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Iranian Chill Thread

Right now there is alot of confusion. In some areas the Taliban are persecuting and killing, not allowing women to go to school, banning radio.

On the other hand, in other areas the Taliban ARE allowing radio and women to go to school, even University. People who worked for the government are also being given an amnesty.

Of course this kind of confusion should be expected since the Taliban are a militant group rather than a strict, professional military who follow every order.

However based on what the Taliban leadership and diplomats are saying, we should see a more moderate policy imposed all over the country soon.

Hopefully for the Afghan people, that will be the case.
I see, yeah they do not have a proper leadership structure, seems like many people are just doing their own thing. Unified policy is a must but, I doubt these guys ability to even run the country at all so the likelihood where we have to deal with this mess becomes quite high. Improvement of ground forces is becoming very needed.
This is true, a limited strike would disable it, that being said theirs been some "behind-the-scenes" things going on that seems to indicate that Taliban and Iran are in some sort of agreement with regards to the water issue which is great news.

در واقعیت انهدام سد های افغانستان با موشک کمکی به ما نمیکنه
چون‌ دایک میزنن و اب رو منحرف میکنن
دایک رو هم نمیشه کاری کرد​
در واقعیت انهدام سد های افغانستان با موشک کمکی به ما نمیکنه
چون‌ دایک میزنن و اب رو منحرف میکنن
دایک رو هم نمیشه کاری کرد​
Khob, baraye hamin migoftam amaliate zamini momken
Fun little video for our Pakistani friends who like to shit talk IRIAF F-14A Tomcats!
Hard to keep these babies up in the air though without parts :(
Egyptians are in a similar situation with Ethiopia. Once the dam is already built, there's only so much you can do.

Honestly Iran has water desalination plants right now and for the most part, because Iran is mountainous, Iran has access to much of the water that flows out to neighboring countries.

Recently Iran has diverted water going into Iraq and Khuzestan and this has led to countless Iraqi farms drying up and people in Khuzestan protesting.

Overall though, especially compared to neighboring countries, Iran is in a relatively good situation when it comes to water supplies.

در واقعیت انهدام سد های افغانستان با موشک کمکی به ما نمیکنه
چون‌ دایک میزنن و اب رو منحرف میکنن
دایک رو هم نمیشه کاری کرد​

Well so far, everytime people have underestimated them, they have been wrong. I believe that once things settle down and their leadership arrive in Afghanistan from Pakistan, they will lay the law down and force all the various regions to abide by their laws.

I see, yeah they do not have a proper leadership structure, seems like many people are just doing their own thing. Unified policy is a must but, I doubt these guys ability to even run the country at all so the likelihood where we have to deal with this mess becomes quite high. Improvement of ground forces is becoming very needed.
There's a reason why Iran is not interested in the JF-17. Iran can get them for dirt cheap from China but Iran wants the more capable J-10 from China.

Iran has pilots who are world class. They just need fighter jets that are world class to do the job. That is why the Iranian airforce are extremely picky about which jets Iran purchases.

At the time the F-14 was the equivalent of todays F-22. It's still a good jet today. For that reason the airforce of Iran will not settle for substandard quality products today. There's almost no point to acquiring something that isn't top notch.

Fun little video for our Pakistani friends who like to shit talk IRIAF F-14A Tomcats!

Chaos ensues at Kabul airport as thousands try to fight their way into airplanes to flee.

US troops shoot in the air to restore order at Kabul airport.

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5 people have been killed at Kabul airport. Look at the chaos. This is a disaster. The US really f#cked up this time. Let this be a lesson for anyone who thinks they can trust the USA or their foreign policy.

5 people have been killed at Kabul airport. Look at the chaos. This is a disaster. The US really f#cked up this time. Let this be a lesson for anyone who thinks they can trust the USA or their foreign policy.

Shades of saigon circa 1975......😮[sadly theres no emoji for TOTAL CLUSTER-FVCK!!!!!]
By usury, I meant interest in general. Loaning is not banned however, only interests are. The ban is very much non-negotiable in Islam. I am aware of the subterfuge that consists in invoking inflation, but several maraje' issued fatwas declaring that the current system still amounts to "reba'" ie is not sufficiently conforming to Islamic principles.


It functions as a private company. The identity of these individuals won't change this as long as they don't act on behalf of the state or government nor receive instructions from the latter. Also watch the documentary, the shareholders responsible for the scam described in the film did not hold government positions.
we call them خصولتی,
they are worse than government controlling them as now pose as private sector but they bypass majority of mechanism to control corruption
Ashraf Ghani tried to flee with 4 cars filled with cash. It was so much money that it wouldn't all fit on his helicopter and he had no choice but to leave it behind.

What a corrupt crook. I heard that Hamid Karzai is also a billionaire with most of his money generated from Opium.

There's a reason why Iran is not interested in the JF-17. Iran can get them for dirt cheap from China but Iran wants the more capable J-10 from China.

Iran has pilots who are world class. They just need fighter jets that are world class to do the job. That is why the Iranian airforce are extremely picky about which jets Iran purchases.

At the time the F-14 was the equivalent of todays F-22. It's still a good jet today. For that reason the airforce of Iran will not settle for substandard quality products today. There's almost no point to acquiring something that isn't top notch.
If people remember, Iranian pilots were air dropping supplies with C-130s into Nubl and Zahra enclaves in Syria. World class performance.
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