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Iranian Chill Thread

There's more corruption in the west than most people tend to think. Look at Trump and his tax scams. Can anyone do anything about it ? Nope because he's filthy rich and has access to top notch lawyers. Look at Biden's son, making $80,000 a month in a third world country, Ukraine, with those biolabs and all the MSM tried to brush it under the rug as a Russian conspiracy. In the USA look at the state of their infrastructure, like Chicago.

Classic whataboutism

So because there is corruption in the West. Iran shouldn’t address its own debilitating corruption?

That’s like being a drug addict, but telling your family I’m only addicted to pills, look at the neighbor he is a opium addict...so why should I change?

Iran has better, nicer metro systems than the US. In the US 10% don't even have Universal healthcare and insulin costs 8x more than in Canada. The US is the only industrialized country without Universal healthcare. If that's not corruption then I don't know what is. No country is perfect but there is alot of corruption in the west, they just do a better job of hiding it and presenting a squeaky clean image, which is really an illusion.

Cleanliness of Metros are a municipality issue not a US government issue. I suggest you learn the basic of US government federal jurisdictions and State jurisdictions and County jurisdictions and City Jurisdictions and how federal aid to states works.

And Universal healthcare is a terrible idea. It just ends up pushing the cost on the government who ends up just increasing taxes on the people to pay for it or worse go into debt and destroy future generations . Just look at Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security already make up over 50% of US spending. Safety social net programs crush a country.



This is what you think prosperity is? This is what you consider a good indication of a successful country? Basic economics tells you socialist governments will soon run into a buzzsaw from constant money printing. Look at how “prosperous” Venezuela turned out because it couldn’t print money like the EU.

Look at what happening in Iran...under Raisi....they are cutting tens of billions in subsidies because it is hampering the state and only further causing corruption.

No country is perfect but there is alot of corruption in the west, they just do a better job of hiding it and presenting a squeaky clean image, which is really an illusion.

Completely agree. Corruption happens everywhere. But in US they make sure to steal while thriving, officials in Iran steal even under back breaking conditions. People see this and get further enraged when Qalibaf is saying tighten your belt and he himself is lavishly going on vacations. Or officials say study at our universities while they send their own kids to the West. It’s hypocrisy that makes people lose faith in the system.

Honestly in the west, if you're filthy rich, you can get away with murder, I'm not even kidding. However if you're poor you have no rights.

This is completely not correct. If by the West you mean US, then you can see many rich wealthy individuals (or their heirs) in prisons for committing such acts.

The only people who “get away” with murder are those with diplomatic immunity because they are tied to foreign diplomats and fall under treaty rules.

Could be anything. I am not sure how routine these flights are.

Could even be taking Javelins back to Iran, doesn't necessarily have to be delivery of anything, but given it is a IL-76 it is military related.

Maybe there is a chance that Russia has requested combat/recon drones from Iran (god knows Iran has a lot to spare lol) in exchange for Russian technology, weapons or money or something either from Russia itself or captured from the battlefield (Javelin, NLAW, Starstreak).
The likelihood of Iran receiving fighter jet engines let alone transfer of technology for such an engine from any western country including Sweden, isn't superior to Russia consenting to supply RD-33 know how. The opposite is actually they case, given that Iran has been in a conflict against the US regime since the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, and that all western states act like vassals to Washington, whereas Tehran-Moscow relations since the fall of the Soviet Union are no longer marked by hostility.

Which doesn't mean it's likely that Russia will proceed with such a thing. But, it is doubtlessly more likely than Sweden doing so, even if we're talking 0,5% versus 0,0001% probabilities - the second figure will still be inferior to the first
You misunderstood me . My post means nobody will give us engine . We must build it ourselves . And I believe Russia will give us anything when I see it
Maybe there is a chance that Russia has requested combat/recon drones from Iran (god knows Iran has a lot to spare lol) in exchange for Russian technology, weapons or money or something either from Russia itself or captured from the battlefield (Javelin, NLAW, Starstreak).

Iranian affiliated arms dealers can just buy it from Ukraine soldiers. They have families and mouths to feed (or help escape).

