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Iranian Chill Thread



These Indian numbers are heavily padded and I would say criminally. 5 million died in India from only the second wave aka the Indian variant without counting the first wave but I think around 200-300k died from the first wave.

But 5 million deaths in India and that itself could be extreme low-balling numbers it could be even much higher than that.

The entire ganges river was filled with death bodies the only people who were following closely were the Chinese and in Pakistan for obvious reasons but it was a human disaster seeing the ganges river itself die from covid 19.. I don't wanna sound like a sadist but I miss these days it was around april-may this year PDF has never been funnier than that period I mean the jokes, threads the humor was all time high it turned standby comedy. Heres to hoping for the 4th outbreak in India
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One Indian Doctor says he believes that the real numbers are 20-30 times higher. At a low ball 10 times higher, you have 4 million dead. Hospitals were locked, people were burning the dead in the sidewalks.

These Indian numbers are heavily padded and I would say criminally. 5 million died in India from only the second wave aka the Indian variant without counting the first wave but I think around 200-300k died from the first wave.

But 5 million deaths in India and that itself could be extreme low-balling numbers it could be even much higher than that.

The entire ganges river was filled with death bodies the only people who were following closely were the Chinese and in Pakistan for obvious reasons but it was a human disaster seeing the ganges river itself die from covid 19.. I don't wanna sound like a sadist but I miss these days it was around april-may this year PDF has never been funnier than that period I mean the jokes, threads the humor was all time high it turned standby comedy. Heres to hoping for the 4th outbreak in India
. Not minorities either.
This isnt accurate - for one, mid XX # of Tajik and other minorities ARE in the Taliban cabinet/govt, per the taliban announcement some days ago about their newly formed govt.

If Henry is correct here (it is an if), Iran has been planning for an over escalation for months.

Anyway, without JCPOA, it will be only a matter of months until Iran chooses to escalate to 90% enrichment or further dissociation from IAEA.

Best way out of it to give Khamenei a reason to trust them. Why should Khamenei consider even partially defanging himself and ignore Trump 2024?

Henry Rome has no plan for Trump 2024. He offers a substantial few bucks, which is zilch for Iran. He cannot think in Khamenei shoes.

Khameni will choose anything including a full war over a few bucks.

Their deadly mistake is underestimating Iranian nuclear and space program.

Their othrr mistake is banking on “break out time” myth.

Without JCPOA, sooner or later mullahs in Iran will decide that they have milked this political enrichment show to its extreme and it is time to show their ultimate power.

They prefer to do the show under a Trump-like president but who knows. Sequence of events can go out of hand.

These politicians are not militarists or nuclear scientists and they cannot make correct nuclear assessments.
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Anyone who believes that only 400,000 died from Covid in India is either misinformed or in denial. The Indian government gave up during the 2nd wave. Hospitals were locked while people were burning corpses on the sidewalk.

Many people decided not to go to the hospitals even if they could in the later stages, because hospitals were completely disorganized, understaffed and there were crowds inside with no masks, no ventilators.

It was a humanitarian catastrophe. This is what happens when a "tea seller" runs a country of 1.4 million. In China most of the people in higher government positions have engineering experience. In India a tea seller reigns supreme.

Anyways I know people that died from Covid. My uncle in Iran, he was healthy, he died. It's not just another flu. He had gotten flu's throughout his life. They didn't kill him. One of my fathers friends, he was in his 50's and healthy. He got Covid and died.

stop this BS
Yeah they're all Taliban loyalists though. There is no real inclusion in any way shape or form. In the long run this might lead to civil uprisings in the country or more mass migration which the world is not prepared to handle. It's disgusting how western countries caused this but now expect regional countries to clean up their dirty mess.

This isnt accurate - for one, mid XX # of Tajik and other minorities ARE in the Taliban cabinet/govt, per the taliban announcement some days ago about their newly formed govt.
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From this article

"The analysis, from the Center for Global Development, a think tank in Washington, D.C., looks at the number of "excess deaths" that occurred in India between January 2020 and June 2021 — in other words, how many more people died during that period than during a similar period of time in 2019 or other recent years.

