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Iranian Chill Thread

You are right I was trying to be easy on them..lol now I did read what you and Arian were talking...just be aware enemy is running a huge Psyk Opp so be aware of it.

Now when I look at where Iran is vs our next door neighbour in terms of technology (not economy ) . Lets see what we have that they do not or have but not at par with Iran:

1-Nuclear industry for full Uranium cycle ready to produce the Bomb . They have nothing more than university level research.

2-A missile industry second to none in this area ..they are making rockets now and playing with fuel types.

3- An oil/gas industry: ..they have not drilled a single operational hole anywhere (test holes yes). This is such a huge industry and they can not even dream of being close to Iran (I am only talking industry not reserves). think of Iranian made sea based gas platforms and gas refinaries the size of a city Iran has built.

4- Car industry...Closer to Iran but lagging in Engine and platform

5- A drone Industry Iran next to US and China...they are third rate drone industry way behind Iran and Israel.

7- Space....Iran 10 to 15 years ahead of them

And I am trying my best to be objective with them..
Now what they are ahead of Iran...Economy..and tourist industry.
Iranian GDP in late 1970s and early 80s was double Their GDP..Now it is almost reverse..why...answer they did run (i give credit to them) and Iran stopped running.(10 years war 40 years sanctions)..now is that bad ...my answer... yes but Iran can easily catch up..Imagine countries being engines of a car and number of cylinders represent the inherent capacity of a country's economy..They are a 4 cylinder engine running on all four for the past 40 years..
Iran is an 8 cylinder engine running at two cylinders..so make your own conclusion..why 8 cylinder..IRAN has NO 1 Oil/gas reserves in the entire world..BOE (Barrel of Oil Equivalent) Minerals and others I do not even mention.(one estimate few years back valued those reserves at $37 Trillion dollars ).
Sorry for big post but I just had to show the view of the forest from above the three lines.
You're a joke, wrong in every possible way
We should have nukes and the west has to accept bit ....

All talk about negotiation with the west is bullshits
Assad’s days are numbered

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I don't want to prolong this topic as it has been over-discussed. But according to Solemani the battle was lost. In his Moscow meeting. Iran also had 200.000 forces in Syria fighting alongside gov't. Which means the Rebels handily beat you in the battle

don't talk BS inform your self before talking your propaganda BS. are on the payrole of some zionist agencies to sprend BS and troll around.

Major General Qassem Soleimani, a senior commander of the elite Revolutionary Guards, also said Islamic State had been defeated, in a message sent on Tuesday to Iran’s supreme leader which was published on the Guards’ news site, Sepah News.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei congratulated Soleimani on the defeat of Islamic State and said it was a blow against Israel, America and its allies, an allusion to Saudi Arabia.
That was just an experiment with hybrid fuel.

It is Turkey sounding rocket

While it does make the altitude for a sounding rocket, it is a two stage rocket with no payload.

I think we should expect a sounding rocket to be single staged to make a viable path to success.

You can buy a single stage Shahab 2 missile from Iran and remove the payload and fire it to the sky and it makes a sounding rocket.

Getting a foreign company for simulation!!! :)

At least get help for metallurgy.

Apply here:

Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures.(Job Number:
Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures

Would you like to be a part of the indigenous multi-role combat
aircraft TFX programme? We currently have an exciting vacancy for an experienced Principal Engineer Airframe Structures based in Turkey Ankara.

In this role you will be responsible for leading a team of technical specialists from BAE Systems Air and Turkish Aerospace(TA) to deliver airframe structural solutions for the TF-X project, through the total lifecycle from concept to disposal, ensuring alignment and compatibility with associated projects and products through the Airframe IPTL. Specific areas of focus include Requirements Management, Integration of Structural Requirements into the Airframe to ensure that the design meets the Strength, Life, Stiffness, Weight and Environmental requirements noting that Structural Qualification/Certification of the product will include some novel materials and processes.

