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Iranian Chill Thread

Kuwaiti newspaper saying big words. Albeit, they are full of shit most of the time, something to consider.
My grandmothers sister who was nearly 60, passed away from COVID in Tehran last night.

Iran is very behind compared to countries like the US where at least half the population has been vaccinated in some form.

Add in the poor not consistent healthcare system and terrible population of major city centers like Tehran and you have a population very vulnerable to COVID.

Sorry to hear that dadash.

Yes, they have screwed up badly, and many many people are frustrated, all that was really necessary was at minimum 50% of the population be vaccinated, and much of the burden on hospitals would be reduced. In which case the vax rates can reach 75%+ overtime.

I have seen private hospitals in Tehran, and they truly are 1st world, private doctors are extremely proficient in their work, super clean and modern, but not everyone can afford them. As you say the consistency is low considering if you cannot afford these private hospitals, you are treated with low care.
I'm very sorry to hear that. Last year one of my uncles died to Covid. He was almost 60 and a heavy smoker. In Tehran the pollution and heat are overwhelming by themselves and unfortunately right now because of the Indian (delta) variant there is a 5th wave.

In the US some people refuse to get vaccinated and the government has to pay them $100 to do it. Meanwhile in countries like Iran people are desperate to get vaccinated and some people can't wait. In Poland they can't even convince 50% of the people to get vaccinated. The world is such a strange place.
It's very strange indeed, especially in France/Germany where their are mass protests against vaccination, but I believe this really comes from their high quality healthcare system that can keep you alive if you are hospitalized. Their is not too much to worry about, but if you are old an in Mantaghe I don't know 18 in Tehran, you are at big risk.
The government should at the very least be building housing for vulnerable or poverty stricken people. Abandoning projects that were already half way built, like the Mehr project, was just stupid.

The government always has access to free land and cheap materials at cost. As for the labor, using a combination of professional contractors while giving prisoners an opportunity to access job training is a practical combination
This kind of practical and logical thinking is not allowed in Iran. I swear their are people on this forum that can run the country better than these idoits. The main source of our problems is greed, everyone is just focused on lining their own pockets instead of thinking about their fellow people. If we had true patriots in charge of this country, not only would all our GFs have an appropriate level of body armor, but the civilians would also be under better economic circumstances. This is a great nation with a large population and immense resources, these sanctions can be eroded, their are so many job creating opportunities in Iran because their is no much to develop in this country. We need leaders that actually care for the people, in which case would make our military stronger as well. Everyone wins.

When working if I even disappoint one person, I do my best to maintain my reputation and ensure the happiness of the people who depend on me and my service. Vahshat mikesham age karam dorost nabood ya narahat kardam yeki ro. Yet these officials have millions that depend on them, but they don't seem to care. I would be working 24/7 to ensure my compatriots are successful.
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Kuwaiti newspaper saying big words. Albeit, they are full of shit most of the time, something to consider.

Sorry to hear that dadash.

Yes, they have screwed up badly, and many many people are frustrated, all that was really necessary was at minimum 50% of the population be vaccinated, and much of the burden on hospitals would be reduced. In which case the vax rates can reach 75%+ overtime.

I have seen private hospitals in Tehran, and they truly are 1st world, private doctors are extremely proficient in their work, super clean and modern, but not everyone can afford them. As you say the consistency is low considering if you cannot afford these private hospitals, you are treated with low care.

It's very strange indeed, especially in France/Germany where their are mass protests against vaccination, but I believe this really comes from their high quality healthcare system that can keep you alive if you are hospitalized. Their is not too much to worry about, but if you are old an in Mantaghe I don't know 18 in Tehran, you are at big risk.

This kind of practical and logical thinking is not allowed in Iran. I swear their are people on this forum that can run the country better than these idoits. The main source of our problems is greed, everyone is just focused on lining their own pockets instead of thinking about their fellow people. If we had true patriots in charge of this country, not only would all our GFs have an appropriate level of body armor, but the civilians would also be under better economic circumstances. This is a great nation with a large population and immense resources, these sanctions can be eroded, their are so many job creating opportunities in Iran because their is no much to develop in this country. We need leaders that actually care for the people, in which case would make our military stronger as well. Everyone wins.

When working if I even disappoint one person, I do my best to maintain my reputation and ensure the happiness of the people who depend on me and my service. Vahshat mikesham age karam dorost nabood ya narahat kardam yeki ro. Yet these officials have millions that depend on them, but they don't seem to care. I would be working 24/7 to ensure my compatriots are successful.

Thanks for the condolences everyone.

As for Israel’s threats: they have already attack numerous Iranian military ships carrying arms and fuel to Syria and Lebanon, Iranian port (cyber attack), and Iranian ship carrying UAVs (floating base in Arabian Sea). So nothing new here they haven’t done on top of 500+ strikes in Syria.
My grandmothers sister who was nearly 60, passed away from COVID in Tehran last night.

Iran is very behind compared to countries like the US where at least half the population has been vaccinated in some form.

Add in the poor not consistent healthcare system and terrible population of major city centers like Tehran and you have a population very vulnerable to COVID.
Sorry for your loss man..God bless her soule.
If Rouhani's govt performance is considered "THIS BAD" in Iran that means Khameini 1 - Iranian People 0, because the SL was always skeptical about the reformists and this their just exiting guy...ROuhani is just like Mahmoud Abbas- they are nice smart guys, tried hard to work with the west, but in the end, they have nothing to show for it.

Is this ISraeli commerce ship that was drone attacked Raisi's "introduction" to the international scene? Seems Iran does have military confidence currently, but i'll be lying if i say i'm not a little on edge as to what the West + ISrael will retaliate with...

Let me say this- I also expect intensified military clashes between US and Iran forces in the middle east if this nuclear deal is not signed.
Let's not forget that Rouhani has been chosen directly by the people not once, but twice. Removal of Rouhani would have directly challenged the people's wishes and the supreme leader would have come under severe attack. Now we could argue Khamenei could have done that due to national security considerations but it seems he does not want to attack the sitting president, publicly.

About Raisi, i doubt that the attack on the Western/Israeli ship is related to him. He has no say in security affairs for now and in the near future. But he may help bringing the various government branches in synch with the IRGC and the supreme leader, giving legitimacy for any future military operation. Military operations without the consent of the legally elected government would look very very bad and question the legitimacy of IR.

I wouldn't worry too much about the Israeli response. Their actions have become too predictable.
My grandmothers sister who was nearly 60, passed away from COVID in Tehran last night.

Iran is very behind compared to countries like the US where at least half the population has been vaccinated in some form.

Add in the poor not consistent healthcare system and terrible population of major city centers like Tehran and you have a population very vulnerable to COVID.
some say history repeats itself.

My grandmothers sister who was nearly 60, passed away from COVID in Tehran last night.

Iran is very behind compared to countries like the US where at least half the population has been vaccinated in some form.

Add in the poor not consistent healthcare system and terrible population of major city centers like Tehran and you have a population very vulnerable to COVID.

May she rest in peace, very sorry to hear that my friend.....
I wouldn't worry too much about the Israeli response. Their actions have become too predictable.

Wow, replace "I" with IRanian govt and it still makeses sense. Lol...I guess these are the ways Iran tells the world it isnt afraid if Saudis, Arabs and US "help" Israel strike Iran...Iran seems quite confident about being able to handle whatever contingency comes its way. After west does nothing, PDF will quickly forget that and istead remind us that "IRan and US + Israel have been working together in the Middle east". OMG!

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