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Iranian Chill Thread

the video is from 2016. it's about a missile drill and and about the underground missile cities.
actually this video makes me wonder what the IRGC is making in their secret programs. reason is gen. Hajizadeh saying that the silos, which where shown on tv and the tunnels where made 20-25years ago. so if that true that means they show us weapon systems which old, so question arise, what are they working on now or want weapons are ready, which is hidden from us.
it would be very interesting to start a discussion.
I speculate hypersonic and laser weapons and maybe some cyber things along with work on scram jet tech; don't really see them doing much with rail gun tech right now.
btw where is @SalarHaqq i didn'

i guess like @WudangMaster said it's different when it comes to AD. i don't know how long it takes to get orders, but considering the speed of an enemy fighter, which is flying to the target even 1 second is important to take it down. specialy steahlt fighters can disapear from the radar at any second, there is small time frame where they can be detected. but i guess members with more technical knowledge about AD systems can help us out.
Also, consider that for a commander at the unit whose equipment is the first to see it, the short reaction time and stress are far worse than when the artesh has units already warned through the National Air Defense Grid. Though I would bet that artesh has similar standing orders to fire upon something that should suddenly appear and if higher tier communication from the Khatam Al Anbia headquarters were temporarily or permanently severed. Only difference being that I think more of the artesh systems might be equipped with EO and IFF systems.
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March in Iraq for haj soleimani bozorg! Look how sneaky bbc is reporting vs reality!
bbc insects do this kind of spinning of a narrative all the time. They did the same thing with corona numbers in Iran being half of england and yet bbc rats were showing an Iranian cemetary vs the picture of 3 young harlots on the subway in london, despite london having more than twice the rates! bbc roaches are truly low life trash that belong in the landfills of "journalistic" history.
bbc insects do this kind of spinning of a narrative all the time. They did the same thing with corona numbers in Iran being half of england and yet bbc rats were showing an Iranian cemetary vs the picture of 3 young harlots on the subway in london, despite london having more than twice the rates! bbc roaches are truly low life trash that belong in the landfills of "journalistic" history.
Its the weakened propaganda arm of the dead British empire! Funny part is that this non relevant “news” source is reflecting the dying of the old empire!
Its the weakened propaganda arm of the dead British empire! Funny part is that this non relevant “news” source is reflecting the dying of the old empire!
I read BBC first thing every day ..not because they are factual but because they are most International..over the years I have developed a sense for their reporting and yes each year they become more and more the mouthpiece of Western propaganda machine. here is the recent ones that I observed..

India joints Western camp...suddenly a positive news report about india every morning in BBC online and BBC news at night.. negatives dampened and positives amplified..so obvious that I actually thought this was part of a written agreement!!!

China goes out of favour +Hong kong crack down: Suddenly China is the bad guy and nothing but negative news on china.

Russia: always a bad guy ..Putin the worst dictator..look at how much money he has stolen.bah bah bha..

Iran: Favourite Supper bad guy: not a single good thing ever happens there according to BBC...we all know that by now so we are immune to BBC) .

Venezuela: new bad guy ...Madura so bad they did not accept our nominated president ( that street tug Guido!)
35 million masks a day. IN YOUR FACE those of you who want to destroy us!
I wish the degenerate low lives inside Iran like ziba kalam and others pay attention to the fundamental fact that self sufficiency in almost everything is vital for Iran and the bulls*** economic models of the west doe not apply for Iran now, if ever. These western trained academics really need to be flushed down the toilet.
آشتی قطر عربستان, بن سلمان, لفاظی علیه ایران محمد بن سلمان ولی‌عهد سعودی، امروز (سه‌‌شنبه)، رفتار ایران در منطقه را تخریب‌کننده خواند. ولی‌عهد سعودی در ادامه ادعا کرد: ‌برنامه هسته‌ای ایران صلح و امنیت منطقه و جهان را تهدید می‌کند. بخش دیگری از سخنان بن سلمانگفت: از جامعه‌ بین‌الملل می‌خواهیم برنامه موشک‌های بالستیک که صلح منطقه را تهدید می‌کند، متوقف کند.
WOW..New Iranian Laws coming in effect: this parlement is not kidding with any one.

