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Iranian Chill Thread

Syria, the violence never seems to end

A very violent explosion from the side of the residential city, which the international coalition forces take as a home for its members in the Al-Omar oil field. The explosion shook the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, with smoke rising from that area.​

Why are you embaressing yourself here ? The ratio for armies going on the offensive is 3 to 1. The Russians were outnumbered 3 to 1 if not 6 to 1 or more. Do you really believe that 40,000 troops were going to take Kiev, a city of 3 million ?

The Russians however did manage to pin down hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian troops while they did what they wanted in the south and east. Soon you'll likely see a huge pincer movement.

There aren’t “hundreds of thousands” of Ukraine troops in Kiyv Oblast and Charvhin oblast.

Plus you don’t send a 40 mile convoy to sit vulnerable to artillery and air strikes to “distract the enemy”.

You could have taken those 40K troops and with naval support stormed Odessa and captured it.

And if Ukraine sent that 50-75K troops in Kiyv to Donbass all that would do is concentrate a ton of soldiers in a regional area for cruise missiles, UAVs, and fighter jets to just demolish. Just ask Syrian terrorists. You cannot “hide” 50K+ troops and Donbass region is rural in between the cities so their convoys and encampments would light up on recon flights.

Plus then Ukraine would have same problem as Russia—-having to feed and supply a massive front.

Fact is Russia got beat in Kiyv oblast because they sent the SOF, paratrooper, VDV, etc to Kiyv as an operation to take power centers in the city assuming limited resistance. Once they found out that Ukraine isn’t Saddam’s Republican Guard ala 2003, they tried to bring in heavy weapons and that’s when things began falling apart.
Fact is Russia got beat in Kiyv oblast because they sent the SOF, paratrooper, VDV, etc to Kiyv as an operation to take power centers in the city assuming limited resistance. Once they found out that Ukraine isn’t Saddam’s Republican Guard ala 2003, they tried to bring in heavy weapons and that’s when things began falling apart.
I should add that they knew Russia was going to do a VDV air mobile assault on Gostomel airport and use the airfield to airdrop mechanized brigades. The whole plan failed when that was repelled (because of advanced intel)
You're kidding right ? Kiev is a city of 3 million residents. Alright let's assume that Ukraine had 40,000 defenders then the attack still wouldn't make any sense whatsoever because you need a ratio of 3 to 1 at the very least to have a good chance of storming a city.

But realistically Ukraine had at the very least twice as many defenders as that and they conscripted every single fighting aged male from something like 18 to 50. So realistically they had 3 to 1 advantage as defenders. It makes no sense from a conventional standpoint.

I honestly believe that the Russians were hoping that Ukraine would simply fold like they did in 2015 in Crimea or how Saddams army did in 2003. When that didn't happen though, with atleast 3 to 1 odds against you, the only conceivable reason for keeping those troops near Kiev was to keep all those other Ukrainian troops pinned down and away from the south where Russia was actually making substantial gains.

Btw I still haven't seen any evidence of the two IL-72s that were shot down, not even a shred of evidence or how about the ghosts of Kiev nonsense or Zelensky's green screens ? As they say the first casualty in a war is the truth. Now it doesn't matter though, the Russians have established enough of of a foothold in the southeast. They have cut off Ukraine from the sea completely.

The only remaining obstacle is in the south is Odessa, which is blockaded anyways. In the east they've taken most of Luhansk Republic back. I don't know, I'm not a military expert, but if you watch what Scott Ritter has said, the Russians are now feeding fresh troops and equipment into the southeast and soon if Ukraine doesn't agree to peace,Russia will launch massive bombardments and launch a pincer movement to entrap atleast 100,000 of Ukraine's best troops in that pocket.

If you watch any western media, they'll have you believe that Russia has completely been defeated in every regard. But like I said a quarter of Ukrainians are refugees or displaced, their cities are rubble, their industrial capacity eradicated, their military cohesion shattered. The Russian currency has recovered to nearly pre-sanctions levels.

Now whether some old hand me down 1960's BMP-1s or Bushmaster mraps from Australia will be enough to beat Russia ? We'll have to wait and see. But keep in mind that in Ukraine, the Russians were fighting on a front wider than the front that the Germans launched operation Barbarossa on. It's very difficult to fight on such a large front and stay completely coordinated without ambushes and casualties.

In any case now the Russians only have to focus on one sector, a pincer in the southeast. Let's see what they will do.

Realistically if Putin had actually made the mistake of committing 100% to taking all of Ukraine, they could have done it but they would have had to turn the entire country into ruins first. Would it be worth the cost of sending 500,000 troops, massive casualties and for what ? Just to inherit ruins and actually rebuild everything themselves out of pocket ?

Putin actually played a smart hand, he didn't commit to Ukraine the way the Soviet Union committed to Afghanistan for example or how the US did. He simply played his hand, if they were going to fold and he could take the country intact with little cost fine, if not, he isn't going to tie down his army to a long term, costly campaign. But here's something to consider, do you really believe that Putin is going to abandon the Russians majority areas of Ukraine ? I don't think so but let's see.

