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Iranian Chill Thread

You intend to build nuclear weapons. You don't to it to deter Israel, you do it to destroy Israel.
As long as this is your goal, there is nothing that prevents Israel from resorting to anything within its arsenal, whether it's nukes or something else, to prevent you from getting the means of our destruction.

Nukes you don't have. And even if you did, you would be taking the lives of many Israeli and Palestinian Muslims, destroying some of Islam's and Christianity's holiest sites.

Worst case scenario, both Israel and Iran get nuked.
Best case scenario, just Iran gets nuked.
Either scenario, Iran gets nuked. So stop your happiness.

Same about your cheering of Iranian ballistic missiles raining down on Israel. You'll be hit with much harder hitting ballistic missiles.
Your days are numbered. Stamp my words.

We'll unveil some weapons that your situation will be thousands times worse than your crackers games with Hezbollah in 2006.

Pharaohe, Nemrud, Aad, Thamud, idol worshippers and zion jews will get doomed.

Mark my words. 👈

End Israel in 2022:

Ka'b bin Alqama based on Sufyan Al-Kalbi said: " Leading the army of the Mahdi will be a young man, with light (meaning not thick) beard, yellow complexion. If he fights mountains, he would crumble them, until he lands in Eelya (Jerusalem)." (Nuaim bin Hammad's Kitab Al-Fitan)

People should connect with Omid and support him, brainstorm with him before he published videos which undermine his credibility.

Iran buys Japanese license produced Astra Zenica vaccines not U.S imported Pfeizer or Moderna.

Rahbari never forbade import of license produced vaccines in countries who are not in a total economical war with Iran
If apartheid Israel is stu.pid enough to use nukes on Iran, then how do you think Iran will respond ? Iran, Hezhollah, Hamaz and the rest of Iran's proxies will not hesitate to strike apartheid Israel with everything in their arsenal simultaneously.

Iran, with a population of over 80 million, can sustain a casualty rate of 8 million. Israel on the other hand simply cannot susutain such a loss, since that's more or less their entire population. The truth is that Iran is way above israel's pay grade and if the Israeli's try to chew more than they casn swallow, they will choke to death

This will include the destruction of Dimona, major population centers like Tel Aviv and Haifa, another vital target is the water desalination plants which the Israeli's depend on for their water supply. Without a constant stream of fresh water, the Israelis will be at risk of dehydration (dying of thirst). and that's just that the tip of the iceberg. Iran has a population of 80 million. Iran can lose even 40 million and live on.

As we saw with the last conflict with Hamas, Israel is actually very extremely fragile. A constant stream of foreign aid, specially American aid in general, is critical to Israel's survival. Without a constant influx of income from several of these pro-Israeli allied nations, it is unlikely that Israel would be able to sustain itself

Realistically if Iran were to strike at any one of these vital ports, especially Haifa for example, apartheid Israel would surely find itself in an extremely dire situation.

The fact of the matter is that Israel like to portray itself with a false aura of invincibility, as if the nation was chosen by God himself and therefore can always prevail out of any tough situation no matter how impossible the odds. The reality could not be further from the truth.

Israel will never let Iran get nukes, even if it means nuking Iran in order to prevent that. I assure you that.
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Do you realize how delusional you sound ? Israel is an apartheid, segregationist, neo colonialist entity, which is 100% dependent on foreign aid for its feeble existence.

Right now you're talking in your boots because of Iran. Hamas, just little Hamas, look what they did to you last time. You were humiliated. Half of your major cities were burning, looted and on fire.

Now imagine if Hamas, Hezbollah Iran were to unleash their entire arsenal on you. You would not survive. Now imagine if the entire Muslim would would to unite. Imagine Egypt, Jordan, TURKEY, Libya, Tunisia, PAKISTAN, Iran, Syria, Lebanon and countless more. Imagine them working together in tandem.

You would have ZERO chance of surviving. You would be on your hands and knees begging to avoid deportation. How long do you think your apartheid, segregation and neo-colonialism will last ? Another 20 ? 40 ? 60 ? 100 ? Sooner or later our fake apartheir state will cease to exist. The clock is ticking. It's just merely a matter of time.

Tick tock tick tock...

You're very wrong. Iran is definitely not in a state it could build a nuke if it wants to. It'll never reach that stage.

Iran cannot receive hundreds of nukes, it only took two to bring down Japan which was a military and an economical powerhouse. A nuclear strike would destroy all of Iran's government, commanders, pretty much all of its logistical capabilities, the whole electric grid. The whole country would be in chaos.

Besides, you think Iranian nuclear sites won't be the main target of a nuclear strike? That's the first thing that Israel wants to prevent.
Those black hawks are great if Iran can give oil for them and reverse engineer them ..call it OIL for Blackhawk program :undecided::undecided::undecided:..lol

The Taliban have 85 Billion Dollars of US gear...


Those black hawks are great if Iran can give oil for them and reverse engineer them ..call it OIL for Blackhawk program :undecided::undecided::undecided:..lol

The Taliban have 85 Billion Dollars of US gear...

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33 Blackhawks, 33 Mi-17, and 4 C-130 would be a great addition to Iranian airforce.

Not sure what Iran was thinking letting them fall into Taliban hands versus having pro Iran operatives fly them to Iran in exchange for asylum
33 Blackhawks, 33 Mi-17, and 4 C-130 would be a great addition to Iranian airforce.

