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Iranian Chill Thread

The kike scums are no longer hiding the fact that their problem with Iran and not with the regime I wonder what the zio kike shah lovers will say about this??!.

There is no shortage of shit for brains "Persians" out there that think that Israel and the U.S "LOVE" them. Any moron with half a Bain would realize that's not the case if they have ever seen the movie "300" but alas these sell outs don't even have half a brain apparently. For the life of me I can not figure out why people who profess to love Reza Shah Pahlavi and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi are so willing to back the very countries that were responsible for the overthrow of the both of them against their own Country!
There is no shortage of shit for brains "Persians" out there that think that Israel and the U.S "LOVE" them. Any moron with half a Bain would realize that's not the case if they have ever seen the movie "300" but alas these sell outs don't even have half a brain apparently. For the life of me I can not figure out why people who profess to love Reza Shah Pahlavi and Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi are so willing to back the very countries that were responsible for the overthrow of the both of them against their own Country!
I used also to believe that Persians and Jews are friends and they are hostile to the regime only but when you see them support separatism and attack Iranian history and culture proves their problem not with the regime but with Iran and Iranians.
Well you're obviously not keeping up with events in Yemen recently. The Houthis have made some gains near Marib and are now 4 km away from Marib city center. 6 years ago the Saudis stated that they would win the war in Yemen within a few weeks.

6 years later the Houthis control the capital, the northwest enclave is their heartland. In Hodeidah the Saudi offensive failed, the Houthis still control Hodeidah city proper. Taiz is completely surrounded and the south is controlled by the southern separatists. Right now Houthis control 80% of the population in Yemen.

The Saudis, despite having every major advantage in the field, have failed at all of their goals. They wanted to force the Houthis out of power, it hasn't happened, they wanted to take the capital, can't do it, they wanted to take Hodeidah, couldn't do it. Now they can't even stop the Houthis in Marib. At the least the city is going to be completely surrounded, like Taiz. Aside from the above mentioned territories, the rest of the eastern segment of Yemen is really nothing more than a backwater or hinterland, it's something like an after though really, empty desert a third of which is currently controlled by Al Qaeda.

For MBS Yemen was supposed to be an easy stepping stone to greater regional aspirations but it's turned into a humiliating blunder. Having failed in Yemen and having failed even to subdue even Qatar, it's a huge blow to their prestige whether you want to admit it or not. They were aiming to destroy Iran and the Houthis. Now they're negotiating for peace with the same people they vowed they would destroy ? What do you call that success ?

I have seen him seen 2015 on multiple videos he was always like that. I also had a friend who was like that it has nothing to do with drugs but it is a natural complications that comes with birth and different countries have different names for it. His had a surgery recently for health reasons which explains the weightless or he had to lose weight for the surgery.

Lmao. The weirdest and weakest claim. Why would he be nervous over a country he has been blamed on commiting genocide against. These are low-level cavemen who can't move further from where they are and effectively invaded from every corner. Nerves comes when you stand in front ww3 and face of multiple coalitions. Not from an opponent you bomb daily for your own pleasure.

The houthis aren't gaining an inch. 3 days ago they made an empty propaganda which was completely denied by the Yemeni Gov't and Salah who even went further to say we have finished off the houthi offensive on Marib now it is time to move on Sanaa which is not far away from that specific area and announcing their own offensive on San'aa.

I don't see any Campaign failing here. The Islah and Hadi hold most major cities, oil sector and ports and 80% of land which won't change and they ain't going anywhere anytime soon. Their future is in Yemen which they have solidified with Military
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Well you're obviously not keeping up with events in Yemen recently. The Houthis have made some gains near Marib and are now 4 km away from Marib city center. 6 years ago the Saudis stated that they would win the war in Yemen within a few weeks.

6 years later the Houthis control the capital, the northwest enclave is their heartland. In Hodeidah the Saudi offensive failed, the Houthis still control Hodeidah city proper. Taiz is completely surrounded and the south is controlled by the southern separatists. Right now Houthis control 80% of the population in Yemen.