Your main responsibilities as a Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures will involve:

Airframe Structural Integrity leadership across Finite Element Analysis, Stress Analysis, Durability and Damage Tolerance and Weights

Developing, in conjunction with TA, the Airframe Structural Integrity Programme within the project, developing the overall approach to structural development, qualification and certification within the multi-disciplinary Airframe and Air Vehicle Systems teams

Provide technical oversight, guidance and governance for the BAE Systems Structural Engineers deployed to Turkey

Act as Structures Discipline main point of contact within the deployed engineering team.

Your skills and qualifications:

Educated to degree level in an engineering or related discipline and professionally recognised by charter by an appropriate engineering body

Structural Design, Multi-disciplinary Optimisation and Structures Trade Studies

Stress Analysis of composite and metallic parts

Sizing of parts to meet structural, flight load and aeroelastic criteria

Classification and analysis of parts to satisfy Durability and Damage Tolerance criteria

Development of mass accounting and control processes including the review of Mass budgets

Structural dynamics of airframes, flying surfaces, installed systems and stores

Review and setting of Environmental Criteria and the subsequent clearance of Subsystems installations from a structural perspective

Development of routes to qualification, clearance and airworthiness, including building block generation of test evidence

Structures Technical Reviews to address major structural layout decisions and release of parts including, long-lead items, forgings machinings and composite forms

Team leadership and management
Location: Turkey, Ankara
Grade: GG12
Salary: Competitive
BAE Systems

Getting a foreign company for simulation!!! :)

At least get help for metallurgy.

Apply here:

Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures.(Job Number:
Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures

Would you like to be a part of the indigenous multi-role combat
aircraft TFX programme? We currently have an exciting vacancy for an experienced Principal Engineer Airframe Structures based in Turkey Ankara.

In this role you will be responsible for leading a team of technical specialists from BAE Systems Air and Turkish Aerospace(TA) to deliver airframe structural solutions for the TF-X project, through the total lifecycle from concept to disposal, ensuring alignment and compatibility with associated projects and products through the Airframe IPTL. Specific areas of focus include Requirements Management, Integration of Structural Requirements into the Airframe to ensure that the design meets the Strength, Life, Stiffness, Weight and Environmental requirements noting that Structural Qualification/Certification of the product will include some novel materials and processes.

Your main responsibilities as a Principal Engineer – Airframe Structures will involve:

Airframe Structural Integrity leadership across Finite Element Analysis, Stress Analysis, Durability and Damage Tolerance and Weights

Developing, in conjunction with TA, the Airframe Structural Integrity Programme within the project, developing the overall approach to structural development, qualification and certification within the multi-disciplinary Airframe and Air Vehicle Systems teams

Provide technical oversight, guidance and governance for the BAE Systems Structural Engineers deployed to Turkey

Act as Structures Discipline main point of contact within the deployed engineering team.

Your skills and qualifications:

Educated to degree level in an engineering or related discipline and professionally recognised by charter by an appropriate engineering body

Structural Design, Multi-disciplinary Optimisation and Structures Trade Studies

Stress Analysis of composite and metallic parts

Sizing of parts to meet structural, flight load and aeroelastic criteria

Classification and analysis of parts to satisfy Durability and Damage Tolerance criteria

Development of mass accounting and control processes including the review of Mass budgets

Structural dynamics of airframes, flying surfaces, installed systems and stores

Review and setting of Environmental Criteria and the subsequent clearance of Subsystems installations from a structural perspective

Development of routes to qualification, clearance and airworthiness, including building block generation of test evidence

Structures Technical Reviews to address major structural layout decisions and release of parts including, long-lead items, forgings machinings and composite forms

Team leadership and management
Location: Turkey, Ankara
Grade: GG12
Salary: Competitive
BAE Systems
They have a good Tourist industry so they learned the value of good PR...they use this skill now on their other products so that is what you get empty shells but lots of exposure...Iran on the other hand has the real products but has no skills on PR...one of the negative points when a country get isolated.
Now they're even talking about only partially activating the S-400 since they badly need spare parts for the F-16's, drones and their tank project is stuck in the mud without vital foreign components. The S-400, they still don't even have the algorithms from the Russians. Their nuclear program, the Russians will build them several reactors in a 5 years or so however all the fissile material will be handled by Russian technicians/experts.