Drawing death data from civil registries and other sources, the report came up with three estimates for undercounts. The conclusion is that between 3.4 and 4.7 million more people died in that pandemic period than would have been predicted. That's up to 10 times higher than the Indian government's official death toll of 414,482."


But it's not just that. Reporters, journalists went to various crematoriums in Delhi during the pandemic. They were functioning at beyond full capacity. Most of them would repeat the same thing over and over. "We used to do 10 a day, now we're doing 150". Most of the bodies of the deceased were never tested but most of them died from breathing problems or lack of oxygen.
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Iran is ready to go back to the deal but the US wants to add more restrictions. However Iran's economy is now growing and if the Israeli's try anything Iran can easily target Dimona, water desalination plants, vital ports, military targets and many others which could cripple the country.

So the US keeps bluffing but Iran has called their bluff. They can return to the deal or swallow their pride like in Afghanistan. They vowed that they would not allow North Korea to go nuclear. Trump said "not under my watch" Trump also stated during his campaign trail that "winning wars is easy" After dropping the MOAB on Afghanistan he had to sign a peace treaty and his troops had to flee in disgrace.

If Henry is correct here (it is an if), Iran has been planning for an over escalation for months.

Anyway, without JCPOA, it will be only a matter of months until Iran chooses to escalate to 90% enrichment or further dissociation from IAEA.

Best way out of it to give Khamenei a reason to trust them. Why should Khamenei consider even partially defanging himself and ignore Trump 2024?

Henry Rome has no plan for Trump 2024. He offers a substantial few bucks, which is zilch for Iran. He cannot think in Khamenei shoes.

Khameni will choose anything including a full war over a few buck.

Their deadly mistake is underestimating Iranian nuclear and space program.

Their another mistake is banking on “break out time” myth.

Without JCPOA, sooner or later mullahs in Iran will decide that they have milked this political enrichment show to its extreme and it is time to show their ultimate power.

They prefer to do the show under a Trump-like president but who knows. Sequence of events can go out of hand.

These politicians are not militarists or nuclear scientists and they cannot make correct nuclear assessments.
As far as I’m aware, the only major problem with SA is the crown prince. Otherwise, if another prince would be in charge with a different view, their would probably not be much cold relations. Relations with the SA were fine during the old kings time. Probably impossible to get the US out of SA, but if you are talking about military presence of course it’s possible but naturally many countries would like economic relations with the US.

Bin Salmans biggest pressure comes from inside, which is being influenced from the outside. his constituency that want him out.
Salmon has little relevance. The issue is the US and SA's dependence. Salmon's just playing house.

If Henry is correct here (it is an if), Iran has been planning for an over escalation for months.

Anyway, without JCPOA, it will be only a matter of months until Iran chooses to escalate to 90% enrichment or further dissociation from IAEA.

Best way out of it to give Khamenei a reason to trust them. Why should Khamenei consider even partially defanging himself and ignore Trump 2024?

Henry Rome has no plan for Trump 2024. He offers a substantial few bucks, which is zilch for Iran. He cannot think in Khamenei shoes.

Khameni will choose anything including a full war over a few bucks.

Their deadly mistake is underestimating Iranian nuclear and space program.

Their othrr mistake is banking on “break out time” myth.

Without JCPOA, sooner or later mullahs in Iran will decide that they have milked this political enrichment show to its extreme and it is time to show their ultimate power.

They prefer to do the show under a Trump-like president but who knows. Sequence of events can go out of hand.

These politicians are not militarists or nuclear scientists and they cannot make correct nuclear assessments.
In my opinion, with or without JCPOA, they will attack us anyways or I should say, atleast have the major desire to attack.

Without JCPOA, they will work on creating a causus belli and a threat perception through the diplomatic front
With the JCPOA, Iran has voluntarily weakened itself by reducing the scale and technology level of it's nuclear program, leaving a rapid nuclearization process during the event of war in burning ashes. All in exchange for economic benefits that can easily be backtracked or unreliable. Sure, Iran is out of major sanctions, but they will still blacklist the country. With the nuclear threat out of the way, it opens the doors for them to attack and not worry about Iran breaking out of the nuclear threshold state.
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