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Iranian Chill Thread

All opposition leaders are known puppets of west/US.
Every Pakistani knows this.

Imran is one man army against this whole gang of looters.

Opposition candidate for prime minister Shahbaz Sharif when questioned about Khan's Pak-US relations said:
"We are beggars and beggars can't be choosers"
Another opposition leader said:
"USA has put Pakistan on ventilator.There is no escape from Ammerica as she can ditch Pakistan economically anytime anyday"

they are not only looters but also traitors.
Regarding military establishment,they have hardly took anti US stand in whole history.So we are not surprised from military side.

So what do you suggest Pakistan do? Lacking energy resources or major export product leaves Pakistan vulnerable.

They need IMF loans just to keep the lights on.

If you kick out America like Iran did in 1979 you might be independent, but you will be broke. Which will lead to unrest and then military coup (again).

Iran had the luxury of massive oil and gas reserves to survive alongside industries such as cars, concrete, and other products. Even then it was tough especially after oil sanctions, our oil and gas industry needs 100B+ dollars to revive itself, that type of money is in the hands of Western oil companies which won’t do business.

But I digress, if you kick out USA then you will be have to accept more Chinese influence. And the Chinese are even more shrewd and cunning than the Americans.

As one Iranian nuclear negotiator said back in 2015 “At least the Americans stab you in the back. The Chinese stab you from the front”.

So assuming I believe Khan’s accusations (I don’t), not sure Khan can be the one man warrior to go against the entire system. As I said above, even if he does win, Pakistan will then enter a period of bankruptcy without any western foreign aid.

What about attempts ? They just have access to more effective weapons

I would also remove blacks from the statistics as they account for a majority of violent crime which is usually against other blacks which skews the numbers and makes it seem like everyone in America goes on rampages.
Let's see what happens.
If Imran came to power again,he will be clearly Anti US.
Otherwise US puppets are here to rule Pakistan again.

Has this kind of thing happened before?

So what do you suggest Pakistan do? Lacking energy resources or major export product leaves Pakistan vulnerable.

They need IMF loans just to keep the lights on.

If you kick out America like Iran did in 1979 you might be independent, but you will be broke. Which will lead to unrest and then military coup (again).

Iran had the luxury of massive oil and gas reserves to survive alongside industries such as cars, concrete, and other products. Even then it was tough especially after oil sanctions, our oil and gas industry needs 100B+ dollars to revive itself, that type of money is in the hands of Western oil companies which won’t do business.

But I digress, if you kick out USA then you will be have to accept more Chinese influence. And the Chinese are even more shrewd and cunning than the Americans.

As one Iranian nuclear negotiator said back in 2015 “At least the Americans stab you in the back. The Chinese stab you from the front”.

So assuming I believe Khan’s accusations (I don’t), not sure Khan can be the one man warrior to go against the entire system. As I said above, even if he does win, Pakistan will then enter a period of bankruptcy without any western foreign aid.

I would also remove blacks from the statistics as they account for a majority of violent crime which is usually against other blacks which skews the numbers and makes it seem like everyone in America goes on rampages.
Cutting of western support to Pakistan is too dangerous, so I'd imagine their are powers inside the Pakistani Government that want IK out in order to secure those funds. I haven't done much research but it seems like US influence in Pakistan is very strong among decision makers in the military.
What about attempts ?

What about it? Are statistics available or must we just make an assumption?

They just have access to more effective weapons

They are and have always (literally, since their inception) been a far more violent society, with higher levels of crime and brutality. Iran is a significantly safer place to live in than the USA, and even than many European nations.

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As one Iranian nuclear negotiator said back in 2015 “At least the Americans stab you in the back. The Chinese stab you from the front”.

It was a liberal, and liberal Iranian politicians are notoriously biased against China and apologetic towards the west. The fact remains that unlike Washington, China is not interfering in the domestic affairs of allies. Nor is China staging coups, spending some 90% of the time in self-instigated imperial wars etc.

I would also remove blacks from the statistics as they account for a majority of violent crime which is usually against other blacks which skews the numbers and makes it seem like everyone in America goes on rampages.

