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Iranian Chill Thread

Yeah there are more Indians online defending Israel under every single twitter post than there are Israelis, This is noticed by Iranians as well as the other day i saw Iranians users were calling the Indians "پاچه خوار" on Iranian sites.
I am not particularly religious but of course it's my heritage so it rankles me when I see Indian's sucking up to Israeli's or the French Neo-Nazis like Le Pen and touting Muslims as threat to civilization. They try to play the victim card that they are also under seige from Muslim hordes which is kind of rich seeing that there are nearly 1.4 billion Indians.

@Maira La

Ps. At 5 7'' this midget Thakur should not be bragging about his "height".
Something I want my Iranian brothers to note. Despite what differances we have. Irrespective if we are very religious or secular all of us feel for Palestinians. All of us and that includes Turks, Afghans, Algerians, Malay, Pakistani's, Iranians are revolted by what Israel is doing.

But India is actually going loopy in tryin to show they are Israel's poodles. Hindustwas in that country openly support zionists and want Muslims wiped out. Keep this in mind!
I am not particularly religious but of course it's my heritage so it rankles me when I see Indian's sucking up to Israeli's or the French Neo-Nazis like Le Pen and touting Muslims as threat to civilization. They try to play the victim card that they are also under seige from Muslim hordes which is kind of rich seeing that there are nearly 1.4 billion Indians.

@Maira La

Ps. At 5 7'' this midget Thakur should not be bragging about his "height".
Hindu Nationalists would still be beaten by French Neo Nazis on a Paris Street but this is the cause of proliferation of Social Media and the Internet bought nutters of the world unite instead of workers of world unite lol
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This is called slander, cowardice, and dirty backbiting by classless individuals like you. Moderators are being informed now. Don't turn chill threads into slandering threads.

Slander? Nope, I merely quoted and cited you. No false charges, no misquoting of your drivel, insults, sectarianist / iranophobic garbage and death threats, hence no slander whatsoever.

You think you can spew whatever you want and imagine that the preferential treatment you enjoy here is going to shield you from any and all consequences? Keep dreaming, boy.

Coward? You think you're impressing me with your threats, eh? I have no fear at all of your ilk, and there's nothing you can do to me. You have no idea who you threatened with murder, and you would never say this stuff to my face. Run to the mods if you want. However, I'm not interested in interacting with people like you, so don't expect me to come talk to you, unless you quote or mention me of course, in which case I'm going to respond and put you in your place.
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Slander? Nope, I merely quoted and cited you. No false charges, no misquoting of your drivel, insults, sectarianist and iranophobic garbage and death threats, hence no slander whatsoever.

You think you can spew whatever you want and imagine that the preferential treatment you enjoy here is going to shield you from any and all consequences? Keep dreaming.

Coward? You think you're impressing me with your threats, eh? I have no fear at all of your ilk, and there's nothing you can do to me. You have no idea who you threatened with murder. Run to the mods if you want. However, I'm not interested in interacting with people like you, so don't expect me to come talk to you, unless you quote or mention me of course, in which case I'm going to respond and put you in your place.

Reported .

Hahahaha, reported for what? Keep reporting, I did not violate any rules and everybody here knows it.

these members that have God-complexes and think they are master over other members on PDF. I will not allow them to continue these attacks.

Now this is some real slander.

That said, like it or not, we will keep denouncing your anti-Shia sectarianist attacks, the family insults you directed at members, your iranophobic drivel, your calls for genocide against Iranians, your repeated death threats, and every other monstrosity you committed.

Nothing you guys want done to me will succeed, I have a lot of backing that you are unaware of. And I will flip it on you.

Don't need to explain anything

Oh, don't worry. We are fully aware of the sort of backing anti-Iran elements the world over enjoy, and from what quarters this backing usually originates... Rest assured of that.

There's only one thing I am going to tell you right now: the multiple death threats you issued, which constitute a crime in the US state you reside in. I have them on screenshot, saved on external USB sticks too. PDF might let that go. But law enforcement and prosecutors in the US are no PDF mods. Try these sort of threats once more, only once more, and we'll see if your "backing" measures up to the legal action that is going to be initiated then. Remember this, you are not the only person with "contacts" here. Then we'll also see whether you're going to have some explaining to do or not. Just try it once more.
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^Bachehā, nagoftam behetun iekami ghelghelakesh bedin az kure dar mire mese chi?


You are nothing more than a barking Shia terrorist dog. And you will be in lose-lose situation which ever way you choose to approach this with me. No one will apologize for calling you a Shia extremist terrorist because that's what you are.

And yes, I know , the anti imperialist , anti-Zionist , anti USA Iranian cheerleader terrorist is threatening to go to the Zionist USA to get help against a Palestinian member he is butthurt over on a forum. Didn't I say you're a munafiq Shia terrorist.