The Saudis, despite having every major advantage in the field, have failed at all of their goals. They wanted to force the Houthis out of power, it hasn't happened, they wanted to take the capital, can't do it, they wanted to take Hodeidah, couldn't do it. Now they can't even stop the Houthis in Marib. At the least the city is going to be completely surrounded, like Taiz. Aside from the above mentioned territories, the rest of the eastern segment of Yemen is really nothing more than a backwater or hinterland, it's something like an after though really.

For MBS Yemen was supposed to be an easy stepping stone to greater regional aspirations but it's turned into a humiliating blunder. Having failed in Yemen and having failed even to subdue even Qatar, it's a huge blow to their prestige whether you want to admit it or not. They were aiming to destroy Iran and the Houthis. Now they're negotiating for peace with the same people they vowed they would destroy ? What do you call that success ?

This is some revisionism stuff. 80% of that is BS the only major city the houthis control is San'aa and not because it is the capital because it is their tribal heartland. All the other big cities is out of their controll Taiz, Marib, Part of Hodeidah, Mukalla and Aden. By the way the Hodeidah offensive never failed it was stopped due to UN outcries claiming genocide humantarian crisis.

The Marib claim has been going on for the last 10 months they haven't moved an inch sometimes even claiming the city has been taken lol. What I thought yesterday they were inside the city why 4 KMs away now. All these lies has been eliminated. You can't claim win from the current status quo in Yemen. The Houthis may survive with a smaller territory with the political settlement but they have certainly not won a thing. Islah and Hadi's future is solified they are going nowhere since they can't be defeated militarily.

Qatar? There was never military option for Qatar since the coalition knew it was unwise just trade blockade and things has been patched up.

When did He say he wanted to destroy Iran? He said he will bring the fight there if necessarily forced to do so meaning if Iran doesn't give him option which is logical. If you attempt to puke a bear he will eventually come out of the cave and throw down in good old school fashion this is no different in this scenario saying he will fight you if necessary and provocate into it. That is just how the world rolls. This is something that still stands and will always
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Saada is the Houthi heartland, not Saana, which is the capital. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. The Houthis are 4 KM away from Marib, you can see it on Wikipedia or sites like https://yemen.liveuamap.com/

Saudis have the 5th largest military budget on earth, but like the Americans have said, they can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. 6 weeks turned to 6 years. What a great Saudi victory. You call Houthis cavemen correct ? Then why are the mighty Al Saud negotiating with these meager and lowly cavemen ?

Surely the mighty Al Saud is holding back their full fury because of humanitarian concerns. Yeah that must be it because we all know that Saudis could realistically defeat the Houthis with just one swift stroke of MBS's powerful pinky finger alone.

This is some revisionism stuff. 80% of that is BS the only major city the houthis control is San'aa and not because it is the capital because it is their tribal heartland. All the other big cities is out of their controll Taiz, Marib, Part of Hodeidah, Mukalla and Aden.

The Marib claim has been going on for the last 10 months sometimes even claiming the city has been taken lol. What I thought yesterday they were inside the city why 4 KMs away now. All these lies has been eliminated. You can't claim victory from the current status quo in Yemen. The Houthis may survive but they have certainly not won a thing. Islah and Hadi's future is solified they are going nowhere since they can't be defeated militarily.

Qatar? There was never military option for Qatar since the coalition knew it was unwise just trade blockade and things has been patched up.

When did He say he wanted to destroy Iran? He said he will bring the fight there if necessarily forced to do so meaning if Iran doesn't give him option which is logical. If you attempt to puke a bear he will eventually come out of the cave and throw down in good old school fashion this is no different in this scenario saying he will fight you if necessary and provocate into it. That is just how the world rolls. This is something that probably will stand
Saada is the Houthi heartland, not Saana, which is the capital. You obviously don't know what you're talking about. The Houthis are 4 KM away from Marib, you can see it on Wikipedia or sites like https://yemen.liveuamap.com/

Saudis have the 5th largest military budget on earth, but like the Americans have said, they can't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. 6 weeks turned to 6 years. What a great Saudi victory. You call Houthis cavemen correct ? Then why are the mighty Al Saud negotiating with these meager and lowly cavemen ?

