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Iranian Chill Thread

شخصا هیچ علاقه ای به تانکرزنی ندارم وقتی سنتی مثل تانکر گیری هست

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The researcher and physician who works on the Iranian COVID vaccine is being injected by the vaccine in phase III trials..that is courage and confidence...Hope this vaccine hits the market soon.

PS: does anyone in Iran has an update on the status of the vaccine manufacturing plant. The construction started 4 months ago. Any new photos of the site.


he talks about an incident in the coca cola factory in israel. did someone heard about it and give some details?
nearly 2500 people died today in India. I suspect the real numbers are much worse.

Watch this video...This is what happens when a country such as india lived in denial about COVID...Armageddon...real scenes even a movie maker can not make.
I don't know what to make of all these claims regarding the explosions near Dimona. There are simply so many competing narratives. According to the US-Israeli narrative, a Syrian surface to air missile intended for air defense, went haywire, flew all the way over Israeli airspace and then landed near Dimona ? Well that's according to a US general in this article.

Then there are those saying that it was an explosion caused by a rocket engine test ? So first the Israelis claimed that they had launched strikes on Syria in retaliation for the attack on Dimona. Then they claim that it was a stray rocket accidentally launched by Syrian air defenses ? Now it's a failed rocket engine test ?

What I'm wondering is how could an air defense missile intended to protect the airspace over Damascus have the fuel or range to make it all the way to southern Israel ? and it flew that far inside Israeli airspace without being intercepted by their world class air defense system ?

Personally with all the competing narratives I don't know what to make of this incident and honestly it seems like the Zionists can't make up their minds about it either.

It appears that the “explosion” in Israel was a rocket engine test

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Houthis make progress on Marib as they are now only 6 KM away from the city center.

only people from old forum remember my comments (Iran Military Forum .net) on Syria chemical weapons

here after years that i already said it at time Obama \ Kerry fraud deal

Interviewer: "Has Iran made its way into that research center?"
Tlass: "Yes, Iran is there and is involved with everything. It wasn't so in the past. There was no Iranian involvement there before 2014—2015. In my opinoin, the Iranians took over the research center so that the Russians would not take it over instead — particularly following the joke of 'handling over the chemical weapons.' Of course only a small part of the chemical weapons was handed over, and the rest was redistributed among many depots. Of course the Syrian chemical weapons program is operational once again, the laboratories are operational again..."
Interviewer: "Chemical weapons are produced at the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center?"
Tlass: "Yes."

another clear education that always the CIA or MIR ex......... intelligence services will not always give all there cards a way , same goes with Iran nuclear ...........................

Major-General Adnan Sillu, the former director of the chemical warfare division in the Syrian army,

Report : Iran Deputy Commander of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards dies of a heart attack Senior General Muhammad Hajazi Iranian media report that he suffered a heart attack - and died at the age of 65 .

field officer the planning of the terrorist attack on the Israeli embassy in Argentina in 1994, which claimed the lives of 85 people,

his ( Hejazi ) last command, commander of the Al-Quds Brigades in Lebanon. ( land invasion command, Operation Plan Israel territorial border from Lebanon ) Meaning the force that has to inhale chemical attack because Israel will use it, once territorial border are being crossed, that why most of it population have mask in northern border)

سردار سرلشکر پاسدار حسین سلامی : سردار حجازی نقشه شکست قطعی صهیونیست‌ها را تکمیل کرد

IRGC Quds Gen. Hejazi had a lot i mean alot experian in chemical warfare

eventually we going to get quote somes years down the line
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This guy is a real cancer. He must be removed immediately.

Yes you are right...I disagree with him that "Diplomacy" is more important that "actual field events"....he is a weak man with no spine..he should learn from Iran's enemies such as Israel that says exactly opposite view,.. "make facts on the ground" then negotiate your position with diplomacy.....This as* hole got it backwards..:undecided::undecided:
Well, I am sure Trump left the deal because of Homa flights to Syria :)

Zarif used to compete with Soleimani as a hero.

Now, Zarif legacy is down in a sewer and Soleimani is the ultimate sole national hero among Iranians of any belief. People call him the Surena of IRGC. People who hate mullahs love Soleimani.

Iranians believe they have not seen anyone more popular than Soleimani in centuries. His legacy is past Amir Kabir.

The myth of a deal and collaboration with anyone is gone.
I don't know what to make of all these claims regarding the explosions near Dimona. There are simply so many competing narratives. According to the US-Israeli narrative, a Syrian surface to air missile intended for air defense, went haywire, flew all the way over Israeli airspace and then landed near Dimona ? Well that's according to a US general in this article.

Then there are those saying that it was an explosion caused by a rocket engine test ? So first the Israelis claimed that they had launched strikes on Syria in retaliation for the attack on Dimona. Then they claim that it was a stray rocket accidentally launched by Syrian air defenses ? Now it's a failed rocket engine test ?

What I'm wondering is how could an air defense missile intended to protect the airspace over Damascus have the fuel or range to make it all the way to southern Israel ? and it flew that far inside Israeli airspace without being intercepted by their world class air defense system ?

Personally with all the competing narratives I don't know what to make of this incident and honestly it seems like the Zionists can't make up their minds about it either.

Rocket engine test happened 1-2 days before S-200 missile. So not sure how you are confusing the two.
only people from old forum remember my comments (Iran Military Forum .net) on Syria chemical weapons

here after years that i already said it at time Obama curry fraud

Interviewer: "Has Iran made its way into that research center?"
Tlass: "Yes, Iran is there and is involved with everything. It wasn't so in the past. There was no Iranian involvement there before 2014—2015. In my opinoin, the Iranians took over the research center so that the Russians would not take it over instead — particularly following the joke of 'handling over the chemical weapons.' Of course only a small part of the chemical weapons was handed over, and the rest was redistributed among many depots. Of course the Syrian chemical weapons program is operational once again, the laboratories are operational again..."
Interviewer: "Chemical weapons are produced at the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center?"
Tlass: "Yes."

another clear education that always the CIA or MIR ex......... intelligence services will not always give all there cards a way , same goes with Iran nuclear ...........................

Major-General Adnan Sillu, the former director of the chemical warfare division in the Syrian army,

eventually at some we going to get quote somes years down the line

what deterrence did Syria’s chemical weapons get it? Zero

what deterrence does those current chemical weapons give it? Zero

Deterrence only works if the enemy thinks you will use it.

Doesn’t matter if Syria has 1LB of chemical warheads or 100 Tons. Israel and the West knows they would never use it.

Same goes for myth of Iranian bomb making Iran more secure.

Israel would still kill scientists, bomb facilities, and strike in Syria. What is Iran going to do? Nuke Israel for that? No not a chance.

Nukes only work when enemy is threatening to land invade and has breached the gates and risk of losing the country is great. Other than that, it’s a mere Toy. The west is using nuclear program as an excuse to contain Iran and rollback its conventional gains and territorial influence
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This guy is a real cancer. He must be removed immediately.

I remember someone in this forum called zarif as "miss zarif" a year ago i think, Now I have to add that it's not only that, She is also a c0cksucking pos too.
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