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Iranian Chill Thread

I did this comparison and put it in the middle east section but It may be useful here too.

Yesterday two events happened in Middle East:

UAE spacecraft arrived at Mars and Turkey announced Space plans for the near future. I thought to dig in and find more info on both of these programs. We now have three nations of Iran,Turkey and UAE in this region that have declared Space plans and programs. The aims and goals of all three programs are very different and it is good to look at them a bit in detail.

After some research it appears that the UAE’s objective is to basically bring in science and tech from abroad in order to further the goals of the nation and get some PR out of it at the same time . The Turkish goals appear to be more military oriented but covered under a civilian program for now and involves crashing a probe on the moon in 2 years and eventual soft landing on it in 7 years. On the Iranian side they actually have two separate military and civilian programs the military program gives them SAT killers and 24 hour hi resolution surveillance and the civilian program gives them communication satellites a first manned space flight (in 10 years)and an eventual Space station orbiting the earth.

So just to put it in a simple way. UAEs want to be Martians, Turks want to crash things on the moon and Iranians want to live in the orbit and watch if the Americans are coming for them.lol

Where are they now:
UAE has a Probe that is designed and built by the Americans and launched by the Japanese They have been involved with the process and have done Program management of it and also financed the project which is a good start for anyone who jumps cold into a new domain.

Turks, based on what I have found seems like they are going parallel activities of developing SLV and the moon probe and the Space port all at the same time . What they have are commercial Sats and now started testing sounding rockets a space platform and plans for a space port. They need to build the space port as south as possible and may locate it outside of Turkey (my guess in Qatar).

Iranians started more than a decade ago so they are ahead of every on this. They have their own SLVs , Space Platforms ,a Space Port and indigenous satellites already functional. They are adding a new “southern” Space port in Chahbahar which is the most southern part of Iran (Turks could build theirs in there also or share a common one with Iranians just my thoughts). They have also already launched their military Sat in the military program and I expect a new launch soon.
Pictures are : UAE HOPE, Turkish Space port rendering, Iranian Space port and SLV (functional) and Iranian Space port in Chahbahar mockup.



IKH space port.png

ChahBahar space port.png
دیگه کره شمالی شدن که شاخ و دم نداره. حتی حساب بانکی برای شهروندان ایرانی با داستان باز می کنند. فکر می کنم حتی کره شمالی هم اینطوری با شهروندانش تو غرب رفتار نمی شه

شمار تحریم هایی که روی ایران هست بیشتر از کره شمالی هست

بیشتر فایده بمب اتم تبلیغاتی و روانی هست که به درد ایران می خوره. اگه دارن و رو نمی کنن، همون نداشته باشن بهتر هست چون احتمال جنگ اتمی بسیار بسیار بسیار پایین تر از جنگ متعارف هست که همون هم شانسش خیلی کم هست و نگهداری از بمب اتم هزینه داره. اگه قرار هست پنهان باشه و هیچ کاربردی نداشته باشه همون بهتر که نباشه

بهرحال وقتی به کارنامه کشور از 2010 تا 2020 نگاه می کنی، هیچ نکته مثبتی دیده نمی شه. در بیشتر جاها شکست خوردیم. چه سیاسی، چه اقتصادی، چه اجتماعی، چه نظامی
ترکیه تونست خودش رو تو سوریه، قره باغ و لیبی تحمیل کنه اما ما در یمن، لبنان، عراق و سوریه بیشتر شکست داشتیم تا پیروزی​

حرفت در مورد هسته ای درسته
از کره جنوبی رونده و از کره شمالی مونده شدند

من تحلیلشون رو غلط میدونم
کره شمالی با عدم انجام ازمایش هسته ای باج بیشتری میگیره
فتوا داره عمدا کمرنگ میشه
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I did this comparison and put it in the middle east section but It may be useful here too.

Yesterday two events happened in Middle East:

UAE spacecraft arrived at Mars and Turkey announced Space plans for the near future. I thought to dig in and find more info on both of these programs. We now have three nations of Iran,Turkey and UAE in this region that have declared Space plans and programs. The aims and goals of all three programs are very different and it is good to look at them a bit in detail.

