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Iranian Chill Thread

When an entire nation goes to a picnic in one day.
Today is the "nature day" also called " Sizdah Be-dar" and all Iranians are making Kebob.. and that includes me.:azn::azn:...









Since ancient times, Iranians have marked the 13th day of the Nowruz holidays that comes after 12 days of festivities, which represent the number of the months of the year.The ancient Iranians took to the gardens and the plains and celebrated the day.
In other news, Pakistan feeling the full force of the NWO. Shows how much of a banana republic it is to be fair. They show their arrogance towards us but their leader gets toppled by yankees as easily as flipping butter. And im told they are supposed to be a major chinese ally. LMFAO. Greatness to Iran.
You're not going to convince anyone here. Just look at how badly the Patriot SAM system has performed against cheap drones and missiles given to the Houthis by Iran. 10% is a best case scenario. Otherwise how did the Russians get their hands on those Tomahawks in Syria ?

Again, I’ve never seen US cruise missiles fail at that rate. 10% at most

No other military can find and fix targets and deliver PGMs at the mass and rate the US can. After degrading enemy A2AD, the US will begin using the several hundred thousands of guided bombs at its disposal.
No one is reporting on this but the Russian Rubble has recovered most of its value since the war in Ukraine started and the sanctions were imposed. It was trading at around 77 before the war, then hit a high of 130 with the sanctions and has now settled at 85 against the dollar.

russian ruble.jpg

Putin is now demanding that any country that wants to purchase Russian oil pay in Rubles or local currencies like the Chinese Yuan or Indian Rupee. The Saudis and UAE have also recently declared that they will start diversifying by accepting Chinese Yuan for oil.

I'm not sure but some economists seem to be predicting a huge global recession on the way. Remember Russia and Ukraine produce 30% of the worlds wheat and inflation is soaring all over the world now.
It was never intended to be a full scale invasion. Russia's main goal in this is securing Crimea and the Donbas, which are Russian enclaves that no longer want to be apart of Ukraine since the CIA backed coup in 2014. The Oliver Stone documentary "Ukraine on Fire" goes over the coup in intricate details but it has now been banned from the mainstream. You can however view it on rumble, an alternatve to youtube, for free.

Anyways the war would end tomorrow if Ukraine would simply accept a number of 4 demands. 1) Accept Crimea as Russian territory 2) Accept Donbas Republics as independent states 3) Never join NATO and remain a neutral country 4) cease all hostilities. Unfortunately the former comedian / clown turned NATO stooge is merely a puppet of the US and wants to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian. He even purged his military of 2 generals recently and he's outlawed all opposition parties and had a negotiator executed.

Realistically the terms would have been alot less harsh if Ukraine had accepted the Minsk agreement negotiated by Russia and the EU. However at every turn Ukraine only stalled for time to rearm. In 7 years they bombed Donbas relentlessly, killing 14,000, something like 80% on the Russian side died. Eventually Putin simply had enough and decided to act.

The west is promoting Zelensky as some kind of democratic saint/savior of some sort but in reality just read what the Pandora papers have to say about him. According to the report, he's worth as estimated 1.3 billion and owns a 30 million dollar villa in Florida. Not bad for a comedian right ?

z pandora.jpg

In the western mainstream media they're promoting the narrative that Ukraine is winning but let's look at the reality on the ground. One quarter of all Ukrainians are now refugees or internally displaced. All their cities have turned to rubble. Meanwhile Russia has captured as much territory in Ukraine as there is in "great" Britain.

Some people are saying that the Russian invasion has failed because they haven't been able to take Kiev or Kharkiv but realistically 170,000 troops is not nearly enough to take or hold cities or that size, never mind all of Ukraine.

I'm not 100% sure about this but if you look at it, most of Russia's activity has been in the south. In Mariupol, the last remaining pocket has been cut into 3 pockets, 2 with their backs against the ocean and another is completely surrounded from all sides. It's just a matter of time. The Ukrainians recently tried evacuating some of their commanders from Marupol by helicopters that were both shot down. After that if the Russians just take Odessa or just blockade it, they've basically cut off Ukraine from the sea.

mariupol april 1.jpg

Now in the west they will say "well they couldn't take Kiev they failed" But did they ? I mean if the Ukrainians would have simply folded and Zelensky would have fled, then I'm sure that the Russians gladly would have moved in BUT at the end of the day they did still manage to prevent and are still preventing and tying up hundreds of thousands of troops from joining the fight in the south and in Donbas.

They're saying Russia has lost in Ukraine because they've lost 200 or so tanks and 15-20 fighter jets. Okay sure but Russia has 3000 tanks in its inventory and 10,000 in storage. Out of those 10,000, likely a few thousand or two are likely in pretty good shape. Surely better than the 1960s era Soviet ifvs that the Germans are planning to give to Ukraine. So far the Ukrainians have lost almost 2000 tanks. They have more but the Russians are also now targeting their fuel supplies, vital industry. lubricants, repair facilities, etc. As for aircrafts, the Russians have 1000 in active service. you think losing 15 or 20 is going to slow them down at all ? The Ukrainians have lost most of their airforce at this point.

