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Iranian Chill Thread

Remember Russia has an active army of more than 1 million.

No, that’s not quite accurate. It has ACTIVE military personnel of 1 million there is a difference:

Real breakdown of “troops”:
  • 280,000 soldiers
  • 165,000 air personnel
  • 150,000 naval troops
The term “Military personnel” means desk job, people, people working on bases, people in intelligence roles, etc etc. it doesn’t mean 1M soldiers that can be moved to fronts. Hence why Russia had to pull troops from Georgia and ask Chechens to join the war.

Most of Russia’s “personnel”, like Iran’s Artesh, are people doing 1 year military tours. The actual number of “contract” soldiers is low.

Also Considering not all air and naval personnel can be switched to “soldiers”, the number is like less than 400,000 boots on the ground without calling up reservists or more conscripts. And some of those soldiers have to be deployed to bases and borders to keep national security. You cannot leave your borders and bases unguarded.

This is why Saddam’s 600,000 active soldiers in 1991 pre Gulf War was so impressive.
This is just sad. This is what happens when guns are readily available to anyone and everyone. The best country in the world

Sadly this is the price one almost inevitably pays when one lives in a nation where gun ownership is seen as virtually a human right.
I dont think that having an abundance of firearms available to the local populace makes for a safer society,quite the opposite in fact.
Sadly this is the price one almost inevitably pays when one lives in a nation where gun ownership is seen as virtually a human right.
I dont think that having an abundance of firearms available to the local populace makes for a safer society,quite the opposite in fact.

Yes, at least in Iran you just get stabbed in the neck instead :coffee:
You're kidding right ? Kiev is a city of 3 million residents. Alright let's assume that Ukraine had 40,000 defenders then the attack still wouldn't make any sense whatsoever because you need a ratio of 3 to 1 at the very least to have a good chance of storming a city.

But realistically Ukraine had at the very least twice as many defenders as that and they conscripted every single fighting aged male from something like 18 to 50. So realistically they had 3 to 1 advantage as defenders. It makes no sense from a conventional standpoint.

Indeed. It'd be erroneous to suppose that Russia could have seriously imagined Kiev can be stormed with no more than 40.000 troops or even that strategic points in the capital can be taken and kept under control when said points would have been surrounded by up to 100.000 Ukrainian military units. The movement towards Kiev was intended to busy Ukrainian forces positioned there for long enough.

And this is exactly one of the crucial flaws in NATO's propaganda campaign: a major part of this propaganda is founded upon the premise that the Russian military and its commandment are absolute amateurs to the point of being ignorant of the most elementary basics of warfare. Such as the 3 to 1 rule concerning the manpower an attacking force should muster in order to overcome entrenched defenders. In reality, any such assumption about one of the most professional military organizations that is the Russian armed forces would be quite absurd.

As for the notion that it wouldn't have made any difference if Ukraine transferred some 50.000 additional troops to reinforce its strongest defensive line, because troop concentrations of this size would be vulnerable to Russian strikes, that's a strange contention considering how there are currently at least twice this number of Ukrainian forces already present and fighting in the Donbas, and it is obviously taking more than just a few bombing runs to eliminate them. It's not as if the 50.000 reinforcements from Kiev would have gathered on a single spot and thus exposed themselves to getting instantly wiped out.

I honestly believe that the Russians were hoping that Ukraine would simply fold like they did in 2015 in Crimea or how Saddams army did in 2003.

Why? Russian (military) intelligence is very effective and the self-destructive nihilism of extremist Ukrainian paramilitary and reprisal units, egged on by manipulative western regimes, must have been well known to Moscow.

Btw I still haven't seen any evidence of the two IL-72s that were shot down, not even a shred of evidence or how about the ghosts of Kiev nonsense or Zelensky's green screens ? As they say the first casualty in a war is the truth. Now it doesn't matter though, the Russians have established enough of of a foothold in the southeast. They have cut off Ukraine from the sea completely.

True. No evidence, because it's western / NATO propaganda.

If you watch any western media, they'll have you believe that Russia has completely been defeated in every regard. But like I said a quarter of Ukrainians are refugees or displaced, their cities are rubble, their industrial capacity eradicated, their military cohesion shattered. The Russian currency has recovered to nearly pre-sanctions levels.

The Ukrainian military has been smashed, Ukraine's infrastructures not that much.

Putin actually played a smart hand, he didn't commit to Ukraine the way the Soviet Union committed to Afghanistan for example or how the US did.

One of the most impressive aspects of the ongoing Russian special operation in Ukraine is how flexible Moscow's forces have proven themselves to be.

They've essentially been ordered to fight in a manner divergent from their doctrine ie not what they've been trained and formatted for. Whereas Russian defence doctrine is putting the emphasis on overwhelming the enemy with massive firepower, in this war the Russians obviously have been attempting something different, since Ukraine's infrastructures (roads, railways, fuel and gas storage etc) have largely been spared.

Such an effort is far more complex than it sounds, and it's not something many military forces can carry out with the level of success achieved by Russia.

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The National Security Council has agreed that Threat was real and Pakistan has recorded protest to USA.

So it's highly probable that the US regime has been involved in trying to topple the democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Surely Imran Khan will have some backing from a number of key players (domestic and perhaps international even) to obtain dissolution of parliament and blocking of the no-confidence motion.