After some research it appears that the UAE’s objective is to basically bring in science and tech from abroad in order to further the goals of the nation and get some PR out of it at the same time . The Turkish goals appear to be more military oriented but covered under a civilian program for now and involves crashing a probe on the moon in 2 years and eventual soft landing on it in 7 years. On the Iranian side they actually have two separate military and civilian programs the military program gives them SAT killers and 24 hour hi resolution surveillance and the civilian program gives them communication satellites a first manned space flight (in 10 years)and an eventual Space station orbiting the earth.

So just to put it in a simple way. UAEs want to be Martians, Turks want to crash things on the moon and Iranians want to live in the orbit and watch if the Americans are coming for them.lol

Where are they now:
UAE has a Probe that is designed and built by the Americans and launched by the Japanese They have been involved with the process and have done Program management of it and also financed the project which is a good start for anyone who jumps cold into a new domain.

Turks, based on what I have found seems like they are going parallel activities of developing SLV and the moon probe and the Space port all at the same time . What they have are commercial Sats and now started testing sounding rockets a space platform and plans for a space port. They need to build the space port as south as possible and may locate it outside of Turkey (my guess in Qatar).

Iranians started more than a decade ago so they are ahead of every on this. They have their own SLVs , Space Platforms ,a Space Port and indigenous satellites already functional. They are adding a new “southern” Space port in Chahbahar which is the most southern part of Iran (Turks could build theirs in there also or share a common one with Iranians just my thoughts). They have also already launched their military Sat in the military program and I expect a new launch soon.
Pictures are : UAE HOPE, Turkish Space port rendering, Iranian Space port and SLV (functional) and Iranian Space port in Chahbahar mockup.



IKH space port.png

ChahBahar space port.png

Aryobarzan jaan,

Turkish plan is more real for me despite the ambitious roadmap.

UAE and KSA are being milked. Israel and US and Japanese technology and UAE money.
Aryobarzan jaan,

Turkish plan is more real for me despite the ambitious roadmap.

UAE and KSA are being milked. Israel and US and Japanese technology and UAE money.
They are way behind and in two years they want a probe crashing on the moon...very iffy...If you ask me. they are at the sounding rockets stage now..Iran was there 10 years ago and Iran already had a mature ballistic missile program well under way at that time...Iran has a big head start despite this Mother F*ker President that froze the space program for 7 years...to maintain the lead Iran must go full throttle ahead ..

PS: remember they do not even have a space port ..only a platform like Iran has with the first SLV launch. As i suggested they be smart to cooperate in Chahbahar space port with Iran if they want to speed up things.
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They are way behind and in two years they want a probe crashing on the moon...very iffy...If you ask me. they are at the sounding rockets stage now..Iran was there 10 years ago and Iran already had a mature ballistic missile program well under way at that time...Iran has a big head start despite this Mother F*ker President that froze the space program for 7 years...to maintain the lead Iran must go full throttle ahead ..

Iran did sounding rocket 20+ years ago.
Shahab 3 is more than a sounding rocket
Iran did sounding rocket 20+ years ago.
Shahab 3 is more than a sounding rocket
You are right I was trying to be easy on them..lol now I did read what you and Arian were talking...just be aware enemy is running a huge Psyk Opp so be aware of it.

Now when I look at where Iran is vs our next door neighbour in terms of technology (not economy ) . Lets see what we have that they do not or have but not at par with Iran:

1-Nuclear industry for full Uranium cycle ready to produce the Bomb . They have nothing more than university level research.

2-A missile industry second to none in this area ..they are making rockets now and playing with fuel types.

3- An oil/gas industry: ..they have not drilled a single operational hole anywhere (test holes yes). This is such a huge industry and they can not even dream of being close to Iran (I am only talking industry not reserves). think of Iranian made sea based gas platforms and gas refinaries the size of a city Iran has built.

4- Car industry...Closer to Iran but lagging in Engine and platform

5- A drone Industry Iran next to US and China...they are third rate drone industry way behind Iran and Israel.