Ah come on, are you scared now? What I warned you of, is not to reiterate one of those death threats you like to spew - I don't care for some cheap libel and sectarianist insult delivered from behind a computer screen.

The zionist USA, indeed. Aren't you on the record for calling that same zionist USA "your country"? Or are you declaring jihad on the US too, in addition to the Shia Muslims you threatened to murder? Just be frank, tell us what you're going to do to Americans once "the big war of malhama" starts. You prefer not to? Threatening Shia Muslims is more likely to go through when you reside in America, eh?
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^Bachehā, nagoftam behetun iekami ghelghelakesh bedin az kure dar mire?


Ah come on, are you scared now? What I warned you of, is not to reiterate one of those death threats you like to spew - I don't care for some cheap libel and sectarianist insult.

The "zionist USA"? Aren't you on the record for calling it "your country"? Or are you declaring jihad on the US too, in addition to the Shia Muslims you threatened to murder? Just be frank, tell us what you are going to do to Americans once "the big war of malhama" starts, hahahaha. You prefer not to? Threatening Shias is more likely to get through, eh?

Not scared of anything, you are no more than a barking Shia extremist dog. One that claims to be anti-Zionist and wants to go to Zionist USA for a Zionist lawyer. Just pointing out your hypocrisy . And your have a terrible misunderstanding of laws btw.

You are more than welcome to try everything you got. It will be lose-lose situation for you. Otherwise, don't quote me or talk about me. Remain to yourself.

If you are confident in yourself , show me action and not just talk. I am 100% confident in saying you are getting yourself into a lose-lose situation. Whatever you do.

Don't try to impose your will or Iranian revolutionary propaganda on others. We aren't fond of it.
Not scared of anything,

Will you tell us what you'll do to American extremists when malhama starts? You scared or just a mono-maniacal Shia-hater?

you are no more than a barking Shia extremist dog.


One that claims to be anti-Zionist and wants to go to Zionist USA for a Zionist lawyer. Just pointing out your hypocrisy . And your have a terrible misunderstanding of laws btw.

Hahaha, then go ahead and threaten to murder me once more if you dare.

You're thinking of yourself as a legal expert now? Give me a break.

You are more than welcome to try everything you got. It will be lose-lose situation for you. Otherwise, don't quote me or talk about me. Remain to yourself.

I told you, don't run in circles or try to dodge: issue another death threat against me or any other PDF user, and we shall see whether I'll be the one to "lose" anything. If you've taken the wise decision to be a tad more civilized and to refrain from such, then don't waste my time with your ignorant assessment of how this eventuality would play out.

If you are confident in yourself , show me action and not just talk. I am 100% confident in saying you are getting yourself into a lose-lose situation. Whatever you do.

I announced the conditions to you. I have no time to lose, so I will reserve legal action for the moment when you threaten me with murder again. You will not see any "action" from me unless and until you threaten me with murder a second time.

I'm not encouraging nor baiting you to do so (quite the contrary!), only informing you that legal action will be taken against you if you repeat it. But we both know you're not going to do it, because you are aware of the potential legal consequences. Which is a very good decision on your part, I must say.

Don't try to impose your will or Iranian revolutionary propaganda on others. We aren't fond of it.

The "likes" my comments received suggest otherwise. I'm certainly not "imposing" anything on anyone, but I am certainly going to keep expressing my views, and readers are going to decide all by themselves whether or not they concur. I am not going to stop only because you enjoin me to, in between two sectarianist insults.
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@Falcon29 ..please do not insult @SalarHaqq ..he is one of the most respected members of the iranian PDF community...we Iranians feel the sorrow and pain of the Palestinian people..I know you hate iran, and Iranians and that is fine....you need to concentrate on bringing the news to everyone ..God bless your nation and bring victory to you all.
@Falcon29 ..please do not insult @SalarHaqq ..he is one of the most respected members of the iranian PDF community...we Iranians feel the sorrow and pain of the Palestinian people..I know you hate iran, and Iranians and that is fine....you need to concentrate on bringing the news to everyone ..God bless your nation and bring victory to you all.
He is not even Palestinian. .at least not in spirit. His nation is in a heavy struggle yet he finds time to come and troll Iranians. Badbakht.
برخی از اعضای خاص ادعا می کنند که همه باید طبق روشی که اسرائیل ادعا می کند حماس در هر ساختمان است ، به بخش ایران بپردازند.

برخی از ارسال های آن عضو آنقدر مضحک است که مجبور شدم دو بار آنها را بخوانم تا آنچه را می بینم باور کنم.​
I’m sick of this guys complaining. He fights harder against Iran than Israel lol.

be darak be in adamha. Chera Komak mikonim be in besharifa ke ye keshvare shish milion mitonian inaro as kore zamin nabood konan

It is what it is. I hope they can give a good kicking to the Israel which their tel Aviv strikes did. We don’t need to be involved in their war.
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