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Iranian Chill Thread

This is what happens when you live on borrowed money..UAE or Qatar or anyone to the rescue!!:undecided::undecided:

Fitch cuts Turkey's credit rating deeper into junk territory​


This is what happens when you live on borrowed money..UAE or Qatar or anyone to the rescue!!:undecided::undecided:

Fitch cuts Turkey's credit rating deeper into junk territory​

When you oppose your masters this is what happens.

Everyone thinks they can be the next “Iran” until their economy collapses and their society does not want to endure the struggle of independence.

In long run this will help Turkey, but if they wave the white flag they will always be under the heel of their masters.
How is is life in Iran qom if someone convert to Shiaism and how life in Iran in general for Iraqis?!.
This absolutely pains my soul.......... one of the great arts of Iran is dying because of greedy middlemen

and fraudster pink panturks and afghans trying to pass their crap off as persian rugs..

someone should help these women get online, cut the middle men out, and make money off their talent, and keep this Iranian art alive.


This Ned Price lackey got humiliated pretty badly a few days ago by a reporter asking basic questions. America has no credibility left, their own people don't even believe their narratives anymore.

Biden is not even there. He's half awake, half asleep it seems. Have any of you actually seen him attempt to speak publicly lately ?

I would argue that the American state itself now is in a state of post mortem and is now, just like a mindless zombie, like Biden in the literal sense, with arms outstretched simply, clumsily looking to spark conflicts (China/Iran/Russia-Ukraine) so that is can then appease and enrich more greedy, defense contractors while 10% of their own population has no healthcare and some areas of the US don't have access to clean drinking water today.

Eisenhower knew exactly what he was talking about when he warned about the military industrial complex hijacking the state. However it's alot worse than that, much worse than anything that he could have ever imagined in his wildest nightmares.


Look carefully, the elderly woman working hard at the carpet on the floor, has gold rings and multiple gold bracelets. These people are not stupid and anyone right now can go on ebay or just online and see what the price of a product is.

One issue with Iran is the sanctions. Most western banks will run the other way if they hear the word Iran. It doesn't matter if that western country doesn't even have sanctions against Iran, or in some cases that western country is only sanctioning specific military/nuclear/industrial sectors of Iran's economy.

The banks will NOT run the risk of getting tagged and will not deal with Iran. So then someone needs to put down cash for the carpet and run it across the border or some savvy businessman needs to have a foreign bank account already setup with all the accounts and have a good shipper, know how to fill out the customs paperwork.

The issue is that these people specialize in one thing, they make carpets and many of them don't want to do anything else. I mean if you're going to spend 2 years or 6 months on a carpet, you would assume that some of these people just have a good enough buyer that they're satisfied with and just focus on their side of the business, carpet weaving / trade handicraft work.

This absolutely pains my soul.......... one of the great arts of Iran is dying because of greedy middlemen

and fraudster pink panturks and afghans trying to pass their crap off as persian rugs..

someone should help these women get online, cut the middle men out, and make money off their talent, and keep this Iranian art alive.

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A good video on the subject. In Turkey 2/3rd of people are now using dollars exclusively as a form of exchange. They settle bills and debts in dollars, not Lira. The sad part about all this for Turkey was that this is all completely 100% un-necessary. All Erdogan had to do was listen to economists, but he just royally screwed himself and screwed his entire Ottoman dreams down the flusher. N

ow guess what Erdogan is doing as a response to this ? You guessed it, he's lowering interest rates. You can't make this stuff up. WTF. This is like that embaressing uncle at the wedding but he's actually running the wedding. This is a disaster.

Aside from Turkey Azerbaijan is also one of the most highly Dollarized nations in the world. Azerbaijan is just Alievs corruption scheme / kingdom / micro state / city state. Aliev funneling the countries wealth into his UK/Swiss accounts.

Turkey is not Iran. Iran is a resource superpower. 4th largest reserves of crude, 2nd largest reserves of natural gas on earth, 10% of all mineral deposits on the planet. Iran is a resource SUPERPOWER, a juggernaut when it comes to resources.