7- Space....Iran 10 to 15 years ahead of them

And I am trying my best to be objective with them..
Now what they are ahead of Iran...Economy..and tourist industry.
Iranian GDP in late 1970s and early 80s was double Their GDP..Now it is almost reverse..why...answer they did run (i give credit to them) and Iran stopped running.(10 years war 40 years sanctions)..now is that bad ...my answer... yes but Iran can easily catch up..Imagine countries being engines of a car and number of cylinders represent the inherent capacity of a country's economy..They are a 4 cylinder engine running on all four for the past 40 years..
Iran is an 8 cylinder engine running at two cylinders..so make your own conclusion..why 8 cylinder..IRAN has NO 1 Oil/gas reserves in the entire world..BOE (Barrel of Oil Equivalent) Minerals and others I do not even mention.(one estimate few years back valued those reserves at $37 Trillion dollars ).
Sorry for big post but I just had to show the view of the forest from above the three lines.
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UAE and KSA are being milked. Israel and US and Japanese technology and UAE money.
Their money is contributing in a positive way to the overall body of knowledge regarding the solar system. I am actually happy that they are spending money on something good and patronizing real science rather than diamond covered aston martins that I saw in a documentary a while back. If this produces even one or two native born aerospace or aeronautical engineer then the endeavour and money spent is worthwhile. At some point down the road, the locals can take over so long there is enough interest amongst the general public.
They are way behind and in two years they want a probe crashing on the moon...
I'm wondering if they are testing a potential kinetic energy weapon with this lunar crash operation. They might orbit the probe over the moon then have it drop down and they can test if they can steer such a weapon and what kind of damage it could do, then possibly deploy them in Earth orbit. I don't know if there are international laws addressing possible RKVs in Earth orbit and the overall launch costs might make it infeasible for the time being, but still something to consider.
You are right I was trying to be easy on them..lol now I did read what you and Arian were talking...just be aware enemy is running a huge Psyk Opp sobe aware of it.

Now when I look at where Iran is vs our next door neighbour in terms of technology (not economy ) . Lets see what we have that they do not or have but not at par with Iran:

1-Nuclear industry for full Uranium cycle ready to produce the Bomb . They have nothing more than university level research.

2-A missile industry second to none in this area ..they are making rockets now and playing with fuel types.

3- An oil/gas industry: ..they have not drilled a single operational hole anywhere (test holes yes). This is such a huge industry and they can not even dream of being close to Iran (I am only talking industry not reserves). think of Iranian made sea based gas platforms and gas refinaries the size of a city Iran has built.

4- Car industry...Closer to Iran but lagging in Engine and platform

5- A drone Industry Iran next to US and China...they are third rate drone industry way behind Iran and Israel.

7- Space....Iran 10 to 15 years ahead of them

And I am trying my best to be objective with them..
Now what they are ahead of Iran...Economy..
Iranian GDP in late 1970s and early 80s was double Their GDP..Now it is almost reverse..why...answer they did run (i give credit to them) and Iran stopped running.(10 years war 40 years sanctions)..now is that bad ...my answer... yes but Iran can easily catch up..Imagine countries being engines of a car and number of cylinders represent the inherent capacity of a country economy..They are a 4 cylinder engine running on all four for the past 40 years..
Iran is a 8 cylinder engine running at two cylinders..so make your own conclusion..why 8 cylinder..IRAN has NO 1 Oil/gas reserves in the entire world..BOE (Barrel of Oil Equivalent) Minerals and others I do not even mention.
Sorry for big post but I just had to show the view of the forest from above the three lines.

Why don't you add that Iran has landed on one of the outer milk-way galaxy in the solar system stars. If only delusions and fairytales were real you would have reached even the 7th heaven litarally by going there with a spaceship.

Come back to reality.

1. You have the weakest airforce in the region
2. Your tanks and hardware are below average
3. Your drones despite being battle tested don't function or give you any advantages in conventional war because they are easily brought down even by primitive forces.

4. You don't out submarine anyone in the region or out frigate anyone in the region. I mean countries like UAE. Who actully have a robust defense industry currently. inventing ground breaking anti-drone technologies locally forget about the others.

You don't have technological edge in the region in fact it is the opposite. Your neighbouring countries are heavier armed from a technological standby. I am now talking about the smaller ones forget about the bigger ones. Qatar, UAE etc etc. These on the Hormuz
You don't have technological edge in the region in fact it is the opposite. Your neighbouring countries are heavier armed from a technological standby. I am now talking about the smaller ones forget about the bigger ones. Qatar, UAE etc etc. These on the Hormuz

No technological edge indeed, besides having the capability to completely nullify the critical infrastructure of every Middle Eastern country by its ballistic missile force alone.