Talk is cheap, real progress is extremely difficult and can only be achieved through extensive, focused effort, which naturally requires trial and error. Look at the North Koreans. How many times did their missile tests fail ? They were laughed at repeatedly. Now they're a nuclear armed nation that can hit any city in the contenental US. Or like the UAE, with enough money you can buy whatever you want and just put a stamp on it. It's the difference between buying a chocolate bar or buying cocoa seeds.

Saudi's have the 5th largest military budget on earth, just below Russia. When the war in Yemen started a 5+ years ago they were ranting about victory within just a few weeks. Now look at them. They've basically lost against a lightly armed, but highly motivated Yemeni militia.

They have a good Tourist industry so they learned the value of good PR...they use this skill now on their other products so that is what you get empty shells but lots of exposure...Iran on the other hand has the real products but has no skills on PR...one of the negative points when a country get isolated.
Now they're even talking about only partially activating the S-400 since they badly need spare parts for the F-16's, drones and their tank project is stuck in the mud without vital foreign components. The S-400, they still don't even have the algorithms from the Russians. Their nuclear program, the Russians will build them several reactors in a 5 years or so however all the fissile material will be handled by Russian technicians/experts.

Talk is cheap, real progress is extremely difficult and can only be achieved through extensive, focused effort, which naturally requires trial and error. Look at the North Koreans. How many times did their missile tests fail ? They were laughed at repeatedly. Now they're a nuclear armed nation that can hit any city in the contenental US. Or like the UAE, with enough money you can buy whatever you want and just put a stamp on it. It's the difference between buying a chocolate bar or buying cocoa seeds.

Saudi's have the 5th largest military budget on earth, just below Russia. When the war in Yemen started a 5+ years ago they were ranting about victory within just a few weeks. Now look at them. They've basically lost against a lightly armed, but highly motivated Yemeni militia.

They are facing a double standard because they want to be their own boss. The same double standard Iran met.

Greece bought S300 and never faced any resistance. UAE buys stuff from NK and gets no resistance.

I give them credit for trying to be their own boss. Only on that case they can join wars such as Karabak and Libya.
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They're trying and I will give them credit for that, however now are at a vital crossroads. To use a metaphor, they just reached the summit and are seriously having second thoughts as fatigue begins to set in. It seems pretty likely from their rhetoric that they're going to compromise and stop halfway.

All of their victories are only partial as well and were extremely costly. All were conducted against militias and ethnic groups who were seriously outgunned and outmatched with the Turkish side having every conceivable advantage. Even then they sustained high casualty rates and were embarrassed on several occasions.

Against a similarly sized nation like Iran or Egypt with decent military forces ? I don't see them having long term success. Look at how the UAE/Egypt used Rafale jets at Watiya to destroy 3 of their air defense units. That was a warning by Sisi regarding his red line, Sirte. After that they backed down.

Limited, small scale operations against ethnic groups and lightly armed militias is one thing. Fighting an entire nation with an organized military force is another matter entirely.

They are facing a double standard because they want to be their own boss. The same double standard Iran met.

Greece bought S300 and never faced any resistance. UAE buys stuff from NK and gets no resistance.

I give them credit for trying to be their own boss. Only on that case they can join wars such as Karabak and Libya.
Btw Greece did face some resistance from Europeans/NATO, which is why they had to compromise in the end with the S-300. If you read this article it touches on the subject.

This article goes over how they're facing issues sourcing parts for their ambitious weapons programs, specifically the Altay.

They are facing a double standard because they want to be their own boss. The same double standard Iran met.

Greece bought S300 and never faced any resistance. UAE buys stuff from NK and gets no resistance.

I give them credit for trying to be their own boss. Only on that case they can join wars such as Karabak and Libya.
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Iranian Mohajer-4 among 6 aircrafts spotted in Syria's Idlib region recently. Some say Russia is allowing Hmeimim/Khemeimim airbase in Latakia to be used for their deployment. This could explain why that airbase came under attack recently. However the attack failed without causing any damage. That specific airbase is protected by the S-400, not export versions either, Russian military S-400 batteries, which are pretty formidable. There have been more lots of attacks launched on Khemeimim over the years, however from what I've heard, none have ever been successful

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