Not sure what Iran was thinking letting them fall into Taliban hands versus having pro Iran operatives fly them to Iran in exchange for asylum
nah just get one of each covertly and reverse engineer,

getting all em brings unnecessary attention, I mean I have heard of ISI stealing specific parts of tomahawk missile and reverse engineering them

so I have no doubt Iran is doing something on that front too but hopefully its all happening covertly
nah just get one of each covertly and reverse engineer,

getting all em brings unnecessary attention, I mean I have heard of ISI stealing specific parts of tomahawk missile and reverse engineering them

so I have no doubt Iran is doing something on that front too but hopefully its all happening covertly
Quite the contrary with Iran, they very rightly and proudly copy the opponent's tech with no apologies whatsoever. With Pakistan, the fall out is much greater because there is still some relations with the US that could be strained if ISI was overtly copying American tech. There was talk of a crashed stealth black hawk in 2011 having components probably transferred to China via ISI or some other entity within the government.
Oil for Blackhawk program will be win win situation for both iran and Afghanistan.. remember in the 80s iran bought all or most US military hardware left in Vietnam to cannibalize for parts during war time...this time around will be for actual addition and reverse engineered purpose...in exchange taliban will get oil and overhaul services for what ever is left from Iran...few drones here and there won't hurt either..lol
Is that the complete, verified list of Afghan weapons that made it into the hands of the Taliban or just the arsenal of the Afghan Army ? Last I heard 20+ Afghan jets and helicopters made it into Uzbuekistan. One actually crashed on the way when it ht the Mig-29 which was escorting it. Go figure.

Anyways driving a Humvee is one thing but flying a jet or helicopter is another. Without proper training, there is no way that the Taliban will be able to fly the jets/helicopters without injuring or even killing themselves in the process.

Not only that but these jets/helicopters require extensive parts and equipment. Now assuming that they could even find and convince the pilots to switch sides, which will be difficult since many are currently hiding, afraid for their lives. But anyways, even if they could, then there's the issue of finding the mechanics, maintenance workers, technicians, etc.

Parts will also not be easy to come by. I mean I'm sure that they could find some things on the black market and cannibalizing parts will also be another option, but at the same time, with Afghanistan's current financial predicament, they might want to consider simply selling much of the equipment on the black market rather than gong through all the trouble.

Those black hawks are great if Iran can give oil for them and reverse engineer them ..call it OIL for Blackhawk program :undecided::undecided::undecided:..lol

The Taliban have 85 Billion Dollars of US gear...

View attachment 774011
View attachment 774015
I'm having trouble finding the article but I'm pretty sure that the majority of Afghan ariforce assets flew into Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Taliban have but a tiny fraction left. I'm pretty much sure about that.

33 Blackhawks, 33 Mi-17, and 4 C-130 would be a great addition to Iranian airforce.

Not sure what Iran was thinking letting them fall into Taliban hands versus having pro Iran operatives fly them to Iran in exchange for asylum
Is that the complete, verified list of Afghan weapons that made it into the hands of the Taliban or just the arsenal of the Afghan Army ? Last I heard 20+ Afghan jets and helicopters made it into Uzbuekistan. One actually crashed on the way when it ht the Mig-29 which was escorting it. Go figure.

Anyways driving a Humvee is one thing but flying a jet or helicopter is another. Without proper training, there is no way that the Taliban will be able to fly the jets/helicopters without injuring or even killing themselves in the process.

Not only that but these jets/helicopters require extensive parts and equipment. Now assuming that they could even find and convince the pilots to switch sides, which will be difficult since many are currently hiding, afraid for their lives. But anyways, even if they could, then there's the issue of finding the mechanics, maintenance workers, technicians, etc.

Parts will also not be easy to come by. I mean I'm sure that they could find some things on the black market and cannibalizing parts will also be another option, but at the same time, with Afghanistan's current financial predicament, they might want to consider simply selling much of the equipment on the black market rather than gong through all the trouble.

I'm having trouble finding the article but I'm pretty sure that the majority of Afghan ariforce assets flew into Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The Taliban have but a tiny fraction left. I'm pretty much sure about that.
Just getting aviation fuel to fly anything is going to be an issue...three Kam air commercial airliners already flown to iran ..most likely owners will sell them to iran.....Iranians must be quick on this anything left may be bombed by the US.. they did it to yemen mig 29s...and I remember all of us were saying they should fly them into iran..they did not and saw them being destroyed...
nah just get one of each covertly and reverse engineer,

Doesn’t work like that. Iran has had Russian Mi helicopters for decades and yet to reverse engineer one.

I doubt Iran would be able to to reverse engineer a Blackhawk anytime soon specifically the engine, hence why it’s worth having 33 of them as a fleet and learning about them for future projects.
People should connect with Omid and support him, brainstorm with him before he published videos which undermine his credibility.

Iran buys Japanese license produced Astra Zenica vaccines not U.S imported Pfeizer or Moderna.

Rahbari never forbade import of license produced vaccines in countries who are not in a total economical war with Iran
Yes Iran imported Astra Zenica from Japan NOT fizer.

I think that was just a verbal error from omid. 👍
Those black hawks are great if Iran can give oil for them and reverse engineer them ..call it OIL for Blackhawk program :undecided::undecided::undecided:..lol
I will be glad if we can get our hand on some engine and transmission system for those black hawk , there must be some in storage somewhere for a time if they needed repair
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