How did all those technological edges worke out for ya'll in Yemen by the way?
No technological edge indeed, besides having the capability to completely nullify the critical infrastructure of every Middle Eastern country by its ballistic missile force alone.

How did all those technological edges worke out for ya'll in Yemen by the way?

Solemani went to Moscow after a certain legendary defeat lets just keep this in mind. Another question to be asked is also why can't the US win in Afghanistan?

Now to answer your question it has something to do with humanitarian and their has been a ceasefire in place now for years. But if a savage comes to the throne and he disregards all humanitarian or UN talks. They could eliminate a vaste population. But currently it is just a civil war. Two sides sitting infront of each other. Plus the Gov't controls like 80% of the country. But if there was intention and UN was removed from the occasion things could have looked alot different and could still do at any point
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Why don't you add that Iran has landed on one of the outer milk-way galaxy in the solar system stars. If only delusions and fairytales were real you would have reached even the 7th heaven litarally by going there with a spaceship.

Come back to reality.

1. You have the weakest airforce in the region
2. Your tanks and hardware are below average
3. Your drones despite being battle tested don't function or give you any advantages in conventional war because they are easily brought down even by primitive forces.

4. You don't out submarine anyone in the region or out frigate anyone in the region. I mean countries like UAE. Who actully have a robust defense industry currently. inventing ground breaking anti-drone technologies locally forget about the others.

You don't have technological edge in the region in fact it is the opposite. Your neighbouring countries are heavier armed from a technological standby. I am now talking about the smaller ones forget about the bigger ones. Qatar, UAE etc etc. These on the Hormuz
sorry but I was not counting tanks and guns and planes...You are the best and if that makes you happy..then I am happy..
You technically lost in Syria hence Solemani went to Moscow lets just keep this in mind. Another question to be asked is also why can't the US win in Afghanistan?

What are you talking about? Iran managed to turn the tide in Syria by having at its height no more than 5000 boots in the ground.

Now to answer your question it has something to do with humanitarian and their has been a ceasefire in place now for years. But if a savage comes to the throne and he disregards all humanitarian or UN talks. They could limit a vaste population. But currently it is just a civil war. Two sides siding infront of each other

Humanitarian he says. Who are you kidding? The Saudis and Emiratis have used every trick they have and still aren't able to defeat the Houthis.
You technically lost in Syria hence Solemani went to Moscow lets just keep this in mind. Another question to be asked is also why can't the US win in Afghanistan?

Now to answer your question it has something to do with humanitarian and their has been a ceasefire in place now for years. But if a savage comes to the throne and he disregards all humanitarian or UN talks. They could eliminate a vaste population. But currently it is just a civil war. Two sides sitting infront of each other. Plus the Gov't controls like 80% of the country. But if there was intention and UN was removed from the occasion things could have looked alot different.
You probably mean Ghalibaf. Right? Soleimani was assassinated last year. Assad continues to remain in power in Syria, no matter how much Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, US and other countries wanted him gone. That means Iran won the war. Period.

There's a savage on the throne. It's called MBS. His mercenaries literally sawed a journalist in a foreign country. That's pretty savage. And yet they lost the war in Yemen.

Only the western region of Yemen is of importance in the war, as it is near the Bab El-Mandeb Strait. The Houthis continue to hold power in large areas of Western Yemen, including the capital.
You probably mean Ghalibaf. Right? Soleimani was assassinated last year. Assad continues to remain in power in Syria, no matter how much Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, US and other countries wanted him gone. That means Iran won the war. Period.

There's a savage on the throne. It's called MBS. His mercenaries literally sawed a journalist in a foreign country. That's pretty savage. And yet they lost the war in Yemen.

Only the western region of Yemen is of importance in the war, as it is near the Bab El-Mandeb Strait. The Houthis continue to hold power in large areas of Western Yemen, including the capital.

That clown @Titanium100 (perhaps the same person) made the same ridiculous argument last time when he argued that the Arab coalition in Yemen has always held back because of humanitarian concerns.

Imagine the mental gymnastics one has to undertake to suggest that the Saudis and Emiratis have slowed down in a war that has caused 250.000+ casualties, millions of people in poverty and a widespread cholera outbreak.

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