Not only that but Iran can produce a barrel of crude for around $10 a barrel. Not only that but recently, with the harsh winter and energy crisis in China, satellite imagery showed that 5 million barrels worth of crude left Iran via maritime routes, mostly to go to Asia and abroad. Iranian oil is even in Yemen, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Syria.

It's really unavoidable because you have to fill up your tank or heat your house and Iran has the goods and means you require and at a small discount and if you won't take it the next guy will pay more. Last I heard, when barrels of were trading for $60-$70, Iran was giving China a discount of $2-$3 a barrel, up to $5, so the long term deal between Iran-China that has been worked out, it's something like 5% realistically. Hey, if not, they can go pay the Russians more or ask the Americans how much.

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When you oppose your masters this is what happens.

Everyone thinks they can be the next “Iran” until their economy collapses and their society does not want to endure the struggle of independence.

In long run this will help Turkey, but if they wave the white flag they will always be under the heel of their masters.
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It is in Washington and the bush cia interest to crash the dollar and bring about a new SWIFT and currency system based on bitcoin. Bitcoin is being promoted in the zionist financial media, as a "secure and stable" new dollar:

Bloomberg articles telling listeners to buy bitcoin are behind paywalls. Though this is the cia agenda to promote bitcoin, after the dollar has collapsed from hyperinflation.

And putin wants to cause mass suffering from inflation.

Meanwhile, Mr Putin has issued a temporary ban on the export of chemical fertilizers, which has led to prices skyrocketing.

Putin’s plot to STARVE [billions of humans] as export ban 'threatens food security'​

This is not only about staving Europe. Trying to destroy farmers and rise food prices drastically, along with war in the bread-basket of Europe would rise food prices everywhere. And since the cia has the federal reserve doing what the fed can do to crash the dollar and force trade only in cia ponzi scheme bitcoins, making the US able to fund wars for the next million years, since Washington cornered the bitcoin market years ago.

The cia lost their trump card to destabilize the globe and usher a new zionist empire based on bitcoin and total control. The cia is using their next trump card - putin - putin works for the Chabad, which works for the cia.

This war in the Ukraine is an attempt to quickly usher in a trumpian era, without trump in the white house. And putin and the federal reserve are tag teaming to destroy the dollar and force bitcoin on the rest of the globe.

Until gold and silver are solidly the replacement of dollars, we can't hope for the defeat of the dollar. That is what the cia hopes for - cia bitcoins to be the only currency globally. Once silver and gold are agreed everywhere to be the dollar's replacement, then we can crash the dollar, and it is then when the federal reserve and cia don't want the dollar to collapse.
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It is in Washington and the bush cia interest to crash the dollar and bring about a new SWIFT and currency system based on bitcoin. Bitcoin is being promoted in the zionist financial media, as a "secure and stable" new dollar:

Bloomberg articles telling listeners to buy bitcoin are behind paywalls. Though this is the cia agenda to promote bitcoin, after the dollar has collapsed from hyperinflation.

And putin wants to cause mass suffering from inflation.

Meanwhile, Mr Putin has issued a temporary ban on the export of chemical fertilizers, which has led to prices skyrocketing.

Putin’s plot to STARVE [billions of humans] as export ban 'threatens food security'​

This is not only about staving Europe. Trying to destroy farmers and rise food prices drastically, along with war in the bread-basket of Europe would rise food prices everywhere. And since the cia has the federal reserve doing what the fed can do to crash the dollar and force trade only in cia ponzi scheme bitcoins, making the US able to fund wars for the next million years, since Washington cornered the bitcoin market years ago.

The cia lost their trump card to destabilize the globe and usher a new zionist empire based on bitcoin and total control. The cia is using their next trump card - putin - putin works for the Chabad, which works for the cia.

This war in the Ukraine is an attempt to quickly usher in a trumpian era, without trump in the white house. And putin and the federal reserve are tag teaming to destroy the dollar and force bitcoin on the rest of the globe.

