسط بانک مرکزی ایران وصول شده است. برای استفاده از این منابع ارزی نیز هیچ گونه مشکلی وجود ندارد.
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