Surely the mighty Al Saud is holding back their full fury because of humanitarian concerns. Yeah that must be it because we all know that Saudis could realistically defeat the Houthis with just one swift stroke of MBS's powerful pinky finger alone.

That map is not real time and edited by some bogus Ukrainian-Russian some areas where he has red is not inside Houthi control or vice versa and the Government has even releasing videos and photos from that specific territory and other times Houthi territories is listed as Gov't territory it is not precise but it is better then nothing. Take it with a grain of salt.

This is the public statement from the Yemen gov't and you already know things coming from the houthis is always false from experience alone in the last year or so. They were claiming the city for about 1 year now. It got repeattitve..

This news was to debunk them came 5 days ago
Yemeni Army: The militias are suffering losses in Marib, and the news of their progress is untrue

They went on further to claim we are now on the offense..

The Yemeni Army: We moved from defense to attack on the Ma'rib fronts

Remember when the Houthis clamined they were at the dam 3 months ago? What happened the next day? The Hadi forces released videos from the Dam and Houthis were almost 100 kilometers away.
By the way San'aa is Zaydi heartland Houthi relatives.

One thing I have learned is to ignore it completely and the houthis are habitual liars
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If anything the site is anti Russian, pro US, therefore by default pro Saudi, so why are they showing the Houthis outside the gates of Marib ? You discredit the source and then try to use links from the same site to prove a point ? LOL make up your mind, either the source is bogus or its legitimate and if its bogus, then why link to it ?

Hadi government ? LOL Hadi is a joke. You realize nobody takes them seriously. Hadi was Saleh's 2nd hand man. You saw what the Houthis did to Saleh himself, riddled him with bullets. Hadi was never even elected and has no legitimacy.

Realistically Marib is their last significant holding in Yemen, aside from that it's all empty desert areas in eastern Yemen which are controlled 1/3rd by Al Qaeda. Currently despite your denials, Marib is surrounded. This is extremely humiliating for the Saudis, which is why they want out now. Even the US stopped supporting them because they saw how hopeless the Saudi cause was in Yemen.

Honestly with all the resources and advantages at their disposal the Saudis should have been able to easily destroy the Houthi movement. On paper you would think so but again 6 weeks has turned into 6 years and now the Saudis are facing reality. All of their objectives failed, so what's left for them to do except leave ?

That map is not real time and edited by some bogus Ukrainian-Russian some areas where he has red is not inside Houthi control and the Government has even releasing videos and photos from that specific territory.

This is the public statement from the Yemen gov't and you already know things coming from that city is false from experience alone in the last year or so.

This news was to debunk them came 5 days ago
Yemeni Army: The militias are suffering losses in Marib, and the news of their progress is untrue

They went on further to claim we are now on the offense..

The Yemeni Army: We moved from defense to attack on the Ma'rib fronts

Remember when the Houthis clamined they were at the dam 3 months ago? What happened the next day? The Hadi forces released videos from the Dam and Houthis were almost 100 kilometers away.

One thing I have learned is to ignore it completely and the houthis are habitual liars
If anything the site is anti Russian, pro US, therefore by default pro Saudi, so why are they showing the Houthis outside the gates of Marib ? You discredit the source and then try to use links from the same site to prove a point ? LOL make up your mind, either the source is bogus or its legitimate and if its bogus, then why link to it ?

Hadi government ? LOL Hadi is a joke. You realize nobody takes them seriously. Hadi was Saleh's 2nd hand man. You saw what the Houthis did to Saleh himself, riddled him with bullets. Hadi was never even elected and has no legitimacy.

Realistically Marib is their last significant holding in Yemen, aside from that it's all empty desert areas in eastern Yemen which are controlled 1/3rd by Al Qaeda. Currently despite your denials, Marib is surrounded. This is extremely humiliating for the Saudis, which is why they want out now. Even the US stopped supporting them because they saw how hopeless the Saudi cause was in Yemen.

Honestly with all the resources and advantages at their disposal the Saudis should have been able to easily destroy the Houthi movement. On paper you would think so but again 6 weeks has turned into 6 years and now the Saudis are facing reality. All of their objectives failed, so what's left for them to do except leave ?