Still, people going on rampages is far more frequent in America than in Iran, regardless of the ethnic background of perpetrators. Phenomena such as school shootings, a regular feature in America are unheard of in Iran, serial killers much more numerous in the US and so on.

As for Blacks in the USA, they are American citizens. They were born and raised in the USA, and the regime bears responsibility for the social calamities its citizens are afflicted with. By the same logic, one may argue that since most homicides in Iran are likely taking place in certain types of geographic areas or amongst specific socio-economic or socio-cultural groups, all one needs to do is to avoid these and the risk of falling victim to murder will be nullified.
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Pëople going on rampages is much more frequent in America than in Iran, regardless of the ethnic background of perpetrators. Phenomena such as school shootings, a regular feature in America are unheard of in Iran, serial killers much more numerous in the US and so on.

A soldier just killed 4 other soldiers in the barracks in Iran in the last week or so.

Schools shootings in Iran a rare because guns are outlawed for civilians. Not because there is less mental health problems in Iran per capita, likely there is even more or the same. Economic struggles breeds more mental psychosis in human beings Than those with economic prosperity.

It was a liberal, and liberal Iranian politicians are notoriously biased against China and apologetic towards the west. The fact is that unlike Washington, China is not interfering in the domestic affairs of its allies. Nor is China staging coups, spending some 90% in self-instigated imperial wars of aggression etc.

A loan shark is a loan shark. Iran doesn’t do anything for free in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, or Lebanon. Neither does US or China. So this phrase that Chinese Apologists on this board use on this board to mentally accept a tilt towards China is just a cheap rationalization.

Aligning with US vs China or vice versa is like thinking Samsung is less capitalistic Corp then Apple.

Two cops with different ways of policing are still at the end of the day cops.
A soldier just killed 4 other soldiers in the barracks in Iran in the last week or so.

That sort of killing is also more frequent in the USA.

Schools shootings in Iran a rare because guns are outlawed for civilians. Not because there is less mental health problems in Iran per capita, likely there is even more or the same. Economic struggles breeds more mental psychosis in human beings.

Not just because guns are outlawed for civilians. In various border and tribal regions of Iran, guns and even automatic weapons aren't that rare, yet things such as mass shootings at schools or comparable occurrences simply don't happen.

A loan shark is a loan shark. Iran doesn’t do anything for free in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, or Lebanon. Neither does US or China. So this phrase that Chinese Apologists on this board use on this board to mentally accept a tilt towards China is just a cheap rationalization.

The magnitude of the US regime's oppressive practices against nations isn't really comparable with China's. The US not only exploits nations economically, it deprives them of their sovereignty and destroys them by waging wars of aggression, something China has not been doing. Between a regime guilty of this range of mischief versus one which restricts itself to profiteering from others' debt, the rational choice would be to opt for the former over the latter.
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Could you please explain to me why are the Americans so against Imran Khan ? Is it over what happened in Afghanistan ? Chinese influence or is Imran Khan being firm about the terms of the IMF loans ? What is the vital issue with Imran Khan ? A combination of these ?

Honestly right now the Saudis and Emiratis are not too happy with the US and Biden administration either and they have been discussing accepting some oil payments in Chinese Yuan. Imran Khan should reach out to any and all allies for support here.

Let's see what happens.
If Imran came to power again,he will be clearly Anti US.
Otherwise US puppets are here to rule Pakistan again.

So you're comparing China, which has never colonized any African or middle eastern country to the Americans and the west ? Really ?

Also are you talking about the economic prosperity which caused the mass shootings in Sacramento today which killed 6 people ?

A soldier just killed 4 other soldiers in the barracks in Iran in the last week or so.

Schools shootings in Iran a rare because guns are outlawed for civilians. Not because there is less mental health problems in Iran per capita, likely there is even more or the same. Economic struggles breeds more mental psychosis in human beings Than those with economic prosperity.

A loan shark is a loan shark. Iran doesn’t do anything for free in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, or Lebanon. Neither does US or China. So this phrase that Chinese Apologists on this board use on this board to mentally accept a tilt towards China is just a cheap rationalization.

Aligning with US vs China or vice versa is like thinking Samsung is less capitalistic Corp then Apple.