Until gold and silver are solidly the replacement of dollars, we can't hope for the defeat of the dollar. That is what the cia hopes for - cia bitcoins to be the only currency globally. Once silver and gold are agreed everywhere to be the dollar's replacement, then we can crash the dollar, and it is then when the feferal reserve and cia don't want the dollar to collapse.

@Han Patriot
The Yehudis are controlling both sides. Not sure what is black or white anymore.
Return silver and gold to be the anti-dollar investment, and the replacement of the dollar in case of a collapse... and the cia would chimp out.

Bitcoin is a cia pyramid scheme, the US trump team (bush cia) got in on bitcoin before 2010 and are the founders of bitcoin. Then it was the china-haters who next invested in bitcoin.

Think of any MLM scheme, the founders and the first have their yachts and mega mansions, the next group to get into the MLM scheme have their own mansions on the beach. After that are those whose income fully supports a family. Then you get to the masses who get into the MLM scheme supporting the lifestyles of those higher in the ponzi scheme. This is bitcoin, the last investors are gonna be the homeless and poor and destitute - the masses of humanity. That is the plan. And the longer this goes, the richer the cia founders of bitcoin get. If bitcoin get to be the global currency. A thousand years of war, the cia and Washington can fund and fight. And if invested properly with compounding interest on money that does not expand, there is only going to be cia and cia trolls left on earth in 1000 years. That is the goal of these genociders. Bitcoin is nightmare cia money.

What I don't want is a hyperinflationary scenario to crash the dollar to lead to bitcoin. What would be hilarious is a hyperinflationary scenario that leads to gold and silver as money again, Washington would chimp out for decades, this would be like watching comedy tv. I was with the libertarians when we were crashing one wall street bank after another in 2008, those were good times. And we were hoping for a total worldwide crash and end of the US empire. Washington got spooked so severely in 2007-8, that Washington invented bitcoin to defeat gold and be the replacement of the dollar, so Washington owns the globe after a dollar collapse, and fool the fools into believing bitcoin is about liberty.

Things are so nuanced that it was good when Ukraine was under the Party of Regions pro-Russia government. It placed a check on putin and the cia. Ukrainians were safer with a pro-Russian government than without one. London and Washington don't give two sh*ts about Ukrainians. Neither does the Chabad, Russian Oligarchs and Russian mafia that are on Team putin. Things turned poorly for the Ukraine after the euro-maidan cia color revolution. The status quo would have been better. There would not have been an avenue for the cia to plot a path for hyperinflation today. This whole mess of using putin during a non-trump year is fully to blame because the Party of Regions was couped, we could have an endless dark age of Washington over this Ukraine-putin mess to benefit the cia. For what - the euro-maiden cia coup. Anything the cia touches is boobie-trapped.

And logic tells you if the US interfered with and intervened in the 1996 Russian Presidential election. Then Yeltsins hand picked replacement was vetted by Yeltsins cia handlers. That is only logic.

Back in the day before le pen and trump and other neo-nazis, putin was not as dangerous to Westerners, a deceiver, yes, however like Hitler who said truthful things about the British, was two faced. So long as there were no cia putin allies - trump and le pen and other neo-nazis, putin exposed the lies of the cia to be the "hero" of the resistance. Recent facts have proved that putin is the same as trump, controlled opposition. Deceivers who pretend to fight the deepstate. There are still many who believe trump is fully trying to destroy the cia deepstate. That is how much deception is around trump, and the media makes trump into some "victim". These same tactics are used to brand putin and deceive many into believing putin is against zionists.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”​

― Lenin
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If this happens get ready for some fireworks. All those weapons donated by western countries are going to end up getting confiscated and put on display by Russia. Mark my words.

Russia is reporting that Ukrainian saboteurs crossed the border to attack their forces and fire was exchanged, 5 Ukrainians dead, 2 armored personnel carriers destroyed.

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Russia might be the slowest country to prepare for invasion of their neighbor in the history of mankind.

4 months of this political theater

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