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Iranian Chill Thread

here is the video of hajizadeh where he saying that the soldier who sits in the fire control room in an air defence division doesn't need a permission to fire a AD missile (tehy don't need even permission from a higher rank officer, who is also prensence in the dame division) .he says that the soldier, who shot down the hermes drone didn't asked for permission. further he said that for the S2S missiles it's the same.

watch min 32 to 33.

@Dariush the Great @Arian @WudangMaster @Xerxes22

here is the video of hajizadeh where he saying that the soldier who sits in the fire control room in an air defence division doesn't need a permission to fire a AD missile (tehy don't need even permission from a higher rank officer, who is also prensence in the dame division) .he says that the soldier, who shot down the hermes drone didn't asked for permission. further he said that for the S2S missiles it's the same.

watch min 32 to 33.

@Dariush the Great @Arian @WudangMaster @Xerxes22
well that clears it up. he also said that we shot down a israeli hermez above natanz ? i think i missed that one.

here is the video of hajizadeh where he saying that the soldier who sits in the fire control room in an air defence division doesn't need a permission to fire a AD missile (tehy don't need even permission from a higher rank officer, who is also prensence in the dame division) .he says that the soldier, who shot down the hermes drone didn't asked for permission. further he said that for the S2S missiles it's the same.

watch min 32 to 33.

@Dariush the Great @Arian @WudangMaster @Xerxes22
Yes, I meant to mention this last night but forgot about that. I first thought this interview was from 2019, but I think it is older than that. Hajizadeh stated that air defenses are a unique situation from other branches of military in that their reaction time is extremely limited and sensitive and immediate decisions have to made, in case contact is not possible with higher tiers, which would likely be the case in the event of a war.
Another thing to consider is that some of the IRGC systems are not integrated into the National air defense grid like the artesh Air Defense Forces are. In the situations with the rq4 and the drone over Mahshahr, the higher tiers were already warning the local systems in the area that a target was in their vicinity with the information to confront it.
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Yes, I meant to mention this last night but forgot about that. I haven't seen the video you posted yet, but I'm certain it's from 2019 when the rq4 was shot down and Hajizadeh stated that air defenses are a unique situation from other branches of military in that their reaction time is extremely limited and sensitive and immediate decisions have to made, in case contact is not possible with higher tiers, which would likely be the case in the event of a war.

the video is from 2016. it's about a missile drill and and about the underground missile cities.
actually this video makes me wonder what the IRGC is making in their secret programs. reason is gen. Hajizadeh saying that the silos, which where shown on tv and the tunnels where made 20-25years ago. so if that true that means they show us weapon systems which old, so question arise, what are they working on now or want weapons are ready, which is hidden from us.
it would be very interesting to start a discussion.

in this video gen Hajizadeh is explain it in more detail.
defensive weapons need a permission to use but not offensive weapons.

watch min 14-16

@WudangMaster dadash i think this is the video u talking about.

in this video gen Hajizadeh is explain it in more detail.
defensive weapons need a permission to use but not offensive weapons.

watch min 14-16

@WudangMaster dadash i think this is the video u talking about.
Yes it is!
This is also the only time that IRGC stated that the mq4 was technically inside Iran's airspace, but it was too close for comfort and they knocked it down after 4 warnings. All other times thereafter, the statement was that the craft was inside the airspace. Anyway, when it's that close, it is definitely fair game.

here is the video of hajizadeh where he saying that the soldier who sits in the fire control room in an air defence division doesn't need a permission to fire a AD missile (tehy don't need even permission from a higher rank officer, who is also prensence in the dame division) .he says that the soldier, who shot down the hermes drone didn't asked for permission. further he said that for the S2S missiles it's the same.

watch min 32 to 33.

@Dariush the Great @Arian @WudangMaster @Xerxes22
isnt it the norm to co ordinate with superiors and receiving orders to proceed before taking actions? this whole process of co ordination shudnt take that long either. so i dont see it having an operational effect. then why do this?
btw where is @SalarHaqq i didn'
isnt it the norm to co ordinate with superiors and receiving orders to proceed before taking actions? this whole process of co ordination shudnt take that long either. so i dont see it having an operational effect. then why do this?

i guess like @WudangMaster said it's different when it comes to AD. i don't know how long it takes to get orders, but considering the speed of an enemy fighter, which is flying to the target even 1 second is important to take it down. specialy steahlt fighters can disapear from the radar at any second, there is small time frame where they can be detected. but i guess members with more technical knowledge about AD systems can help us out.
Breaking ties with US was unnecessary because Iran and US both recognize each other and now Switzerland is acting as a intermediary between Iran and US. The embassy siege was an emotional act and also damaging, not to forget in what followed (Iran-Iraq war) being deprived of spare parts and US supporting Saddam. Guess what, all 3 organizers of the embassy siege are now reformists!
We could be their enemies/rivals without breaking official ties. We could be an independent country like today without breaking official ties with US. If we look at US-China relations, while both are rivals, they do still have diplomatic relation.

But when it comes to the thieving zionist state, it's an irrelevant small US subsized colony with 7 million zionist jews in it. It's the 51th state of USA and serves as a disruptive sattelite of US goals in middle east. It's a garrison of US to control the middle east and a jewish project/experiment.
If we want to deal with US, we'll go directly to them, not their illegitimate bastard child Israel. I dont even care or think about Iran ever recognizing Israel just as I dont carr about increasing or decreasing ties between Iran and Nauru.
From my point of view Iranian revolution have three faces the Islamist the nationalist and the communist I think if Iran cut its relations with USA based on nationalism then shouldn’t done that to Israel. From the other hand some might see Israel and took for western imperialism but I think if Iran never cut its relations with Israel a lot of thinks would be better like smuggling American military spare parts to Iran or helping Iran with nuclear technology or at least they wouldn’t push their dogs to hostile just like when they finaced the communists in Russia or when they are giving American technology to China
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