Two cops with different ways of policing are still at the end of the day cops.
Economic struggles breeds more mental psychosis in human beings Than those with economic prosperity.
Fun fact: No
It has long been proven that economic prosperity does not (necessarily) bring happiness.
One study has shown that the happiest people on earth are Indonesians, who are certainly not the richest people on earth. Meanwhile many western developed nations ranked low on happiness.
Another example is South Korea and Japan, two of the richest nations on earth, yet they have some of the highest suicide rates, and they don't have access to guns.
However, in the case of Iran, the effects of economic hardship on mental instability is being amplified by a massive psyops by Iran's enemies. It's one thing to have economic problems, but amount of negative and demoralizing messaging being pumped into the minds of Iranians is simply out of this world, to the point that many Iranians unironically think that Iran has the worst living standard in the entire planet.
Professor Mohammad Marandi took part in this large scale debate with multiple panelists from all over the world. A wide assortment of varying points of view from all over the globe.

So the latest news on Ukraine is this: Russia committed genocide in a place called Bucha in Ukraine. I'm hearing that the name was chosen because it sounds like "butcher" in English. Now they're trying to accuse Russia of genocide.

So invading Iraq over false pretenses and killing 1 million Iraqis was not genocide, Madeline Albright saying that killing 500,000 Iraqi children was "worth it" was not genocide. Afghanistan, nope. Yemen, nope. But Russia in Ukraine now ? it's genocide ?

If I remember correctly, in the first few days of the conflict, the Ukrainians demanded, urged incessantly that civilians take up arms by any means, including by creating Molotov cocktails (they provided a recipe btw) and attack convoys of tanks and armored vehicles.

So then people actually do this and get return auto cannon fire, return machine gun fire and if a group were unlucky enough an anti personnel round from a tank would blow a few people to pieces.

So the Ukrainian government, legally under the Geneva convention, turned civilians into legitimate targets. However now they're claiming genocide in Bucha (Butcher), Ukraine ? The tragic comedy continues under Zelensky the clown.

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Been watching these saudi loving pakistanis hating on Iran for so long. Calling our struggle against america a fluke. Taunting us for hitting US base with ballistic missiles. All these loud mouth uneducated arrogant guys hating on every turn Iran made. And now their elected leader is about to be swallowed up by a little payment made by the Yankees to their MPs.

What a joke. Truth comes out at last. Look at ur enemy for who they are pakistanis. They are now right infront of u. We fire missiles at those who try to topple ur leader. What do u do ? What have u done all these years but to come here like absolute uneducated keyboard warriors and taunting us for fighting the enemy that YOU NOW FACE.

Today u finally face the music. And if we had the same mindset as u , we wud be all over ur pages mocking ur HELPLESSNESS. But all we will say is This "KNOW YOU FRIENDS AND YOUR FOES PAKISTAN. AND MAY YOU BE VICTORIOUS AGAINST OUR COMMON ENEMIES."
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Been watching these saudi loving pakistanis hating on Iran for so long. Calling our struggle against america a fluke. Taunting us for hitting US base with ballistic missiles. All these loud mouth uneducated arrogant guys hating on every turn Iran made. And now their elected leader is about to be swallowed up by a little payment made by the Yankees to their MPs.

What a joke. Truth comes out at last. Look at ur enemy for who they are pakistanis. They are now right infront of u. We fire missiles at those who try to topple ur leader. What do u do ? What have u done all these years but to come here like absolute uneducated keyboard warriors and taunting us for fighting the enemy that YOU NOW FACE.

Today u finally face the music. And if we had the same mindset as u , we wud be all over ur pages mocking ur HELPLESSNESS. But all we will say is This "KNOW YOU FRIENDS AND YOUR FOES PAKISTAN. AND MAY YOU BE VICTORIOUS AGAINST OUR COMMON ENEMIES. LONG LIVE PAKISTAN."
You are yourself lackey of some other country so at least you should not make such comments.At least You should not talk about self respect and honour.
You are bangali but i have never seen a single post of yours in Bangladesh related threads.

Have some shame.
And political stability in Pakistan is our problem.you have no right to say shit about us.
And one thing more,all no confidence dramma was well in Pakistan's constitutional framework.It was only overruled due to US involvement.So it is not easy for any one to topple Pakistani Government.

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