Offer 200K in Euros in a brief case and get a Javelin. Iran doesn’t need Russia to get its hands on those arms.
Listen to this piece of trash pleading for salvation. A member of the Azov battalion pleads for help. He says that these are their last days if not hours. He says that they are holding out in the Azovstal plant and that they are outnumbered 10 to 1 with the Russians having every conceivable advantage including by air, artillery, tanks, etc.

Basically they're holding civilians hostage and demanding that they be "extracted" and sent to a third party state. Why haven't they released the hostages ? Because they're holding them captive and using them as human shields and as leverage, basically demanding that they and and the civilians be sent to a foreign country for safety.

These neo-Nazis are true terrorists. They won't even free civilians, as they claim there are many women and children with them. They won't free them. They are using them as human shields trying to delay the inevitable.

They're afraid because they know that when they're captured, they will be prosecuted as war criminals rather than treated as combatants. They will likely be hung like common criminals. They're shaking in their boots, begging for help. The f0cked up part is that Zelensky is threatening to cut off negotiations with Russia if any harm comes to them. A Jew / Zionist protecting white supremacist Nazis ? WOW you can't even make this stuff up. Unbelievable.

If reports are correct and Javelins as well as other western arms have flooded the black market, then likely Iran has gotten its hands on its already.

Even without a prototype Iran could probably build something similar. It's basically just an ATGM that launches into the air a certain distance away from the target and curves down, hitting the top of the target.

Iran is already heavily involved in ATGM / missile / projectile production so I'm sure Iranian engineers could pull it off if they put their minds to it. But of course it would be alot easier with a working example.

I mean even regular ATGMs that hit the target directly, the most advanced variants these days, can destroy pretty much any tank. Iran even produces the RPG-30 which fires a decoy first to defeat active protection systems.

When it comes to ATGMs it's all about hitting the tank in the right spot. Every tank has a weak spot which will disable the tank and/or cause a catastrophic destruction. If the ATGM crew know what they're doing the tank is doomed.

Iranian affiliated arms dealers can just buy it from Ukraine soldiers. They have families and mouths to feed (or help escape).

Offer 200K in Euros in a brief case and get a Javelin. Iran doesn’t need Russia to get its hands on those arms.
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Venezuela dragged millions out of poverty but the US didn't like the Chavez Socialist success story so they sanctioned them to oblivion. Venezuela had a chain of gas stations they owned in the US and were heavily dependent on the US economically. The US and their vassals (EU) are withholding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of gold and currency that belongs to Venezuela. Without the sanctions, an economic downturn yes, but a humanitarian catastrophe like what we've seen, no. It's the US's doing.

The US likes to exacerbate the situation with sanctions and then point the finger and say "look Socialism doesn't work" or "X country has a terrible government" Well what about the Nordic model, what about China, what about Vietnam or Libya ? what about Yugoslavia before the American empire balkanized and ruined and bombed them to sh1t ?

Anyways the US is the only industrialized nation without universal healthcare and insulin costs 10x more than in Canada. If the US model works then why does the US have some of the most expensive prices for medicine and healthcare in the world ? Sorry but Medicaid and Medicare is not Universal healthcare, Studies have shown that if the US actually implemented Universal healthcare that it would cost less per taxpayer than the privatized model. The US healthcare model only benefits the few while the majority suffer.

How much money did the US waste in Afghanistan ? 2 trillion atleast ? Then add to that the wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Vietnam. The US has no issues enriching a few defense contractors at the expense of taxpayers but Universal Healthcare, which works like a charm in every other industrialized country, OH NO no no. We can't have that. Only the rich should have access to healthcare. The rest should languish or simply work harder.

Classic whataboutism

So because there is corruption in the West. Iran shouldn’t address its own debilitating corruption?

That’s like being a drug addict, but telling your family I’m only addicted to pills, look at the neighbor he is a opium addict...so why should I change?

Cleanliness of Metros are a municipality issue not a US government issue. I suggest you learn the basic of US government federal jurisdictions and State jurisdictions and County jurisdictions and City Jurisdictions and how federal aid to states works.

And Universal healthcare is a terrible idea. It just ends up pushing the cost on the government who ends up just increasing taxes on the people to pay for it or worse go into debt and destroy future generations . Just look at Medicare, Medicaid, and Social security already make up over 50% of US spending. Safety social net programs crush a country.