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Iran's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East
Click to see full-size image
On January 4th, members of Iranian parliament presented a bill that would oblige future Iranian governments to “eliminate Israel by 2041 and to work toward removing American forces from the region, Iranian news agency ISNA reported.
ISNA revealed that the bill includes 16 articles under the name “Iran reciprocates” and was presented as a measure to respond to the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020.
According to ISNA, the bill specified the conditions for negotiating with Washington and the criteria for supporting Tehran’s allies.
The bill would require the Iranian government to take necessary measures that would lead to the “elimination of Israel by March 2041” and break the Israeli blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip by sending essential commodities for free or paid for.
Furthermore, the bill also reportedly supported funding and organizing marches on Israel’s borders in South Lebanon and the Golan Heights under the slogans of “Liberation of the Golan” and “the right of return of Palestinian refugees.”
The draft includes obligating future Iranian governments to send humanitarian aid once every three months, such as medicine, food, and fuel, to the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis) to “break the siege on them in Yemen.”
Apart from that, the bill also has a section titled “Expelling America from the Region” it sets forth that the Iranian government, and armed forces need to carry out the necessary activities to remove the US military forces under Central Command from the Middle East.
This also sets forth the possibility that Iran can conclude military agreements for no more than 5 years with any local country that wishes to expel the US.
Furthermore, any of the countries that “embrace American forces are partners in any US military or security action against Iranian interests in Iran and the region, and that they bear all the responsibilities arising from that.”
The bill adds that Tehran has the right to respond in any way against the country from which a US aggression was launched from.
It also stresses the obligation of armed forces in the Iranian army and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to responds to any US military action against Iran, on the same level or greater.
This excludes Syria and Iraq, in which the US is “illegally” present.
The bill prohibits governments from conducting any negotiations with any country regarding Iranian military capabilities, Iran’s role in the region, and issues related to Iran’s proxies.
Iran's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East
Any form of negotiation on non-nuclear issues with the US is strictly prohibited. It prohibits any negotiations with the US, whether bilateral or multilateral with other countries’ participation before the American administration condemns the assassination of Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani.
Finally, the bill calls on governments to facilitate trade with Russia, China, Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela.
This happened after Iran announced that it was nearly ready to begin 20% uranium enrichment at the Fordo Nuclear Site, and that it seized a South Korean-flagged tanker for polluting the Persian Gulf.
It is also in negotiations with South Korea to unlock nearly $9 billion in assets from Seoul.
WOW..New Iranian Laws coming in effect: this parlement is not kidding with any one.

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Iran's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East
Click to see full-size image
On January 4th, members of Iranian parliament presented a bill that would oblige future Iranian governments to “eliminate Israel by 2041 and to work toward removing American forces from the region, Iranian news agency ISNA reported.
ISNA revealed that the bill includes 16 articles under the name “Iran reciprocates” and was presented as a measure to respond to the assassination of Iran’s Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani in 2020.
According to ISNA, the bill specified the conditions for negotiating with Washington and the criteria for supporting Tehran’s allies.
The bill would require the Iranian government to take necessary measures that would lead to the “elimination of Israel by March 2041” and break the Israeli blockade on the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip by sending essential commodities for free or paid for.
Furthermore, the bill also reportedly supported funding and organizing marches on Israel’s borders in South Lebanon and the Golan Heights under the slogans of “Liberation of the Golan” and “the right of return of Palestinian refugees.”
The draft includes obligating future Iranian governments to send humanitarian aid once every three months, such as medicine, food, and fuel, to the Ansar Allah movement (Houthis) to “break the siege on them in Yemen.”
Apart from that, the bill also has a section titled “Expelling America from the Region” it sets forth that the Iranian government, and armed forces need to carry out the necessary activities to remove the US military forces under Central Command from the Middle East.
This also sets forth the possibility that Iran can conclude military agreements for no more than 5 years with any local country that wishes to expel the US.
Furthermore, any of the countries that “embrace American forces are partners in any US military or security action against Iranian interests in Iran and the region, and that they bear all the responsibilities arising from that.”
The bill adds that Tehran has the right to respond in any way against the country from which a US aggression was launched from.
It also stresses the obligation of armed forces in the Iranian army and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to responds to any US military action against Iran, on the same level or greater.
This excludes Syria and Iraq, in which the US is “illegally” present.
The bill prohibits governments from conducting any negotiations with any country regarding Iranian military capabilities, Iran’s role in the region, and issues related to Iran’s proxies.
Iran's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East's Parliament To Vote On Bill To Eliminate Israel By 2041 And Expel U.S. From Middle East
Any form of negotiation on non-nuclear issues with the US is strictly prohibited. It prohibits any negotiations with the US, whether bilateral or multilateral with other countries’ participation before the American administration condemns the assassination of Brigadier General Qassem Soleimani.
Finally, the bill calls on governments to facilitate trade with Russia, China, Syria, Iraq, and Venezuela.
This happened after Iran announced that it was nearly ready to begin 20% uranium enrichment at the Fordo Nuclear Site, and that it seized a South Korean-flagged tanker for polluting the Persian Gulf.
It is also in negotiations with South Korea to unlock nearly $9 billion in assets from Seoul.
It's nice and all, but they need to do legislation banning certain incorrect thinking inside the country and purge the mko insects first before being able to even hope to take on those objectives.
One cannot clean out the neighborhood without first clearing out the rats and roaches and scorpions and fleas from inside one's own house first.
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