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Iranian Chill Thread

Lots of worlds leaders and politicians from all over the world, everywhere from Cambodia to the UK, wear designers brands like Versace, Boss, Gucci, etc. It's the same everywhere. What does that have to do with anything ?

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کشور تحریم شده جای پدر سوختگی نداره

Russia is allegedly now using bunker busters against the Azov battalion (neo-Nazi) holdouts in Azovstal plant in Mariupol. One of the Azov commanders is now begging for someone, anyone to help them, claiming that they are outnumbered 10 to 1 and running extremely low on supplies. They've even tried claiming that Russia has again used chemical weapons against them. All of their pleading however seems to be falling on deaf ears.

You know, Ukraine once used to be a proud nation. What happened ? Now its leaders are nothing but beggars. From Zelensky begging endlessly for weapons and help from the west, to their military commanders begging for the west to send help to break the siege. He claims that there are only days or maybe hours left before they're completely overwhelmed.

I'm not sure what the point of their pathetic pleading is. Realistically no help is coming. They have no hope. Their only option is to surrender unconditionally and face their fate. Unfortunately for them, members of the Azov battalion will be treated like war criminals rather than combatants. They will most likely be prosecuted and hung like common criminals for their crimes against humanity.
So if they wear Iranian made clothes, all of Iran's problems will be solved ? I agree with you that with a country under sanctions it's not a good look but regardless you can go to Tehran and buy Apple and Versace no problem.

Iranians love foreign brands. Even if there is an Iranian equivalent that is cheaper and even better quality, many Iranian will choose to pay more for the foreign brands. It's like they have an inferiority complex. I notice that alot of older Iranian 50-60+ have this mentality that Iran is simply inferior to the western world and cannot build anything of quality. It's a sad mentality.

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نمیتونن از قدرت کنار برن

کشور تحریم شده جای پدر سوختگی نداره
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So if they wear Iranian made clothes, all of Iran's problems will be solved ? I agree with a country under sanctions it's not a good look but regardless you can go to Tehran and buy Apple and Versace no problem. Iranians love foreign brands. Even if there is an Iranian equivalent that is cheaper and even better quality, many Iranian will choose to pay more for the foreign brands. It's like they have an inferiority complex. I notice that alot of older Iranian 50-60+ have this mentality that Iran is simply inferior to the western world and cannot build anything of quality. It's a sad mentality.

A leader should lead by example.
If you invite people to Iranian brand, you should wear it.
I already talked about Qalibaf’s corruption and the damage he has down to Tehran municipality. He is as crooked as they come, just like Rafsanjani and Larijani clans.

Corruption runs rampant in the Republic, but some individuals are a excessive abusers.
There's more corruption in the west than most people tend to think. Look at Trump and his tax scams. Can anyone do anything about it ? Nope because he's filthy rich and has access to top notch lawyers. Look at Biden's son, making $80,000 a month in a third world country, Ukraine, with those biolabs and all the MSM tried to brush it under the rug as a Russian conspiracy. In the USA look at the state of their infrastructure, like Chicago.

Iran has better, nicer metro systems than the US. In the US 10% don't even have Universal healthcare and insulin costs 8x more than in Canada. The US is the only industrialized country without Universal healthcare. If that's not corruption then I don't know what is. No country is perfect but there is alot of corruption in the west, they just do a better job of hiding it and presenting a squeaky clean image, which is really an illusion.

Honestly in the west, if you're filthy rich, you can get away with murder, I'm not even kidding. However if you're poor you have no rights. They have no principles in the west. They only worship money. If you have money, you can get away with anything, if you're poor and marginalized, you have no rights and will be treated like gutter trash.

I already talked about Qalibaf’s corruption and the damage he has down to Tehran municipality. He is as crooked as they come, just like Rafsanjani and Larijani clans.

Corruption runs rampant in the Republic, but some individuals are a excessive abusers.
بعد امنیتی مهمتر از بعد فساده

کل فامیل طرف میرن ترکیه بعد از انتقام حاج قاسم میگه

بدبخت تو خودت گروگانی دست اونها

سوراخ امنیتی همینه
معاونش اعدام شد به جرم جاسوسی و حالا خودش اینطور
LEAKED information from Austrian army showing Ukrainian losses. This is several weeks old so by now its much worse

Not from the Austrian army, but from the Russian Ministry of Defence as indicated in the description of the "Tweet". The Austrian officer showed and commented the chart. These figures were posted here as well. They appear realistic.
Sorry my mistake, but regardless there's no way that Ukraine has only lost 3000 soldiers as Zelensky claims. Right after mentioning the 3000 number he also claimed that 10,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been injured and that "we're not sure if they're going to make it" LOL What BS

30,000-50,000 casualties on the Ukrainian side seems much more realistic in my opinion. In any case Russia has launched well over 2000 missiles at Ukrainian military targets. Zelensky would have you believe that they're only targeting women and children (civilian targets) but we all know that that's simply not true.

In recent days Russia has been going on a rampage. Russia yesterday struck several hundred targets and the day before something like atleast 80 targets from what I've heard. They're even targeting Ukraine's electrical grid but not fully disabling it. I believe that this is a stern warning by the Russians.

Anyways Russian casualties, I'm guessing anywhere from 10-20,000, but really who knows.

Not from the Austrian army, but from the Russian Ministry of Defence as indicated in the description of the "Tweet". The Austrian officer showed and commented the chart. These figures were posted here as well. They appear realistic.
Canadian professor from the University of Toronto calling the Azov battalion "HEROIC" What has western society come to ? First they glorify and support Al Qaeda in Syria, now literal neo-Nazis in Ukraine ? Who will try glorify next child rapists and murderers who do their dirty work ?

Could be Iranian Bavar-373 to Russia as some claim LOL

See this is what I never understood. In the same reports they claim that Iran is "smuggling" weapons to Russia through Iraq. But why through Iraq when Iran can send anything it wants to Russia via the Caspian Sea or Armenia ?

Also why would Russia want Bavar-373 from Iran if they just delivered several S-400 batteries to India ? RPGs ? I'm pretty sure Russia isn't short on RPGs, they're cheap and easy to produce and Russia probably has enough to last a lifetime.

If anything Russia might want drone or some technical equipment from Iran. Remember Russia has just been sanctioned. Iran has experience working around sanctions for decades and can get its hands on anything Russia might want.

Could be anything. I am not sure how routine these flights are.

Could even be taking Javelins back to Iran, doesn't necessarily have to be delivery of anything, but given it is a IL-76 it is military related.
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