Salah was a houthi ally who betrayed them. Hadi is legitimate because he controls all the ports and majority of the country. Islah is an ally not to confuse them with Houthis nor Salah because Islah is a party

If you are trying to mask this as some sort of win that is just weak sauce. The ports, Oil, major cities all with Hadi/Islah. The Militia are besieged and cornered from every single angle. There is no reason even finishing them off. As long as Islah and gov't is there they are trapped.

Try to parade around an unfavorable outcome where you actully got the worst hand and try to concoct something out of it.

It is like locking two cats in a tight bag. If they didn't agree on political settlement something would have given..

Lets agree to disagree....
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I repeat myself
dont believe everything from the mass media, espcecially when its about Covid
this numbers are totally bollocks
they dont even differentiate if you die BECAUSE of Covid or WITH Covid
Example: If im Covid-positive and die in a car accident Im officially counted as Covid death, do you understand?
This virus serves only one aganda -> THE GREAT RESET
They got exposed already so many times
Do you remember the videos about full hospitals and people collapsing in china or india on the streets
Exposed as fake
In china they used actors
In India the pople lying on the ground exposed as gasexplosion 9 months back
And full/collapsing hospitals? You can remember the dancing doctors and nurses? Do you think they would have time for such choreographics if the hospitals were full?
Guess what, the hospitals were never near full, they were nearly empty, everything exposed on tape..

+ the PCR testing on COVID was already exposed as very unreliable by many experts and even the founder of PCR testing sayd its very unreliable, thats why many positive tests came out as "false positive"

An adivce from me:

Turn off the TV, especially the news, its brainwashing 24hrs a day, they lie and lie
I was like you the first 2 weeks last year, I lived in fear and the news on TV made me more and more fearfull
My mind switched as it was exposed how they count COVID-Deaths (I described it above)
And Im not gonna plan to be vaccinated
Although the media may be exaggerating some aspects of the epidemic, the truth is that the Covid-19 epidemic is very real. Just today 3500+ people died in India. That's the official figure according to the Indian government. People on the ground in India are saying the numbers are likely 5-10 times higher.

Many hospitals have locked their doors and put up signs stating that they are at full capacity and can no longer accept patients. Crematoriums and funeral homes are being flooded with bodies. This is what happens when people take part in mass gatherings and ignore health care advice.

China has already vaccinated 244 million people. India tried competing with China's vaccine diplomacy strategy and as a result they exported much needed commodities and lowered their guard too soon. Now India is in a situation where they have no choice but to plead for help from foreign countries.

Again I can accept that there may be some figures being exaggerated but overall the epidemic is very real.
There's just too much footage, too many interviews with Doctors and healthcare professionals to believe that the entire thing is made up.

you should read my text more careful

"Crematoriums and funeral homes are being flooded with bodies."

ah yes, the crematoriums, we had such videos from Italy going viral, you know what? Exposed as fake..
MBS: "we want Iran to grow"..
There you go guys..Iran received permission from a half jew Zionist head chopper to grow :undecided::undecided: ..... and for sure Simple minded Zarif will jump on this and thank the savage for his verbal diarrhea..

MBS is a sick man in head,soul and body...he is a cornered animal with lots of enemy inside and outside..protected by Israeli and American private security guards he knows his time will come soon. He is selling his country's oil assets to raise money for his F""cked up projects in the desert...His oil is running out and now he wants a life line from Iran.

Marrib will fall soon...write about it when that happens...His mouth and neck "Tics" and weight loss are most likely results of his drug and prostitutes habits ( I leave that to your own imagination of the acts he performs on the prostitutes!!!)..

But the good news is that now Iran can grow!!!:azn::azn:
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Remember when these guys made fun of Shia religious ceremonies.....well watch this:..."The pot calling the kettle black".:azn:

the Ashura pilgrimage to Karbala is one of the largest if not the largest religious Pilgrimages in the world and yet it is by far one of the safest as well.
Still waiting for this so called amazing Chinese “strategic deal” to show its benefits.


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