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Yes, at least in Iran you just get stabbed in the neck instead :coffee:

The USA's intentional homicide rate is more than twice as high as Iran's (5,30 per 100.000 people (2017) vs 2,50 (2014)), so situations in the two countries aren't the same as far as violent crime and safety of citizens are concerned.

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The infrastructure not so much but today for example, Russia struck an oil refinery in Odessa. They're basically trying to deprive Ukraine of vital resources. larger weapons systems like air defense batteries require fuel. tanks, trucks require fuel, lubricants otherwise they are useless.

The Russians have already cut off Ukraine from the sea. Odessa is in Ukrainian hands but its blocked off. The only way that they can receive weapons is from Poland in the west. If I were the Russians I would destroy some vital roads, bridges to make transportation from that area impossible.

Obviously the Russians are watching everything with their military satellites but some weapons will still make it through if they're not completely ruthless and calculating.

Indeed. It'd be erroneous to suppose that Russia could have seriously imagined Kiev can be stormed with no more than 40.000 troops or even that strategic points in the capital can be taken and kept under control when said points would have been surrounded by up to 100.000 Ukrainian military units. The movement towards Kiev was intended to busy Ukrainian forces positioned there for long enough.

And this is exactly one of the crucial flaws in NATO's propaganda campaign: a major part of this propaganda is founded upon the premise that the Russian military and its commandment are absolute amateurs to the point of being ignorant of the most elementary basics of warfare. Such as the 3 to 1 rule concerning the manpower an attacking force should muster in order to overcome entrenched defenders. In reality, any such assumption about one of the most professional military organizations that is the Russian armed forces would be quite absurd.

As for the notion that it wouldn't have made any difference if Ukraine transferred some 50.000 additional troops to reinforce its strongest defensive line, because troop concentrations of this size would be vulnerable to Russian strikes, that's a strange contention considering how there are currently at least twice this number of Ukrainian forces already present and fighting in the Donbas, and it is obviously taking more than just a few bombing runs to eliminate them. It's not as if the 50.000 reinforcements from Kiev would have gathered on a single spot and thus exposed themselves to getting instantly wiped out.

Why? Russian (military) intelligence is very strong and the self-destructive nihilism of extremist Ukrainian paramilitary and reprisal units, egged on by manipulative western regimes, must have been well known to Moscow.

True. No evidence, because it's western / NATO propaganda.

The Ukrainian military has been smashed, Ukraine's infrastructures not that much.

One of the most impressive aspects of the ongoing Russian special operation in Ukraine is how flexible Moscow's forces have proven themselves to be.

They've essentially been ordered to fight in a manner divergent from their doctrine ie not what they've been trained and formatted for. Whereas Russian defence doctrine is putting the emphasis on overwhelming the enemy with massive firepower, in this war the Russians obviously have been attempting something different, since Ukraine's infrastructures (roads, railways, fuel and gas storage etc) have largely been spared.

Such an effort is far more complex than it sounds, and it's not something many military forces can carry out with the level of success achieved by Russia.

- - - - -

So it's highly probable that the US regime has been involved in trying to topple the democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan. Surely Imran Khan will have some backing from a number of key players (domestic and perhaps international even) to dissolve parliament and block the no-confidence motion.

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The USA's intentional homicide rate is more than twice as high as Iran's (5.30 vs 2.50 per 100.000), so situations in the two countries aren't the same as far as violent crime and safety of citizens are concerned.

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Can anyone provide a short synopsis of what's happening in Pakistan?
Opposition moved no confidence motion against Imran Khan led PTI government.Meanwhile US diplomat Donald Lu met Pakistani diplomats in Washington and threatened Imran Khan's government.(What was actually said is not known yet but threat was real according to National Security Council and Pakistan recorded protest to US)

When Opposition brought no confidence motion in national assembly,deputy speaker overruled it due to foreign involvement.
President dissolved the assemblies on the advice of PM.
Supreme court took notice of situation.They will decide whether overruling of No confidence motion by Deputy Speaker is legal or not.
If legal,
Then elections in next 90 days and people will decide who will rule the country.
If not,
No confidence motion will proceed.
US threatened Imran Khan's government.(What was actually said is not known yet but threat was real according to National Security Council and Pakistan recorded protest to US)

So you are saying US has infiltrated Pakistan’s government so that not only opposition groups, but even several allied Parties have abandoned Khan along with the military being awfully silent during this so called “foreign threat”?

Come on, Khan is just lying or you have to accept basically nearly every major power center in Pakistani government has been infiltrated by US. Because the opposition to him is across the spectrum including former allied groups. This is completely different than the Turkish coup years ago.
So you are saying US has infiltrated Pakistan’s government so that not only opposition groups, but even several allied Parties have abandoned Khan along with the military being awfully silent during this so called “foreign threat”?

Come on, Khan is just lying or you have to accept basically nearly every major power center in Pakistani government has been infiltrated by US. Because the opposition to him is across the spectrum including former allied groups. This is completely different than the Turkish coup years ago.
All opposition leaders are known puppets of west/US.
Every Pakistani knows this.

Imran is one man army against this whole gang of looters.

Opposition candidate for prime minister Shahbaz Sharif when questioned about Khan's Pak-US relations said:
"We are beggars and beggars can't be choosers"
Another opposition leader said:
"USA has put Pakistan on ventilator.There is no escape from Ammerica as she can ditch Pakistan economically anytime anyday"

they are not only looters but also traitors.
Regarding military establishment,they have hardly took anti US stand in whole history.So we are not surprised from military side.

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