There aren’t “hundreds of thousands” of Ukraine troops in Kiyv Oblast and Charvhin oblast.

Plus you don’t send a 40 mile convoy to sit vulnerable to artillery and air strikes to “distract the enemy”.

You could have taken those 40K troops and with naval support stormed Odessa and captured it.

And if Ukraine sent that 50-75K troops in Kiyv to Donbass all that would do is concentrate a ton of soldiers in a regional area for cruise missiles, UAVs, and fighter jets to just demolish. Just ask Syrian terrorists. You cannot “hide” 50K+ troops and Donbass region is rural in between the cities so their convoys and encampments would light up on recon flights.

Plus then Ukraine would have same problem as Russia—-having to feed and supply a massive front.

Fact is Russia got beat in Kiyv oblast because they sent the SOF, paratrooper, VDV, etc to Kiyv as an operation to take power centers in the city assuming limited resistance. Once they found out that Ukraine isn’t Saddam’s Republican Guard ala 2003, they tried to bring in heavy weapons and that’s when things began falling apart.
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Very under reported in the west. Putin has pegged the Ruble, Russia's currency to a new gold standard. At the same time Putin has stated that all "unfriendly nations" must purchase Russian natural gas by setting up accounts in Russians banks and pay in Rubles from now on.

The west has frozen billions of dollars worth of Russian assets in foreign banks. It's practically theft in the modern world. Also since Russia is cut off from Swift anyways, how exactly are the Europeans supposed to pay in USD or EURO ? Airlines are also banned from Russia so they can't deliver funds in pallets like they did to Iran at one point right ?

I'm guessing the SWIFT accounts being used for energy sales are being given waivers but still the Europeans don't even have long term contracts with Russia so who are they to dictate the currency that they must pay in ? Does the buyer or seller dictate the currency ? Usually it's the buyer. The Europeans are being defiant though, stating that they will not pay for Russian gas in Rubles.

I'm curious to see who's bluffing and who's not. The Europeans don't even have the necessary LNG infrastructure to replace Russian natural gas with American liquefied natural gas so what then ?0I

It's still relatively cold in many parts of Europe but this summer Europeans won't last a day without air conditioning, never mind natural gas for stoves, etc The Germans recently even closed down more of their nuclear power plants so what are they going to do then ?

Randoms from Iran:

Village up north

Chitgar lake (Tehran building never stops!)



Tulips farm

Iranian railroad

Ahvaz bridge ..city of Ahvaz

Luxury villa in Tehran
Huge explosion in baku. Probably will be used as a pretext of aggredion against armenia. Iran shud be actively engaged against azeri dogs.
So they're essentially exacerbating the economic situation in order to get Imran Khan out. I believe that they're also upset about that whole Taliban episode and want to oust Imran Khan and replace him with a western backed puppet of sorts.

I've heard that China and Russia are working on merging their two SWIFT alternatives into one. Putin has also pegged the Russian Ruble to Gold and has made is mandatory that "unfriendly nations" pay for Russian gas in Russian Rubles through a bank account registered in Russia.

So far Lithuania has outright refused, UK is saying no and Germany is saying they won't. Slovakia has however already agreed to pay in Rubles. I believe that to save face the Russians will allow the EU countries to pay in Euros but the Euros automatically get converted to Rubles.

My point is that there's no better time for the entire world at large, or basically any nation that doesn't want to be at risk from the US empire / NATO, to sign up to this new SWIFT alternative. It's wise to have even just as a contingency plan.

Pakistan should wake up and finally build that pipeline from Iran to Pakistan and maybe China. Or maybe Iran should consider doing that with Afghanistan ? Afghanis need money to feed their people and rebuild their country. It would be a win win wouldn't it ?

At this point these sanctions are just silly. When you actually sanction a third or humanity, aren't you essentially sanctioning yourself as well ? Now the Americans are saying that China is eating their lunch in South America.

War is still ongoing in some parts of Ukraine

They're saying it was a gas leak at a night club.

Some are suggesting that since Russia is shifting troops around from the Caucausus towards Ukraine that Baku might sense an opportunity. I doubt that Russian peacekeepers will give up their obligations though.

Remember Russia has an active army of more than 1 million. During wars its normal to to shift around or replace troops with fresh recruits every so often. It's standard procedure but in the MSM they convinced that its evidence of Russian mass casualties.

footage from Ukraine of Russian KA-52 helicopters destroyed disguised Ukrainian bases.

Huge explosion in baku. Probably will be used as a pretext of aggredion against armenia. Iran shud be actively engaged against azeri dogs.
Russia launches fresh airstrikes on Odessa, Ukraine's last port city remaining. It's blockaded regardless but taking this western chunk of land will enable Russia to physically take away Ukraines access to the ocean. It would also enable Russia to connect to the breakaway enclave of Transnistria (Moldova) who are extremely pro Russian and it seems never wanted the USSR to collapse.

Just look at their flag. They only have a population of 500,000 but it's interesting



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