The US and NATO and can supplying Ukraine but alot of that equipment is going to get destroyed. Most of Ukraine's airforce has been destroyed but today they managed to fly two helicopters really low and strike at a Russian oil depot near the border. Bold move but guess what, is that going to slow down Russia ? Do you know how many oil facilities Russia has or how much oil/jet fuel/lubricants they can and will continue to produce ? Also there will be massive retaliation and if Zelensky wants to trade hit for hit with Russia, do you really think that's a winning proposition ?

Anyways right now Ukraine has to have everything it needs transported into the country. Some of it will make it, but some of it will be annihilated by airstrike and missiles as we've already seen. In the big picture, defense contractors win, US taxpayers, the taxpayers of NATO countries lose. Just as an example, McDonalds, by leaving Russia, has lost 10% of its total revenue. Germany's economic output figures have now been slashed. Meanwhile their military budget is soaring through the roof. Great for military contractors. However nyone in Ukraine in any position of power who can see the writing on the wall and wants to seriously negotiate with Russia is being brutally purged.

Again the NATO countries seem to want to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian and there's a massive multi billion dollar propaganda drive behind it. Those stories about ghosts in Kiev, IL-72s being shot down without a shred of evidence to show. Now Zelensky is saying that his plan is to fight Russia until they take back all of their territory.

You realize this is not Afghanistan or some far off land. Crimea is majority ethnically Russian, the Donbas is majority Russian. The Russians will not abandon their own and if necessary if they send Ukraine back into the stone age. Realistically NATO don't have the guts to fight Russia themselves. Do you blame them ? I don't think they feel too confident after running away from Afghanistan in sheer panic from a bunch of tribal village dwellers in rags. Why fight Russia when they can just sacrifice Ukraine to chip away at Russia right ?

I feel sorry for Ukrainian people. A literal comedian, a literal clown is leading their country into oblivion. He knows nothing about politics, intelligence or military matters. Even the Israeli Prime Minister told him to negotiate for the sake of his people. But it seems that he's determined to go through with the neo con / military industrial complex plot to sacrifice Ukraine to make a few filthy rich men even richer. After all the war in Afghanistan ended and the military industrial complex needed a new war to drive up weapons sales.

I just dont understand. How can a so called super power such as russia can not even muster 500k for an invasion. It is such a shame. As i said before, it not good when military expertise and battle strategy is taken from the hands of the military men unto the hands of political leaders in this instance Vlad Putin.

Its so very obvious that the Russian generals struggle to discuss battle tactics with putin honestly because of fear. Or sumone wudve told him "forget about no civilian casualty, if we are serious about a quick victory civilians will lose lives" they wud also tell him ukrainian forces are heavily entrenched in fortified position and it will be a tough battle.

The reason why hitler lost his army in stalingrad was because him and Göring thought they know more about military matters than his talented german generals. They thought they cud resupply by air and ended up losing the whole war because hitler thought being a dictator and being Alexander or Julias Ceasar are the same. No its not. They were military leaders before they were polticians.

Men like Caesar and Alexander achieved wat they did because they were always honest in their battle assesment. But who will tell putin "vlad dont have our troops sitting next to the border for months while giving ukraine time to get armed with javelins and repositions their troops to strategic locations". No they waited and waited and waited even though they were well set to attack way before.

No one told him either that there need to be week long extensive aerial bombardment before moving the troops in. Its total shambles nothing more. Im darn certain Iran wud have made way more progress against ukraine than russians.
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They are definitely tanks. Likely T-72s

They are not. It would be worth it to actually read the news:

The ministry described to CNN that "The tanks, which are type Pbv 501, stem from the Cold War-era East German army and had been sold to Sweden, then resold to the Czech Republic, who will deliver them to Ukraine."

They are not. It would be worth it to actually read the news:

The ministry described to CNN that "The tanks, which are type Pbv 501, stem from the Cold War-era East German army and had been sold to Sweden, then resold to the Czech Republic, who will deliver them to Ukraine."
View attachment 829740

The German IFVs have nothing to do with it. The NYT is referring to actual tanks being sent to Ukraine.

They are not. It would be worth it to actually read the news:

The ministry described to CNN that "The tanks, which are type Pbv 501, stem from the Cold War-era East German army and had been sold to Sweden, then resold to the Czech Republic, who will deliver them to Ukraine."
View attachment 829740


They left the North. No point holding something you can’t capture. Move the forces thru Belarus and Russia back into Donbass and Luchnask

This goal is what Putin should have done since the beginning....secure the two breakaway provinces and establish a buffer zone. Then capture Mariupol and possibly Odessa. Much more manageable and would happen swiftly with 170K troops. The Northern invasion of Kiyv-kharkvin-Sumy was pointless disaster

What Russia is doing now is what the US & Turkey did in Northern Syria
They left the North. No point holding something you can’t capture. Move the forces thru Belarus and Russia back into Donbass and Luchnask

This goal is what Putin should have done since the beginning....secure the two breakaway provinces and establish a buffer zone. Then capture Mariupol and possibly Odessa. Much more manageable and would happen swiftly with 170K troops. The Northern invasion of Kiyv-kharkvin-Sumy was pointless disaster

What Russia is doing now is what the US & Turkey did in Northern Syria

Trent worked for the DOD for 30 years. It was definitely a rout. Russian lines completely collapsed upon retreat
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