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This is what you think prosperity is? This is what you consider a good indication of a successful country? Basic economics tells you socialist governments will soon run into a buzzsaw from constant money printing. Look at how “prosperous” Venezuela turned out because it couldn’t print money like the EU.

Look at what happening in Iran...under Raisi....they are cutting tens of billions in subsidies because it is hampering the state and only further causing corruption.

Completely agree. Corruption happens everywhere. But in US they make sure to steal while thriving, officials in Iran steal even under back breaking conditions. People see this and get further enraged when Qalibaf is saying tighten your belt and he himself is lavishly going on vacations. Or officials say study at our universities while they send their own kids to the West. It’s hypocrisy that makes people lose faith in the system.

This is completely not correct. If by the West you mean US, then you can see many rich wealthy individuals (or their heirs) in prisons for committing such acts.

The only people who “get away” with murder are those with diplomatic immunity because they are tied to foreign diplomats and fall under treaty rules.
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Iranian affiliated arms dealers can just buy it from Ukraine soldiers. They have families and mouths to feed (or help escape).

Offer 200K in Euros in a brief case and get a Javelin. Iran doesn’t need Russia to get its hands on those arms.

You think there is a far-cry chance that those IRGC planes are carrying stuff back from Russia? Whatever that may or may not be lol.

I'm just grasping at straws obviously brother haha.
There's surely something going on. Perhaps Iran has given Russia drones to use in Ukraine ? Perhaps Iran has even given Russia vital components that are now inaccessible because of sanctions ?

It's not that Russia can't access the components it needs eventually, it's that Russia hasn't adjusted to the sanctions yet, while Iran has. Therefore Iran can easily and readily supply Russia with anything they need to fuel their war effort.

As for the Bavar-373, doesn't Iran produce an export variant called the AD-200 ? Although I highly doubt that Russia would require it since Russia just sold an S-400 system to India. If they were so badly in need of SAM systems, they could have delayed the Indian order for a while couldn't they ?

I'm pretty sure that Russia and Iran are cooperating with Iran perhaps giving Russia drones and difficult to acquire vital components while Russia could be giving Iran who knows, perhaps gold bars, perhaps Javelins that Iran can reverse engineer and mass produce to share some with Russia ? Perhaps Russia is even giving Iran vital military components / hardware like parts for Iran's Karrar tanks, parts for Iran's helicopter programs, just to acquire funds to fuel their war effort. Who knows. Realistically we may never know.

You think there is a far-cry chance that those IRGC planes are carrying stuff back from Russia? Whatever that may or may not be lol.

I'm just grasping at straws obviously brother haha.

I think this is the second time I've seen IL-76 flights from Iran to Russia.

They don't seem routine...
Iranian ammunitions or/and Bavars/AD systems..

I'm so happy when i heard Ukraine's idiot ambassador to Iran say "iran isnt helping us at all"..lmao, DUUUUUH, Iran has 0.005% of the stupidity that a country like Ukraine has.
You think there is a far-cry chance that those IRGC planes are carrying stuff back from Russia? Whatever that may or may not be lol.

I'm just grasping at straws obviously brother haha.
Would be alot easier to get them from Russia in exchange for some hard currency via gold bars or something like that. Can't rule it out. Iranians are creative.

Oh wow.... that's quite significant then.

4 IL-76 flights and one 747 in NINE days, obviously something of note is going on between I.R.I and the Russian Federation recently.

Seems to be equipment/supplies of some sort, drone most likely.

Well, as far as I'm concerned Iran now has some sort of stake in this war. Hopefully (if Iran is sending drones) they will be able to prove battlefield affective and show their efficacy.
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Initial reports refuting your hypothesis. Still a lot to develop till April 2023/eventual map changes.

So far of course possibilities and nothing certain.

Again window to talk to Eu and US should never get closed by us. “Walk away” tactics are ok but as a strategy it should stay open.

We need to talk to US and Eu about their short time need of energy until they find supplied that they trust. This is a transaction for them not strategy.

Strategy is keeping Iran contained.
Mr. Pouya airlines have been quite active these last 7 days.


Fars airlines ( Sepah owned). Nothing too special a a few flights to Moscow.

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