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Iranian Chill Thread

My concern is if it is another heavy water design, it will end up as another concrete mold. They might as well try to make it light water, if they intend to go along with jcpoa. I even saw videos of them placing the lid and upper biological shield over the pit so I can assume that there is a calandria in the works just what type of moderator it will be using is the question.
Usually in light water reactors, H2O is both the coolant and the moderator.

Salehi is right that the resolution passed by the parliament has not allocated funds to the project. Neither has it determined where the funds should come from. That's indeed a flaw. I suppose that the reconstruction of the calandria will not be a hard process if they have the materials necessary for it. They already have the designs and they have implemented those designs once. So, reconstructing it for a second time should not be very hard. Switching to a light water reactor at this stage, when the reactor is almost finished, will be expensive and time consuming I suppose.
As the weather gets colder here in Canada..These photos of Kish Island in Iran look even better..lol

Trump pardons Blackwater security contractors over 2007 Iraq killings
This really made me so angry..life of none Americans has no value.. murder of 17 Iraqi civilians done on purpose by these Black Water criminals ..and now they are free ..thanks to chief terrorist Trump. And the sad part is that this Black Water is still operating in Iraq.. Where is Arab pride!.

One American with conscious tweets:

This is Ali. He was 9 years old when Blackwater contractors whom Trump pardoned today murdered him. No justice for Ali, but let's keep asking, "why do they hate us?"

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در جدیدترین تلاش برخی دیوانگان در نظام برای روی اعصاب مردم رفتن و افزایش نارضایتی عمومی، نام خیابان شجریان رو برداشتن به خیابان فخری زاده تغییر دادن

کسی هم که این کار رو کرده که از بد روزگار گویا پدر شهید احمدی روشن هست، با لات بازی و گنده بازی گفته باز هم اگه جایی خیابون شجریان باشه نامش رو رنگ می پاشن و خرابکاری می کنند

من نمی دونم واقعاً این آدمها چی فکر می کنند یا اصلاً فکر می کنند که چنین کارهایی رو انجام می دن

من خودم خیلی به شجریان از دید هنری احترام می ذاشتم اما در بیرون از هنر یک آدم سودجو می شناختمش اما چرا باید با چنین کارهای احمقانه ای مردم رو تحریک کرد و حتی نام دو شهید هسته ای رو خراب کرد؟ هم احمدی روشن هم فخری زاده

البته خانواده فخری زاده خودشون رو از این کار زشت جدا کردن و کنار کشیدن​
در جدیدترین تلاش برخی دیوانگان در نظام برای روی اعصاب مردم رفتن و افزایش نارضایتی عمومی، نام خیابان شجریان رو برداشتن به خیابان فخری زاده تغییر دادن

کسی هم که این کار رو کرده که از بد روزگار گویا پدر شهید احمدی روشن هست، با لات بازی و گنده بازی گفته باز هم اگه جایی خیابون شجریان باشه نامش رو رنگ می پاشن و خرابکاری می کنند

من نمی دونم واقعاً این آدمها چی فکر می کنند یا اصلاً فکر می کنند که چنین کارهایی رو انجام می دن

من خودم خیلی به شجریان از دید هنری احترام می ذاشتم اما در بیرون از هنر یک آدم سودجو می شناختمش اما چرا باید با چنین کارهای احمقانه ای مردم رو تحریک کرد و حتی نام دو شهید هسته ای رو خراب کرد؟ هم احمدی روشن هم فخری زاده

البته خانواده فخری زاده خودشون رو از این کار زشت جدا کردن و کنار کشیدن​
I think the problem is with Mayor of Tehran...As I understand ..his achievements are limited to re_Inaugurating already existing facilities and renaming of the streets..now I would never be able to find the street I lived in Tehran on google earth....lol
Question for the Iranians:

What do you prefer?
- Attack an American base and kill two Americans
- Attack the Israel Mediterranean pipelines to Greece with 10 drones. Erdogan may thank you for that :)
- Attack KSA infrastructures with 100 drones.
- Take 5 supertankers with Panama flag

A question to Americans:
What do you like more:
- Send enforcement to the Persian gulf and risk a war
- Have an extra $1000 COVID-19 stimulus at the end of the month.

@Arian @SalarHaqq
@aryobarzan @WudangMaster @Raghfarm007 @Cthulhu
Question for the Iranians:

What do you prefer?
- Attack an American base and kill two Americans
- Attack the Israel Mediterranean pipelines to Greece with 10 drones. Erdogan may thank you for that :)
- Attack KSA infrastructures with 100 drones.
- Take 5 supertankers with Panama flag

A question to Americans:
What do you like more:
- Send enforcement to the Persian gulf and risk a war
- Have an extra $1000 COVID-19 stimulus at the end of the month.

@Arian @SalarHaqq
@aryobarzan @WudangMaster @Raghfarm007 @Cthulhu
That's just so random. Why?
That's just so random. Why?

This is a strategic question. You are in charge and you have to pick one and the risk is equal. What is the best choice?

I would take 5 supertankers. I can even do 10 supertankers with the same risk ratio.
This is a strategic question. You are in charge and you have to pick one and the risk is equal. What is the best choice?

I would take 5 supertankers. I can even do 10 supertankers with the same risk ratio.
But what's the goal? What do you want to achieve?
But what's the goal? What do you want to achieve?

I am referring to the retaliation choices and discussions. There are nondestructive and constructive means of retaliation versus destructive means.
I am referring to the retaliation choices and discussions. There are nondestructive and constructive means of retaliation versus destructive means.
My view is that we better leave the retaliation target and the method used to the Iranian professionals..They have way more data about their own capabilities and the enemy weak points...gathering all my information that I have heard publically from the Iranian official two things are clear:
It will not involve civilians
It will not be against diplomatic sites.
We just have to give them time to plan.
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