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Iranian Chill Thread

I totally agree. The mid East section has become filled trolls, racists and hot heads.

There's no one to enforce mutual respect to the forum members. As so words like pagans and Lizard eaters are very common.

We need a mod, preferably Iranian father, Arab mother who lives in Turkey :)

Good luck with finding him.

Good, however we need support from Iranians.

IMO, nationality shouldn't be a problem. As long as the new mod can stay neutral.

Shall we let her in on it?
She could be a spy,sent by Fatso.

Let's call him too.

@Armstrong will you give us a hand ?

who is da current one?

I think no one at the moment. That is the issue. That section infested with Trolls and insults.
Good, however we need support from Iranians.

IMO, nationality shouldn't be a problem. As long as the new mod can stay neutral.

I think no one at the moment. That is the issue. That section infested with Trolls and insults.

Yes, nationality IS a problem,I don't know if you remember, but I was the mod of ME section too. It was quite a mess like now, but it became almost troll-free for some time.
After few weeks, some Arab members sent PMs to me that: 'We know you are neutral and fair, but we don't want an Iranian as a mod of this section, no matter who the member is'.
They also sent PMs to webmaster.

So I asked webby to give the job to another mod, taking the burden off my shoulder.

the best solution is a neutral Pakistani mod specifically for ME section.
No way.

I would never live in the US. It's too 3rd worldish in every aspect. Lack of social services, worst political system in the West, a big population of religious nutters down south, lack of government control and regulations... It's a giant mess.

Canada has only one problem: the weather. Apart from that, it's a much more civilized place tbh.

That said, California sounds awfully delicious right now. They're forecasting -32 without windchill (so in reality -40) on Thursday. Gooz times man, gooz times.

I have to go buy this liquid (I don't even know what it's exactly) to pour into my gas tank so the fuel doesn't freeze lmaoooooooooo It technically shouldn't freeze, but some people say it's necessary.


Come on man ... USA is built based on capitalism, so no wonder that social services look better in a socialist state like Canada. But, Actually I prefer to live in a capitalist country. since you would have more freedom, and more options for your work, entertainment, .... So, I would prefer US for living.:usflag:
Sorry dude, but Canada is too socialist, feminist, and frozen for me to live. I suggest you to travel to US, I am sure your opinion would change a lot about her.

What i have in my mind is;

-Gather more people interested in.
-Sending a complaint message to GHQ with each individual.
-If mods still ignore the problem, opening threads for election.

What do you propose ?

We are in the early phase of a coup d'etat.
;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't laugh man. :)

Are you in ?

Yes, nationality IS a problem,I don't know if you remember, but I was the mod of ME section too. It was quite a mess like now, but it became almost troll-free for some time.
After few weeks, some Arab members sent PMs to me that: 'We know you are neutral and fair, but we don't want an Iranian as a mod of this section, no matter who the member is'.
They also sent PMs to webmaster.

So I asked webby to give the job to another mod, taking the burden off my shoulder.

the best solution is a neutral Pakistani mod specifically for ME section.

Hmmm, They said similar things. I don't know, i see that issue as a pure racism.

If we came ever come to that point, we should let mods to decide.

I think, you should have stayed as a mod whatever they say.
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Yes, nationality IS a problem,I don't know if you remember, but I was the mod of ME section too. It was quite a mess like now, but it became almost troll-free for some time.
After few weeks, some Arab members sent PMs to me that: 'We know you are neutral and fair, but we don't want an Iranian as a mod of this section, no matter who the member is'.
They also sent PMs to webmaster.

So I asked webby to give the job to another mod, taking the burden off my shoulder.

the best solution is a neutral Pakistani mod specifically for ME section.

That's weird. As long as the mod would be fair and neutral, İ wouldn't mind wether he was Greek, Jew, Iranian or Arab.

Smells of good old racism to me,

Come on man ... USA is built based on capitalism, so no wonder that social services look better in a socialist state like Canada. But, Actually I prefer to live in a capitalist country. since you would have more freedom, and more options for your work, entertainment, .... So, I would prefer US for living.:usflag:
Sorry dude, but Canada is too socialist, feminist, and frozen for me to live. I suggest you to travel to US, I am sure your opinion would change a lot about her.

;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

See, that's the type of language that scares people when it comes to the US.

"socialist state"

The US is the Wild West. Everything goes. But unfortunately the playing field isn't level. The top dogs can legally bribe the government through legal campaign contributions and of course through lobbying. That's literally legalized bribery.

Just because Canada and EU countries don't have things like this, it doesn't make them "socialist." We spend less money per capita on health care and we still have universal health coverage for everyone. Actually, let's use health care as an example of why nothing works in the US. Check out this list: List of countries by total health expenditure (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

USA spends the most (and this is both looking at per capita expenditure and percent of GDP) while it has one of the worst health care systems in the OECD.

The government barely ever functions properly. Lobby groups and corporations have ultimate power in the country. Salaries are some of the lowest in the OECD. Living conditions are some of the worst in the OECD. Crime rates are some of the highest in the OECD. Income inequality is some of the worst, if not the worst, in the OECD.

Then there's the society itself. When there's debate over whether or not the theory of evolution should be thought in schools or whether or not creationism should replace it (as it has done in some schools), then there's something very wrong.

European countries/AUS/NZ/Canada etc... are much more liveable places with much more progressive ideas.
anted to inform you about true face of religious retards. I suggest you not to intervene in discussion with them, since all they know is insulting, and he will insult you if you say anything more. and I don't want my brother

Come on man ... USA is built based on capitalism, so no wonder that social services look better in a socialist state like Canada. But, Actually I prefer to live in a capitalist country. since you would have more freedom, and more options for your work, entertainment, .... So, I would prefer US for living.:usflag:
Sorry dude, but Canada is too socialist, feminist, and frozen for me to live. I suggest you to travel to US, I am sure your opinion would change a lot about her.

;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Was it easy for you to adjust into US life in your earliest time in US? or how long did you take to get used to it?
That's weird. As long as the mod would be fair and neutral, İ wouldn't mind wether he was Greek, Jew, Iranian or Arab.

Smells of good old racism to me,
Well, that's khaleeji arabs for you.
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